HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1971 Kent, Washington
May , 3, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Barnier, Baffaro, Clements, Elliott,
Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk,
City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by
WATER A letter from Metro was read advising of a meeting
scheduled at the Eames Theatre at the Pacific Science
Center on May 24th at 1 : 30 p.m. concerning water
resource planning for the Seattle Metropolitan area.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place it on
file, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Mr. Street
reported that the City has submitted an estimated cost on
this matter, and noted that Don Wickstrom, Glen Sherwood
and Ken Evenson will attend the meeting. Lee suggested
that a representative of the utilities committee attend
the meeting also. It was noted that this matter will be
discussed further at the May loth workshop.
S . 212th Supply Main. LEE MOVED for approval of Change
Order #4 from F. A. Breda which authorizes a time extension
to 164 days and reduces the final contract by $10 , 765 .02,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
CLEMENTS MOVED that the 212th Water Main Construction
Contract be accepted as complete and upon receipt of
clearance of liabilities, the final payment be made,
Martell seconded., motion carried .
HEALTH & LID 267, Sanitary Sewers - 212th to 218th on EVH.
SANITATION A letter was read from H. Roy Farrington urging that
this LID be put tnrough as proposed , and commenting
that the proposed method of assessment was fair. ELLIOTT
MOVED for acceptance of the letter and to place it on
file, Masters seconded, motion carried .
Sewer Extension - 98th Ave. S . It was noted that a
letter had been received from J. L. DeSpain of the
Department of Public Works, noting that investigations
of the proposed drainage participation of 98th Ave. had
indicated a far more extensive construction project is
required than initially submitted, and stating that furtner
discussions and negotiations appear necessary. A meeting
has been scheduled for May 5th to discuss the erosion and
drainage problems.
Proposed LID 263 S . 228th Sewer. It was noted that the
Fire Department has completed a survey of the number of
persons employed in the area. A meeting with the EDA
representatives has been scheduled for May 6tn.
LID 264 Proposed Sewer Project East of EVH on 208th.
MARTELL MOVED for the firm of Dames & Moore to be utilized
for soil testing on the Benaroya Sewer project on their
standard contract at the estimated cost of $1, 700 to
$2, 000, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Sanitary Sewer - Willis. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the
Mayor to sign an agreement with the State Highway Department
for their participation in the installation of a new sani-
tary sewer along- Willis, with the State share being 30.2/
with a maximum of $6, 732 .00, Elliott seconded, motion
HEALTH & A LETTER from Charles V. Gibbs of Ribco was read
SANITATION regarding water pollution control and abatement
planning for sewage drainage basins. It rioted
that a committee, known as the River Basin Coordi-
nating Committee (RIBCO) has been formed to develop
an outline of the planning effort which must be
undertaken, has assigned specific work assignments
to individual agencies and has ascertained that
federal planning funds are available, to support
most of the necessary planning expenses. Ribco has
prepared an agreement to be entered into by Metro and
each agency participating in the planning effort.
The City Attorney recommended that no action be taker
on this matter tonight and suggested that the City meet
with Pat Nevins of Auburn to discuss the matter. MASTERS
MOVED to make it a matter of record, Lee seconded,
motion carried.
STREETS LID 265 Pacific Highway S . The following bids were
received for the improvement of Highway 99 from the
Kent Des Moines Road to S . 252nd:
Bellevue Bulldozing $73, 744.30
Moss Construction 75 ,065 .73
Pacific Paving 76, 091.70
Select Contractors 76, 731.81
Tri-State Construction 76,810 . 70
West Coast Construction 80, 289 .60
LDL Land Development Co. 89, 602.84
It was noted that the engineer ' s estimate was $87, 237.00.
ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the bid of Bellevue Bulldozing,
Clements seconded, motion carried.
Improvement of EVH from 226th to 212th. It was noted
that notification had been received from UAB of this
proposed •project, and it was reviewed at the last work
session. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize Hill, Ingman &
Chase to submit the prospectus and act as consultant
for engineering on the standard fee basis, Martell
seconded, motion carried .
Improvement of Willis & Central. The State Highway
Department has offered $225 to purchase a narrow strip
of land adjacent to Central Avenue to be used in connection
with the improvement of Willis and Central. Mr. Street
recommended acceptance. LEE MOVED to authorize the Mayor
to accept the offer, Masters seconded, motion carried.
STREET MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to
LIGHTING sign an agreement with King County to enable the City
to request use of Forward Thrust funds for street lighting
on Gowe and on Willis in conjunction with the improvements
to these streets . Street explained that plans for the
project must be approved before Forward Thrust funds allo-
cated to Kent could be used for a street lighting program.
Clements seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & A letter was read from Mrs. Patricia Orr commending the
FIRE Fire- Department for their efficiency at the house fire
at 5303 Kent Des Moines Road.
A letter was read from Rod Saalfeld of the Chamber of
Commerce expressing appreciation to the Fire Department
for their help in this year 's Easter Egg Hunt. MASTERS
MOVED to place these letters on file, Martell seconded,
motion carried.
Burglar Alarms. It was noted that at last work session,
Chief McQuery reported that the present policy of the Police
Department is that a proper signal from a commercial business
may be installed in the police office, but because of the
large number of false alarms already received, they would
not respond to residential alarms. ELLIOTT MOVED for the
Police Department to continue its present policy towards
burglar alarms in residences, Elliott seconded. Under dis-
cussion, Elliott stated that he would like to see a reevalua-
,n tion of the present policy regarding commercial type alarms.
MINIMS Masters suggested that the committee work with the Police Chie=
�+ regarding the policy. Lee opined that this is an administra-
tive problem, not a Council matter. Motion carried.
POLICE & Fire Chief Foster announced that Saturday, May
FIRE 8th is "Firemen 's Appreciation Day" and noted
that the firemen will put on a show from 1 :00 p.m.
to 3 :00 p.m. in the north parking lot.
CITY Mr. Street reported that it is anticipated that the
HALL City offices will move into the New City Hall on June 4th.
ANNEXATION Tank. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the 75/ petition for
the Tank annexation and to forward it to the Boundary
Review Board, Masters seconded, motion carried.
FRANCHISE TV Cable Franchise. Upon the City Attorney's recommenda-
tion, MARTELL MOVED that the matter of the transfer of
the franchise from Teletronics to Clearview T.V. be re-
ferred to the Finance Committee, Elliott seconded. Under
discussion, it was noted that one franchise holder is
operating in Kent. A letter from Mr. Monson of Clearview
T.V. was read, advising that upon notification from the
City, they will meet with the committee to discuss the
matter. Motion carried.
BEAUTIFICATION A letter was read from the American Association of Univer-
sity Women, submitting a check for $10.00 to be used for
shrubbery for city beautification of Kent. MASTERS MOVED
for acceptance of the letter and acknowledgment of the
check, Martell seconded, motion carried.
EMPLOYMENT A letter was read from the U. S . Department of Labor
SUPPLEMENT stating that the Washington Employment Supplement Program
PROGRAM is to be extended. Mayor Hogan explained that several valley
cities had inquired about the possible extension. MARTELL
MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters seconded, motion
PUGET SOUND It was noted that the Planning Director has received the
& ADJACENT Puget Sound and Adjacent Waters Report compiled by several
WATERS STUDY Federal and State authorities. It appears that much duplica-
tion of effort may result, as the report lacks local input
of ideas . MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor notify the organizatior
sponsoring the report that Kent desires to have local input
'into the report that Kent desires to have local input into
the report before adoption, Martell seconded, motion carried.
COMPREHENSIVE East Hill Study. It was noted that the Planning Commission
PLAN has completed their hearing on the proposed amendment of the
Comprehensive Plan. It was suggested that a work session on
this plan be held May 24th. LEE MOVED for a public hearing to
be held June 7th on the proposed amendment to the ComprehensivE
Plan concerning East Hill , Masters seconded, motion carried.
PLANNING Mayor ,Hogan noted that Byron Dehnert and Mrs. Cory Olson
COMMISSION have been appointed as members to the Planning Commission.
PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of May 3 to May 10 as
"Head Start Week" .
The week of May 9 through May 15th was proclaimed as "Hospital
Week" by Mayor Hogan.
FINANCE MARTELL MOVED that the bills received until May 6th and
approved by the Finance Committee be paid, Lee seconded,
motion carried .
/ Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jer�sen
Mayor City Clerk cJTY r «�