HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/01/1971 Kent, Washington February 1 , 1971 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements , Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters , City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS Willis Street. The State Highway Department has advised the City that the specifications for the railroad signals at the Willis Street crossing will be those requested by the City. 4th Avenue. Mr. Street reported that the paving should be completed on Wednesday and the street should be opened on Friday, if weather permits. Reith Road. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Engineer to contract with Shannon and Wilson for soils investigation of Reith Road at an estimated cost of $1600 , in accordnace with their proposal . ' Masters seconded, motion carried. SR 516 and S.E. 256th. MASTERS MOVED to accept as complete the contract of Moss Construction for the improvement of SR 516 and S .E. 256th, Elliott seconded, motion carried . IT WAS NOTED that discussion was had at the last work session regarding painting of house numbers on the curb and street names and numbers on the curb at each intersection. CLEMENTS MOVED to approve such painting, if the citizens involved paid for said service, Barnier seconded, motion carried . HEALTH & Link - Sewer Connection. Upon the City Attorney ' s SANITATION recommendation, BARNIER MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to apply Link ' s cash bond of $300 on his bill for extension of a sewer line across the East Valley Highway, Lee seconded , motion cairied . Midway Shopping Sewer Connection. BARNIER MOVED to direct the Sewer Superintendent to write a notice to Jack Muscatel to connect his Midway Shopping Center to the Des Moines Sewer District lines within 20 days or the City will perform this work and charge the owner therefore, including any charges made by the Des Moines SewEr Distrct, Masters seconded, motion carried . IT WAS NOTED a discussion was held at the last work session on the need for permits for the installation of storm drains in public rights-of-way. The City Attorney opined that the present sewer ordinance authorizes the requirements of such permits and for the Engineering Department to issue permits, with the inspection being done by the Sewer Department. This will avoid the installation of driveway culverts which are too small or at the wrong grade and eliminate the compounding of storm drainage problems. WATER Extension. MARTELL MOVED to approve the application of Gray Yost for water service on S.E. 270th, for as many as 3 water connections, providing the cost of a 6" main be paid at this time and that he pay for any temporary lines installed from the meters to his prop- erty, Lee seconded. It was pointed out that there was several problems in connection with this request: WATER 1 . The line that would be extended has low pressure, and to add more customers would increase the problem. 2. Within the City's plan for extension along S.E. 270th is an anticipated 12 inch main. 3 . Until the City is able to extend its main along 116th, the pressure problem will re- main. This extension is delayed for the present by the City ' s inability to acquire an easement. Motion carried. RAILROAD The Planning Director has presented a report CROSSINGS on railroad crossings. The Council and City Departments are requested to review the report and submit any suggestions at the next work session on February 8th, so a final report can be compiled and adopted as city policy. POLICE & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1705 , FIRE covering "Intoxication in a public place" . LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Russell Road Park. The documents for funds from RECREATION Interagency and HUD for the Russell Road Park have been prepared. The City ' s share of the cost will be from Forward Thrust Funds. LEE MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an application for develop- ment funds from Interagency and HUD for Russell Road Park and to accept a 6 year capital improvement pro- gram. Clements seconded, motion carried. BIDS Legal Publications. The bid of Valley Publishing Co. to print legal publications was received as follows : 6 Point Type 8 Point Type $2.62 $2.12 per column inch for first publication . 22 . 235 per line for first publication 2 . 36 1 .91 per column inch for additional publication . 20 .19 per line for additional publication LEE MOVED to accept the bid of Valley Publishing Co. to print the City legal advertising in 8 point type as per bid above, Martell seconded. Under discussion, the City Attorney pointed out that there is presently a bill in Legislature to publish ordinances by title and summary only, thus eliminating the publication of the complete ordinance, motion carried . .Blue Banner Roof. MARTELL MOVED to reject all bids for re-roofing the Blue Banner Building since the cost is in excess of that budgeted , Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a partial repair will be made. ZONING McDermott, M-1 to C3 . Mr. Harris pointed out that area on the map which is located in the 1500 block of S.Central Avenue, adjacent to the Plemmons Industrial Park, con- sisting of 1-1/8 acres, and noted that the Comprehensive Plan indicates Industrial Park use for this area. Mr. McDermott had indicated that he planned a tavern on the site, and Harris noted that if zoned C-3, any number of commercial uses aould be constructed. The Planning Commission recommended the rezone be granted for the south 139 ' only, subject to compliance with the 6 conditions prepared by the City Engineer as outlinedin the Planning Commission minutes. The public hearing was opened . ZONING Pete Curran spoke on behalf of the applicant, noting that a city ordinance had deleted C-3 as a conditional exception to a light manufacturing zone, which is not practical for this area. He noted that there are 6 or 10 tenants in the Plemmons Industrial Park which are inconsistent with the zoning code, and opined that a tavern should be allowed in any zone classification which allows a restaurant. There were no further comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . ELLIOTT MOVEDto deny the rezone, Martell seconded. Elliott stated that the education office and attorney ' s office in Plemmons Park could not be compared with a tavern. Baffaro asked if a variance could be made to put a tavern on this prope±y. Harris stated that a variance is considered in instances under which there is come pecularity of the property which would prevent its use as M-1, which is not the case in this instance. Motion carried , with Baffaro and Lee voting . nay. O'Connell Annexation. It was noted that the Boundary Review Board has elected to review the proposed O'Connell Annexation, including consideration of zoning to be pro- posed by the City for this property. If the Boundary Review Board approves the annexation, the City will hold a public hearing onthe zoning in conjunction with the hearing on the annexation. Bay Construction R-1 to R-3 . At the request of the City Council , a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission to consider this rezone on January 19, 1971 . The Planning Commission recommends that the rezone be granted. Mr. Harris described the area on the map, located at the west side of the Reith Road, just south of the intersection of Reith Road and the Kent Des Moines Road. The public hearing was opened . Since there were no comments from the floor and no corres- pondence relating to the measure, MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. ELLTOTT MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance approving the rezone from R-1 to R-3 in accord- ance with the Planning Commission ' s recommendation, Masters seconded. Barnier asked if the Planning Commission would approve R-3 for the Riefschnider property to the south if the owner requested it. Harris noted he had not studied this particular piece of property, but that there was considerable multiple housing in -he area. Mr. Street pointed out that there would be a very definite barrier of a 20 foot difference in elevation between the Riefschnider property and the Bay Con- struction property, with the proposed development of the Reith Road project. He pointed out that the City would have to acquire a portion of the Bay Construction property for the Reith Road project and the northwest protion remaining with Bay Construction would be R-3 . Discussion was had regarding the intersection at Military Road and Reith Road. Mr. Street stated that the County is planning construction on the intersection either late this year or early next year from Military Road west. Motion carried. LID 263 Water & Sewer Lines, S. 228th. BARNIER MOVED to direct the City Attorney to negotiate with Jim Gay or George Mack to prepare the Resolution of Intent to form LID 263 for sanitary sewers and water main extension along S. 228th, setting a public hearing for March 15 , 1971, Martell seconded, motion carried . LEASE Upon the City Attorney ' s recommendation, action was withheld regarding the proposed lease of a cash register for the City Treasurer. LIBRARY At the last council meeting, the City of Kent supported the position of the City of Auburn under which municipalities offer- ing library service equal or superior to the standards of the American Library Association should not be forced to join a regitional library system. Mrs. Shafer explained that the Education Committee of the State Legislature has asked the Washington State Library Association to propose a plan to improve the library situation in Washington, in time for the 1973 legislature. It was pointed out that a recent report reveals that Kent ' s library expenditure is less than Auburn ' s. STATEWIDE It was noted that tt the conclusion of the public RETIREMENT hearing of the Statewide Employees Retirement System SYSTEM held January 22 , the board voted to approve consolida- tion with PERS. It was reported that a similar hear- ing was held by the Public Pension Commission in Olympia on January 29th and the consideration of consolidation is now before the legislature . CENSUS It was noted that no information has been received at this date concerning the reported census figure of 21 , 510 as compared with the prior report of 15 ,901 . A report will be made when information is received from the Depart- ment of Commerce and Urban Development. UNION MARTELL MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement between the City of Kent and Firefighters Local No. 1747, effective January 16 , 1971 until December 31 , 1971 , Masters seconded , motion carried. SCHOOL A letter was read from the Student Body Association of ELECTION the Kentridge Senior High School supporting the special levy election to be held February 9th. ELLIOTT MOVED to place the letter on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan urged all to vote on February 9th. INITIATIVE LEE MOVED for the City of Kent to endorse the action of the #43 Association of Washington Cities which opposes Initiative #43 , concerning the development of a policy relating to the proposed Shorelines Protection Act, Martell seconded , motion carried . ANTI--TRUST Anti-Trust Action vs Ford, Chevrolet and Chyrsler. A ACTION letter from the Association of Washington Cities was re- ceived noting that the State of Washington intends to file suit against the above companies charging conspiracy among the manufacturers and their dealers to eliminate fleet discounts on purchases of automobiles and pickup trucks by public agencies throughout the country. It was noted that the City of Kent will notify Attorney General Nicholas O'Connell how many vehicles the City bought in 1970 and unit price paid for them. The City Attorney noted that Mr. O'Connell indicated there was nothing that needed to be done immediately from the standpoint of the City Council authorizing us to intervene in the action, and so recommended. ELLIOTT MOVED to accept the recommendation of the City Attorney, Barnier seconded, motion carried. CIVIC Mr. Harry Williams presented a final report from the Mayor ' s BETTERMENT Civic Betterment Committee. BARNIER MOVED to accept the COMMITTEE report, for it to be discussed at the February 22nd workshop meeting and to commend the members for their work, Martell seconded, motion carried . CITY A letter was read from Thomas O'Connell, Postmaster, HALL offering to donate the large rhododendron bushes presently ' in ' front of the post office for use on the grounds of the new City Hall. MARTELL MOVED to place the letter on file, Elliott seconded, motion carried. IT WAS NOTED that at the last work session, the architects presented and described additional work that they recommend be completed with the new City Hall , as follows: 1. Replacement of existing sidewalks and drive-in section along 4th Avenue. The cost - $7, 192 .00. 2 . Completion of the brick paving, installationofa reflective pool and yard lighting. Cost - $34, 717 .00 CITY 3 . 11 benches and miscellaneous iron work HALL Cost - $2 , 662.00 4. 2 Kiosks - Cost $968 .00 5 . 10 underground trash cans - Cost $529 .00 Mr. Street noted that the original contract included practically every item listed here , but then some were deleted because of the expense, including all of the sidewalks . Mr. Briener pointed out the proposed improve- ments on a sketch of the City Hall site, the total cost of which is $46,068, and noted that alternates deleted from the contract were almost the same amount. ELLIOTT MOVED to extend the present contract to include Item #1 , Clements seconded. Briener explained that the drive-in section for the Treasurer ' s depository along Gowe Street was eliminated, since there would be parking along both sides of Gowe Street. Elliott and Barnier questioned the cost and practicality of the teakwood benches. Mrs . Shaffer expressed concern over no access to the library back door for semi-weekly book deliveries. Brenda Balsinger spoke from the floor, in favor of completing the work, since the money was available. Lee noted that sometime ago when the city transferred $80,000 for the completion of the project, the amount was $32, 693 for the brickwork, plaza and pool, which included the architects fees and that the amount is now $34, 747 . He also pointed out that the $32, 693 included some wooden benches, and that Item #3 covers 11 benches at a cost of $2, 662. Briener explained that the first figures were estimates and that Items #4 and #5 were new additions . He stated that the kiosks were planned as outside bulletin boards for public notices . Barnier and Lee objected to the kiosks. Elliott questioned the alternate bid for paving and the cost of lighting the plaza and pool . Jim Rayfuse spoke from the floor, in favor of completing the work as outlined . Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to extend the present contract to include Items #2, 43, #4, and #5 , Barnier seconded. Upon Martell 's question, it was pointed out that the brick paving was an alternate in the original bid as none was provided . Street noted that the brick is functional and is packed in sand. Lee suggested excluding Item #4 from the motion as he was not in favor of the kiosks . Clements asked for all four items to go back to a workshop session for further discussion. Mr. Street noted that the contractor would need three weeks additional time to complete this work and suggested decisions should be made as soon as possible on those items which re- quire any undergrounding, so as not to delay the paving. Elliott voiced his concern about the cost differential on the alternates, particularly on Item #2 . BAFFARO MOVED to amend the motion to delete Items #3 and #4. Mayor Hogan asked the Council to reconsider and to accept all of the items , noting that the inside of the building is functional and has dignity and it is important to finish the outside properly. She noted that professionals were hired, and their advice should be considered. Baffaro withdrew his motion to amend. Jim Curran and Harry Williams spoke from the audience concurr- ing with Mayor Hogan. Upon roll call vote, to extend the present contract to include Items #2, #3 and #4 and #5 , Baffaro and Masters voted aye. Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee and Martell voted nay. Motion failed . LEE MOVED to extend the present contract to include Items #2, Baffaro seconded . Upon roll call vote, Baffaro, Lee and Masters aye. Barnier, Clements, Elliott and Martell voted nay. Motion failed . LEE MOVED to extend the present contract to include Item #5 , Baffaro seconded . Upon roll call vote , Baffaro, Lee and Masters voted aye. Barnier, Clements, Elliott and Martell voted nay. Motion failed. It was noted that the matter will be further discussed at the next workshop meeting. CITY Change Order. Mr. Street read the details of Change HALL Order #9, totaling $1 , 677.99 . LEE MOVED to approve Change Order #9 for the City Hall , Masters seconded, motion carried. AUDIENCE MAYOR Hogan welcomed 6th grade Campfire Girls from the Scenic Hill School . PLANNING MAYOR Hogan announced that Fred Frazier of the Planning COMMISSION Commission is a patient in the Valley General Hospital . FINANCE 1970 Budget. Claims received through January 20th, for which authorization for payment was given at the January 4th meeting: Current Expense $27, 537.51 Park 8, 788.16 Library 755 . 20 Street 13 , 961 .43 Arterial Street 3 ,556.63 City Hall 104, 149. 29 Equipment Rental 6, 991 .04 Sewer 40 ,899 .64 Water 6, 411 .85 Sanitation 21 , 113 . 37 James St. Constr. 5 , 767. 60 288th St: Constr. 909.00 4th Ave . Constr 3 ,526.48 Reith Road 388.57 212th St. Ph. II 66.86 LID 261 169 .56 Interest Bearing Warrants . James Street Construction Seattle First Nat 'l Bank 828.57 Seattle First Nat ' l Bank 90 .89 North Kent Water Hill , Ingman & Chase 44. 34 Hill, Ingman & Chase 362. 28 Atlas Construction 36, 774.54 F. A. Breda 153.00 Pittsburgh Testing 71. 25 K.C. Dept. of PW 42.00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 4, 337.91 Off Street Parkin LDL Land Development Co. 7, 225 . 70 Pittsburgh Testing 128. 25 LID 259 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2,545 .85 1971 Budget. Claims received through January 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the January 4th meeting: Current Expense 756.60 Fire R/P 268.85 Park 11.60 Street 40 .55 Equipment Rental 3 . 20 Sewer- 31 ,844.55 Water 1, 646. 70 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :05 P.M. Res ectfu11 submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CLFR14 Mayor City Clerk