HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/01/1970 Kent, Washington December 1, 1970 The hearing on the 1971 budget was opened by Mayor Hogan at 7 : 30 p.m. Present: Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Mr. Street noted that on Monday he had received a budget analysis report and recommendations for changes in the pro- posed 1971 budget from the Chamber of Commerce. Tom Bailey, representing the Chamber, stated the views of the executive board regarding the study, noting that these recommendations were a unanimous decision of the executive board . He pointed out that Mr. MacKenzie, who compiled the budget analysis and Mr. Kennelly were in attendance to answer any questions. Mr. Street read the letter, which stated that the Chamber recommends: (1) Elimination of the City Utilities Tax for 1971 , ( 2 ) Decrease in total budget expenditures by approximately $507 ,000, ( 3 ) Any surplus budget accruals be used for up-grading the Police Department to a more com- petitive position with neighboring communities. The letter stated further that the proposal encompassed a 30/ increase over the 1970 budget, and was signed by Mark McCorkle, Chairman of the City & County Governmental Affairs Committee. Mr. Street stated that this budget has been prepared in accordance with new state statutes, and included all requests made by the department heads. He noted that no overall wage raises were included other than step increases in accordance with the plan adopted by the city two years ago. He noted however, that it was not his recommendation that no other raises be given and pointed out that negotiations with the two unions have not as yet been completed. He explained that the new budgeting system will be advantageous in that all cities will now be using it and reports to the state will all be coded alike. Mr. MacKenzie notedthat in making the budget analysis, he considered each line item, and used the June and July expendi- ture figures. He pointed out that he did not have access to the planned expenditures for December. Mr. MacKenzie recom- mended the step program, but expressed concern over the police department salary level , which was below other cities used in the comparison. Mr. Street explained that under the new system, federal funds , LIDs, etc. , were no w included in the budget, and would therefore show figures as both revenue and expenditures, thus changing the total amounts. MacKenzie h�s made suggestions in areas which might be reduced. Mr. Street was asked to review these. It was suggested that $510 .00 be cut from the council budget, and Street explained the salaries and expenses were budgeted under Non-Departmental last year. MacKenzie has made suggestions in areas which might be reduced. Mr. Street was asked to review these. It was suggested that $510 .00 be cut from the council budget, and Street explained the salaries and expenses were budgeted under Non-Departmental last year. Mr. Street proposed to cut almost all of the furniture budgeted for the new building. He noted that MacKenzie suggested a cut of $90 ,000 in the Arterial Street Fund, and noted that the fund consists of seven specific projects, none of which is exactly $90 ,000 . He pointed out that those funds which belong to a utility, namely water, sewer or garbage are pledged for two purposes: (1) to operate the utility and, ( 2 ) that any funds left over must be reserved for redemption of revenue bonds un- til such time that the revenue bonds are paid off, stating further that garbage revenue is pledged for redemption of sewer bonds. MacKenzie suggested reduction of rates charged by the equipment rental fund . Street stated that this fund was started in the 1968 budget and that -he was checking on the feasibility of this and would make a report to the council. MacKenzie stated that the monies he identified in reduction, regarding arterial streets, water, garbage, etc. were not taken on specific line items, but from overrun from previous years. Mr. Street explained that carryovers must remain in their own department and any excess must be used for redemp- tion of revenue bonds. It was noted that the carryover in the arterial street fund is Forward Thrust money and is ear- marked for specific projects. Mr. Street explained the cuts proposed as : $60, 000 budgeted for garage space at the shops. From the Engineering Depart- ment: $30, 000 for an aerial survey, $4, 000 of the $5 , 000 requested for pre-expenditures on LIDs and elimination of the request for a clerk-receptionist and for an additional inspector. Street proposed reduction of $9000 in the Police Department and $8000 in the Fire Department, by granting only two men in each department, instead of the three asked for. From the City .Clerk ' s Department: $3,000 for new form of codifi- cation. MacKenzie suggested a $21, 000 reduction in the heatlh depart- ment, but Mr. Street noted by state law, the county commissioners can form a health district. The City was billed $90,000 and the Suburban Mayors Association went to court on the matter. The Mayors ' Committee recommends that' the City of Kent should have available $28,000 for next year. Street noted he increased the health department budget by $6000 . Parks Department - Street explained that an attempt will be made to have all maintenance of public works done by the . parks department, with other departments paying the parks department for this service. He noted that the Parks Depart- ment had contracted the beautification portion of the James and 4th Avenue projects and will be paid $26,500 of UAB and LID funds for this work. Mr. Street suggested eliminating two new laborers and for the money to be used_ for part time help, as needed, thus saving money, and eliminating the new secretary requested . He suggested that the softball lighting be eliminated. He noted that due to the extensive park pro- grams, the amount budgeted for office supplies would be increased. Street Department - Eliminate the storm drain project along Alvord Street. Street lighting be reduced from $50 , 000 to $25 ,000. Maintenance - $7000 reduction. Street painting - $6000 reduction. Overlay of 259th - $5000 reduction. Slurry sealing - $7000 reduction. Arterial Street Program - Gowe from State Street east to Titus and Titus northeast to Canyon Drive be eliminated. Mr. Street proposed to retain these projects in the arterial street improvement program: Improvement of Gowe west Of 4th Avenue and around to Meeker St. , which will be four laned with curb & gutters, Canyon Drive improvement to four lanes, Reith Road (first section) , S . 212th, Topics Program and signaliza- tion at the Benson & Kent-Kangley Road intersection. The following projects are anticipated to be in or under con- struction next year: Sanitary sewers and water along 228th Sanitary sewers along the East Valley Highway Horseshoe Acres sewer project Mr. Street noted that this work cannot be done next year if the utilities tax is eliminated, as the Chamber suggests. He opined that the City will have the advantage of the present form of the sales tax for only one more year , as the State needs the money. He. noted that he has allocated sales tax revenue to capital outlay items only instead of also including 4.1 maintenance and operation items. Upon 'Mr. Kennelly ' s query, Mr. Street noted he is recommending a reduction of approximately $380 , 000 . He stated that the budget is out of balance approximately $300 , 000 and proposed that the additional amount be unidentified to be used for salary increases. Mr. Cunningham expressed concern that with the addition of only two new policemen, the department would not be adequately staffed considering the large physical area to be covered . Mr. Cunningham asked if a pedestrian light would be installed at 4th and Willis and Mr. Street stated it was planned for one block east. Jim Curran asked Mr. Street if he recommended eliminating the utilities tax. Street stated he did not. Vic Levesque asked if the City had received complaints about the utilities tax since the city started receiving a share of the sales tax as well . Mr. Street stated he had only a few comments . Mr. McCorkle stated that his information from the county indic- ated that the city would receive more revenue that that which shows in the budget. Street explained that the city only re- ceives 20/ of the assessed value assigned to boats, and stated also that his figures were based on 95/ collection of taxes, not 100/. McCorkle noted that the sales tax is returning $47 , 000 per month to the city. Mr. James Curran stated that he was not in favor of removing the utilities tax, and as a member of McCorkle ' s committee, he heard no discussion of this recommendation. He stated that he doubted that this was the recommendation of the Chamber of Commerce or of the Board of Directors of the Chamber. He commended Mr. Street on the budget format and expressed regret that the Gowe Street extension was to be cut, noting that it had been delayed before . Lee noted that the Council should know exactly which items Mr. MacKenzie meant to cut from the budget before any action could be taken. Mr. Street clarified that MacKenzie did not cut by percentages or by line items. He suggested that a work session be held to explain to the council what the cuts would be. There were no further comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed . 1 BAFFARO MOVED to accept and file the report from the Chamber of Commerce, Lee seconded, motion carried. LEE MOVED for the record to show that the budget was presented in the amount of $10 , 308, 047 , Clements seconded, motion carried. LEE MOVED to set a public work ' session on the budget for December 9th at 7: 30 p.m. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 10 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen CITY CLERK City Clerk