HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 08/02/1971 Kent, Washington
August 2, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order by
Mayor Pro Tem Lee. Present: Councilmen: Barnier, Clements, Masters,
and Elliott; City Attorney Mirk, City Administrator Street, City
Engineer Sherwood and Mrs. Pat Levine of the Planning Department.
Councilmen: Baff aro and Martell were absent.
Upon MASTERS"S MOTION, seconded by Clements, the minutes of the
meeting of July 19th were approved as printed.
HEALTH & Public Hearing on Final Roll LID 259, Horseshoe
SANITATION Acres Sanitary Sewer. The City Engineer described
the project as consisting of a sewage lift station
which will be located West of N.P. tracks near
Pay-N-Pak, along with a sewage collection system.
Ramsey pointed out that sewer lines would be
located on S. 258th, S . 262nd, and S . 266th, 85th
Ave. S . and on Central Ave . , totaling approximately
10, 000 feet of pipe. The total project cost is
$479,800, of which $248, 605 is LID, $178, 000 is
in grants and the City of Kent is participating in
the amount of $53, 195 . Ramsey explained that the
assessments were figured in 3 zones, plus $200 per
side sewer connection. City Administrator Street
explained the proposed financing as a 10-year proj-
ject, with bonds to be sold, probably at 7%, with
interest figured on the unpaid principal.
The public hearing was opened. Mr. Ed Silling
asked for clarification as to the amount of his
assessments. Street suggested he contact the
engineers on this question.
Letters of protest were read from Richard Dahlquist,
Jay W. Kane, E. J. Silling; Bertha I. Delaney, Edna
Bracklin Huddleston; Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hambleton;
Mrs. June Lamb and Mr. W. E. Lamb; and Burlington
Northern. Burlington Northern 's letter requested
that Items#13 and #16 be deleted from the roll.
Lee noted that these letters would be considered
at the Utilities Committee meeting on August 4,
1971. After all who wished to speak were aff(rded the
opportunity, MASTERS MOVED to close the hearing,
Elliott seconded, mothn carried.
Masters noted that property owners should be sure
that the legal descriptions, as supplied to the City
by the County, are correct.
Sewer Extension S . of S. 180th. The City Engineer
recommended acceptance of a late-comers agreements
for a sanitary sewer extension South from S . 180th
to SLJrve N.B. of C. , Humble Oil and Texaco. He
ekplained that the property owners had concurred in
the $6.66 per front foot charge to be• paid to N,B.
of C. who advanced the money for the extension.
CLEME NTS MOVED to approve the agreement, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
STREETS E. Gowe Street. Upon Master 's question, the City
Engineer noted that some repairs had been made on
E. Gowe, but lack of funds in the budget had precluded
major repairs this year.
Vacation of 234th. The Attorney introduced Ordinance
1728; providing for the vacation of a portion of South
234th within the Kent Valley Industrial Park when ac-
quiring certain lands within Kent Industrial Park.
MASTERS MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1728, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Phase III LID 261 S 212th - Agreement with
King County Drainage District #1. An agreement
with Drainage District #1 as approved by the
engineers in connection with the improvements to
S . 212th St. was read by the City Clerk. MASTERS
MOVED for the Mayor to be authorized to sign the
agreement; Barnier seconded, motion carried.
James St. Pedestrian Crossing. The City Engineer
reported that the estimated costs of continuing
the screening on the James St. Overpass would be
$7, 965 to the first landing, and $10, 000 to extend
it to the bottom. Masters noted that similar pedes-
trian overpasses in Seattle, crossing high traffic
volume streets, were deemed safe. MASTERSMOVED for
no further action to be taken on the matter, since
the present structure is considered safe. Elliott
seconded , motion carried .
Parking Improvements near 2nd and Harrison. The
City Engineer reported that he had found that the
street was sound and offered the following alterna-
tives : 1 ) to pave next to the alley adjacent to the
Moonlite Inn parking lot to alleviate ponding of
water, 2) for the City or the owners to inititate an
LID, including storm sewers, curbs, etc. and replace
the sidewalks on the West side from Harrison to the
alley, 3) pave from the stre Et to the sidewalk on
the West side from Harrison to the alley and require
the Moonlite Inn to put in extruded curbing along
the parking lot s.o as to prevent parkers from driv-
ing over the sidewalk.
.It was also suggested that the shoulder could be
paved from Blessings to Harrison and either prohibit
parking, or allow only parallel parking. Sherwood
pointed out that there was no curb under the paving
adjacent to the Moonlite parking lot, and recommended
that No. 1 as listed above was in line with the City
policy. Masters determined that Mr. Youngberg had
not' been advised of the engineer 's conclusions on
the problem, and MOVED for the matter to be referred
to the council as a committee of the whole for a
decision. Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Bidson Reith Road. Bids on Reith Road, Phase I,
were received as follows:
LDL Land Development Co. $185 , 815 .00
Bellevue Bulldozing 208, 919.50
Bay Construction 218, 109.50
Tri-State Construction 218, 298.00
Moss Construction 252, 389 .50
CLEME NTS MOVED to note that bids for the Reith Road
project were received and for the clerk to record
same in the minutes. Masters seconded, motion
carried. Walt Ramsey noted that the low bid was
approximately $65 , OOO under the engineer 's estimate.
East Valley Highway - S. 212th to S . 228th. The City
Engineer and Administrator have recommended utilizing
the professional services of J. Carroll Shoe in pre-
paring a proposed LID for the East Valley Improvement.
BARNIER MOVED to approve securing the services of
the firm of J. Carroll Shoe for professional help in
setting up the East Valley LID, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
East Valley Highway. A letter was read from the
State Highway Commission noting that the portion of
East Valley Highway from Green River to S. 192nd
will be returned to the City in October, 1972.
MASTERS MOVED to file this letter and for the Engineer
to be directed to note the condition of the road to
insure that routine maintenance is up to date. Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Traffic Safety. A letter from J. P. Curran was read
pointing out the dangers of signs and trees which
obstruct the views of drivers. MASTERS MOVED that
receipt of letter be recorded and for the Engineer
and Planner to report at the next council meeting
whether or not tlese signs or trees are in violation
of any existing ordinance. Barnier seconded.
Elliott noted that further consideration was to have
been given to this subject under Sec. 8 of Ordinance 1703 .
Barnier pointed out that the intersection of S. 212th
and the East Valley Highway was a potential accident
site due to sight-obscuring signs. Motion carried.
Pacific Highway - LID 265 . Upon the City Engineer 's
recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to accept as complete
the Bellevue Bulldozing Contract for the Pacific High-
way project, and to pay the final estimate. Clements
seconded, motion carried .
WATER S . 218th Water Main Front Foot Charges. The City
Engineer noted that front foot charges should be
pee established by the council for those who wish to con-
CORRECTED • REFER TO nect to the S . 218th supply main which supplies water
to the valley from the 6 million gallon tank at James
!"I & 98th S . Based on what the line cost the City, the
Engineer has suggested $8.00 per front foot for each
side for those who wish to connect. BARNIE R MOVED,
Masters seconded, to establish the charge at $8.00
per front foot for each side. Motion carried.
Release of Bond. The City Engineer noted that Jim
Biggar had installed a water main extension for
Pacific Steeel Treating Co. , south of the Andrew
Brown Paint Co. A check was deposited with the City
as a bond. Upon Sherwood 's recommendation, HARNIER
MOVED to release the bond to Biggar as soon as the
oiling of the driveway is completed, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
O"CONNELL O'Connell Annexation & Zoning. The City Attorney
ANNEXATION introduced Ordinance 1727, annexing the O'Connell
& ZONING properties to the City. Mayor Pro Tem Lee opened
the public hearing on the proposed annexation.
There were no comments from the floor and ELLIOTT
MOVED to close the hearing, Barnier seconded, motion
carried. ELLIOTT MOVED to adopt Ordinance 1727
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
First Public Hearing on Zoning of O'Connell Annexation_.
Mayor Pro Tem Lee noted that in accordance with state
law for non-charter code cities, it is necessary to
have ( 2) public hearings on the zoning of new or
proposed annexed areas, and that this is the first
hearing on the zoning of the O'Connell Annexation.
The Planning Commission recommended that the property
be zoned R-A except for a small strip on the East side
of the river, for which MA zoning was recommended,
Until such time as a specific use is developed. The
public hearing was opened. There were no comments
from the floor and MASTERS MOVED to close the hear-
ing. Barnier seconded, motion carried . It was pointed
out tfiat the second public hearing will be held on
September 7th.
TANK It was pointed out that the Boundary Review Board has
ANNEXATION not invoked jurisidiction on the Tank Annexation appli-
cation. MASTERS MOVED for a public hearing to be
held on the Tank Annexation on August 16, 1971.
Elliott seconded, motion carried. Public hearings
on the zoning for this annexation have been scheduled
for September 7 and October 18, 1971.
ANNEXATION Elliott noted that the Annexation Committee will meet
COMMITTEE on Tuesday, August 3rd at 10: 30 A.M.
CLAIM Claim of Joan NUSSli. Street explained that the
City' s street crew had been mowing a small piece of
property at the northwest corner of Lincoln and
Smith, adjacent to the freeway right-of-way, upon
the assumption that it was state or city property.
Some libs were cut from a pear tree in order to expe-
dite the mowing. Joan Nussli , owner of the property,
has filed a claim in the amount of $300 for loss of
part of the pear crop for two years. The City Attorney
has opined that the City is liable for some damages
but not in the amount asked. MASTERS MOVED for the
Attorney to be authorized to offer the amount of
$100 as maximum for settlement in full. Elliott
seconded. Barnier opined that this amount was
excessive and suggested $25 , or $50, maximum. Mrs.
Nussli stated that she had been advised that $300
was a fair figure for the partial loss of the crop,
and that Prentice Nursery had suggested she should
sue the City for $1200 . Elliott determined that there
was only one pear tree on the property and that the
tree had not been destroyed. BARNIER MOVED to amend
the motion to change the amuunt to $50.00 maximum
as settlement in full . Masters seconded. Amended
motion carried, with Lee voting nay.
FIRE A letter from Rev. John L. Gretz was read expressing
DEPARTMENT appreciation for the services of the Fire Department
at the recent "Green River Float" . MASTERS MOVED
for this letter to be recorded and filed. Clements
seconded, motion carried .
Masters noted receipt of an invitation from the Fire
Department to a dinner at 7 : 30 P.M. on August 12th,
at Station #1 in honor of the 6th anniversary of
Kent's full time Fire Department.
PARKS The Parks and Recreation Commission have recommended
that the firm of Olson, Richert and Bignold be used
to develop the plans and specifications for the improve-
ment of Russell Road Park, under the proposed contract
for $10,000, noting that this firm has done excellent
work in the past for Kent. The City Attorney suggested
the amount be stated as "approximately $10, 000" since
the architect 's fees are based on a percentage of the
construction cost and this project is funded at
$120, 000. MASTERS MOVED that the City enter into a
contract with Olson, Richert and Bignold to develop
plans for Russell Road Park at a cost of approximately
$10, 000, Elliott seconded. Barnier objected to this
terminology as "open ending" , and suggested that a
celing be put on the amount. The motion and second
were withdrawn. Several motions were made and with-
drawn, and the fee schedules listed on page 2 of the
AIA Standard form of Agreement were discussed, and were
explained by the City Attorney. ELLIOTT MOVED for the
city to enter into a contract with Olson, Richert and
Bignold to develop plans for Russell Road Park at a
cost computed upon the percentages and fee scheduleds
shown on Page 2 of , the Standard AIA contract dated
July 21, 1971 . Masters seconded. Motion carried,
over Barnier 's nay.
LIBRARY Street reported that• a proposed contract with King
County for sharing the cost of the addition to the
Kent Library and the architect 's plans for the addi-
tion were not yet available, but he expected to have
them by Wednesday.
A letter was read from the Director of Civil Defense
requesting that the City consider building a fallout
shelter in the proposed additon to the library.
MASTERS MOVED for receipt of the letter to be recorded.
Barnier seconded. Street pointed out that the water
table in the valley is too high to permit this.
Motion carried.
TRANSIT A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce urging
SERVICE the City to petition the Washington Utilities and Trans-
portation Commission to authorize the Metropolitan
Transit Bus System to establish shuttle routes between
people concentrated areas. The letter also noted that
the Chamber recommends that the Transit Bus System be
financially supported until such time as consideration
of "Metro" is voted upon. MASTERS MOVED to record
receipt of the letter and for the items to be considered
at a work session. Clements seconded, motion carrif3.
CITY HALL City Administrator Street reported that the parking lot
has been paved and will be lighted and striped this
Landscaping. A letter was read from the Chamber of
Commerce endorsing City Historian Clarence Shoff 's
suggestion that the citizens participate in the land-
scaping of the City Hall . The Chamber suggested that a
fund be established for contributions from which plants
could be purchased under the direction of the landscape
architect, Richard Haag. MASTERS MOVED to record
receipt of the letter, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
Street noted that a fund has already been established
for improvements not only for landscaping but for other
contributions such as pictures or other art objects.
Demolition. Bids for the demolition of the old City
Hall were received as follows:
Bidder Amount Time of Work
Roy W. Hunter $64,950.00 December 31, 1971
City Transfer 9,850.00 10 working days
Frank ' s Housewrecking 4, 462.50 60 days
W. C. Frost 4, 800.00 15 working days
Since it will be necessary to block the sidewalk at
Second and Gowe and to utilize the street during the
demolition, the City Administrator recommended that the
W. C. Frost bid be accepted as the best bid. CLEMENTS
MOVED to accept the W. C. Frost bid in the amount of
$4800, to be completed in 15 working days, as the best
bid. Masters seconded. Frank Powers noted from the
audience that his bid was lower. Street explained that
considering the 60-day time element stated in Powers '
bid, that the W. C. Frost was the best bid. Motion
CITY MASTERS MOVED to adopt Resolution 702, authorizing
PROPERTY expenditure of the money received from the sale of
the Blue Banner building for the improvement of the
City Warehouse. Barnier seconded, motion carried.
CITY It has been proposed to utilize the services of Bogard
WAREHOUSE and Hewitt for proposed improvements to present ware-
house, since they designed the original building.
Services will include development of a full set of
plans, specifications and other required data and the
bids will be submitted so that the City can do such
portions of the work as it is capable of doing. The
fee will be 8%. CLEMENTS MOVED for the City to enter
into a contract with Bogard and Hewitt for architec-
tural services at the City warehouse. Elliott seconded.
Masters noted that we will be doing only that part of
the work which we can afford at this time. Motion
BUILDING Demolition Charges. It was noted that the charges
CODE have not been paid to the City for the demolition of
2 dangerous buildings . CLEMENTS MOVED for the City
Treasurer to submit the bills for demolition of the
Hemmerling and Richards buildings to the County Treas-
urer in accordance with the Uniform Building Code,
Volume IV, and the state law covering such action.
Masters seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Notice was received that King County proposes to adopt
OODE a new building code, on which a hearing will be held
at 9 : 30 A.M. , August 30, 1971 . BARNIER MOVED for the
Engineer to be directed to have a representative of
the Building Inspection Department attend this hearing
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE East Valley Construction Fund . The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance 1729, creating an East Valley Con-
struction Fund and transferring $20,00 from Unbudgeted,
unexpended street funds. CLEMENTS MOVED to adopt
Ordinance 1729 , Elliott seconded, motion carried.
Revenue Sharing. A letter was received from County
Executive John Spellman outlining the urgent need for
passage of a general revenue-sharing bill . MASTERS
MOVEDI Barnier seconded, that receipt of said letter be
recorded and filed . Motion carried.
Approval of Bills . MASTERS MOVED for the bills received
before August 6, 1971 to be paid after approval of the
Auditing Committee. Clements seconded, motion carried.
BUSINESS City Attorney Mirk reported he would have a draft of
LICENSE the proposed new Business License ordinance at the
ORDINANCE next meeting.
CLEARVIEW It was noted that Clearview TV Cable Company had
TV CABLE applied for a variance from the underground wiring
FRANCHISE ordinance, which was denied by the City Engineer.
Street pointed out that Clearview does not have a
franchise. The Company bought out Teletronics, but
in May, ' the Council revoked the franchise granted to
Teletronics because they had failed to furnish the
required bond, so had not complied with the franchise
ordinance. Letters from William Monson of Clearview
and from Philip Biege, his attorney, were read request-
ing action by the council on the matter of the variance,
and applying for a franchise . MASTERS MOVED for the
letters to be filed, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
BARNIER MOVED for further consideration to be given
after Clearview has received a franchise. Masters
seconded , motion carried. It was pointed out that the
matter would not be referred to the Police, Fire and
Street Committees.
SPECIAL It was noted that the Council will hold a Special City
MEETING Council meeting on Monday, August 9th at 7:00 P.M. for
the following purposes: 1 ) to confirm LID 259 (Horseshoe
Acres Sewer Project) and to award the bid thereon; 2)
for a public hearing on LID 264 (Benaroya Sewer Project) .
INVITATION It was noted that the Mayor and Council have been
invited to attend the annual Bon Festival at the White
River Buddhist Church on August 7th at 5 :00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jens6n �.
Mayor g City Clerk cnY