HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/17/1971 Kent, Washington May 17, 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor t#ogan, Councilmen : Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Lee, Masters and Martell, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction: On Page 4, under Burglar Alarms, Elliott 's motion was seconded by Martell. HEALTH & Drainage Ditch - 98th Ave. It was noted that SANITATION a meeting was held with County representatives concerning the storm drainage ditch along 98th Ave. In order to get County cooperation, it was necessary for the City to agree to furnish addi- tional pipe in the county section, with the under- standing that the County would start installation before June 1, 1971 . MASTERS MOVED to approve the Agreement with the County to extend the storm drainage ditch negotiated, wherein. the City furnishes an additional 700 feet of pipe, Martell seconded, motion carried. Mr. Street pointed out that the County will install to the city limits and the City will pro- vide the installation inside the city. Proposed LID 269, Sewers - 98th Ave. S . The City Attorney introduced Resolution 694, declaring the city' s intention to form LID 269 for an 8" sewer line and setting the public hearing for same for June 21 , 1971 . CLEMENTS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. Beautification. It was noted that the City clean-up has been completed at a cost of $5 ,800. 76. Mayor Hogan pointed uut that the Planning Commission had made a survey of all signs in violation of City ordinances, and plans to advise those involved . LID 267, Proposed Sanitary Sewers on 84th Ave. Between 212th and 218th. It was noted that one of the major owners, Burlington Northern, is not receptive to the proposed sewer improvement at this time. The Council has directed the Engineer to proceed to develop costs and have the advice of a competent land appraiser in setting the zones. A letter from Donald Evans of the Department of Health was read, submitting a plan of a new drainfield for the existing septic system for the Pirate 's Den at 21409 84th 5 . , since the sewer project has been delayed by protests to the proposed LID. The letter further stated that the owner of the Pirate 's Den agrees to have the septic tanks pumped once every sixty days if he leases to a food service operation and will, if the system breaks down, cease operation until a sewer is installed. MARTELL MOVED to accept the letter and place it on file, Masters seconded . Mr. Street noted that thus far, the percolation tests have been unsatisfactory. Motion carried. STREETS Reith Road. Mr. Street pointed out the Riefschnider prop- erty on the map, noting that Mrs . Riefschnider had donated a 30 ' sewer and water easement along 44th Ave. S . to the City. The City now wishes to vacate the unused 10 ' of this easement back to Mrs. Riefschnider in exchange for a 10 ' easement elsewhere, in conjunction with the Reith Road pro- ject. MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign a Release of Easement as described, in exchange for the 10 ' easement as described, Masters seconded, motion carried . Parking. Upon the Traffic Engineer 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED that parking be restricted to 2 hours from Third to Fourth Avenue on Gowe Street after June 15 , 1971, Baff aro seconded, ration carried . STREETS Traffic Control . The City Clerk noted receipt of 2 petitions signed by 31 residents who reside on 236th P1. S .E. requesting 1) an access road from 108th Ave. to 240th St. , and 2) the installation of speed bumps in at least two locations on 236th St. LEE MOVED to accept both petitions and place them on file, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Street pointed out that it is illegal to place speed bumps in any public right- of-way. Motion carried . WATER It was noted that three water department employees have recently passed examinations as "Water Works Specialist" in accordance with the Washington State Voluntary Certi- fication Program for Water Works Operators. MARTELL MOVED that Stanley E. Fraga, Willie E. Hansen and Jerry V. Highsmith be commended for their effort in self- improvement, Masters seconded, motion carried . Extension. A letter has been received from James Flick, David Tuinstra and Frank Paden requesting water service for their homes which border 94th Pl. S . Mr. Street pointed out that originally 10 property owners had re- quested Kent water service, however now only these three desire to obtain water at this time. The cost to serve all 10 properties would be approximately $500 to $600 for each property, depending upon the lot size, including the installation of two fire hydrants and the extension of a 2" line to pick up the lots which are away from the 16" line . MASTERS MOVED to grant permission for these three properties to connect to City water service based on the original estimate by the engineer, Clements seconded . Under discussion, Lee pointed out that in work session some of the Council were not in favor of proceeding in this manner. Street stated that the engineer had reevaluated the project, and because it was necessary for these three properties to be served, it was recommended that the project be handled in this way. Motion caried, with Lee voting nay. Ribco. At last work session, Ted Mallory of Metro reviewed the work of RIBCO and the necessity of all communities to have a comprehensive water pollution control and abatement plan. It is necessary for Kent to either cooperate through RIBCO or develop its own plan. The City Attorney introduced Resolutirn 695 , authorizing the City enter into a contract' with Metro for jointly undertaking and financing preparation of a comprehensive water pollution control and abatement plan. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LID 265 . A letter from the City Treasurer was read reporting that the amount of assessments collected from LID 265 within the 30 day period is $19 ,159 .02, and there remains unpaid assessments in the sum of $52, 921. 71 . CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the letter and for the City to issue bonds to cover the unpaid portion, Masters seconded, motion carried. LID Segregations . A request has been received for segregation of assessments in LID 258 and LID 260 from Security Title Insurance Co. on behalf of Harold Heath, who is selling this property to Westside Federal Savings & Loan. MARTELL MOVED that upon receipt of proper application from Mr. Heath, for the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate the assess- ments after receipt of the necessary fees as determined by law, together with a signed statement from the applicant agreeing to pay for the engineering time involved in making such segregation, Masters seconded, motion carried. Audit. Mr. Street reported receipt of the annual audit for 1969, and noted that the criticisms within this examination have been corrected . He stated that the audit for 1970 is now in progress . POLICE & The fire station at Kennebeck and Guiberson has been declared FIRE surplus. The land the station is built upon belongs to the Water Department and cannot be released. The present occupant, Fireman Glenn Webster, has offered to purchase the building under the following terms: POLICE & 1 . He will pay $4, 000 for the building. FIRE 2. The City would allow the building to remain on this property for 10 years with a renewal for 10 years available to Mr. & Mrs . Webster only. At the end of the lease , the building is to be removed by Webster. 3. The Websters will maintain the building in a good condition while on city property. 4. The city will put back the fence that separates that portion to be maintained by Webster. 5 . Webster would not be responsible for the pre- sent woodshed that extends beyond the area to be utilized by Webster. MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary documents to allow the above offer to be accepted, with the proceeds to be credited to the Fire Department for improvements, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. SEALED bids were received for the sale of the surplus fire station on the East Valley Highway as follows: Louise Sainati $8500.00 Robert Kobayashi of $10, 177 .00 Kent Bowl Realty It was noted that the appraised value was $8500.00 MASTERS MOVED that the bid of Robert Kobayashi in the amount of $10 , 177.00 be accepted and the proceeds after sales cost be credited to the Fire Department, for use in the remodeling of Station #1, Clements seconded, motion carried. The following change orders #7 and #11 have been sub- mitted for the new City Hall: Change Order #7 covers a time extension to April 3 , 1971. Change Order #11 concerns 7 items of which Items 3 and 4 amounting to $185 .00 will be paid by the architect. Items 1, 2, 5 and 7 will be paid by the City, in the amount of $592.94. It was pointed out that there is no charge for Item #6. Upon the Administrator 's recommendation, MASTERS MOVED to approve these change orders, Clements seconded, motion carried. THE FOLLOWING bids were received to furnish draperies for the City Hall: Collins Draperies $5, 731 .58, inc. tax Sears & Roebuck 6, 146.91, inc. tax J. K. Gill 6, 930.03, inc. tax Trick & Murray 7,087.50, inc. tax Crawfords 8, 793 .70, . inc. tax It was noted that the architect 's estimate was $8,000. LEE MOVED to accept the low bid of Collins Draperies, Martell seconded, motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE East Hill Plan. A letter was read from Milan and Mary PLAN Moss stating that the last minute addition by the Planning Commission of some 45 acres of Professional, Office & Institutional (POI) zoning in the comprehensive plan (from soth of S.E. 260th to S .E. 264th) without any addition of C-3, was an injustice to the work of the East Hill Planning Committee and the needs of the East Hill shoppers. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and for it to be made a matter of record, Clements seconded, motion carried. Mr. Street pointed out that the East Hill Plan will be considered at the next work session and that the public hearing is scheduled for June 7th. PLANNING MASTERS MOVED to confirm the appointment of Mrs. COMMISSION Cory Olson and Byron Delinert to the Planning Commission, Baffaro seconded, motion carried . Mr. Dehnert was pre- sent and was introduced by Mayor Hogan. FRANCHISE Teletronics. Clearview T.V. , successors to Teletronics Inc. has asked to have the franchise granted to Teletronics transferred to Clearview. It was noted that since Tele- tronics had not filed a bond or notice of acceptance, that the franchise for the T.V. cable was void. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1718, repealing Ordinance 1628 which granted the franchise to Teletronics. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. INJUNCTION It was noted that National Construction Co. has failed to correct their unlawful use of property near the intersection of the Kent-Des Moines Road and Interstate 5 . BAFFARO MOVED to direct the City Attorney to bring an injunction against National Construction Co. for the unlawful use of property which is violating the City Zoning Ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. BUILDING Demolition. The City Attorney reported that demolition work CODE has been completed on two houses in Kent, one at 415 E. Gowe and the other at 310 Kennebeck. He noted that after the demolition work is completed, a bill is received from the contractor and a public hearing is then held in order to allow the property owners to challenge the matter if so desired. MASTERS MOVED to set a public hearing date for June 7th on the reasonableness of the charges for the demolition, Martell seconded, motion carried . LICENSES Taxi Cab. It was noted that a request for a taxi license has been received from Jim Reed of Farwest Cabs. Resolution 647 adopted by the Council on September 15 , 1969, directed that no further licenses be issued without review by the Council. At present, one further license could be issued. MASTERS MOVED to refer the request of Jim Reed to the Police, Street and Fire Committee for review as directed by Resolution 647, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. PARKS & LEE MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign a RECREATION contract with Olson, Richert and Bignold to develop a parks comprehensive plan, Baffaro seconded . Under discussion, Street pointed out that Schedule 1 is to be completed by January 1, 1972 and Schedule 2 is to be completed by June, 1972 . Motion carried. A warranty deed has been received from Kent Highlands for 5 acres of the park area to be deeded to the City after completion of the Seattle sanitary land fill. This deed was necsssary so that the State Highway Department could locate the access in the plans for rebuilding the Kent-Des Moines Highway. MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the warranty deed for 5 acres as a partial fulfillment of the contract between the City of Seattle, Kent Highlands and City of Kent, Clements seconded, motion carried. CONFERENCES & It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities annual CONVENTIONS meeting is to be held in Richland, June 23, 24 and 25 . FINANCE Claims Teceived through May 6th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 32, 956.81 Park 7, 994.7.7 Library 243 . 39 Street 7, 389.02 Arterial Street 9, 117.88 Park Forward Thrust 2, 205 .59 City Hall 30, 702 .90 228th St. Constr. 222.66 James St. Constr. 31 ,500.51 FINANCE 4th Ave. Constr. 6,818.27 Reith Road 21, 918.09 Equipment Rental 3 .676. 37 Fire R/P 507.98 Leff Disability 121. 20 LID 261 57.29 Sewer 29 , 122.50 Water 7, 779 .62 Garbage 20,570.82 Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water Atlas Construction Co. 26, 964.85 F. A. Breda 2 , 630 . 28 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 345 .14 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1, 149 .71 LID 259 Hill, Ingman & Chase 162.17 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen cIry C, -Ape Mayor City Clerk