HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/04/1971 Kent, Washington October 4, 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Barnier, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the regular meeting of September 20th and of the special meeting of September 27th were approved as printed and accepted by motion. Street noted that the minutes of September 7th regarding the purchase of the Methodist Fellowship Hall should be amended to include addi- tional information for clarification as follows: The purchase price is $66, 500. The down payment of $16,500 , closing costs and payments to be made in 1971 , are to be made from Forward Thrust funds. Pay- ments thereafter will be made from the Parks Department Budget. MASTERS MOVED to amend the minutes of September 7th as noted above, Elliott seconded, motion carried . STREETS Improvement of Willis & Central . The City Attorney pointed out that on May 3, 1971 , the City accepted the State Highway Department' s offer to purchase a strip of land adjacent to Central Avenue for $225 , to be used in connection with the improvement of Willis and Central. It has since been determined that it would be in the best interest of the Highway Depart- ment and of the City, to grant a construction easement to the State instead. Resolution 705 was introduced by `the the City Attorney, granting a construction ease- ment to the State for the purpose of building and main- taining a rock retaining wall in connection with this project. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. LID 261, S . 212th. Street noted receipt of deeds from the United Methodist Church and from Jack A. Benaroya, in conjunction with the S. 212th project. LEE MOVED to accept the deeds, subject to the City Attorney's approval, Masters seconded, motion carried. Street Lighting. The City Engineer reported that J.D. Armstrong, P.E. , had submitted a proposal to do the design work for the street lighting project for several key intersections on the West Valley Highway. The prop- osal , submitted in two phases at an hourly rate, is estimated to be $800 for Phase I and $1200 for Phase II. Lee asked about the services of the Highway Department or Puget Power and Mr. Street ascertained that these possibilities had been checked . MASTERS MOVED to authorize securing Mr. Armstrong ' s services as a con- sultant for Phase I of the project, Barnier seconded. Motion carried, with Baff aro voting nay. SR 516. The preliminary design report has been received from the State Highway Department for the widening of Kent-Kangley (SR 516)from Jason Avenue to east of 104th S .E. It involves adding a fourth lane from Jason Avenue to a point approximately 300 feet west of the Kent- Meridian High School driveway and five lanes from that point to the end of the project. There would be channeliz- ation at 94th Ave. S. and at 104th Ave. S .E. along with a paved shoulder which would be used by pedestrians on the north side of the street adjacent to the fourlane section. Provisions would be made for left turn lanes on 104th Ave. S.E. MASTERS MOVED for the City Council to go on record as approving the State Highway Depart- men t s preliminary design report for the improvement of Kent-Kangley Road and for the City Engineer to so indi- cate to the Highway Department by letter, Martell seconded. Under discussion, Lee objected to the lack of sidewalks, noting the high percentage of pedestrians near the high school. Mayor Hogan pointed out that the Highway Depart- ment would not include sidewalks in the project. Barnier concurred with Lee, but acknowledged the dire need for this street improvement. Street suggested that an LID for sidewalks could be initiated for that area, particularly STREETS on the east side of the school. Motion carried. LEE MOVED for the Street Committee to consider the possibility of an LID for sidewalks for the entire route, Martell seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Sewer Extension - Wes Denison. It was noted that SANITATION the Council approved Mr. Denison 's request for connection to the sanitary sewer on 132nd Ave. S.E. , provided, among other things, that he extend the sewer 80 feet across his property. Since it is not possible to obtain a permit from the County for the extension at this time, it is recommended that Mr. Denison should pay an amount equal to the estimated cost of the extension. Mr. Denison would then be relieved of further responsibility in the matter. The estimated cost is $760 .00 . BARNIER MOVED that the Council action of September 7th requiring Mr. Denison to extend the sewer, be rescinded and that Mr. Denison be required to pay the City of Kent $760.00 in lieu of said extension, Martell seconded, motion carried. James Street Sewer. It was pointed out that the Street department reports a cost of $20,897 to date, with only blading and smoothing the surface remaining to be done. The job is 98% complete. The engineer 's estimate for this project was $32, 000 and the lowest bid received was $42, 000 . Storm Sewer Drainage Problem. A letter from Jim Plemmons was read regarding the storm sewer drainage problem which exists at the East Hill Shopping Center at the corner of Benson Highway and S.E. 256th. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file and to refer the matter to the Council as a whole for discussion at the workshop on October 12th, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. Willo Vista Trailer Park. Street reported that each trailer in this complex is now connected to sanitary sewers . Precision Spring and Stamping. It was noted that the request of Mr. McHugh of Precision Spring and Stamping for a building permit for additons to his plant at 22617 85th Pl. S . , was reviewed at the last workshop. Mr. McHugh has stated that he does not intend to connect any additional fixtures to his septic tank at this time and does not plan to increase his personnel and that the present septic tank is working without problems and the proposed addition will not disturb the septic system. MARTELL MOVED that Precision Spring and Stamping be granted the building permit, provided Mr. McHugh make a written commitment to connect to city sewers as soon as they are available, and should the septic system fail and repair is considered impractical by the Health, Sewer and Engineer Departments, he will proceed as follows : 1 . A performance bond in the amount of $5000 to provide for cleanup of any possible overflow or spillage resulting from the installation and use of an approved holding tank. 2. Agreement to regularly pump and service the proposed holding tank in an approved manner. 3 . An alarm system will be installed to the hold- ing tank warning of any over-filling. Barnier seconded. Under discussion, Dennis Knight of the Health Department noted that on April 6th, a dye survey was taken of the septic tanks in that area, and the results showed presence of raw sewage. He could not state that the problem was caused specifically by the Precision Spring tank, but noted that the sewage in that area creates a health problem. A letter from Mr. McHugh was read, agreeing to comply with the conditions as set forth in the motion. The City Engineerrnted that he was not aware that there was a problem and perhaps a dye test , should be made of Precision 's system. Mr. Knight noted that a dye test made now might not be as conclusive as one made when the surface water was higher. BARNIER MOVED to amend the motion to make it effective after a dye test in HEALTH & the near future, Masters seconded. Under dis- SANITATION cussion, Lee noted that Mr. McHugh had already agreed that if a serious condition exists , he will comply with the three conditions set forth. Upon roll call vote, the amendment carried, with Lee and Martell voting nay. Original motion carried unanimously. Mr. Street reiterated that before the building permit is granted, a satisfactory dye test will be made and if at a future time, a failure in the system is found , McHugh will have to comply with the three conditions set forth. WATER Goodwin. The request from Bill Goodwin for permission to connect three lots to a 2" plastic water line on 154th Ave. S.E. in the Edwall Rask Addition, was con- sidered at the workshop and at the Utilities Committee meeting. It was pointed out that this general area is served from the Kent Springs Water transmission main and although the pressure is poor, there have been few com- plaints from the 8 customers served. Water District #111 has been attempting to annex the area and install a more adequate system. Barnier noted that the Utilities Committee recommends that Goodwin make application for a developers permit from Water District #111 . The City Engineer noted that he had checked with the Water Superintendent and Mr. Goodwin stated he had talked to those now using the line and neither had received any complaints about pressure. Mr. Street pointed out that King County also has a fire hydrant ordinance and that there is a possibility that even if the Council agrees to approve Goodwin 's request, King County may not agree because of the Fire Hydrant regulations . Goodwin acknowledged that the county could deny the building permit if they deemed the fire pro- tection inadequate. MARTELL MOVED to refer the matter to the workshop on October 12th for further study, Lee seconded, motion carried. CITY HALL Demolition. MARTELL MOVED to accept the Frost Contract as complete for the demolition of the old City Hall in the amount of $4800, Barnier seconded, motion carried . Street reported that the sidewalk adjacent to the old City Hall site is in poor condition and suggested that new sidewalks be put in around the lot at a cost of $2100 plus $138.60 additional , to include six street trees. MARTELL MOVED to approve the expenditures, Masters seconded , motion carried . Open House & Dedication. A letter was read from L. Joe Miller of the City of Bellevue, stating that he was un- able to attend the City Hall dedication and complimenting the City Hall officials on having the most charming City Hall in the State. MASTERS MOVED To place the letter on file, and for a letter of acknowledgement to be sent, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan expressed appreciation to the Administrative Staff and employees for their effort in making the open house and dedication of the new City Hall such a success. Change Order. Change Order #17 was submitted by Monroe Construction in the amount of $4,802 for additional brick work around the City Hall , as was determined by the Build- ing Committee for the south side of the CH and in the night depository area. LEE MOVED to approve the Change Order, Masters seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick. Barnier requested that Barney Wilson, City RECREATION Attorney and Administrator submit written reports on the status of the Lake Fenwick Park Project, prior to the work- shop on October 12th. Conference. ELLIOTT MOVED for Barney Wilson to be authorized to attend the National Parks and Recreation Association meeting in Houston, Texas, October 19 to 22nd, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. BOARD OF A letter, in the form of a petition, from 16 property owners ADJUSTMENT was read , opposing the proposed application of John T. Welch for a Conditional Exception for an auto-wrecking yard at approximately 21817 84th S. LEE MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Masters seconded. Mr. Harris noted that a copy of the letter was received by the Board of Adjust- ment, and objected to the fact that since their addresses were BOARD OF not included, it was difficult to determine if ADJUSTMENT the petitioners actually lived in the vicinity of the proposed wrecking yard. Motion carried. COMPREHEN- The public hearing was opened on the proposed SIVE PLAN amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. It was noted that the Planning Commission has recommended that the amendments be adopted as presented . There were no comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. ELLIOTT MOVED TO direct the City Attorney to prepare a resolution adoptingthese amendments , Masters seconded, motion carried. BIDS Russell Road Park. It was noted that bids were opened on Thursday, September 30th, for the Russell Road Park and Athletic Field . A letter was read from Robert Bignold, noting that all bids were over OR B's estimate and recommending that all bids be re- jected and that a new call for bids be issued. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to reject all bids and for a new call for bids to be issued , Elliott seconded, motion carried. Mr. Bignold 's letter noted that the estimates prepared by ORB did not properly represent the market conditions and that the cost of the redesigning and the recall for bids will be absorbed by ORB. BUDGET & It was noted that according to State Law, the tax TAX LEVY levy ordinance must be adopted by October 6th. A letter was read from Robert B. Dunn, stating that assessed valuation figures were delayed, and the time for filing budgets with the King County Council was, therefore, ex- tended to 15 days after the date of the Assessor 's notifica- tion of assessed values. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. HEALTH A letter was read from L. Joe Miller of Bellevue regard- SERVICES ing the Stanford Research Institute Report on public health. Mr. Street noted that this report is in connection with the legal action taken by the Suburban Mayors Association against the Seattle/King County Health Department. It has been suggested that each City pay one half of the amount noted as 1971 Local Cost Sharing by the Health Department. This would amount to $34, 446 for Kent for 1971 and the same amount for 1972. This proposal would provide funding for the Public Health Program, and would cancel the pending lawsuit between Suburban Cities and Seattle/King County Health Department and the Health Department would seek no further additional funds for 1968, 169 and 170 . It was pointed out that this agreement would not influence negotia- tions for 1973 or future years. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the Suburban Mayors Association as outlined above, Elliott seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LID 259 and LID 264. A report was received from the City Treasurer, noting tha t assessments collected from LID 259 during the 30 day no-interest period is $47, 150. 34, leaving unpaid assessments in the amount of $201 , 454.66. Assessments collected from LID 264 during the 30 day no-interest period totaled $23, 281 .66, leaving unpaid assessments in the amount of $154, 411 .12. LEE MOVED to accept the reports of the City Treasurer and to direct the Administration to initiate procedure to issue bonds to cover the unpaid balances, Masters seconded, motion carried . EMERGENCY Street reported receipt of the contract relating to the EMPLOYMENT Emergency Employment Act (PEP) . He pointed out that seven PROGRAM new employees have been hired under this program, under which the City of Kent is allocated $82, 915. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement relating to the Emergency Employment Act of 1971 , Barnier seconded. Under discussion, Martell voiced disapproval of the pro- gram, stating that the program should apply to industries. Upon roll call vote, Baffaro, Elliott, Lee and Masters voted aye. Martell and Barnier voted nay. Motion carried . SHORELINE It was noted that the State Legislature enacted MANAGEMENT the Shoreline Management Act in June 1971 and it ACT is now necessary that the City adopt a permit procedure to handle requests to construct build- ings within 200 feet of the Green River. Alter- native procedures were discussed at the workshop. MARTELL MOVED that the Planning, Engineering and Park Departments hold joint meetings and be authorized to approve or deny applications to build within 200 feet of the Green River, Barnier seconded , motion carried. POLICE & Proclamation. A letter from Arnold Bryant, Fire FIRE Marshall , was read regarding the Fire Prevention Week. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Barnier seconded , motion carried. Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of October 3rd through October 9th as "Fire Prevention Week" . AIR Merville Bishop complained of the noise level and POLLUTION smoke from the Northwest Steel Rolling Mills. Street stated that he will investigate the matter with the Pollution Board . CONFERENCES A letter was read from Chester Biesen of the Association & CONVEN- of Washington Cities requesting names of those who plan TIONS to attend the National League of Cities Convention in Honolulu. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. DEPARTMENT Mayor Hogan displayed a plaque presented to the City OF DEFENSE from the Department of Defense, for Kent's participation in controlling the recent spill of 15 , 000 gallons of methyl alcohol into the sewer system in North Kent, FINANCE LEE MOVED that the bills received on or before October 6th and approved by the Auditing Committee, be paid, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8: 35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 7tA" e Isabe Hogan Marie--J �en Mayor City Clerk CITY cI.FRK