HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/02/1970 Kent, Washington
November 2 , 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott,
Lee, Martell, Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk,
City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director. Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction
on page 4: The Ordinance repealing hunting within the city limits should
be #1690.
STREETS LID 260 - (Off Street Parking) Supplementary Roll .
The public hearing was opened on the supplementary
assessment roll for the off-street parking project.
Stephen Johnson spoke briefly against the assessment
and filed written protest on behalf of his clients,
Lincoln First Federal Savings & Loan Association and
the Edline-Mahn Chapel. Protests were also filed
and read aloud from: J. A. Sundin, Don R. and Mar-
garet E. Walker, B. J. Petrovich, Titusville Lodge
#34 I,O.O.F. and Elmore C. Commett. MASTERS MOVED
to place the protests on file, Lee seconded, motion
. carried. Mr. Gil Martin of the Chamber of Commerce
stated that the Chamber continues to endorse the
off-street parking project and recommended 2 alter-
nates to the city: 1 ) that the city assess the
members of the LID for the entire supplementary
assessment, or 2 ) that the city pay half of the supple-
mentary assessments and assess the property owners for
-the other half. After all who wished to speak were
afforded the opportunity, MARTELL MOVED to close the
s hearing, Ellittt seconded, motion carried. ELLIOTT
MOVED for the Street Committee to meet with the pro-
testors on Thursday, November 5th at 7 : 30 p.m. ,
Masters seconded , motion carried.
LDL Time Extension. It was pointed out that the time
extension granted to LDL Company on the off-street
parking project had provided for the contractor to pay
for inspections & engineering during the time extension.
The City Engineer has now determined that the scope of
the project was increased by the addition of 2 parcels
and recommended that no charges be made for extra
engineering or inspections. MARTELL SO MOVED, Barnier
seconded, motion carried.
Off-Street Parking Fund. The City Engineer and City
Attorney have reviewed George Dragness ' claim for
refund of $1,800 .00 paid into the off-street parking
fund in lieu of providing the required parking spaces
and have determined that his claim that other property
owners were not required to do so is not valid. MASTERS
` MOVED to deny the claim and for the City Attorney to so
notify Mr. Dragness. Lee seconded , and upon Masters '
req u'e s t, Sherwood explained that the zoning ordinance
.provided for payments to be made into the off-street
parking fund for new businesses or for those which had
enlarged their facilities and did not provide ample
parking spaces . He noted that the owners of the Titus
Building and of the Hanson Apartments had not been
required to contribute to this fund through action of
the Board of Adjustment, but Dragness had not sought
the opinion of the Board. He stated that ordinance
provided that if 50/ or more of a given block already
has structures on it for which no provision has been
made for off-street parking, that the remaining property
owners in Dragness ' block had provided off-street park-
ing. Upon Barnier ' s question, he stated that the city
should receive payment to the off-street parking fund
from Dr. Martin Anderson, who did nt provide ample
parking for his dental clinic. Motion carried over
Barnier 's nay.
STREETS Topics Program. The completion of the Topics
program has been delayed since the James Street
project has made it necessary to revise the
the traffic volume figures for James Street, Canyon
Drive and Central . Traffic counts are now being
made by the city on these streets. LEE MOVED to
extend the contract with Munson, Nash & Futrell
for the Topics program to January 29th, 1971.
Masters seconded, motion carried .
James Street Overpass & Ramp. Two firms have
been contracted about erecting cages over the
ramps leading to the overpass on James Street
at the East Hill School . The City Engineer and
City Administrator have recommended that the
proposed structure be of the same design and
material used for the overpass section and that
the cages should be brought to the ground.
BAFFARO MOVED for the Engineer to call for bids
on the project and to report the costs involved
to the Council. Masters seconded, and it was
determined that the call for bids did not finan-
cially obligate the city. Upon Elliott ' s question,
the City Attorney was instructed to research the
situation of the property owner in the area who was
compensated in part, for obstruction of view.
Motion carried.
Reith Road. Mr. Street reported that Mr. Wasson
of Bay Construction Company had been unable to
attend the meeting to discuss acquisition of
right-of-way for the Reith Road project.
Pacific Highway Improvements (LID 265 ) . It was
noted that the Street Committee reviewed each pro-
test for the proposed improvements to Highway 99,
that none of the protestors attended the committee
meeting, and the committee recommends that the pro-
tests be denied. MARTELL SO MOVED, Barnier seconded,
motion carried. The City Attorney Mirk read Ordinance
1692 , creating LID 265 . MASTERS MOVED to adopt the
ordinance, Elliott seconded , motion carried.
BIDS Bids were received for a two door car as follows:
Valley Garage 1970 Mercury Montego $3 , 118.19 inc. tax
Bowen Scarff 1971 Ford Torino 2, 923.14, inc. tax
Strain 's Auto 1971 Plymouth 2, 722.69 inc. tax
Mr. Street noted that the Strain bid was for a particular
car, and recommended it be accepted without rejecting the
others in case this particular unit is no longer available.
BARNIER MOVED to award the bid to Strains and Clements
seconded. Barnier opined that considering the depreciation
factor, the 1971 Ford, at approximately $200 more was a
better buy.. Street explained that the 1970 Plymouth carried
' a 5 year or 50 ,000 mile warranty, but that the 71- models
did not, and that the city planned on keeping this car at
least five years. Barnier stated that he questioned the
merits of a 50 ,000 mile warranty. Motion carried .
BUDGET Notice was given that the hearing on the 1971 budget will
be held on Tuesday, December 1, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. in
accordance with State Law. The council will review the
proposed budget at a work session on November 9 at 7: 30 p.m.
Mayor Hogan noted that the public was invited to both
AWC The annual Legislative District meeting will be held at
DISTRICT the Sirloin Restaurant in Renton on Thursday, November
MEETING 19th at 7:00 p.m. Reservations will be made by the City
OPEN SPACE A letter was read from the King County Assessor' s
TAXATION office requesting information as to whether the
ACT city intends to charge an application fee for
requests for open space classification. Mr.
Street suggested that this fee be set at $50,
the same as the fee charged for rezone or Board
of Adjustment applications, which is intended
to cover the costs of advertising, etc. MARTELL
MOVED to set the fee at $50 , Clements seconded.
Motion carried. Clements suggested that the
local paper publicize the aspects of the Open
Space Tax Act.
PROPOSED It was noted that a letter had been received
LEGISLATION from the City of Aberdeen concerning proposed
initiative 43 , Shoreline Protection. It was
suggested that the initiative be studied by
the council members before any action is taken.
ANNEXATION Wrench. The initiating 10% annexation petition
for property contiguous to the city has been
received . ELLIOTT MOVED that receiptcf the 10/
petition is acknowledged , that a meeting has
been held with the petitioners, and that the
city will accept the proposed annexation pro-
vided that the 75/ petition provides for the
assumption by the petitioners of the pro-rated
share of the city' s existing bonded indebtedness.
Masters seconded, motion carried.
PARKS & A letter was read from Byron Haley, President of the
RECREATION Washington Recreation and Park Society expressing
appreciation for the outstanding job done by Mr.
Wilson in organizing the recent conference in
Pasco . BAFFARO MOVED to place the letter on file,
Masters seconded, motion carried .
ZONING Merchandise Mart Rezone. It was noted that the
rezone application scheduled for public hearing-
for this meeting had been withdrawn at the Plan-
ning Commission Level .
BEAUTIFICA- Masters reported that the street tree ordinance
TION was ready for council review. It was determined
that the matter would be delayed to November
23rd workshop meeting.
FINANCE Water Revenue Bonds. The City Attorney read
Ordinance 1691, providing for the issuance of
$1,000 ,000 "Water Revenue Bonds, 1970" and pro-
viding for sale of same to McLean & Co. ELLIOTT
MOVED for passage of the ordinance. Martell
seconded, motion carried.
A BOND WAS filed by Fredrickson & Watson to
guarantee removal of the temporary bridge used
' to haul dirt to the Kent Valley Industrial
Park. All of the requirements have been met.
MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to
refund the $2500 cash bond to Frederickson &
Watson. Masters seconded, motion carried.
MARTELL MOVED to pay bills received through
November 5th after approval of the Auditing
Committee. Lee seconded, motion carried.
AUDIENCE Mayor Hogan welcomed students from Mr. Heacox's
American Government class from Kent Meridian
High School.
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CLERK
Mayor City Clerk