HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 09/07/1971 Kent, Washington September 7, 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Attorney Mirk, City Administrator Street, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris The minutes of the meeting of August 16, 1971 were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS Reith Road - Bay Construction. It was noted that Bay Construction has completed tneir contract on Reith Road. MASTERS MOVED that upon receipt of a warranty deed for the Reith Road right-of-way, the sum of $30,000 be paid Bay Construction, Clements seconded, motion carried. Reith Road. It was noted that in the Reith Road contract, a requirement exists for moving a water line; however, it was discovered tnat the water line does not extend as far as shown on original plans, thus necessitating a change in planning. Change Order #1 has been submited by the Contractor to furnish and place this water line at an addi- tional cost of approximately $1100. Upon Street 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #1, Clements seconded , motion carried . Reith Road - Soil Testing. ELLIOTT MOVED that the services of Shannon-Wilson be used for necessary soil testing on Reith Road at their standard hourly rate, Masters seconded, motion carried. Proposed LID 270 - East Valley Improvement. In accordance with suggestions made at the last work session, it is proposed to adopt a Notice of Intent to form an LID for the East Valley Improvement at the September 20, 1971 meeting. A public hearing will be held October 18, 1971 . MASTERS MOVED that the proposed schedule outlined above be adopted, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. LID 261 - So. 212th - Phase III. It was noted that two deeds have been received for right-of-way on the south side of So. 212th, Phase III, as follows : Mrs. Josephine Nash . $39, 000 Andrews Machinery and $29,000 Wayne V. Brandon MASTERS MOVED to accept the deeds and to approve �ayment of same, Barnier seconded. Under discus- sion, Dennis Scott noted that these deeds represent one-half of the right-of-way and negotiations are under way for the remaining 5 or 6 parcels. The total right-of-way costs are estimated at $167,000 . Motion carried. Intersections - James & Hilltop - James & Summit. It was noted. that these intersections were dis- cussed at the last work session. BAFFARO MOVED that the City Engineer erect the proposed warning signals and speed posting of 30 miles per hour, as presented, Barnier seconded, motion carried . James Street. Masters requested that the traffic lights on James Street be put on caution during late evening hours, when the traffic drops off. Street recommended against this change, noting that the traffic lights, while operating, help to allevi- ate the speeding problem on this street. STREETS East Valley Highway. MARTELL MOVED that the City Attorney be authorized to hire an appraiser for the East Valley Highway project, Barnier seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Public Hearina on Final Roll LID 269 98th Ave. Sewer. SANITATION The City Engineer described the project as consisting of 410 ft. of 8" pipe running along 98th Avenue north of James Street, serving 5 lots which are within the city limits. He noted that the final assessment roll would be $894.11 per lot, versus the preliminary roll of $860.00 per lot. Street explained the financing which would be a 10-year LID bond issues. The public hearing was opened. There were no com- ments nor objections from the floor and no corres- pondence received. The public hearing was closed by motion. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1734, confirming and approving the final assessment roll for LID 269. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordi- nance, Martell seconded, motion carried. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the bid of Jim Biggar for the LID 269 project in the amount of $3, 190 .43, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Agreement with Burlington-Northern. In conjunction with the construction of Horseshoe Acres sewer, it is necessary to cross the railroad property. A standard agreement has been proposed by Burlington- Northern. The permit fee is $25 plus $20 for each 5-year increment that the permitted use exists. MASTERS MOVED, Elliott seconded that the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to sign the above-described permit. Motion carried. A letter from Miles Drake was received, requesting permission to construct a 6" water main and 8" sanitary sewer in 98th P1. So. , in conjunction with his proposal to purchase land contiguous to the City of Kent. He also requests that the City pay the pro- rated omt of said water and sewer lines for the per- centage of the total frontage along said road which the City will own. He further requests approval for platting the land along said road in accordance with King County standards for Suburban Residential Classifi- cation. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. Street recommended against Mr. Drake 's proposal to plat the land under King County Standards. Mr. Drake stated that undoubtedly the County will ask the City for their recommendation. The City Attorney pointed out that the request regarding sewer and water would require approval of the Boundary Review Boars. After condiserable dis- cussion, BAFFARO MOVED that the Council recommend approval to the Boundary Review Board for extension of sewer and water through Mr. Drake 's property, ,Clements seconded. Lee pointed out that the City' s policy has been against approval of water and sewer service outside the City of Kent and agreed with this policy. Motion carried, with Lee voting nay. MASTERS MOVED that in the event that the King County Planner requests approval from the City of Kent for any road development in any proposed plat developed by Mr. Drake, the City will require that the present policy will be adhered to, Barnier seconded. Under discussion, Clements noted that adoption of this motion would require that curbs and gutters , etc. , be installed. Upon roll call vote, Barnier, Elliott and Masters voted aye. Baff aro, Clements, Lee, and Martell voted nay. Motion failed. MARTELL MOVED that the King County Planner be advised that the land may be platted in accordance with King County Standards for Suburban Residential, Baff aro seconded. Motion carried, with Barnier and Masters voting nay. HEALTH & A LETTER was read from W. D. Northfield requesting SANITATION permission to connect to the sewer presently being constructed by PIE, and if permission is granted, what the costs would be. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter, Elliott seconded , motion carried. BARNIER MOVED to refer the matter to the Utilities Committee and staff for review and recommendation, Masters seconded, motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Zoning of O'Connell Annexation - 2nd Public Hearing_. It was noted that the lst hearing was held August 2nd, 1971. The Planning Commission recommended that the property be zoned R-A for the area west of Green River and M-A east of the river. The public hearing was opened. There were no comments or objections from the floor and no correspondence received. MARTELL MOVED and Masters seconded that the hearing be closed . Motion carried . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1735 , approv- ing the Planning Commission ' s recommendation for R-A and M-A zoning of the O'Connell Annexation property. CLEMENTS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. lst Public Hearing on Zoning of Tank Annexation Property. It was noted that in accordance with State Law for non- charter code cities, it is necessary to have two public hearings on the zoning of new or proposed annexed areas . The Planning Commission recommended that the property be zoned C-3 . The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments or objections from the floor and no correspondence was received . MARTELL MOVED that this hearing be closed and the second hearing be held October 18, 1971, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Wrench Annexation :FF2. A 10/ petition for annexation of 475 acres located southeast of the San Juan Club has been received and reviewed by the Annexation Committee. ELLIOTT MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the 10% petition and to file same, Masters seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct the petitioners to 'proceed withthe 75% petition wherein these owners agree to accept their share of the City' s existing bonded indebtedness, Masters seconded, motion carried unanimously. WATER Water Main Extension - So. 208th. It was noted that discussion was had at the last workshop session regard- ing the request of Cliff Johnson for a building permit for some greenhouses. The permits had not been issued because the location did not have a fire hydrant within 165 feet. After much staff discussion, it was recom- mended that the city enter into a contract with Mr. Johnson wherein he agrees to extend the water main and install the necessary fire hydrants. MASTERS MOVED to grant Mr. Johnson the necessary permit and that the City enter into a contract requiring Mr. Johnson to extend the water main and install the necessary fire hydrants within one (1 ) year, Elliott seconded. Under.. discussion, Martell stated that in his opinion, this is not the intent of the ordinance. Fire Chief Foster suggested that the ordinance be adhered to, in order to retain a Class 5 rating. He noted that the code does not classify agrecultural buildings as such, and there are no exceptions. The City Attorney agreed that the ordinance should be modified. Motion carried. BIDS Willis Street - Water and Sewer Line Installation. Bids were received for the installation of water and sewer lines on Willis Street, as follows: Select Contractors, Inc. $51, 905 .91 , inc. tax Lindbrook Const. , Inc. 57,473.85 , inc. tax Len Wilson Const. Co. 77,024.85 , inc. tax Di Orio Const. Co. 104,446.02, inc. tax MASTERS MOVED that the low bid of Select Construction, Inc. , Seattle, in the amount of $51, 905 .91, including tax BIDS be accepted after receipt of approval by the State Highway Department, Clements seconded. The City Engineer advised that approval from the State Highway Department has been received. Lee questioned the necessity of 246 tons of asphalt concrete, since the street will be torn up and pre- pared for blacktopping by the Highway Department. The City Engineer advised that probably less material would be used and therefore the job cost would be comparatively reduced. Motion carried. Extension of Fire Station #1. The following bids were received and read for the extension of Fire Station 41 : Morrison-:Construction $14, 679 .00 50 days Busch Construction 13, 497.75 90 days Corvi Construction 13,497.00 60 days Kirsch Construction 12, 149.55 45 days Canyon Homes 18, 438.00 120 days Chet Williams 15 , 534.75 35 days Berg & Berg 13 , 533.45 80 days J. D. Stewart Co. 14, 175 .00 120 days Upon Street' s recommendation, ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid of Kirsch Construction in the amount of $12,149 .55 , including tax, Masters seconded, motion carried. FRANCHISE Clearview TV Franchise Ordinance. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1736 granting a TV franchise to Clearview TV. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried. CITY HALL Change Order #14. Change Order #14 from Monroe Construction in the amount of $46.00 was submitted , covering the addition of power service for the Public Works radio. BAFFARO MOVED to approve the change order, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Arbitration. It was noted that the report concern- ing the question of the brick paving has not been received . Street advised that upon receipt of the report, a special meeting may be called so that the council might discuss the problem. Retainage City Hall Construction. In accordance with State Law, the contractor on the City Hall is entitled to 1/2 of the present 10/ retainage. LEE MOVED that the contract for construction of the City Hall is substantially complete and that payment of 1/2 of the retainage be paid to the contractor. Barnier seconded, motion carried. Street advised that only a few items remain to be done. LIBRARY Library Contract. The City Attorney read the pro- posed contract between the City of Kent and King ,County Library concerning the proposed enlargement of the library and payment for services, which has been approved by both parties . BAFFARO MOVED to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign said contract, Elliott seconded, motion carried. excess Levy Library Bond Issue. In conjunction with the above contract, an ordinance has been prepared authorizing the issuance of $300,000 of G.O. Bonds for the expansion and improvement of the Kent Library, in- cluding acquisition of property for necessary off-street parking. This amount includes a contingency, which if not needed, will be placed in the bond redemption fund . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1737, authorizing the sale of $400, 000 of excess levy G.O. Bonds. BAFFARO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded. Under discussion, Street explained that the new library must have 60 parking spaces to comply with the zoning ordinance. Upon Master 's query, Street pointed out that the old City Hall site is not adequate for this purpose. Motion carried . LIBRARY Special Election - Library Bond Issue. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 703, requesting a special election on the library bond issue to be held November 2, 1971, at the same time as the general election, ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Clements seconded , motion carried. PARKS & Mill Creek. It was noted that the Park Board has RECREATION requested permission to make a sealed bid on 10 acres of property lying immediately east of Scenic Hill School , which did belong to Hauge Construction Co. The funding is 50% HUD, 25% IAC, and the City' s 25% will be forward Thrust funds. This is a bank- ruptcy sale, and the City' s offer would be based on the appraised value. There are 15 acres involved and it is anticipated that another bidder will bid on the other 5 acres. LEE MOVED to direct the Parks Director to make a sealed bid on the above-described 10 acres at the bankruptcy sale on September 8, 1971, Baffaro seconded . Under discussion, Martell objected to the purchase of additional property in Mill Creek, noting that property could be purchased in other parts of the City and im- provements made to existing property owned by the City for park purposes. Elliott pointed out that in the Park Board minutes of August 25th, there is no authoriza- tion for the purchase of this property, in whole or in part; and objected to a split bid. Wilson noted that part of the Hauge property (Parcel A) is one earmarked for purchase in the upper Mill Creek Canyon project funded by HUD and IAC. He further pointed out that . the Park Board recommended the purchase of the 10 acres, including Parcels A, B, and C. Wilson noted that failure to carry out this project, would result in the loss of $150, 000 matching funds to the City. Upon roll dall vote, Baffaro and Lee voted aye. Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Martell and Masters voted nay. Motion failed. Mill Creek. It was noted that the Parks and Recreation Committee have negotiated for the purchase of two parcels of property in Mill Creek, both of which are within appraised value. BAFFARO MOVED that the Parks Department purchase Tax Lot 78 in Section 19, Township 22, Range 5 for $550 and Tax Lot 21 in Section 19, Township 22, Range 5 for $4500. Lee seconded . Under discussion, Martell suggested that instead of purchasing new property, the city improves the existing city-owned property. Mr. Wilson noted that per- mission was obtained from the Council before applying for matching funds. He pointed out that upon receipt of the 75% matching funds, they picked up the option, which was $60,000. Upon Master 's query, Wilson explained that Tax Lot 78 is adjacent to the Kent American Legion Hall and Tax Lot 21 is just below 94th Avenue, with fronage on Canyon Drive. Martell suggested that perhaps this matter should be reviewed at a workshop session. Mr. Wilson explained that there is a six months ' option and since the contract was signed early this summer, they are trying to meet the deadline. Upon roll call vote, Baffaro and Lee voted aye, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Masters and Martell voted nay. Motion failed. Methodist Fellowship Hall. MASTERS MOVED to grant the Parks Department permission to enter into an agreement with ORRECTED - REFER TO Security Savings and Loan for the purchase of the Methodist Fellowship Hall Building and property for recreational pur- lINUTESOF !O 7 poses. Baffaro seconded. Discussion ensued wherein it was determined that the purchase in the anount of $66,500 would be made with Forward Thrust funds. It was noted that the building and land consisted of 12,000 sq. ft. Motion carried. COMPREHEN- Amendments to Comprehesive Plan. It was noted tht the SIVE PLAN Planning Commission has recommended several changes in the Comprehensive Plan. MASTERS MOVED that a public hearing be held October 4, 1971 on amendments to the Comprehensive Plan, Martell seconded , motion carried. PLANNING Sale of Ecological Study - Planning Department. The Planning Department has developed an "Ecological Study" of the Kent lowlands, which has proved to be an expensive project. It has been suggested that copies be sold at $5 .00 each. BAFFARO MOVED, Masters seconded that a price of $5 .00 be placed on "An Ecological Study of the Kent Lowland" . Motion carried. FINANCE LID Segregation. A request has been received from Pioneer National Title Insurance Co. to segm gate a portion of Assessment :F27, in LID 256. CLEMENTS MOVED that upon receipt of proper application from Pioneer National Title Insurance Co. for the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate the assess- ments after receipt of the necessary fees as deter- mined by law, together with a signed statement from the applicant agreeing to pay for the engineering time involved in making such segregation. Barnier seconded, motion carried . Ordinance authorizing payment by check. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1738, authorizing the payment of bills by check rather than warrant in accordance with the Optional Municipal Code. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. IT WAS NOTED that Brander Industries had deposited $500 to cover cost of engineering inspections for a water line extension on 5th Avenue, just south of the Andrew Brown Paint Co. Said inspections have been done and paid for. BARNIER MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to return the $500 deposit to Brander Industries, Clements seconded, motion carried . CONFERNCES It was noted that the Association of Washingtcazn Cities & CONVENTION Regional Meeting will be held in Tukwila at the Doubletree Inn on Thursday, November 18, 1971. AWARD Kent-Kaibara. Sister City Program. Mayor Hogan noted receipt of a letter requesting the City's financial participation in sending Paul Ried to Washington, D.C. , as a delegate of the City of Kent, to accept his award as a winner in the George V. Allen Youth Essay Contest. BARNIER MOVED to authorize the necessary expenditures to send Mr. Ried to Washington D.C. as a representative of the City of Kent, subject -.to the City Attorney' s approval . Clements seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LEE MOVED that the bills received on or before September 8th and approved by the Auditing Committee, be paid. Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :45 p.m. i Respectfully submitted , Isabel Hogan Marie J-(�nse Mayor City Clerk