HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/18/1971 Kent, Washington
October 18, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Barnier, Clements,
Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City
Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted
by motion.
Mayor Hogan noted that the Chamber of Commerce had named John L.
Fournier Sr. "Outstanding Citizen of Kent" and she displayed a
Meritorious Award to be presented to him from the City naming him
as Honorary Citizen of the City of Kent
HEALTH & Precision Spring and Stamping. It was noted
SANITATION that the King County Health Department 's dye
test of Precision Spring ' s septic system was
negative. BARNIER MOVED for the building de-
partment to be directed to issue a building
permit with the restrictions as approved at
last meeting, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Solid Waste Management. Street introduced
Resolution 707, authorizing King County to pre-
pare a plan for the City' s solid waste manage-
ment for inclusion in the County Comprehensive
Plan. CLEMENTS MOVED for adoption of the resolu-
tion, Martell seconded, motion carried.
Proposed LID. It was noted that six property
owners responded to the letter concerning the
establishment of a storm drainage LID in the
area of the intersection of 104th and the Kent-
Kangley Road . MARTELL MOVED for the City Engi-
neer to be directed to prepare an LID project
for control of storm drainage in the vicinity
of 104th and the Kent-Kangley intersection, Barnier
seconded, motion carried.
Charges. It was pointed out that the Spaghetti
Barn is connected to the city sewer system, but
has a private water source. BARNIER MOVED that
the owners or operators of the Spaghetti Barn
be notified that they must install a proper water
meter on their water service so that a basis for sewer
charges may be established, Clements seconded, motion
Miles Drake. It was pointed out that the action taken
by the Council on September 7th regarding the request
of Miles Drake, was in direct conflict with the policy
of the City concerning the extension of water and sewer
service to property that could be annexed. BARNIER
MOVED that the present policy concerning water and
sewer extension to property which could be annexed is
reaffirmed, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Clements
agreed that the properties contiguous to the city should
,be annexed before approval of water and sewer extensions,
however he did not favor other building restrictions.
Mr. Street suggested that this should be covered under the
platting ordinance. Clarification was given that city
policy provided that water and sewer lines would not be
extended to properties close to the city limits line
unless they were annexed, and the motion would reaffirm
this policy. Upon roll call vote, Barnier, Elliott, Lee,
and Masters voted aye. Clements and Martell voted nay.
Motion carried .
STREETS Improvement of West Valley Highway & Meeker. It
was pointed out that this is a State Highway project
and federal funds are involved , therefore the City
must acquire the right-of-way. BARNIER MOVED to
hire an appraiser and an individual to acquire the
property for right-of-way, as soon as possible.
Martell seconded , motion carried.
Kent-Kangley Road - SR 516. MASTERS MOVED for the
City Attorney to prepare a dedication for a 30 ft.
wide right-of-way along S . 252nd from the Kent-Kangley
Road and for the Mayor to be authorized to sign it,
Clements seconded. It was pointed out that this is
park property, and the development of the road is included
in their plans,motion carried.
East Valley Highway Improvement - LID 270 . The City
Engineer described the project, consisting of a 5 lane
structure, including a 12 ' two-way left turn in the center
and also including underground power, street lighting,
sidewalks, curbs , gutters and storm drains. The project
costs were given by Dennis Scott as follows:
UAB $936, 400
LID 87 ,000
Forward Thrust 27, 000
City 69 , 900
TOTAL 1 , 120 , 300
The various zones used in computing the assessments were
described. Mr. Street explained the method of financing
through LID bonds. The public hearing was opened. Mayor
Hogan noted that each written protest will be reviewed at
the workshop of October 26th. Questions were asked by
Mrs. Tonelli, A. C . Gouge, Mrs. Purdy, Mr. Breda, Mrs.
Sainati, Mr. Merville Bishop and Mrs. Moyer and were
answered by the engineers and Mr. Street. Street explained
that in this project, as in the James Street project,
only properties zoned commercial would be assessed . It
was determined that the LID would be abandoned if protests
were filed totaling 60% or more of the total dollar amount
of the project. Protests must have been filed by October
18th, the date of this hearing. Scott explained that side-
walks were included as a safety factor. After all
questions from the floor were answered, LEE MOVED to close
the hearing, Masters seconded , motion carried . The City
Clerk noted receipt of 33 protests, some of which had
several signatures on them. ELLIOTT MOVED for the Street
Committee to meet with those individuals protesting the
project to consider each protest at an open meeting on
Tuesday, October 26th at 7: 30 p.m. , Clements seconded,
motion carried.
WATER Goodwin. Mr. Goodwin' s request for permission to connect
three lots to a 2" plastic water line on 154th Ave. S.E.
was considered at the last work session. It was noted that
this does not require an extension of a main, and that no
reports of unsatisfactory pressure have been received. Some
years ago, it was determined that up to 12 connections could
be made on this line, and Goodwin ' s request would bring the
number of the connections up to 11. BARNIER MOVED for approval
of the request of Mr. Goodwin and that notification be sent
to each customer on this line, Martell seconded, motion
UTILITIES Garbage Collection. A letter was read from J. C. Herrington,
objecting to the charges required for garbage collection or
for permits to haul garbage in the City. MARTELL MOVED to
place the letter on file and to refer the matter to the
Utilities Committee, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE Segregation - LID 249 . A request has been received from
Equitable Savings and Loan for an LID segregation of assess-
ments 4P48 and #49 in LID 249 . BARNIER MOVED that the requested
segregation be made in accordance with standard practice,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
LIBRARY It was noted that the Bond Counsel has requested
that Ordinance 1741 be adopted at a regularly scheduled
Council meeting. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1741, providing for additions to the library, and further
providing for a special election to be held on November 2nd
to enable the voters to decide on whether the City of Kent
should borrow $300 ,000 and issue General Obligation Bonds
to cover the cost of the improvements to the library build-
ing, including parking. BARNIER MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
TRANSIT The City Attorney has reviewed King County ' s proposal to
SERVICE operate the Metropolitan Bus Service in Kent from October
1971 to May 1972 on an interim basis, and determined that
this is now a legal expenditure . MASTERS MOVED that the
City does not enter into a contract with King County for
bus service, Barnier seconded. Under discussion, Mr.
Ed Larkin spoke from the audience, favoring the bus service
and asking that it be continued. Masters stated that she
was in favor of bus service, but that it should be a public
transportation system, and this would still constitute
subsidizing a private company. Motion carried.
TV CABLE A request has been received from Teleprompter CATV for a
variance to the underground wiring ordinance to allow
upgrading of their present system. Mr. Fred Charles of
Teleprompter noted that the variance was sought because it
is not feasible for the lines to be placed underground until
the power and phone lines are also placed underground. It
was noted that Clearview CATV also holds a franchise. Mr.
Monson of Clearview stated that the phone company had agreed
to share the cost with Clearview to put a small portion of
both lines underground in 1971 and he proposed to have the
lines in Kent completely underground in 1972. He noted that
the Boeing Company was interested in developing the two-way
capacity with Clearview. Lee pointed out that the City' s
decision would have a great effect on the service to the Kent
people, and MOVED for the matter to be further considered at
the workshop session of October 26th or November 8th, with
notification to be given to both companies, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
COMPREHEN- The City Attorney introduced Resolution 706, adopting changes
SIVE PLAN to the Comprehensive Plan. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
BIDS Police Cars . The following bids were received to furnish
two cars for the Police Department:
Strains $5 ,059 .00 , inc. tax & trade
Bowen Scarff 5 , 420.90, inc. tax & trade
Upon the recommendation of the Police Chief, BARNIER MOVED
to accept the bid of Strain ' s Auto Company, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
BINGO Representatives of the American Legion and Eagles Lodge
have requested permission to operate bingo games. The
City Attorney has opined that it is illegal despite the State
Law, and that the City would not have a tolerance policy
regarding the matter. BARNIER MOVED to approve the recommenda-
tion of the City Attorney that the City not license bingo
games , Elliott seconded , motion carried.
ANNEXATION Zoning - Tank Annexation - 2nd Public Hearing. Mr. Harris
pointed out that Tank Annexation property, consisting of 5
acres in the East Hill area. The Planning Commission
recommends C-3 zoning for the property. The public hearing
was opened. There were no comments or objections from the
floor and the hearing was closed by motion. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance 1742, approving C-3 zoning for the Tank
Annexation property. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried .
TAX LEVY The City Attorney read Ordinance 1743 , fixing the tax levy
for the year 1972. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Martell seconded, motion carried .
RIBCO It was noted that goals and objectives will be discussed at
the next work session, and that a reply must be made before
November 15th.
PROCLAMATION A letter was read from Alan Butterworth, representing
United States Day Committee of Kent. Mayor Hogan read
a proclamation, designating October 23rd as United States
Day, MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & Glenn Nelson Park. The Parks Commission has requested
RECREATION that the City enter into a contract with Richard Haag
and Tssociates for the development of a plan for the
k1lenn Nelson Park. The cost is $11 ,800 and is included in
the application for IAC and BOR funds. It was pointed out
that it would take 90 working days to develop this proposal
for the 10 acre park, and that the contract would include
construction documents , irrigation plans , landscaping plans,
cost estimates, and supervision of the call for bids. BARNIER
MOV ED that the City enter into this contract, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
Senior Citizens. The Parks Comm-ision has requested per-
mission to apply for federal funding under the older
American Act. It was pointed out that the Act pays 75/
of the first years expense, 60/ of the second year and 50/
of the third year. A major portion of the city ' s cost will
be in "Kind" , through payments on the building and direction
of activities. ELLIOTT MOVED that apprval be given to apply
for the above described federal funding, Martell seconded,
motion carried.
Lake Fenwick Park. It was pointed out that the City Attorney
and Parks Director had submitted written reports to the Council
at the last work session on the status of the Lake Fenwick
Park project. LEE MOVED that the reports of the City Attorney
and Parks Director be filed and noted in the minutes of this
meeting, Masters seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney
reported that under the Pohl judgment, the City has 6 months
to abandon the project, and noted that the 6 month period
would expire on October 30th. He pointed out that the City
had not had an answer from HUD or Interagency as to whether
these agencies will provide all or part of the additional
financing needed , and that Mr. Pohl ' s attorney had agreed
to extend the time one month, until November 30th. He
noted that if additional financing is not forthcoming, an
ordinance would have to be enacted in order to abandon the
project. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the City Attorney ' s report,
Masters seconded , motion carried.
Mill Creek Park. It was pointed out that the Parks Director
had made a report to the Council on the status of the
acquisition of the Hauge property in the Mill Creek Park
Site. LEE MOVED for the Parks Director to be authorized
to make an offer on the Hauge property in accordance with
Proposal #2, as outlined in Barney Wilson ' s report. Motion
failed for lack of a second . Mayor Hogan noted that the City
had been committed to acquire property for this park under the
resolution which authorized application for funds and described
the property involved, and if property was not acquired for
this purpose , the matching funds , in the amount of 75/ of the
cost of acquisition would be jeopardized . She pointed out
that Proposal #2 included Tracts A, B, C and D, and since the
Council had not acted favorably on the motion to approve that,
that they consider authorizing the offer for Proposal #1 „ which
included only Tracts A and B. Reverend Gretz, Park Board
member, spoke from the audience, pointing out that the City
had entered into an agreement with state and federal agencies
to purchase property for park purposes and had subsequently
taken options. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Parks Director
to make an offer for Tract A of the Hauge property in an
amount not to exceed $2000 per acre. The City Attorney
pointed out that the City could not offer an amount less than
the appraised amount. Upon Clement' s inquiry, the City
Attorney noted that the appraisal was made by an MAI appraiser.
Mayor Hogan asked Martell if he cared to change his motion,
whereupon MARTELL MOVED to adjourn. Clements seconded,
motion carried.
FINANCE Claims received through October 6th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last
Current Expense 22 , 149 .92
Park 8, 580. 78
Library 590.87
Street 14, 343.64
Park Forward Thrust 16, 960 .50
City Hall Constr. 12, 208. 32
James St. Constr. 17. 34
Reith Road Ph I Constr. 31 , 768.16
East Valley Constr. 3 , 503. 30
Equipment Rental 6, 535 .42
Fire R/P 775 . 68
Leff Disab. 1 , 055 . 39
LID 259 9 , 211 .33
LID 261 4, 189.18
LID 264 16, 105 .97
LID 269 28.88
Sewer 30 ,838. 26
Water 6, 900.18
Garbage 21 , 393 .94
207 , 157.06
Interest Bearing Warrants
North Kent Water
Hill , Ingman & Chase 61, 43
Superior Court 5 , 396.55
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 243.42
LID 264
Di Orio Construction 9 , 228.54
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen
Mayor City Clerk