HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Regular Minutes - 12/07/1970 Kent, Washington December 7, 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7: 00 p.m. Present : Mayor Pro Tem Lee, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the meeting of November 16th were approved as printed and accepted by motion. Minutes of the December 1 public hearing on the 1971 budget were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS LID 260 - Off Street Parking. It was noted that a public hearing was scheduled and held November 2 on the supplemental roll for LID 260 . Failure to publish notice of that hearing resulted in re- scheduling this hearing for December 7 . All written protests received at the November 2nd hearing will be considered as received at this hearing. The public hearing on the supplementary assessment roll for LID 260 was opened. Written protests were read from: Lou Kheriaty and Elias Rottle Jr. A letter from A. S. Leeper was read reiterating his protests filed against the pre- liminary roll in November 1968 and against the final roll in May 1970. A letter from T. M. Strain of Purchaser ' s Inc. was read, noting no objection to the additional assessment due to the fact that it was generated by a court order, but objecting if relief is given to any of the other participants in the off-street parking LID. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letters and place them on file, Clements seconded, motion carried . There were no objections or comments from the audience. MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED for the street committee to review the protests and report at the next council meeting, Barnier seconded, Under discussion, the City Attorney opined that the letters read tonight were not legal protests, as reasons for the protests were not given. Street noted that the council had stated they would re- view all protests. Motion carried . The committee meeting was scheduled for December 14th at 7: 30 p.m. LID 260 - Off Street Parking. The City Engineer recommended approval of Change Order #2 for LDL Land Development Co. in the amount of $400 , to cover cost of installing steps in the northeast corner of the north parking lot. BARNIER MOVED to approve Change Order #2 , Elliott seconded , motion carried. �, Off Street Parking Fund. Upon the City Attorney' s . recommendation, MARTELL MOVED to deny the claim from Mr. George Dragness for refund of money paid into the off-street parking fund in lieu of providing the required parking spaces. Masters seconded, motion carried. •Improvement of Intersection of SR 516 and S.E. 256th. The City Engineer recommended that Change Order #1 for Moss Construction, in the amount of $1455 be approved. This change order consists of two (2) items: 1 . Installation of conduit for future signalization - $250.00 2. Extension of water main - $1250 It was noted that the water main will be paid for by the adjacent property owners and therefore this is an accounting procedure only. CLEMENTS MOVED to approve Change Order #1 for Moss Construction, Masters seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Sewer Connection - Kent Garden Apartments. SANITATION It was noted that the City Attorney has pre- pared a contract with Mr. Link for the late comers charges for the sewer line extended across the East Valley Highway. BARNIER MOVED TO authorize the Mayor to sign this contract upon receipt of the required ease- ment and payment of charges due to the City, Clements seconded, motion carried. Garrison Creek Sewer Extension. BARNIER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign an application being prepared by Hill, Ingman & Chase for Federal funds for the Garrison Creek sewer extension, Martell seconded, motion carried . Sewer Extension. BAFFARO MOVED to accept an easement from Mr. Jones and Mr. Hiscox of Willo Vista for that portion of the sewer which they will construct, extending from Mr. Link ' s sewer to the Willo Vista driveway, which will then be turned over to the City, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Des Moines Sewer District. It was noted that the Des Moines Sewer District proposes to annex an area south of the Valu Mart, on both sides of Highway 99 . BARNIER MOVED for the Mayor to notify the Boundary Review Board that the City believes the annexation to be logical, Martell seconded, motion carried. UNDERGROUND The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1695 , WIRING repealing the present underground wiring ordinance ORDINANCE (Ordinance 1525 , as amended by Ordinance 1610) . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion carried. FOOD STAMPS It was noted that the request that the City of Kent enter into a contract to sell food stamps was dis- cussed at the last work session MARTELL MOVED that because of the lack of space within the existing city hall, the city regretfully declines to enter into a contract to sell food stamps at this time, Clements seconded, motion carried . BUS It was noted that the new schedule for the Metropolitan SCHEDULE Bus Co. for service between Kent and Seattle was dis- cussed at the last work session Mr. Street noted that they are proposing 12 trips a day between Kent and Seattle on a speeded up schedule. He recommended that authorization be given to the Mayor to withdraw the objection the city filed when the bus company had announced plans to abandon the service, provided the Utilities and Transportation Commission approves the new schedule. CLEMENTS SO MOVED, , Martell seconded , motion carried . METRO MASTERS MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan 's appointment of ,Bob Kristofferson, with Don Wickstrom as alternate to the Advisory Committee of Metro, Barnier seconded, rmtion carried. BIDS Street Sweeping. The low bids received for street sweeping in 1971 were presented as follows: Nate Pennachi Core Area $5 ,040 Power Sweeper Service Residential 2, 640 Seattle Total Inc. Tax $7, 680 Extra Sweeping (per hr) $16.00 Sweeper Service, Inc. Core Area $5 , 544 Seattle Residential 2, 772 Total Inc. Tax $8, 316 Extra Sweeping (per hr) $15 . 75 BARNIER MOVED to accept the best bid of Nate Pennachi, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Street noted that the streets in the core area are swept three times a week and residential areas twice a week, on those streets with curbs and gutters only. Motion carried. BIDS Two Door Sedan. The following bids were received on a two door sedan for the Equipment Rental De- partment: Bill Hazelett $3 , 133.18, inc. tax Valley Garage 3 , 119.55 , inc. tax Matson ' s Valley Motors 2 ,868.62, inc. tax Strain ' s Auto 2 , 913 . 75 , inc. tax Bowen Scarff 2 , 923 .14, inc. tax MASTERS MOVED to accept the low bid of Matson 's Valley Motors, Elliott seconded . Martell noted that the state had received a bid of $2000 from Seattle Rambler and asked if the Citycould take advantage of this type of bid. Street noted that in the past it could not be done, but that he would look into the matter. Barnier questioned the need for this auto. Mr. Street explained the need for the car for administrative use, and upon the City Treasurer 's question, pointed out that Kent would receive the proportionate share of the sales tax even if the car was purchased from the Auburn firm. Motion carried, with Barnier voting nay. CITY HALL MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #6 for Monroe Construction in the amount of $974.00 , Martell seconded, motion carried. It was noted that this change order is for the installation of bituthane waterproof membrane on the fourth floor of the Police Wing to insure that no moisture from the mechanical equipment leaks down on lower floors. ZONING McCann Annexation Initial Zoning. Mr. Harris pointed out this recently annexed area on the map, as south of S. 212th and west of the Green River, consisting of 107 acres. He noted that the Planning Commission recommends R-2 initial zoning, in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing was opened . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. MASTERS MOVED to approve R-A zoning and to direct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance in accord- ance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission, Barnier seconded, motion carried . Portion of Kaltenbach Annexation. Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, located north of 212th and west of the Green River, including a portion adjacent to Russell Road across from the Green River, consist- ing of 67 acres. It was noted that this hearing is being held to zone a portion of the Kaltenbach Annexa- tion which was not zoned under Ordinance 1526, which covered the zoning of certain other portions of this annexation. The Planning Commission recommends R-A for the property west of the river and M-A for that portion lying east of the river. Mr. Harris noted 1 that a portion of the annexation was zoned R-3 contract zoning and a smaller portion was zoned R-A in 1968. There were no comments or objections from the floor !and the hearing was closed. by motion. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission and to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance zoning the area R-A and M-A. Masters seconded, motion carried. CALL FOR MASTERS MOVED for a call for bids to be issued for BIDS landscaping and for the necessary irrigation piping, CITY HALL as separate items for the new City Hall. Baffaro seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Street explained that the bids on the piping should not be delayed, as the contractor will start leveling the outside grounds soon. Barnier and Martell questioned the urgency of the landscaping bid, opining that the city might get better bids three months from now. Mr. Street explained that awarding the land- scaping bid could be delayed if desired. Motion carried . LICENSES Pawnbrokers. Mr. Street noted receipt of a copy of a Bill and Contract of Sale from Mr. Shoff dated January 21 , 1966, which Mr. Shoff received from Mr. Wray containing Wray 's statement that he would not apply for a pawn- broker ' s license within five (5 ) years from that date. Upon Master 's query, the City Adtorhey advised that this was a personal contract between Shoff and Wray and in no way affects the city. It . is the recommendation of the Administrator that the since both applicants meet the requirements of the ordinance; the applications be considered in order of filing, that only a temporary license be granted and if a new place of business has not been started within 90 days, that the temporary license be revoked and if the new business has been started within that period of time, a regular license be granted. MASTERS MOVED to grant Mr. Wray a temporary license under the above conditions. Mr. Shoff noted that Wray applied for the pawnbrokers license in July, , although the five years would not be up until January 17th, 1971 . He pointed out that he had paid Mr. Wray $1000 for the license, plus $200 for the fixtures and $781.50 for the merchandise. Masters withdrew her motion. BARNIER MOVED to table this matter to January 18th and refer it back to committee as a whole. Baffaro seconded. The City Attorney noted that Barnier should state his reason for tabling the matter. Barnier explained that he wished to review several items which were not dis- cussedat the workshop meeting. Barnier withdrew his motion, Baffaro withdrew his second. BARNIER MOVED that the granting of the second pawnbrokers license be referred back to the committee for further dis- cussion, Elliott seconded, motion carried. POLICE & The City Attorney read Ordinance 1693 , defining and FIRE regulating Merchant Patrol Firms and providing for licensing of same. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Baffaro seconded , motion carried. STREET TREE ELLIOTT MOVED to table the matter of the proposed ORDINANCE street tree ordinance until after the 1971 budget is adopted, Masters seconded, motion carried. APPEALS MASTERS MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan ' s appointments BOARD to the Appeals Board, in connection with Volume 3 of the Uniform Building Code as follows: Otis Putnam, Florence Goedecke, Barbara Pistoresi, Bruce Holmfeldt, and Lois Stewart. Barnier seconded, motion carried. EMPLOYEE Mr. Street noted that aprogram has been instigated to SECURITY assist individuals who have exhausted their unemployment PROGRAM compensation, and have no physical means of support. He noted that under the plan, the city could employ workers who would be paid directly from Olympia, and would have state industrial insurance coverage. Mr. Street read ', the proposed agreement and recommended that the City enter into this program. BARNIER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, Masters seconded, motion carried. CLAIM ELLIOTT MOVED to refer the claim, in the amount of $25 ,000 from Mr. William Wight, to the City Attorney for appro- priate action thereon, Masters seconded, motion carried. FINANCE The City Attorney read Ordinance 1694, creating a Library Cumulative Reserve Fund . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion carried. BUDGET A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read, stating that the Board of Directors has retracted the action autho- rized by the Chamber ' s Executive Committee in reference to the City of Kent Annual Budget. BARNIER MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. PUGET SOUND ' A letter was read from the Puget Sound Govern- GOVERNMENTAL mental Conference, noting that Kent 's 1971 share CONFERENCE of PSGC support is $1 , 272. BARNIER MOVED to place the letter .on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. HISTORIAN Mr. Shoff notedrthat Auburn has appointed a historian for the city . ' singe he has been working in the Historical Sa. ty a4number of years, he volunteered to serve in t+S capacity for Kent. FINkNCE MARTELL MOVED that the bills received by December 7th and approved by the Finance Committee, be paid. Clements seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:45 p.m. Respectfull submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CLERK Mayor City Clerk