HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/15/1971 Kent, Washington
March , 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements,
Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City
Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the meetings of March 1 and March 8 were approved as printed
and accepted by motion.
STREETS Traffic Control . The City Engineer reviewed the request
of Mr. Urquhart that a walking surface be provided along
Summit Avenue south of James Street for school children,
so that the school bus would not have to go along Summit.
He reported that to install gravel surface and place some
storm drainage pipe so the ditch could be filled to pro-
vide a base for the walk would cost at least $1600, plus
between $800 and $1000 for asphalt. Mr. Street stated
that some of the property owners do not want the bus ser-
vice discontinued, and recommended that a meeting be held
with them. CLEMENTS MOVED that a meeting be held with the
adjacent property owners, together with a representative of
the school district to discuss the removal of the bus
service and the method of financing the proposed walkway,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
LID 261, S. 212th, Phase III . MASTERS MOVED to authorize
the City Attorney to hire an M.A.I. appraiser and a negotia-
tor to acquire the necessary rights-of-way for the extension
of S . 212th, Phase III , Martell seconded, nDtion carried.
LID 260 , Off Street Parking. The City Attorney introduced
Ordinance 1713, providing for a reduction in the interest
rate from 8/ to 71-4/ for the assessment roll for LID 260
( amends Ordinance 1663 ) . The City Attorney also introduced
Ordinance 1712 , providing for a reduction in the interest
rate from 8/ to 71-4/ for the supplementary assessment roll
for LID 260 (amends Ordinance 1701 ) . LEE MOVED for passage
of both the above ordinances, Martell seconded, motion
Traffic Control. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1711 , increasing the speed limit tQ 45 MPH on S . 212th and
on S . 228th. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
CITY HALL Landscaping Bids. It was noted that the landscaping bids
for . the new City Hall have been opened. Mr. Street recom-
mended that no acceptance be made until other City Hall
items have been decided upon. Mr. Haag, consulting land-
scape architect, will review the bids and made a recommenda-
tion to the Council. Upon Elliott 's query, Street explained
that the alternate concerns the plumbing and landscaping in
the area which is now blacktopped. Masters asked why the
plan shows no plants which will bloom in the summer. Mr.
street stated that he will ask Haag.
Paving. It was noted that the contractor, architect and
sub-contractor met today and determined that the paved
area shown on diagram #4, AlA, dated May 25 , 1970 is the
area that is included in this contract and is the responsi-
bility of the contractor. Martell stated he understood
that the contractor had written that he was not responsible
for this part of the project, but that he would put in either
versatile or paving brick. When asked what credit would be
given if this part of the project was not done, Street re-
ported it would be $2 .00 per sq. ft. to put it in or to take
it out. He noted that the contractor had formerly stated that the
exposed aggregate concrete would be 85,,4 per sq. ft. , but now
says that it would be approximately the same price as the
paving brick. The architect has stated that he would prefer
to see the brick used adjacent to the building as in the drawing
with the concrete used in other areas if desirable. Street
referred to the contractor' s letter to Bassetti dated March
4th, stating that they would utilize either 2-1/4" 4" X 8"
CITY HALL pavers or 7-1/2" X 7-1/2" versatile and they have
now acknowledged that this is part of the contract.
Mayor Hogan stated that the brick contractor said
that the prices would be interchangable . Lee noted
that the Council had agreed to have the paving brick
if Bassetti had recommended against the aggregate
concrete. Martell spoke in favor of the paving
brick, as he did not think the versatile was suitable.
Barnier expressed his ire at the contractor ' s increase
in the price of the . aggregate concrete and spoke in
favor of the bricks. BAFFARO MOVED to proceed with
the specified paver brick as shown in the light blue
on the sketch, which he is responsible for and for it
to be at the contracted price, Barnier seconded, motion
HEALTH & LID 263 S 228th Water and Sewer Improvements. The
SANITATION City Engineer explained that the LID is divided into
two parts, one for sanitary sewers and one for water
mains, in the vicinity of S. 228th, east of the Freeway.
The .estimated cost of the sewer portion is $127 ,800 ,
based on 6.6rl per sq. ft. This proposal consists of a
15" line to the frontage road, a 12" line up the hill
and 8" stubs to provide service to abutting properties.
The City Engineer explained that the boundaries of the
water main portion differ from the sewer portion, and
are assessed accordingly. The distance from S. 228th
to the properties being assessed is 165 ' which is the
distance that is called out in the Fire Protection ordi-
nance as the distance within which a hydrant must be
located. The proposed 8" main could be increased to a 10"
main, depending on the amounts of the bids. The 10" line
would conform to the Comprehensive Plan for water lines.
The total cost of the water portion is estimated to be
$25 , 700 , based on 3 .4(,' per sq. ft. Mr. Street explained
the method of financing. The public heainng was opened .
Letters of protest were read from Mr. Carpinito, Mr. Logg,
Mr. Neumeier, Mr. Waller, Auto ChlorSystem & Bar Boy,
J. A. Thomson, ABC Pacific Corp. and Kent Development Co.
A letter was read from the Tool Crib Co. supporting the
project. Mr. Russell Welker, representing the South King
County Activity Center, spoke in favor of the project.
Mr. McHugh favored the project and noted he had two parcels
on a cul-de-sac and asked how this was measured. The City
Engineer explained it is measured on a square footage basis.
Mr. McHugh noted that one of the side sewer fees could be
deleted, as only one run would be requird into the property.
Richard Tonelli, representing his parents, asked what pro-
visions were made for the 25 acres immediately north of
this proposed LID. The City Engineer stated that the system
that is presently being proposed could accommodate that prop-
erty, but at the present time the City does not feel that it
is the proper way to handle the sewage. He stated that the
only adequate way would be through a pump station. Mayor
Hogan asked if there was any alternate system. The City
Engineer stated that a gravity service would be available by
extending along 722nd under the freeway, but has made no esti-
mate of the cost of going under the freeway. In answer to
Mayor Hogan 's question, Tonelli stated they were not asked to
be included several years ago when the line was put in on
Central . Mr. Jerry Ivy asked if it were possible to aslsess
others when they are developed . The City Engineer noted that
it would not be feasible . Mr. Neumeier asked if his property
could be excluded. The City Engineer replied that it could
be, however the utilities committee will have to consider
this when they reviewed the protests. Upon Mr. McHugh 's
query, the City Engineer explained that there is an $85 .00
sewer permit and connection charge in addition to the $200
side sewer charge. Mr. Ivy asked if this were delayed perhaps
5 years , what the difference in cost would be . The City
Engineer estimated that building costs had escalated approxi-
mately 5/ per year. Mr. Waller asked why the amount of foot-
age would differ between the water assessment and the sewer
assessment on his property. The City Engineer explained
that the ordinance regarding water mains stipulates that some
portion of a proposed building must be within 165 ' of a hydrant
in order to get a building permit. Mr. Pawling asked if this
HEALTH & facility would serve 5000 people. The City Engineer
SANITATION explained that the system has been designed for an average
industrial development. Mr. Street explained that no pay-
ment is due until the completion of the project. There
were no further comments from the audience, and LEE MOVED
to close the hearing, Elliott seconded. Under discussion,
Mr. Waller asked if there is any access to the extension of
Jason Street. The City Engineer replied that it could be
discussed at the utilities committee meeting. Motion
carried. BARNIER MOVED to refer the protests to the
Utilities Committee and for the committee to meet with the
protesters at 7 : 30 p.m. , March 24, 1971, and to report their
recommendations at next council meeting, Lee seconded,
motion carried.
Des Moines Sewer District. The City Engineer recommended
approval of Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1971-5 ,
covering an extension of a sanitary sewer along S. 240th
between 28th and 31st Ave. S. MARTELL MOVED to approve
the resolution and to so notify the district, Lee seconded,
motion carried .
Des Moines Sewer District. It was noted that the Des Moines
Sewer District proposes to annex from S. 232nd P1 . to S. 252nd
west of the freeway. The City Engineer recommended that the
portion of this area which is inside the City of Kent should
be served by the sewer district. MARTELL MOVED to authorize
the Mayor to sign a petition for annexation to the Des Moines
Sewer District for that property owned by the City of Kent,
Lee seconded, motion carried .
Sewer Extension - Kent Highlands Shopping Center. It was
noted that the City Engineer had reviewed the problems of
assigning unit cost to those properties connecting to the
Aero Kent system, which pumps into the Mill Creek extension.
For residential property, each living unit is one unit. In
R-1, this will be 4 to 6 units; R-2, 8 to 10 units; R-3, 14
--�-�--- Ccc to 18 units; R-4, 28 to 32 units. For commercial property
CORRECTED •REiER !0 the Engineer recommends 6.5 units per acre. MASTERS MOVED
MINUTES OF to adopt the Engineer ' s recommendation of 6.5 units per
O'7� acre for commercial development, Baffaro seconded. Under
discussion, the City Engineer noted that the property owners
did not favor this and had suggested that the factor of 15
units be used. He pointed out that 6.5 is the same density
as a single family would be, and on 7200 sq. ft. lots, this would
be 6 units. Motion carried .
EASEMENT ULID #1 - LID 252. A sewer easement from the Union Pacific
Railroad has been received in connection with ULID #1 and LID 252
MASTERS MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the easement and to
direct the City Attorney to record same, Martell seconded,
motion carried.
HEALTH & A letter was read from the Trinity Reformed Church requesting
SANITATION permission to utilize a temporary drain field as outlined in
their letter. It was noted that the Sewer Superintendent and
City Engineer recommend that placement of this temporary drain-
age field be allowed under the following conditions:
1 . A letter of intent to hook onto the sanitary
sewers as soon as it is installed in Randall Park #2
2. An easement from the owners of Randall Park #2 to
the Church for sewer purposes with a copy filed with
the City.
MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, Martell seconded,
motion carried. MARTELL MOVED that under the above conditions,
the Trinity Reformed Church be allowed to utilize a temporary
drain field as presented in their letter. Clements seconded.
Under discussion, Mr. Street ndced receipt of a letter from
Greenwood Savings and Loan Co. in which they agreed to allow
the church to connect to the sewer. He noted that the city
may have to accept a temporary easement. Motion carried.
HEALTH & Proposed LID. Barnier reported that a meeting will
SANITATION be held with north end property owners on Wednesday,
March 17 at 7: 30 p.m. to discuss the formation of
a proposed sewer LID for the area. It was noted that
a county health department representative will be in
attendance .
FINANCE A letter from the City Treasurer was read, requesting
authorization to borrow $652.14 from the Local Improve-
ment Guaranty Fund, which will be repaid from LID 256
funds. It was explained that one assessment had been
paid twice, and a refund was necessary after the coupons
and bonds had been called for payment. LEE MOVED for
approval of the request, Masters seconded , motion carried.
LID ULID #1 Segregation. A request has been received from
SEGREGA- the Equitable Realty Corporation for segregation of
TION Item #296 in ULID #1 . MASTERS MOVED that upon receipt of
proper application from Equitable Realty Corporation, for
the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segregate the
assessments after receipt of the necessary fees as deter-
mined by law, together with a signed statement from the
applicants agreeing to pay for the engineering time involved
in making such segregation, Martell seconded, motion carried.
LID 256 & ULID #1 Segregation. A request has been received
from James Curran for segregation of assessments in LID 256
and in ULID #1 in connection with the Menge estate. MARTELL
MOVED that upon receipt of proper application from Mr.
Curran, for the City Treasurer and City Engineer to segre-
gate the assessments after receipt of the necessary fees as
determined by law, together with a signed statement from
the applicants agreeing to pay for the engineering time in-
volved in making such segregation, Elliott seconded, motion
BIDS Sewer De artment - Respirator Air Compressor and Purification
System. The following bids were received: ,
Amount Alternate
Fire Control N.W. $3 , 286.00 $735.00
L. N. Curtis 6, 505 .60 600.00
Safety and Supply 7, 668. 30 791. 20
or 8, 433 . 30 791 . 20
(All amounts plus tax)
CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the low bid of Fire Control N.W. ,
including the alternate, and that upon receipt of the com-
pressor a sample of the air will be checked by the University
of Washington to verify that the purity meets the standards
as designated in Part III, Paragraph 2 of the specifications,
Masters seconded, motion carried .
Eductor. The following bid was received for an Eductor
for the Sewer Department:
Caldwell Machinery FOB Kent $11 , 516 + tax
FOB Elgin, Ill. 10 ,816 + tax
It was recommended that the delivery point be Elgin, Ill .
Street noted that a city employee would take delivery in
Elgin and would receive instruction there on the use of the
equipment. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the bid of Caldwell
Machinery, FOB Elgin, Ill , Masters seconded, motion carried.
Cab and Chassis. The following bids were received for a
cab and chassis for the Sewer Department for use with
the eductor:
Mattson ' s Valley Motors $6, 605 . 30, inc. tax
Valley Garage 7 , 239 .84, inc. tax
Bowen Scarff 6,993 .00 , inc. tax
MASTERS MOVED to accept the low bid of Mattson's Valley
Motors , including the auxiliary rear springs at $36. 73
additional, Clements seconded, motion carried .
BIDS Police Cars. The following bids were received to furnish
two police cars:
Strain 's Auto $5 , 162.42
Bowen Scarff 5 ,557 .40
Hazelett Chevrolet 5 , 383 .12 ( Including Tax & Trade)
MASTERS MOVED to accept the low bid of Strain ' s Auto in the
amount of $5 , 162 .42, Lee seconded, motion carried.
Tucks - Equipment Rental . The following bids were read
to furnish trucks for equipment rental:
4 Yd. Dump 1 Ton 1-1/2 Yd. Dump
Chassis only
Valley Motors $7, 157.08 $3 , 227 .00 $4, 210 .58
Brewer Motors 7,447 .93 3 , 155 .51 4,961 .48
Bowen Scarff 7 ,558.46 3 ,051.31 4, 305 .04
( Including tax & trade)
MASTERS MOVED to accept the best bid of Valley Motors to
furnish a 4 yd. dump truck at $7, 157.08, and a 1-1/2 yd .
dump truck at $, 210 .58, and the best bid of Bowen Scarff
to furnish a 1 ton chassis at $3 ,051 . 31 . Elliott seconded .
Upon Martell 's query, Gib Kendall noted that the 4 yard
dump truck could haul 5 or 6 yard loads, with 12" side boards.
Motion carried.
RAILROAD It was noted that the Planning Commission Railcrossing study
CROSSINGS was discussed at the last work session and the Engineer 's re-
port has been received . Mr. Street reviewed the state law
which requires that any proposed changes in warning signals,
grade separations, or crossing closures must be applied for
through the Public Utilities Commission. The commission then
makes a determination on each individual project. MASTERS
MOVED to adopt the Planning Commission Railcrossing study
and for further refinement of priorities to be presented by
the City Administrator by June 15th, Lee seconded, motion
HOUSING It was noted that the City has asked for and received three
CODE bids to demolish and/or clean up three houses or lots under
the Housing Code, after months of effort to get the property
owners to do this work. A bill for the cost will be sent
each property owner when the work is completed which, if paid
within 30 days will carry no interest charge, however, if no
payment is received, 1/ per month will be charged and the City
Attorney will enter a labor lien which will remain as a legal
claim against the property until paid.
PLUMBING It was noted that the ordinance adopting the 1970 Plumbing
CODE Code will be presented at the next Council meeting.
ANNEXATIONS A letter from the Highline Community College was read stating
the position of the Board of Trustees on annexations, in connection
with the proposed annexation of the college to the City of Des
Moines. MARTELL MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters
seconded, motion carried.
Elliott reported that annexation committee meetings will be
held at 2 : 30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 16 and on Wednesday,
March 17 at 11 :00 a.m.
PLANNING It was noted that Mr. Fred Frazier was unable to attend the
COMMISSION council meeting to receive presentations from the city employees,
the community and the Planning Commission. Mayor Hogan commended
Mr. Frazier for his many years of service to the community and
noted that the award will be presented to him tomorrow.
LIBRARY It was noted that Dr. Drangsholt of the Kent Library Board,
the King County Librarian and his assistant presented a cost
breakdown of the Kent Library. They reported that the King
County Library System was willing to enter into a mutual con-
tract for construction to enlarge the present building to 15 ,000
sq. ft. The Library Board anticipates asking that an excess levy
bond issue to cover Kent ' s cost be placed on the ballot this fall .
LEGISLATURE A letter from Governor Evans was read, urging
local officials to support a plan to share federal
revenues . ELLIOTT MOVED to place the letter on
file, Masters seconded, motion carried. _ CLEMENTS
MOVED to authorize Mayor Hogan to send letters to
the senators and congressmen expressing Kent ' s
support of the revenue sharing plan. Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
CIVIC It was noted that Harry Williams had presented a
BETTERMENT Civic Betterment Committee report at the workshop
COMMITTEE session. LEE MOVED to adopt the Kent Civic Better-
ment Committee report of 1970 as a policy of this
Council , and to direct the City Administration to
implement the suggested goals and objectives ,
Elliott seconded. It was noted that Fred Waitman
of the Chamber of Commerce would be filing a re-
port also. Mayor Hogan suggested further discussion
at the workshop session on March 22nd . Motion
carried . ELLIOTT MOVED for a letter of appreciation
to be sent to this committee, Martell seconded,
motion carried.
PARKS & Lake Fenwick . MASTERS MOVED to authorize City
RECREATION Attorney Mirk to negotiate settlements for the
Lake Fenwick project, Barnier seconded, motion
carried .
HISTORIAN Mayor Hogan announced tnat tie City Historian has
requested pictures of the Councilmen.
FINANCE Claims received through March 5th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last
Current Expense 18,996.00
Park 5 , 286.07
Library 446.46
Street 8, 166.41
Arterial Street 17, 687.92
Park Forward Thrust 3, 674. 60
City Hall 105 , 180.67
Equipment Rental 11 , 709 . 27
Fire R/P 325 .85
LEFF Disability Leave 161.92
Sewer 36,898.05
Water 4, 206.57
Garbage 20 ,078.05
228th St. Constr. 17, 763 .42
James St. Constr. 21, 189 .13
4tii Ave. N. Constr. 3 , 129 .21
Reith Road Phase I 3 ,199 .57
212th St. Phase I & II 88.18
Off Street Parking Constr. 14, 207. 22
Interest Bearing Warrants
North Kent Water
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1, 208. 38
KC Dept .of Public Works 14.00
Pittsburgh Testing Lab. 11. 25
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1, 489.83
Miles Sand. & Gravel 97. 39
Dunn Lumber 48.83
LID 265
Daily Journal of Commerce' 55 . 25
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen :
Mayor City Clerk "'n' rl r-