HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 08/16/1971 Kent, Washington
August 16, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier,
Clements, Elliott, Lee and Masters, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director
Minutes of the meeting of August 2 were approved with the
following correction: On page 4, S . 212th Water Main - Front
Foot Charges should be . which supplies water to the valley
from the tank on South 218th. Based on what the line cost the
cith, the engineer has suggested $8.00 per front foot for each
side for those between the East Valley Highway and the Valley
Freeway, who wish to connect . . . . . "
Minutes of the meeting of August 9 were approved as printed
and accepted by motion.
STREETS LID 270 - East Valley Highway - S. 212th to
S. 228th. Dennis Scott reported that the
estimated cost differential between a 78 ' and
an 84 , right-of-way for the East Valley High-
way would be $30, 000. It was pointed out that
the final design depended upon the width of the
right-of-way. Street reported that J. Carroll
Shoe would supply all the necessary information
by the August 23rd workshop session and recom-
mended approval of the 84 ' right-of-way. MASTERS
MOVED that a right-of-way 84 ' in width be
acquired, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
MASTERS MOVED for the Street Committee to review
existing LID assessments on the properties affected
by this LID and report with a recommendation,
Baff aro seconded, motion carried.
Reith Road - Phase I. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept
the bid of LDL Land Development Co. for the
Reith Road improvement and for notice to proceed
to be given, Masters seconded, motion carried .
Reith Road - State Highway Department. The
City Engineer noted receipt of a contract from
the State Highway Department for sanitary sewer
and water main relocation at the Reith Road
and Kent Des Moines Road intersection. He noted
that it is a State Highway Department project,
however, the City has requested that the water
main be enlarged to 12" so it can be extended
east to the San Juan Club and possibly south of
that. He noted that the City will request $2500 in
the budget next year to cover this, including valve
posts . CLEMENTS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to
sign the contract with the State Highway Department
for changes of sizes of utilities at Reith Road and
Kent Des Moines Road, Masters seconded, motion
carried .
Traffic Safety. It was noted that the planning
department and traffic engineer have reviewed
the sight obstructions at the intersection of S .
Central and 259th. The sign that was in the right-
of-way has been moved, and the Street Department
will cut the overhanging brush.
HEALTH & LID 264, Benaroya Sewer. The City Attorney introduced
SANITATION Ordinance 1732, confirming and approving the final
assessment roll for LID 264. MASTERS MOVED for passage
of the ordinance, Clements seconded, motion carried.
CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the bid of Di Orio Con-
struction Co. for the LID 264 project in the amount
of $140, 183.40, including tax and for notice to proceed
to be given, Masters seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & Bids - LID 269 98th Ave. S. Sewer. The follow-
SANITATION ing bids were received for the installation of
a sanitary sewer on 98th Ave. S . :
Charles L. Fournier $4, 582.88
Jim Biggar 3, ]_90.43
ELLIOTT MOVED to record the bids in the minutes
of this meeting, Masters seconded, motion carried.
Sewer Connection. Street reported that Seattle
First National Bank is proposing to move their
present temporary facility on Russell Road south
of Kent Des Moines Road to their new location on West Meeker
Street at 64th S. He stated that at this location, it
is several hundred feet to get to any sanitary sewer and
until the permanent building is put in, the Bank is request-
ing permission to install a holding tank at the proposed
new site, under the following conditions :
1 . Provide a $5000 bond to insure proper
install,tion and service of the hold tank
2. Furnish the City of Kent with a copy of
the pumping agreement with a licensed and
bonded sewer agent.
3. Agree not to oppose, but to encourage
future LID sewer improvement and to hook
on to such lines as they become accessible.
4. . Accept a one year time limitation for use
of the holding tank, with an option to
extend for a period not to exceed five
years on a year-to-year basis, and as
stipulated in Item 3 above, to abandon
the holding tank and hook-up onto a new
sewer facility when available.
5 . Install an alarm system as required by
the City of Kent to avoid overflow possibilities.
The City Engineer agreed that a pump station is
not proper in this instance, and that the holding
tank would be an acceptable substitute. CLEMENTS
MOVED to accept the arrangement based upon the
conditions as outlined in the letter from Seattle
First National Bank, Barnier seconded, motion carried .
Bids - James Street Sewer. It was noted that bids
on this project were opened on August 13th, as follows :
Len Wilson, Tacoma $49, 281 .12
Campbell Constr. , Tacoma 42, 998.22
,Di Orio Constr. , Seattle 68,986.05
The Engineer 's estimate was $31, 691 . 31.
CLEMENTS MOVED to reject all bids, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
STREET recommended that because of the time and
the water table conditions involved, the project is
deemed to be an emergency and the work should be
done by the City crews under "force account" . MASTERS
MOVED to accept the administrator ' s recommendation as
outlined above, and for the city crews to construct the
sewer under force account, Elliott seconded, motion
carried .
CITY It was noted that Clements had been requested
HALL to review a change order from Monroe Construc-
tion for a time extension, and he reported that
the change order was jus tified. MASTERS MOVED
for appvoal of Change Order 412, Clements seconded,
motion carried.
Street noted that the arbitrators will meet this
Wednesday regarding the brick paving for the new
City Hall.
ANNEXATION Tank. The public hearing was opened on the proposed
Tank Annexation, which has been approved by the
Boundary Review Board. There were no comments or
objections from the floor and the hearing was closed
by motion. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1731, approving the tank annexation. ELLIOTT MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
LIBRARY It was noted that the proposed contract between the
City. of Kent and King County Library was reviewed
and presented to the King County Library Board who
have agreed in principle with Kent 's proposal. The
Board has authorized Charles Lonergan, Attorney to
meet with the City Attorney to develop the final
contract. This contract and the Resolution calling
for a Special Election,must be approved prior to
September 17, 1971 to be in time for the November
TRANSIT It was noted that Mayor Hogan and Mr. Street attended
SERVICE a meeting of representatives of South King County
cities to review the progress of the public transit
question. It was agreed that at least a minimum bus
service should be continued until next May when an
election will be held on a permanent solution.
FRANCHISE The City Attorney introduced a proposed franchise
ordinance for TV cable for Clearview. MASTERS MOVED
that the proposed Clearview TV franchise or dinance
be submitted to Clarview, Elliott seconded, motion
EMERGENCY The Mayor and Administrator attended a meeting con-
EMPLOYMENT cerning the Emergency Employment Act, recently passed
ACT by Congress. This act will allocate money to areas
which have a high unemployment rate under which the
Federal Government will pay up to 90% of the cost of
the wages and fringe benefits of those classified as :
1. Unemployed
2. Underemployed
3. Recently separated veterans
4. Indian tribe unemployed
'This assistance may last two years. Those employed
are to be paid regular wages, have the opportunity
to become permanent employees , be hired in a regular
manner, and do needed public service work. Funds for
approximately 600 jobs will be allocated to King
County. It was noted that Gordon Harris will attend a
meeting tomorrow morning on this subject.
BUSINESS It was noted that the City Attorney has prepared
LICENSES a draft for the proposed new business license
ordinance, which will be discussed at the next
work session.
FIRE Bids, Additions to Main Fire Station. Street
STATION reported that no bids were received for the addi-
tions to the main fire station.
LEGISLATION Senate Bill 52 - Garbage Franchises. The Ad-
ministrator noted he had attended a hearing on
S.B: 52 which was adopted at the last legis-
lative session. The point of contention is
paragraph 5 , which was vetoed by the Governor.
This would have removed the present method where-
by a city m ay take over those garbage accounts
in a newly annexed area five years after said
annexation. Paragraph 5 would have required the
city to purchase the accounts together with any
equipment the present franchise holder used to
serve these accounts. Street pointed out that
the cities believed the Governor made a good veto
in that there were too many variables as the law
was written.
BEAUTIFICA- Ordinance 1733 controlling political signs, was
TION introduced by the City Attorney. ELLIOTT MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded.
Under discussion, ELLIOTT MOVED to amend the motion
to change certain terminology, Baff aro seconded.
Original motion carried, with Clements voting nay.
Amendment carried, with Clements voting nay.
MAYOR HOGAN noted that a letter will be sent to
Clarence Shoff expressing appreciation for his
donation of $100 to the Beautification Fund .
CIVIL LEE MOVED that approval be given for the Civil
SERVICE Service Secretary to attend a seminar in San
Francisco, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
BOARD OF LEE MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan 's reappointment
ADJUSTMENT of Chet Wheeler to the Board of Adjustment, Clements
secoded, motion carried.
CITY CLERK MASTERSNDVED for Donna Brannock to be appointed
Clerk pro tem to serve in the absence of the City
Clerk, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Mayor
Hogan noted that the City Clerk had never missed
a council meeting during 9 years service with the
PROCLAMA- A letter was read from A. Ludlow Kramer urging
TION Mayors in the State of Washington to participate
through the selection of a day to be declared as
"New Voter Registration Day" . MASTERS MOVED to
accept the letter and for it to be made a matter
of record, Clements seconded , motion carried.
Mayor Hogan proclaimed Thursday, August 19th as
"New Voter Registration Day" for the City of Kent.
FINANCE Claims received through August 6th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the August
2nd meeting:
Current Expense 36, 520. 70
Park 5,534.69
Library 345 .15
Street 140572.13
Park Forward Thrust 600163 .9.7
City Hall Constr. 12, 395.59
Equipment Rental 28,913.54
Fire R/P 749.06
Leff Disability 854.33
Sewer 46,855 .97
Water 5 , 253.63
Garbage 20,967.82
228th St. Constr. 434.99
James St. Constr. 576.55
4th Ave. Constr. 930.99
Reith Road Constr. 4, 617.47
212th St. Ph. I & II 14, 408.03
SR 99 Pac. Hwy. S . 7, 646.08
LID 261 593.88
262, 344.57
FINANCE Interest Bearing Warrants
LID 264
Security Title Ins. Co. 131.25
LID 259
Hill, Ingman & Chase 21, 131 .91
Daily Journal of Commerce 71 .40
North Kent Water
Hill, Ingman & Chase 640.58
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 ,484.78
Dept. of Revenue 893.63
f Respectfully, submitted,
Isabel HogarY Marie Jensen cin
Mayor City Clerk