HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/06/1971 Kent, Washington December 6, 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk , City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meetings of November 15 and December 1 were approved as printed and accepted by motion. HEALTH & LID 264, Benaroya Sewer. A letter from Mrs. SANITATION Sainati was read stating that in the construction of LID 264, they had agreed to allow a 10 ' easement plus another 20 ' 4or sewer construction, for which they would be paid $100 per month. She noted, how- evet, that the contractor, Di Orio Construction had taken approximately 100 ' and almost doubled the foot- age in other areas and requested therefore, that the payment be $200 per month during construction of the sewers . MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, for it to be made a matter of record and for proper action to be taken, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Street noted that this matter has been referred to the City Engineer, who will contact the contractor. Motion carried . LID 264. The .City Engineer noted that a letter was received from Verna Wilson noted that she was unable to rent her apartments during the month of October due to the poor condition of her driveway, caused by the contractor. She has, therefore claimed $100 damages for one month, plus one week of rent. It was determined that the engineers had already talked to Mrs . Wilson and the contractor to her satisfaction. Proposed LID 267 Sanitary Sewers on EVH from 218th to 212th. The City Attorney introduced Resolution 709 , declaring the city ' s intent to form LID 267 for con- struction of a sanitary sewer along the East Valley Highway from 218th to 212th, and setting the public hearing for January 3 , 1972. BARNIER MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. Sewer Connection . It was noted that Mike Chimenti of Metro Heavy Hauling Co. attended the last work session to discuss the connection charges for a par- cel of land they have leased from Central Pre-Mix Co. for,a period of two years. A letter from Nick Jewett of Metro Heavy Hauling Co. was read expressing the opinion that the $1400 connection fee is exorbitant, and requesting an exception in this case. LEE MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Upon the Administrator ' s recommendation, MASTERS MOVED that the request of Metro Heavy Hauling Co. for exception to the late comers sewer charge be denied , Lee seconded. Under discussion, Lee suggested that a written answer be sent and that the City offer their help in any other way possible. Street suggested that a meeting be held with Chimenti, the City Attorney and the Utilities Committee to discuss the possibility of payments being made over a period of time. Motion carried, Neither Barnier nor Baffaro was present at this time. WATER Water District 105 . MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a new 5 year contract with Water District 105 providing for a monthly minimum of $250 , to commence January 1 , 1972 , Elliott seconded, motion carried . Orillia Water Co. It was pointed out that in order to serve the Orillia Water Co. customers on a temporary basis, 2,000 feet of 2 inch plastic pipe has been in- stalled. The Engineering Departmeht. is preparing a ry petition for circulation to install a proper water distribution system. Agreement. Stie et noted receipt of an agreement from Kent School District #415 whereby the City accepts the water line installed and paid for by the school to pro- vide fire protection and to serve water to the new swimming pool . The agreement also provides that property owners WATER wishing to connect to the water line would pay a late comers charge of $4.55 per front foot. BARNIER MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the agreement and to accept the easement for the water main, Martell seconded , motion carried. LICENSES Pawnbrokers. It was noted that at the last work session held November 29th, discussion was had regarding the request of Mr. Zerwoodis to ob- tain the pawnbrokers license now held by Bob Wray, as he intends to purchase Wray 's business and that Mr. Clarence Shoff had also applied for a pawnbroker 's license. BAFFARO MOVED that the request for a trans- fer of Mr. Wray ' s pawnbrokers license be denied, Martell seconded. Baffaro pointed out that licenses were not transferrable, therefore the name of the applicant was not relevant. Motion carried. Mr. . Wyman Dobson, Attorney representing Mr. Zerwoodis stated that proper application had been made and had been coordinated through the City Attorney ' s office. He noted that since there is a restriction of the number of pawnbrokers licenses allowed in the City, a transfer should be allowed, as without a transfer the business could not be sold because a new license would not be issued until one of the existing two licenses had been surrendered to the City. He pointed out that liquor licenses were transferred for this same reason and asked that the Council reconsider this matter and authorize the transfer. BAFFARO MOVED for the matter to be reconsidered at the next workshop. Motion failed for lack of a second. Councilman-elect Kitto spoke from the audience in favor of reconsidera- tion of the matter. Hunting. A letter was read from John Ribary, requesting reconsideration of the ordinance forbidding duck hunting inside the city limits of Kent. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer it to the City Attorney to answer, Elliott seconded , motion carried . POLICE & A letter was read from Mrs . Van G. Harker commending FIRE the Police Department on their action in response to an emergency call to her home. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Clements seconded, motion carried. LIBRARY Library Bond Issue. Street noted that if the Renton, Kent, Federal Way and Highline School Districts have a school election on February 8, 1972 , the Kent library building bond issue could also be placed on the ballot. An ordinance providing for having this issue on the ballot would have to be enacted at the next meeting to comply with the December 23rd County filing date. STREETS Willis Street. The Engineering Department noted receipt of a proposed contract from Puget Power for undergrounding of the power lines along Willis, in conjunction with the street improvements. Don Wickstrom, Design Engineer, reported that he had met with all but one. property owner involved and had recommended they attend this meeting. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign said contract, Clements seconded. Under discussion, James Bruns of 218 W. Willis asked that would be done with the homes on the north side of Willis Street. Wickstrom noted that they will be temporarily served by the two remaining poles, since the freeway will go through this property. In answer; to Bruns ' question, 0. P. Putnam of Puget Sound Power & Light explained that the 55 ,000 Volt high line on the south side of Willis would be removed, as it is not in use, and that all poles on the south side will be removed from 1st Ave. to 5th Ave. Wickstrom pointed out that the cost of undergrounding from the street to the owners meter would be 60(,' per foot with the owner responsible for trenching and backfilling. Putnam ascertained that PSP&L charges $40 for each lot in a new development for underground- ing from the streetto the meter for a "total electric" home, which need not include electric heat. He stated that trenching and backfilling were not included . Mr. Bruns pointed out that at the time the service was established, the wiring and panel boxes were up to date, and if changes were now required , it , should not be at the expense of the property owners . Wickstrom stated that telephone and TV cables would use the same trench, STREETS at no cost. Bruns stated that the residents had not been in favor of Willis becoming an arterial street and that the improvements did not benefit the residents. Mr. Herrick of 312 West Willis alsp spoke against the project. John Martin of 230 West Willis expressed concern over the ex- pense to the property owners . In response to Miles Drake ' s question, the City Engineer noted that the two poles re- maining on the north side of Willis would be relocated , one between 1st and 2nd Avenues and one between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. Drake stated that this would mean that 12 houses will be required to put the wiring underground and the rest will not. Mr. Martin suggested that undergrounding should be a city-wide project. Vall Drllevich, 214 West Willis, protested the project, as did Mr. Ingalls of 220 West Willis. Upon Mrs. Ingall ' s question about fuse box requirements, Mr. Street noted that the State Law has been changed and that the service must meet minimum standards of the existing State Law. Mrs. Ingalls stated that changes to the fuse box would cost $325 .00 . Upon Mayor Hogan ' s query, Mr. Street noted that time is important as the project could be started on December 20th. Mayor Hogan noted that the City 's underground wiring ordinance has been in existence for some time, making undergrounding mandatory. Upon Bruns ' question, Street noted that wiring for James Stree, was not put under- ground as the project was put together before the underground wiring ordinance was passed. Mr. Herrick noted that the Willis Street improvement has been discussed for almost 8 years. Street stated that the specific plans were not made for Willis Street before the ordinance was passed. Baff aro suggested that more information be secured before authorizing signing the agreement. Vic Levesque spoke in favor of the project, but was sympathetic to those property owners who had objected. He stated that he doubted that any of the installations would cost more than $200 and suggested that another workshop be held with the property owners. Barnier stated that since there is a time factor, that a meeting with the property owners and the engineering staff should be held to further discuss the matter. Martell concurred. Barnier opined that the property owners should have been given in- information earlier. Upon Master 's query, the City Engineer noted that the State project will consist of street work, storm sewers, curbs, gutters and paving; the City is obligated for underground power, street lighting and revisions to water mains and sanitary sewer systems. He pointed out that Puget Power is participating considerably in the cost of the under- grounding. Mr. Herrick reiterated that the people are entirely opposed to this plan. Street clarified for Masters that under the underground wiring ordinance, notice is given to the prop- erty owners and within 90 days they must hook up and they must make their own arrangements regarding digging the trenches and/or chaning the panels, if necessary. Martell and Lee voted aye, Baffaro, Barnier, Elliot, Clements and Masters voted nay. Motion failed. Councilman-elect Kitto spoke from the audience in favor of the motion, noting that the City was now without guidance in the matter and was not upholding the ordi- nance. Drainage - James Street Project. A letter was read from Mr. Robert Zimmerman, noting that in the recent improvement of James Street, the storm sewer installation at 703 Woodford was faulty. Rain water now backs up about 100 ft. into N. Woodford , causing an annoying condition and a potential hazard to children. CLEMENTS MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded and forwarded to the City Engineer for an appropriate answer, Masters seconded. Dennis Scott stated that the condition is caused by a dip which can be repaired with asphalt as part of the contract. Motion carried. Kent-Kangley. It was noted that the State Highway Department will hold a public hearing on the proposed improvement of the Kent-Kangley Highway at St. Anthony's Church at 10 :00 a.m. on December 9th. AMENDMENT TO The public hearing was opened on the proposed amendments to the ZONING zoning ordinance. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1752, ORDINANCE amending the zoning ordinance to allow parks and playgrounds in industrial zones under certain conditions. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded , motion carried. ZONING Harris reminded the Council of the joint Council- ORDINANCE Planning Commission workshop regarding the new zoning ordinance to be held December 13th at 7: 30 p.m. BIDS Rescue Van - Fire Department. The following bids were received to furnish a rescue van for the Fire Department: Strain ' s $3, 954.86, inc. tax Bowen Scarff 3 , 771 .60 , inc. tax Matson Motors 3, 726.66, inc. tax It was noted that the bid of Matson Motors does not meet the specifications concerning insulation of the van; and the installation costs would come to more than the difference between bids . Upon Street ' s recommendation, ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid of Bowen Scarff in the amount of $3, 771 .60 , Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick Park. Barney Wilson presented slides of RECREATION the proposed Lake Fenwick Park and requested Council action to permit he and the City Attorney to negotiate for purchase of Parcels #2, #3 , and #4, He explained that additional money had been granted by HUD and IAC for this project. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Attorney and Wilson to proceed with the project in its entirety, Barnier seconded, motion carried, with Martell voting nay. Park Board. A letter was read from Mrs . Tina Heath sub- mitting her resignation from the Park Board. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that anyone interested in serving on the Park Board should contact Barney Wilson. Motion carried . PLANNING A letter was read from Byron Dehnert submitting his COMMISSION resignation from the Planning Commission . CLEMENTS MOVED to accept and acknowledge receipt of the letter, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Mayor Hogan noted that any- one interested in serving on the Planning Commission should contact Planning Director Harris. Motion carried . ADMINISTRA- The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1754, amending TOR Section 1 of Ordinance 1494 by striking the phrase "and the City Administrator shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor" . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded. Under discussion, LEE MOVED to amend the motion to change the wording in the last sentence which reads , "The position may be filled by appointment of the Mayor . . . to read, "The position shall be filled by appointment of the Mayor . . .Discussion ensued, in which the City Attorney determined that since the ordinance creates the position, use of the word shall would mean the position must be filled. The amendment to the motion failed for lack of a second. Original motion carried unanimously. Mayor Hogan noted that Joe Street was a valuable asset as City Administrator and that the City was fortunate to have his services. BINGO The City Attorney read Ordinance 1753, amending the gambling ordinance to allow bingo, raffles or amusement games as de- fined by State Law. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Clements seconded, motion carried , with Lee voting nay, and Barnier absent at this time . LEAVE OF ELLIOTT MOVED to extend the present leave of absence for Lin ABSENCE Davis to January 31, 1972 , Martell seconded , motion carried. FINANCE LEE MOVED that the bills received on or before December 8, 1971 and approved by the Finance Committee, be .paid, Ellict t seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted , i C, G` _ _ — � � Isabel Hogan Marie Jens 4 Mayor City Clerk