HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 07/06/1971 Kent, Washington
July 6, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order
at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier,
Clements, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted
by motion.
STREETS Six Year Arterial Street Program. The City
Engineer pointed out on a map the proposed
street projects for 1971 through 1976 and
submitted a chart describing the projects,
with the estimated cost of each.
The public hearing was opened. Mr. Harris
noted that the chart does not include the ring
road around Plemmon ' s development at approxi-
mately S . 260th and 101st. The City Engineer
stated that he would correct the omission. Lee
suggested that the W. Meeker project to the
Reith Road have higher priority, as Meeker has
been developed into a four lane facility near
the West Valley Highway, and the Reith Road is
now being similarly developed . Jerry Anderson
noted concern with the proposed land use in the
downtown core area as it relates to street im-
provements and arterials . He felt that the value
of the improvement of a street such as Smith
Street is not practical and questioned the ring
road at Plemmon 's development, stating that this
would leave large areas with private drivways
and low speed service roads . MARTELL MOVED to
close the hearing, Clements seconded, motion
carried .
LEE MOVED that the Kent-Des Moines Road (West
Meeker Street) from the West Valley Highway west
to its junction with Reith Road be moved up to .
the 1972 priority and that the remainder of the
six year arterial street plan as presented by the
City Engineer be adopted and the appropriate
State Agencies be so informed in accordance with
RCW 35 . 77.010, Masters seconded, motion carried.
East Valley Highway Improvement. MASTERS MOVED
to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a
contract with Dames & Moore for soils analysis on
the East Valley Highway Improvement at a cost
of $2, 450 to $2, 700, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Improvements. MARTELL MOVED that the City notify the
' State Highway Department that it will acquire the necessary
rithss-of-way for the improvement of the West Valley and
Meeker intersection, providing the State makes the
necessary improvements and pays for same, in accordance
with submitted plans, Masters seconded, motion carried.
Improvement. A letter from Mr. Youngberg was read,
referring to the area adjacent to the Stokley-Van Camp
property where the adjacent property owner has not
participated in improvement of the street by installa-
tion of curbs or sidewalks. It was noted that on the
west side, adjacent to the city parking lot and Moonlite
Restaurant parking area, a similar condition exists.
Mr. Youngberg asked that the city consider methods for
improving these parking areas. MASTERS MOVED to acknow-
ledge receipt of Mr. Youngberg 's letter and for the sub-
ject to be discussedat the next work session, Barnier
seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Reith Road. MASTERS MOVED .to issue a call for bids
for the Reith Road project to be set for July 14th,
with a bid opening date set for the 28th of July,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & Sewer Rate Study. Mr. Sam Granberg of Seattle-North-
SANITATION west presented and described their proposal to do a
Sewer Rate Study at a fee of $4500 to $6000 . CLEMENTS
MOVED that the proposal of Seattle-Northwest be referred
to the Utilities Committee for study and recommendation,
along with the proposals from Howard Harstad, and Associates
and Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield , Barnier
seconded, motion carried.
LID 269 , 98th Ave. Sewer. The City Attu rney introduced
Ordinance 1725 , creating LID 269 . BARMIER MOVED for
passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded , motion
Sewers - Willo Vista. It was noted that the City has
received notice from the County Health Department that
the owners of Willo Vista Mobile Home Court have installed
only a portion of their sanitary sewer and connected
18 of the homes, leaving over a hundred homes unconnected.
BARNIER MOVED that the City Attorney notify the owners of
the Willo Vista Mobile Home Court to complete the installa-
tion and connect the mobile homes to sanitary sewers, or
discontinue use of any homes not so connected, Clements
seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Rudy Jarvey, manager of
Willo Vista, stated that he had been notified by the Health
Department that they had approved an extension of from 60
to 90 days. Mr. Jarvey stated that they are now refinancing
and requested an additional 60 days to complete the installa-
tion. Mr. Street requested a copy of the letter from the
Health Department and suggested that action could be delayed.
Barnier suggested that the motion stand. Motion carried.
LID 259 , Horseshoe Acres SewEn It was noted that bids on
this project were opened today, but had not as yet been
tabulated. Mr. Street suggested that the final hearing be
set for August 2nd, the protests reviewed on August 3rd
or 4th and for a meeting to be held on August 9th to award
the contract. MASTERS SO MOVED, Clements seconded, motion
EASEMENTS HAVE been received for construction of Horseshoe
Acres Sewer as follows:
A temporary construction easement from $208.50
Sedra properties
A permanent and temporary construction $750 .00
easement from Merlino and Hilton
A permanent and temporary construction $2500.00
easement from George C. and N. Bernadine
MASTERS MOVED for acceptance of the easements and that
each be recorded , Barnier seconded, motion carried .
LID 264, Benaroya Sewer. It was pointed out that bids
will be opened on July 12th for the Benaroya Sewer pro-
ject. MARTELL MOVED for the final hearing on LID 264 to be held
at the August 9th meeting, Clements seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1726, amending Ordinance
FIRE 683, and covering disorderly conduct. MASTERS MOVED for
passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded . The City Attorney
pointed out that this ordinance will designate unnecessary loud
noise as a breach of the peace . Motion carried.
CITY Change 9rder #15 in the amount of $594.65 from
HALL Monroe Construction was submitted, covering (1) the
wiring of the speakers in the public address system
for the Court Room and Council Chambers and ( 2) the
changing of the entryways when the Council decided
on the use of 2" paver blocks. The entries had been
poured to use 1" pavers and thus have to be chipped
out. MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #15 in
the amount of $594.65 , Lee seconded, motion carried.
Mayor Hogan noted that the public open house for the
new City Hall is tentatively scheduled for October lst.
It was noted that the Evening Lions Club has presented
a flag for the new City Hall which was flown over the
U. S . Capitol.
Street noted that he had contacted Monroe Construction a;
to the possibility of taking the parking lot paving out
of the contract, so that the City could expedite this part
of the contract by making other arrangements for the paving.
Monroe 's reply is expected by July 8th.
CITY A n offer has been received to purchase the City owned
PROPERTY property presently housing the Blue Banner and the old
city shop building. It is recommended that a call for
bids be issued, with the minimum price set at $50 ,000,
LEE MOVED to declare the property surplus and for the call
for bids to be issued as outlined above, Masters seconded.
Upon Baff aro 's question, Mr. Street explained that the
property is zoned industrial and that the building is not
in good condition. He pointed out that water and street and
sewer funds were utilized to buy this facility and these
departments could utilize the proceeds from the sale at the
city shop building. Motion carried.
LIBRARY It was noted that the Library Board and Friends of the
Library met with the architect on June 29th to review
plans for the new library and it is their intention to
ask for an excess bond levy to be voted upon at the
November election. He pointed out that King County will
share in the construction costs.
METRO The City Attorney introduced Resolution 699, authorizing
TRANSPORTA- the City of Kent to join with other cities and Metro to
TION enter into a transportation study. MASTERS MOVED for
adoption of the resolutiaz , Baffaro seconded, motion
carried. MARTELL MOVED for the sum of $3500 to be budgeted
from the unbudgeted, unexpended balance of the Current
Expense Fund, Masters seconded, motion carried.
AGREEMENT It was noted that at the last work session, the contract
OLD CITY between the I.O.O.F. and the City for the party wall at the
HALL old city hall was discussed . LEE MOVED for the City to
enter into an agreement to vacate the "Party Wall" contract
with the I.O.O.F. and to pay to them the sum of $1, 103.06
;for said agreement, Martell seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Demolition. It was noted that demolition of a home at
CODE 2827 Kent-Des Moines Road has been completed to the
satisfaction of the Engineering Department. CLEMENTS MOVED
to authorize the City Treasurer to return the bond to
Frank Powers in the amount of $200, Masters seconded,
motion carried. Street noted that the owners will be
billed for the cost of the demolition.
KVIP Sanwick Corporation. It was noted that two meetings have
been held with representatives of the Sanwick Corporation
and four points of concern are not settled ascf this date:
1 . Right to payment for easements for sewer and
. water in Fourth Ave. , south of 228th
2. Interest on agreed sum owed for 228th, right-of-way
3. Acquisition of Fourth Ave. right-of-way, north
of 228th.
4. Easement to Milwaukee Railroad for a crossing of
Fourth Ave. approximately 1, 300 feet north of 228th
These items will be fully discussed at a work session
on July 12, 1971 .
ELECTION The City Clerk has assigned position numbers
for the Council election as follows :
Peter Baffaro Position #1
Jerome Barnier #2
Harry Clements #3
Robert Lee #4
The filing dates are July 26 - 30, 1971. Notification
was received from Lud Kramer that the "at large"
position, a two year term, has been eliminated and
that in the future all terms will be for four years.
MASTERS MOVED that the positions as noted above be
assigned for the upcoming election, Clements seconded,
motion carried.
PARKS & MASTERS MOVED to confirm the reappointment of Berne
RECREATION Biteman to the Parks Commission, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
AWC Councilmen Baff aro, Martell and Masters reported on
CONVENTION the Association of Washington Cities Convention.
MASTERS noted that background information is still not
supplied to the voting delegates. Martell stated that
the resolutions should be presented earlier and should
be more specific.
FINANCE LEE MOVED that the bills received on or before July 8th
and approved by the Finance Committee, be paid, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
l Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie` 1 se
Mayor City Clerk CITY CLERK