HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/01/1971 Kent, Washington November 1 , 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Masters and Martell , City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. WATER Fluoridation. It was noted that Mr. Levesque had requested time for he and Dr. Exner to speak against fluoridation of the Kent water. Street recommended that Mr. Levesque speak and then if the Council desires to hear Dr. Exner, that the City invite any of the local doctors to be in attendance at that meeting. Neither Mr. Levesque nor Dr. Exner were in attendance at this time, and LEE MOVED that Dr. Exner be invited to speak before the Council at a future workshop session, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Lee, Masters and Elliott suggested that a proponent of fluoridation should also have the opportunity to speak. Martell noted that there has been no concerted effort to change the status quo, therefore he felt no problem existed . Motion carried , with Martell voting nay. Orillia Water Company. A letter from John Pain was read, advising that the Orillia Water Company will be dissolved and service to customers will terminate on November 15th or December lst, depending upon the location of the custo- mer. Upon Street 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to re- fer the matter to the Utilities Committee for immediate action, Clements seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & LID 264, Benaroya Sewer. A letter from Corvi Construction SANITATION was read, advising that their property at 20606 84th S . , has sustained a great deal of damage from the sewer con- tractor, Di Orio Construction. BARNIER MOVED to refer the letter to the City Attorney for appropriate action, Clements seconded, motion carried. Water & Sewer Connection. A letter was read from Central Pre-Mix Concrete Co. requesting the return of their $500 cash bond in connection with their water and sewer connection at 21000 77th Ave. S . Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to authorize the City Treasurer to return the cash bond , less that amount owed the City, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Utility Improvements. A letter was read from Kelly-Moore Paint Co. requesting release of their $500 cash bond in connection with utility improvements to their property. BARNIER MOVED that the Bill of Sale be accepted and recorded and that the City Treasurer be directed to release the cash bond, Lee seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Two proposals were received to purchase the combined LID 259 and LID 264 bond issues in the amount of $355 ,865 .78 as follows: McLean & Co. 6%/ per annum interest Foster & Marshall 6. 30/ per annum interest Upon Street 's recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to accept the proposal of Foster & Marshall, Elliott seconded , motbn carried. LID 269 . Lee reported that the Firemen 's Relief and Pension Board has voted in favor of purchasing the note to be issued CORRECTED - REfER TO in lieu of bonds for LID 269 in the amount of $2, 682. 33. The Treasurer ' s certificate was presented, noting that pre- MINUTES OF u" 15 �1 Payments in the amount of $1, 788. 22 have been received and "i""" "" "" the amount remaining in unpaid assessments is $2, 682 . 33 . Upon Street 's recommendation, BARNIER MOVED to accept the Treasurer 's certificate and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance to set the date, interest rate, etc. , for the note, Clements seconded, tmtion carried. POLICE & A' letter was read from Lyle Sandelius commending FIRE the Police Department on their action in response to a recent burglary call to his home. MASTERS MOVED for acceptance of the letter, Elliott seconded, motion carried. LICENSES The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1744, revising the Business License ordinance. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded, motion carried . TRANSIT The City Clerk noted receipt of petitions and letters SERVICE concerning the discontinuance of public transportation. MASTERS MOVED that only the names and addresses of writers be read and for the entire contents of the ,letters and petitions to be made a matter of record. Martell seconded. Under discusion, James Curran stated that the letters should each be read. Upon roll call vote, Baffaro, Barnier, Clements and Elliott voted nay. Lee, Martell and Masters voted aye. Motion failed. The Clerk read 24 letters and 3 petitions containing 182, 67 and 56 signatures all urging the Council to approve financial support to continue operation of the Metropolitan Bus service. A letter from Harold R. Scoones raised the question as to why the issue was not resolved months ago since the problem was known then. ELLIOTT MOVED that receipt of the letters and petitions be noted and for them to be placed on file, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Mr. Otey, Mr. Baer and Mr. Curran :spoke from the audience favoring the continuation of the bus service, and urging the Council to support this service through May, 1972 . BAFFARO MOVED that reconsideration of the proposed contract with King County to furnish public transportation be discussed. There was no second to the motion. Mayor Hogan urged that the motion be seconded so that each councilman could then state his reason for not supporting this contract. No response was made and the motion failed for lack of a second. LEE MOVED that the Council m cess for 10 minutes to discuss the matter, Martell seconded, motion carried. The meeting reconvened at 8:45 p.m. LEE MOVED that the City of Kent enter into an agreement to support the Metropolitan Bus Plan for a period of 60 days, that the Mayor immediately appoint a blue ribbon citizen ' s committee to work with Auburn to review the plan and come back with their recommendation for funding, number of trips per day, etc. , for this to be reviewed by the Council again prior to the expiration of the 60 day period, and that the Council at that time make another decision on this. Masters seconded. Under discussion, the City Attorney pointed out that under the terms of the contract with the County, the City can cancel at any time, with 30 days notice . Motion carried. Mayor Hogan introduced Larry Coffman, re- presenting Metro, and noted that regional meetings will be held on Wednesday, November 3rd at 7: 30 p.m. at the Green River College and on Thursday, November 4th at 7: 30 p.m. at the Carco Theatre in Renton, to inform the public regarding the Metro Bus Proposal. CITY HALL Landscaping. It was noted that the landscape contractor has submitted two extra items to his contract. One is for $1 , 237 .96 for the reditching made necessary because he was required to leave the job in May. Street recommended pay- ment of this bill . The second bill is for locating pipes placed under the driveways, in the amount of $1 , 108. 72 . It was pointed out that the general contractor had not fur- nished as-built plans and was quite negative in making any effort to assist the landscape contractor. Street recommended that this bill be presented to the general contractor and withheld from his payment. ELLIOTT MOVED to refer the above two bills to the Finance Committee for consideration and recommendation, Masters seconded, motion carried. ZONING Jones - R-1 to R-3 . Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, consisting of 1/2 acre, and surrounded on three sides by the Comstock Club Apartments. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of R-3 zoning, with no restricti'ofi5 however the Engineer ' s office has suggested restrictions as outlined in the Planning Commission minutes of October 19th, It was pointed out that the Board of Adjustment has held a hearing on an application for a Conditional Exception to allow a professional office on the site, but that this approval was contingent upon the Council granting the R-3 zoning. The public hearing was opened . There were no comments or objections ZONING from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. LEE MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance changing the zone from R-1 to R-3 with the restrictions suggested by the Engineering Department, Elliott seconded, motion carried. BOARD OF It was noted that the Conditional Exception necessary for ADJUSTMENT Union Oil to construct a gas station at the intersection of 212th andthe East Valley Highway was discussed at last work session. Since it appears that it is in the best interest of the City that this Conditional Exception be heard by the Board of Adjustment quickly, it is recommended that the Council request such hearing. BARNIER MOVED for the City Administrator to request consideration of this Conditional Exception by the Board of Adjustment, Elliott seconded, motion carried. STREETS LID 270 . It was pointed out that the protests received on the proposed East Valley Highway Improvement were in excess of 64/. CLEMENTS MOVED that the proposed LID 270 as des- cribed in Resolution 704, be discontinued in accordance with the protests received thereon, Masters seconded, motirn carried. Street noted that at the work session, several alternate pro- posals were suggested by the engineers, and these were then discussed, along with the amounts by which the cost of the project would be reduced . Approval of the Urban Arterial Board would be necessary if changes were to be made. Masters suggested that the sidewalks be deleted, and the engineers determined that this would reduce the LID portion of the pro- ject by approximately $20 , 000 and would not affect the other costs, thus making the total cost of the proposed project approximately $1 , 100, 300, as follows : Original Proposal Without Sidewalks UAB $936, 400 $936, 400 Forward Thrust 27,000 27,000 City 69 , 900 69 ,900 LID 87,000 67,000 TOTAL $1 , 120, 300 $1 , 100 , 300 Mr. Bishop stated that the proposed LID would have been more favorably considered by the property owners had the city ex- plained the project in advance. Mrs. Moyer concurred. Mrs. Purdy noted that she would oppose the alternate proposal also. MASTERS MOVED for the City Attorney to be authorized to draft a Resolution of Intent to set a public hearing for a proposed LID under the plans for the original proposed project, with the sidewalks on both sides deleted , Elliott seconded. Lee asked if sidewalks could be added later, and Street noted that it would probably be 2 or 3 years before the sewers were installed and UAB funds could not be held that long. Scott suggested that the walks might be added as a deductible item in the contract, but Street noted that the Resolution of Intent must include the entire plans for the project. Motion carried. PUBLIC A letter was read from Duane Berentson, Chairman of the Sub- TRANSPORTA- committee on Fiscal/Programming Policy, stating that a meeting TION x4ill be held on Thursday, November 4th at 10 :00 a.m. in the Doubletree Inn to discuss the effect of use of highway-user taxes for public transportation. BAFFARO MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters seconded . Under discussion, Mayor Hogan pointed out that she and Representative Cunningham will attend this meeting. Motion carried. SHORELINE It was noted that Section 7 of this act requires the City to MANAGEMENT develop an inventory of land within the corporate limits, and ACT develop a master program for the use of this land. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to notify the Department of Ecology that it is the intention of the City of Kent to complete an inventory and develop a master program within its jurisdiction pursuant to Section 7, Shoreline Management Act, Barnier seconded , motion carried. COURTROOM It is proposed that the modified lease of the Court Room and offices for Aukeen Court and Superior Court be approved, in- creasing the rent to $250 a month beginning July 1 , 1971 . This is an increase of $175 per month, for which the City has agreed to make the requested changes to the Court Clerk ' s office at a cost not to exceed $1000 . MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayo to sign the modification of lease for court facilities , Barnier seconded, motion carried. RIBCO LEE MOVED to approve the goals and objectives of RIBCO as written, Barnier seconded, motion carried . SISTER CITY A. letter was read from the Kent-Kaibara Town Affiliation PROGRAM Committee, inviting citizens to attend their November 9th meeting at 7 :30 p.m. in the court room of the new City Hall . MASTERSINDVED to place the letter on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. PARKS & A letter was read from Henry Towne noting that he RECREATION considered the Mill Creek Park purchase a better bargain than the Lake Fenwick Park purchase . MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, Baff aro seconded , motion carried. AMBULANCE It was pointed out that the Renton City Council will hold CONTROL a public hearing on their proposed ambulance control ordi- ORDINANCE nance at 5 :00 p.m. , November 15th, 1971 . AWC It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities MEETING will hold their regional meeting at the Doubltree Inn on Wednesday, November 17th at 6: 30 p.m. Those planning to attend were asked to notify the City Clerk. FINANCE LEE MOVED that the bills received on or before November 5, 1971 and approved by the Finaance Committee, be paid. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :00 P.M. - / Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jense C""y yLEPK Mayor City Clerk