HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/19/1970 Kent, Washington
October 19, 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier,
Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator
Street, City Attorney Mirk and City Engineer Sherwood
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted
by motion.
STREETS . _Pacific Highway - LID 265 . The City Engineer
defined the area of the proposed improvements
from the south end of 252nd to the north end
of the Kent Des Moines Road, along Highway 99 .
He noted that the improvements consist of a five
laning program, with storm drainage work and
overlaying the existing roadway and the fifth
lane with asphalt. He described the method of
assessment, noting that the total project cost
is estimated at $74,420. Mr. Street explained
the method of financing.
The public hearing was opened. Mr. John Snod-
grass asked if the right hand turn lane would
be omitted when the fifth lane was inserted at
the intersection of 240th. The City Engineer
determined it would remain the same. Letters
of protest were read from John C . and Maxine M.
Yocum, Stanley Majewski and Harold A. Kendall.
A letter was read from Kenneth Peth favoring
the proposed improvement. There were no further
comments and the hearing was closed by motion.
MASTERS MOVED to refer the matter to the Street
Committee and for the committee to meet with
the protestors to discuss each objection and
to report their recommendations to the Council
at the next meeting. Martell seconded, motion
carried . This meeting was then scheduled for
Monday, October 26th at 7 : 30 p.m.
James Street Overpass - East Hill Elementary
School . The City Engineer pointed out a view
of the ramp on the map, noting that the esti-
mated cost for enclosing the ramps would be
approximately $6,000 . To enclose the ramps
from the ground up to the overpass would cost
approximately $8500 . Mr. Street expressed
concern as to whether the hand rail could be
retained. Barnier asked about the City's
liability in this matter. The City Attorney
pointed out that the safety of students must
be given careful consideration. BARNIER MOVED
to table the matter for further study, Martell
seconded . Under discussion, Masters asked if
the school district might share in the expense.
Mayor Hogan noted that this should be scplored.
Motion carried .
HEALTH & Metro. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1688,
SANITATION.- declaring the City ' s intent to join Metro.
MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Barnier seconded. The public hearing was opened.
Letters favoring the proposal were read from
Reverend Gretz and the Chamber of Commerce. John
Fournier and Pete Cur-ran spoke in favor of the
proposed action. Mr. Henry Towne spoke agairs t
the proposal. After all who wished to speak were
afforded the opportunity, MARTELL MOVED to close
the hearing, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Clements asked if the City could withdraw from
Metro after joining. Ted Mallory, representative
of Metro, stated he knew of no such provision.
Upon Elliott 's query, Street stated that 66% of
-he gross revenue is now going to Metro. Upon roll call vote,
Martell and Masters, Barnier, Elliott and Lee voted aye.
Clements voted nay. (Baff aro was absent for this action) .
Motion carried.
HEALTH & LID 259, Horseshoe Acres Sewer. It was noted
SANITATION that the Utilities Committee met at 7 : 30 p.m. ,
Thursday, October 15th to consider all protests
submitted on the Horseshoe Acrews sewer project.
The committee recommended elimination of one
side sewer connection proposed to serve the Rose
McKinney Estate property, and that all other
assessments remain the same . BARNIER MOVED to
accept the recommendation of the Utilities
Committee, Clements seconded, motion carried.
The City Attorney read Ordinance 1689, creating
LID 259. BARNIER MOVED for passage of- the
ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried.
MARTELL MOVED to direct the HIC engineers to
proceed with final design and contract preparation,
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
IT WAS NOTED that the King County Health Department
proposes to establish a "Family Planning Service"
in Kent. BARNIER MOVED for the City of Kent to
encourage the King County Health Department to
establish this service, Martell seconded, motion
MAYOR HOGAN attended a meeting recently wherein
the Green .River Drainage Basin and its attendant
problems of polluted ground water and sanitary sewers
was discussed. It was reported that by either 1973
or 1974 it will be necessary to develop a comprehen-
sive plants overcome these problems or no further
federal grants from HUD will be allowed. Upon Mayor
Hogan 's recommendation, CLEMENTS MOVED that the City
Engineer or the Planner be designated as representative
from Kent, Masters seconded, motion carried .
FINANCE Water Revenue Bonds . Paul Flint of McLean and Co.
presented their proposal to purchase $1,000,000
water revenue bonds as follows:
Interest Rates: 7.625%
Discount: 2%
Effective Int. Rate: 7 .69%
The bonds are to be dated November 1 , with a call
date of December 1 . The Council recessed for 10
minutes to7review the proposal .
The meeting recovened, and Mr. Street recommended
acceptance of the McLean proposal . LEE SO MOVED,
Clements seconded, motion carried. Mr. Flint noted
that he would confer with James Gay regarding the
bond ordinance, would arrange for the printing of
the bonds, and would secure the parity certificate
from Hill , Ingman & Chase .
THE CITY ATTORNEY read Ordinance 1687, appropriating
and transferring funds from the Current Expense Fund
to other funds from the State sales tax received in
excess of that anticipated, in the following amounts:
$6000 for insurance and $60, 000 for the City Hall
Construction Fund, for completion of the project.
BAFFARO MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott
seconded. Upon Elliott 's question, Mr. Street stated
that the Council would be given the opportunity to
review the items as they come up, however he noted
the necessity of approving the flag poles and emer-
gency generator at this meeting. A letter from the
Chamber of Commerce was read in favor of the alter-
nates. Barnier stated that this was a reinstatement
of the alternates which are not really necessary, but
which would add to the esthetics of the project.
Motion carried, with Barnier voting nay.
SS&M It was noted that Miles Yanick, landscape architect
presented a plan for the development of the Sanwick
Corporation land east of the East Valley Highway.
The City Engineer pointed out that some changes should
be made in the area of the drainage ditch and at the
north end of the lower field where the grade is too
steep. MASTERS MOVED to accept the landscaping plan
provided the corrections are made and for Sanwick and
Yanick to be so notified, Elliott seconded, motion
LICENSES Hunting. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1690,
r p /^� repealing Section 2 of Ordinance 1006, which allows
coRREctEa • REFER TO game bird hunting within the city limits. ELLIOTT
MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded,
MINUTESOF .2.:..M motion carried. A letter from the Department of Game
was read noting that they do not plan any further
plants of game birds in the Kent Valley as it was
difficult to control the hunters in such a small
area. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and place
it on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
A REPORT from the City Attorney concerning the
unauthorized solicitations by bogus charity organiza-
tions was presented to the Council . The City Attorney
opined that the present solicitor ' s license law is
sufficient protection. CLEMENTS MOVED to send copies
of the ordinance to the VFR, American Legion and D.A.V.
etc. and recommended that these organizations notify
the city of any unauthorized soliciting, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
INVITATION It was noted that an invitation has been received from
Aukeen District Court to tour the new court building
in Auburn on October 30th from 2:00 p.m. to 5 :00 p.m.
AUDIENCE Mr. Henry Towne opined that the City has acquired a
reputation for harassing industries which might deter
other industries from Kent. He referred particularly
to Northwest Steel Rolling Mills. Mayor Hogan stated
that the City is interested in having new industries
in town, and that the Rolling Mills firm has not complied
with their original agreement with the City. Barnier
ANNEXATION Elliott announced that the annexation committee will
meet Friday, October 23rd at 11:00 a.m.
CONFERENCE The Mayor reported receiving a letter from John Spellman
extending an invitation to attend the Green River Valley
Conference at the Auburn School Administration office
on October 22nd . The conference is sponsored by the U. S.
Army Corp. of Engineers and the King County Department
of Planning.
Claims received through October 5th, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last
Current Expense 27, 780 .71
Park 6,819.15
Library 456 . 77
Street 6, 632 .08
Arterial Street 1,500 .00
New City Hall 93, 946.38
Park Forward Thrust 6,400.00
Reith Road Phase I 700 .63
Equipment Rental 4,464.96
Fire R/P 370.29
212th St. Phase I & II 141 .02
LID 261 434.54
1967 Sewer Constr. 100 .00
Sewer 1, 194.28 -
Water 6, 207.74
Sanitation 20,889 .99
Interest Bearing Warrants
4th Ave. Construction
L.D.L. Land Development Co. 30, 837.53
Hill , Ingman & Chase 423.93
Hill , Ingman & Chase 4,527 . 77
Interest Bearing Warrants
James Street Construction
Seattle First Nat 'l Bank 4, 648. 75
Red Samm Mining Co. 10 , 397.13 � ~
Butler Construction 88, 207.10
Hill , Ingman & Chase 39. 72
Hill , Ingman & Chase 119.16
Hill, Ingman & Chase 9 ,841 . 73
Russell D. Cornelius 196.85
B. Wilson - Paul Ginn 100.00
North Kent Water
Atlas Construction 47,474.54
Guaranty Nat 'l Bank 13 , 309.03
Hill, Ingman & Chase 118. 24
Dames & Moore 113 . 23
Pittsburgh Testing Lab 101. 25
Hill , Ingman & Chase 5 ,455 .91
Off Street Parking
L.D.L. Land Development Co. 18, 436. 30
M. J. R. Williams 67.04
228th St. Construction
Hill , Ingman & Chase 215 .44
Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan, Mayor Mie Jensen, &4XLG4rk