HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/01/1971 Kent, Washington
March 1, 1971
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier,
Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator
Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning
Director Harris
Elliott moved to approve minutes of the last meeting with the
following correction: On Page 3 , under Street Vacation, the
public hearing date should be April 5th rather than April 15th,
Martell seconded, motion carried .
CITY Lee reported that the entire Council met in
HALL work session on Saturday, February 27th with
Mr. Street and it was their unanimous decision
to complete the courtyard ( Item 1 ) under Revised
Plan A1B of Monroe Construction Co. dated January
21; 1971 . He noted that he, Clements and Street
met this morning with Bassetti, who will report
back after gathering the information requested
by the Council . Lee noted that at present, no
recommendation will be made on Item #2 (Kiosks )
or Item #5 (Underground Trash Cans) , however, it
was their decision to proceed with the 11 benches
in order to get the bases in when the courtyard
paving is done.
A letter was received from the O'Brien Garden
Club, including a $50.00 check donated for land-
scaping purposes for the new City Hall . Mayor
Hogan noted that this check will be deposited in
the Civic Improvement Fund to be used for this
STREETS LID 257 , James St. , Contract B Butler Bros
The City Engineer reported receipt of the final
estimate on this project, along with Change Order
#3 in the amount of $1164. 39 . MASTERS MOVED to
approve Change Order #3, Barnier seconded . Under
discussion, Martell questioned Item #3 in the
Change Order, regarding sales tax. Ramsey and Mirk
explained that the amount represented the 112%
increase effective April 1, 1970 , and was for
materials purchased within the city. Motion
carried. MASTERS MOVED to accept the contract
as complete, providing the contractor provides
the city with a release from any firm which has
filed a material man ' s claim against this project,
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
LID 257, James Street. Masters questioned Dennis
Scott, regarding the criteria of acceptance of
the project, with reference to the Clark Street
intersection. Scott explained that the contractor
tied to the existing concrete paving at the south-
east corner of Clark and James. Beyond this point,
the property owners are parking cars where the
grass is planted and the area has become saturated
with water. He noted that this area is outside
the limits of the project. Masters asked the City
Attorney if contractors assume liability for street
breakage while travelling city streets with their
equipment. The City Attorney replied that they
would be responsible for restoring the street only
if it was an unusual situation, such as overloading.
Traffic Control . A letter from John A. Urquhart
was read regarding a situation which concerns the
movement of school buses in and out of Summit Ave.
from James Street. MASTERS MOVED to place the
letter on file and to direct the Engineering Depart-
ment to report on the conditions of this area at
the next council meeting, Elliott seconded. Under
discussion, Baff aro and Barnier agreed that the
poor sight distance at this intersection is a hazard,
and that the area below Alvord was to have been
elevated, Motion carried.
STREETS Reith Road. Mr. Street noted that a contract with
Bay Construction has been prepared for acquisition
of right-of-way for the new Reith Road alignment.
MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the
contract, Barnier seconded . Under discussion,
Dennis Scott notedthat the bids could be let in
April with a hold period to enable Bay Construction
to remove the materials.
SR 167 & EVH Signalization & Ramp Widening (Butler
Bros. ) .• The City Engineer recommended that this
project be accepted as complete . ELLIOTT SO MOVED,
Masters seconded. It was noted that no liens have
have been -filed against this project. Motion carried.
James St Sewer Repair (LDL Land Development Co. ) .
The City Engineer noted that the final estimate has
been prepared on this project. He explained that
the scope of the project was increased in order to
accommodate a different location of the pipe,
creating more work for the contractor. - He explained
that the work was related on a per foot cost on the
Jump sum to provide for the additional footage. The
total additional negotiated amount is $1 , 986.50 ,
which is contained in Change Order #1, MASTERS MOVED to
approve Change Order #1 , Clements seconded,
motion carried . ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the project
as complete, Barnier seconded, motion carried .
HEALTH & L'ID 264 Benaroya Sewer. The City Engineer reported
SANITATION that a meeting was held with property owners involved
in this LID concerning the location of the sewer in
S. 208th. He noted that acquisition of rights-of-way
on the East Valley Highway and survey work is in pro-
gress. Mr. Street noted that all property owners were
contacted with the exception of Mr . Brewer, and they
are in favor of placing the sewer on the south side
of S. 20Bth.
Health Services. A letter was read from A. Wesley
Hodge, who represents the cities in the litigation
between the Suburban Mayors Association and the
King County Health Department, noting that the case
has been continued to June 1 , 1971 . MASTERS MOVED
to place the letter on file, Baffaro seconded, motion
Sewer Extension . Barnier reported on the meeting
with representatives of the Kent Highlands Shopping
Center concerning the extension of a sanitary sewer
from the Aero-Mechanics sewer. The City Engineer
noted that the City has requested that a 10" line
be installed instead of an 8" so other properties
could be served, and the property owners have asked
if the City would pay the difference in cost. It
was explained that the position of the City was that
they would not, because of past policies regarding
sewer extensions. Sherwood noted that an agreement
was reached whereby on 132nd Ave. , the owners could
use a 15 ' easement along their property or put the
sanitary sewer in the street right-of-way, depending
upon which would be more advantageous to the property
owner. The property owners also asked for relief
from the connection charges , which was not possible.
Sherwood pointed out that this sewer is an extension
of the Aero-Kent sanitary sewer system and pump sta-
tion system and the agreement or contract with Aero-
Kent requires certain payment based upon the resi-
dential units on the property to be connected. They
have suggested a unit number of 15 , which has been
taken under advisement by the Engineering Department.
It is proposed to review this proposed project at
the March 8th workshop.
HEALTH & Mr Breda, owner of property which is leased
SANITATION to the Double A Cafe, complained that the King
County Health Department closed down the restaurant
on Tuesday, without any prior notice of a violation,
other than a letter whcih was hand delivered the day
of the closure. Mayor Hogan noted that she had
received copies of correspondence from the Health
Department regarding the problem. Breda noted
that he is paying assessments on the area for sewers,
however the area will not be served by sewers for
another year. Mr. Street explained that an LID could
be formed . BARNIER MOVED for the Utilities Committee
to hold a meeting on March 17th at 7 : 30 p.m. and for
all property owners involved to be so notified, Masters
seconded . Under discussion, Barnier suggested that a
representative of the Health Department be invited
to attend this meeting. Motion carried.
THE CITY ATTORNEY reported that Willo Vista Trailer
Park is preparing to connect to the sanitary sewer.
THE CITY ATTORNEY reported that the Midway Shopping
Center has made application to the Des Moines Sewer
District and is to award a contract soon.
WATER LID 266, Lake Fenwick Water. Barnier reported that
on February 25th, the Utilities Committee met with
a majority of the property owners involved in the
proposed Lake Fenwick Water LID, which was favorably
received. It was explained that a late-comers
agreement could not be used . Sherwood noted that
the owners asked about the City paying for oversizing
the main to 1011 , at a cost of approximately $4000 . -
Street explained that at this time, the City was not
in a position to participate in the project. Upon
Street ' s recommendation, CLEMENTS MOVED to .inform
the property owners that the proposed project would
be paid for on a 100% LID basis, Barnier seconded.
Lee noted that a specific answer must be given to
participants. Barnier agreed and stated that he was
of the opinion that it was not the city's policy to
pay for oversizing. It was determined that such a
policy was not in writing, and adoption of a written
policy would be considered at a workshop session.
Motion carried.
FINANCE LID 260 Bonds . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
1707, providing for the sale of LID 260 bonds to McLean
& Co. , Ihc. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance ,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
LID Segregation. A request has been received from
the Sanwick Corporation for segregation of assessments
in ULID #1 , LID 252 and LID 258 . BARNIER MOVED that
upon receipt of proper application from the Sanwick
Corporation, for the City Treasurer and City Engineer
,to segregate the assessments after receipt of the
necessary fees as determined by law, together with a
signed statement from the applicants agreeing to pay
for the engineering time involved in making such segreg-
tions, Masters seconded, motion carried.
BIDS Communications System - New City Hall. Bids were
received for a Communications System for the new
City Hall . This matter was held over until the Police
Chief reviews the bids and makes a recommendation.
Street noted that because of the time element involved ,
a special meeting of the Council may be scheduled to
award the bid.
BIDS Car - Fire Dept. The following bids were received
for a car for the Fire Department:
Southgate Ford $2 , 999 .00 + tax
Strain ' s 3 ,019 .15 + tax
Tom Matson 3 , 027.50 + tax
Bowen Scarff Ford 3 ,089 .00 + tax
Street noted that the bid of Southgate Ford does
not meet specifications, and recommended that Strain 's
bid be accepted. LEE SO MOVED, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
Respirator Air Compressor & Purification System and
Catch Basin Cleaner (Eductor) . Bids were received
for the following items for the Sewer Department:
1 . Respirator Air Compressor & Purification System
2. Catch Basin Cleaner (Eductor)
It was noted that the Sewer Superintendent is
reviewing these bids and will report at the meeting
Of March 15 , 1971
LID 265 , Pacific Highway S . Street reported that
award of the bids received on February 26th for
LID 265 will be held until after the final hearing.
MARTELL MOVED for the final hearing on LID 265 ,
Improvement of Pacific Highway S . be held at 7:00 p.m. ,
April 5th, Elliott seconded, motion carried .
PARKS & The City Attorney introduced Resolution 690 , authorizing
RECREATION application for matching funds from the Interagency
Committee and Bureau of Outdoor Recreation for develop-
ment of the Glenn Nelson Park . LEE MOVED for adoption
of the resolution, Masters seconded. Under discussion,
Mr. Street noted that the City Treasurer verified that
there was $333, 873.59 of Forward Thrust funds on hand
which could be used for park development. Financing
for this project was described as:
City of Kent (Forward Thrust) $25 , 000
Interagency $25 ,000
Bureau of Outdoor Recreation $50,000
Martell requested that copies of the Park Board and
Library Board minutes be sent to the Councilmen.
Elliott requested that the Park Department Plan be
available for review at the next workshop session.
Motion carried..
PLANNING A letter from Fred Frazier was read, submitting his
COMMISSION resignation from the Planning Commission due to ill
health. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the letter, Masters
seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a token
of appreciation will be presented to Mr. Frazier at the
March 15th meeting.
A letter was read from Gordon Hall tendering his resigna-
tion from the Planning Commission. CLEMENTS MOVED to
accept the letter, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
VALLEY The City Attorney introduced Resolution 688, appointing
REGIONAL the City Treasurer as Trustee for the Valley Regional
PLANNING Planning Commission. LEE MOVED for adoption of the
COMMISSION resolution, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
FRANCHISE A letter from TelePrompter Corporation was read advising
that they have acquiared several subsidiaries of Reeves
Telecom Corporation, including Valley Cablevision, and
noting that there has been no transfer of franchise by
the City of Kent. MARTELL MOVED to refer the matter to
the City Attorney for determination regarding the
transfer of franchise, Barnier seconde�, motion carried .
BEAUTIFICATION The City Attorney introduced Resolution 689,
adopting the Official Tree Planting List for
the City. ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Masters seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1709,
PLUMBING CODES adopting the Uniform Building Code, Volumes
1, 2, 3 and 4. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of
the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion
carried. It was noted that action on adoption
of the Uniform Plumbin g Code would be delayed
until the next meeting.
HOUSING CODE It was noted that in order to implement the
Housing Code, it is necessary to .create a Housing
Abatement Revolving Fund . The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance 1710 , transferring $5 ,000
from Account #519-700 , Reimbursables to Housing
Abatement Revolving Fund. LEE MOVED for passage
of the ordinance, Elliott seconded. It was
further noted that this fund would be used to pay
for demolition or other similar activities which
would be repaid by the property owners . Motion
TOPICS The City Attorney introduced Resolution 691,
adopting the TOPICS report as a policy of the
City and directing the City Administrator to
implement this program within the present and
future city budgets, and to present a program
of priorities for adoption. MARTELL MOVED for
adoption of the resolution, Barnier seconded,
motion carried .
UNION LEE MOVED to authorize Mayor Hogan to sign the
contract with Teamster's Local #910 for 1971,
Barnier seconded, motion carried .
OPEN SPACE A letter from the Department of Revenue was read,
TAXATION ACT enclosing copies of the Open Space Taxation Agree-
ment forms. It was noted that applications for
Open Space Classifications would be processed by
the Planning Department. MARTELL MOVED to refer
the matter to the City Attorney to report back
regarding regulations to be adopted, Barnier
seconded, motion carried.
LEGISLATION A letter was read from Bill Reams of the King
County Council, calling attention to Senate Bill
No. 823 which would allow the City of Seattle to
operate buses 15 miles outside it ' s city limits.
Mayor Hogan noted that Metro is supporting legis-
lation in favor of county-wide transportation.
ANNEXATION Street reported that the Boundary Review Board
has set up a formal hearing on the Des Moines
Annexation for April 15th, and will report back.
CENSUS A letter was read from John R. Walker of the
State Population & Enrollment Division, certifying
Kent 's population as 17, 618 for use in the alloca-
tion of state monies to Kent during the calendar
year 1971 .
ZONING Bay Construction. The City Attorney introduced
Ordinance 1708, approving the Bay Construction
rezone from R-1 to R-3 . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage
of the ordinance, Masters seconded, moticn carried .
HISTORICAL A letter was read from the Washington State Parks
SOCIETY & Recreation Commission noting that the site of
the Carnation Milk Factory in Kent is being con-
sidered for placement on the National Register of
Historic Places .
INVITATION A letter was read from the Renton City Council,
inviting Kent officials to attend a presentation
on data processing on Wednesday, March 3 at 7:00
p.m. in the Renton City Chambers.
PROCLAMATION Sister City Program. Mayor Hogan proclaimed the
week of March 13 through March 20 as Kent-Kaibara
Affiliation Week.
FINANCE MARTELL MOVED that the bills received on or before
March 5 , and approved by the Finance Committee,
be paid , Lee seconded , motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jense
Mayor City Clerk CITY CLERK