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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/16/1970 Kent, Washington
November 16, 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 P.M.
Present: Mayor IIogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott,
Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City attorney Mirk,
City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Barris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion.
HEALTH & Sewer Connection - Kent Garden Apartments. Air.
SANITATION Steve Johnson, Attorney representing Mr. Link of
the Kent Garden Apartments, requested that the
city consider changing the late comers agreement
to provide for the contract to be effective for
15 years and to require owners to the North, in
tracts 5 , 6, and 7 to tap into this line, if they
desire to connect, since Mr. Link installed the
line at the city's insistence. Mr. Street noted
that the decision of the utilities committee
was to encourage the people to the north to
connect to this system, but that it would not
be mandatory. lie suggested that this be referred
to the utilities committee for reconsideration.
MASTERS SO MOVED, Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
It was noted that this matter would be discussed
at the work session of November 23rd.
Food Stamps. Mr. John !Mathewson of the Depart-
merit of Public Assistance requested that the city
consider selling food coupons at the City Hall.
I-ie noted that the only outlets in Kent are the
Welfare Office and the Bank of the West and that
the bank does not sell coupons on certain days of
the month. Copies of a proposed agreement were
distributed to the Council. It was noted that the
matter will be discussed at the work session.
STREETS LID 258 N. 4th Avenue. A letter was received
from LDL Land Development Co. requesting a
reduction in their retainage from 10o to 5/.
It was pointed out that since the project is now
95% complete, the request is valid . MlkRTELL MOVED
to grant the request, Clements seconded, motion
LID 260 - Off Street Parking. It was noted that
on Thursday, November 5th, six members of the
council and the Mayor met with those who had
submitted written protests to the Supplementary
Roll for LID 260. In addition to the original
protestors, Mr. Charles Eckland, Dr. Moschel and
Mr. Gwinn, either submitted written protests or
spoke in protest. A further problem has developed
in that the newspaper failed to print the notice
` of Bearing. The bond attorney has directed that
it is necessary to have such a printing, and to
re-notify each participant in the roll. This
will delay the date of adoption of the supplemental
roll ordinance, and the city will have to either
pick up the additional interest on the warrants or
refigure the roll. The following points are
1 . The parking lots are not only functional
but a definite asset to the entire community.
2. In the future it is conceivable that the
lots could produce revenue.
3 . The utilization of the property is better
as parking lots than the prior use.
4. The lots are a definite step necessary in
the development of any Central Business
District plan, and will allow the eventual
removal of parking from those streets where
it is necessary to move traffic. If this
one factor allowed the development of a
major street without purchase of additional
right-of-way, the cost of the supplemental
roll would be repaid by the City.
STREETS The options to the council were listed as
follows :
A. Direct the Engineer to prepare a new
roll including the additional interest
involved as a result of failure to
publish the original hearing.
B. Direct the Engineer to re-submit the
present roll with the city paying the
additional interest.
C. Direct the Engineer to prepare a new
roll wherein the city pays a portion
of the present roll and additional
D. The city to pay the supplemental roll.
MASTERS MOVED to direct the Engineer to re-submit
the present supplemental roll with the city paying
the additional interest, Elliott seconded. Mr.
Street noted that if there are no delays and the
hearing is held December 7th, the ordinance passed
on December 21st and there are no appeals, the
bonds could be sold about the middle of March.
Ile stated that the city would be paying $02.00
interest per day for 45 days. Baffaro favored
Option C, under which a new supplemental roll would
be prepared with the city to pay a portion of the
present roll and the additional interest. Lee
concurred with Baffaro, stating that the project
would benefit the entire community and will pay
dividends. Elliott noted that the city 's share
presently is $97,500 and Martell stated that the
city had paid the assessments for the residences
which were purchased for the off-street parking
project. Clements agreed with Martell . Martell
opined that the entire city would not benefit by
the LID, noting that residents of the east and
west hills would not consider they were benefited
as they shopped in these areas rather than in the
downtown area. Mrs. Frazier, a resident of the
west hill, concurred with Martell . Mr. & Mrs.
Eckland noted that they had objected to the LID
from the beginning, opining that it should have
covered from Smith to 'I.°�illis and from First to
Sixth, because that property increased in value
when it was rezoned. Mr. Eckland stated that
property on Titus was assessed between First and
Second Ave. but riot between Third and Fourth.
UPON ROLL CALL VOTE, Clements, Elliott, Martell and
Masters voted aye. Baffaro and Lee voted nay.
I-lotion carried. (Barnier was not present for this
action. ) ELLIOTT MOVED for a hearing on the
supplementary assessment roll for LID 260 to be
held December 7th, Martell seconded, motion carried.
Traffic Safety Report. Traffic Engineer Dave Hamlin
gave a safety report, a copy of which was placed on
file. The City Attorney read Resolution 683, support-
ing and endorsing the traffic safety and education
program recently initiated in this state and endorsed
by the Washington State Patrol , Washington State
Safety Comm. and Washington Newspaper Publishers
Association. MASTERS !MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried.
WATER S. 218th Reservoir. It was noted that the Engineer
has recommended that time extensions be granted
Atlas Consrruction Co. on their reservoir contract
as follows:
a. Extend the time from Nov. 20, 1970 to
Dec. 1, 1970, with engineering and
inspection fees to be paid by the City.
b. Extend the time from Dec. 1, 1970 to
Jan. 1, 1971, with engineering and
inspection fees to be paid by the contractor.
WATER The time extension to Dec. 1, 1970, is to
cover time lost due to inclement weather conditions
and additional work not anticipated at the time of
contract award .
The time extension from Dec. 1, 1970 to Jan. 1, .
1971 , is recommended to allow additional time to
complete the contract; however, since the con-
tractor failed to proceed at a rate to insure com-
pletion within the time provided to Dec. 1, engi-
neering and inspection costs will be assessed to the
contractor for the period after Dec. 1, 1970 .
PIASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order ;#4 covering
these two extensions, Clements seconded, motion
S. 212th Supply Main. The Engineer recommended
that a time extension be chanted Breda Construction
on the S. 212th Supply Main project from Oct. 17,
1970 to Nov. 20, 1970 , with the contractor paying
any engineering or inspection charges. The con-
tractor has completed the installation but could
not complete his testin% because of his decision,
as the subcontractor on the reservoir, to make one
test including that piping which he installed in the
reservoir as a sub-contractor. This was his decision,
for he could have arranged for a test of his contracted
portion alone, Since the city cannot use this line
until the reservoir is complete, we will not be penalizes]
by the granting of the extension. PUARTELL MOVED to
approve Change Order ;1�3 , granting a time extension from
Oct. 17, 1970 to Nov. 20 , 1970 , with the contractor
paying any engineering or inspection costs, Plasters
seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE ULID 41 Segregations. It was noted that .a request
has been received from Auto Chlor System and Bar-Bay
for a segregation of a North Sewer system LID assess-
ment. PIASTERS MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to
segregate the assessment after receipt of the necessary
fee as determined by law, together witti a signed state-
ment to pay for the engineering time involved in making
such segregation. Elliott seconded. Under discussion,
Mr. Street noted that the request requires clarification.
Motion carried. .
CITY HALL Mr. Street reported that the roof on two structures
are completed, the window frames are to be installed in
three days and the roof over the council-courtroom would
be in place in a few days.
BIDS Two Door Car. It was noted that Strain's low bid for the
two door car awarded at the last council meeting did not
meet the specifications. ELLIOTT MOVED to rescind the
action accepting the bid, Masters seconded , motion carried.
Two Police Cars. The following bids were received to
furnish two police cars:
Strain 's $5 ,406.32, inc. tax & trade-in
Bowen Scarff $5 , 665 .22, inc. tax & trade-in
BAFFARO MOVED to accept the low bid of Strain 's Auto,
Lee seconded, motion carried.
RANDALL A public hearing was scheduled for this meeting on
PARK #2 the plat of Randall Park Division 4k2. A letter was
read from Leonard Schroeter, Engineer, requesting that
this hearing be cancelled, with the understanding that
preliminary approval will be sought again, probably in
the spring of next year. MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letter and return the proposed plat to the developer
with the direction to resubmit as a new plat, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
RAILROAD The City Attorney read Resolution 682, accepting an
easement and bill of sale from the Chicano Milwaukee
Railroad for a pipeline and the right-of-way for the
pipeline at the automobile marshalling complex.
MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell
seconded, motion carried .
SEATTLE A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read
INTER- noting their intention of supporting Seattle
NATIONAL International Raceways (SIR) in their Dearing
RACEWAYS before the King County Director of Planning and
encouraging the City to lend its support at the
county hearing on December 3rd at 9 :30 a.m.
1Y,STERS I.IOVED to accept the letter and place it
on file, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Martell suggested that the City be represented at
the hearing. Grant McNiff of SIR, stated that 10
neighbors complained chiefly of noise and traffic
conditions after the night racing began. Ile
noted that when the original permit was granted
there were no homes in the immediate vicinity.
He then read a letter to Mr. Sand of the King
County Planning Department from the SIR. Masters
questioned that the City Council could take a posi-
tion on this matter as a body. Mr. Harris stated
that this is a land use problem and the city would
need all the facts in order to send a representative
to the hearing. Lee stated that the question is
whether a nuisance problem exists and suggested
that the Mayor be present at the hearing since
the operation, while not inside the city limits,
is within the immediate area. Mayor Hogan opined
that the raceways should adhere to the conditions of
their permit the same as any other business, and said
she would attend the hearing and so state if the
Council so desired. ELLIOTT MOVED to have the Mayor
represent the City at the hearing, Martell seconded,
motion carried, with Masters and Clements voting nay.
(Barnier was not present for this action) .
LICENSES Pawnbrokers. It was noted that action on Mr. Wray' s
application for a pawnbroker 's license has been de-
layed, in accordance with Ordinance 1235 until certi-
fication of the new federal census figure is received.
The new figure of 15 , 901 has not as yet been certified
but has been accepted by other elements of government.
The ordinance permits a second pawnbroker 's license
if the population exceeds 15 ,000. Mr. Clarence Shoff
stated that when Mr. Wray closed his business in Kent,
lie sold the items on hand and the license to Shoff for
$1, 000, although lie had only paid $12.00 for the license.
Shoff stated further that he no longer owned Shoff 's
sporting Goods and therefore wished to be also considered
as an applicant for the remaining pawnbroker 's license.
ELLIOTT MOVED to table tl.e matter and to refer it back
to the committee for consideration, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
LIBRARY Elliott noted that a recent newspaper article stated
that a cumulative reserve fund was to have been created
for the library. He asked that a report be submitted
from the Library Board to the Finance Committee or for
an administrative report to be given at the next work
l session.
MAYOR HOGAN read Resolution 684, recognizing the
!exemplary conduct and dedicated effort of the Kent
Meridian Royals, and extending congratulations as
winners of the North Puget Sound League to the squad,
coaching staff, cheer leaders, marching band and student
body. LEE MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters
seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE Claims received through November 5th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last meeting.
Current Expense 24, 624.06
Park. 3 , 133 .45
Library 182 .78
Street 10, 259 .76
Arterial Street 16, 070.23
City Hall 104, 709 .73
Park Forward Thrust 116.40
Equipment Rental 7, 704.07
Fire R/P 335 .10
Sewer 63, 708.21
Water 5 ,040.39
Sanitation 21, 429 .06
So. 228th St. Constr. 123 .01
James St. Constr. 76 , 790.09
4th Ave. Constr. 16, 756.47
212th St. Ph. III 494.15
Reith Rd. Ph. I 20979 .43
No. Lent Water 92 ,463 .29
Interest Dearing darrants
Off Street Parking
LDL Land Development Co. 34,004.27
Stoneway 2.36
M.J.R. �'7illiams 1.00
LID 259
Hill, Ingman & Chase 2 , 720.29
Hill , Ingman & Chase 7,569.61
Hill , Ingman & Chase 2 ,065 .31
LID 265
Ruskin Fisher & Assoc. 2 ,592.01
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jens
Mayor City Clerk C1TY CLER14