HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/05/1970 Kent, Washington October 5 , 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters , City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction on Page 1: Under Health & Sanitation, LID 264, Item #3 , should read: "The property . . . . can be served by sewers on the property to the northwest" . Mayor Hogan welcomed the American Government Class from the Kent Meridian High School. HEALTH & LID 259 Horseshoe Acres Sewer. Mr. Street SANITATION explained the method of financing. Walt Ramsey explained the method of assessment for the various zones for the proposed sewer improvement for the Horseshoe Acres area. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Silling asked about the method of assessment for his corner lot. Ramsey explained both the Zone 1 and the Zone 2 portions of this property. Frank Ives asked if the zones are calculated from the sewer mains back. Ramsey stated that they are, and each zone is 150 ' in depth. He noted that the mains will be on S . 258th east of Central, on S. 262nd, on S . 266th, on Cent- ral Avenue on both sides of the street, north of S. 266th to S . 258th, and also on 85th Ave. S. Upon Mr. Tucker's query, Ramsey explained that the sewage would be pumped into the sewer system on 3rd Ave. and then into the lines to the Metro plant in Renton. Ramsey stated that the side sewer permit fee is $85 .00 . Mr. Baden asked how big the line would be for in- put at the lift station. Ramsey explained that there would be a 10" line from the south and an 8" line from the north, with a pressure line from the north. He noted that the pro- posed project would provide complete service to the area and outlined the amounts involved as follows: $175 ,000 Grants 249 ,000 LID 47,000 City $471,0007 Total A letter was read from Stanley Bever favoring the proposed improvement. Letters of protest were read from Edward Schwarzenberger and Edna Bracklin Huddleston. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed by motion. BARNIER MOVED to refer the matter to the utilities committee and for the committee to met with the pro- testors to discuss each objection and to report their recommendations to the Council at the next meeting, Martell seconded, motion carried. The , meeting was then scheduled for Thursday, October 15th at 7: 30 p.m. LID 264, Proposed Sewer Improvement EVH & 208th. BARNIER MOVED for the proposed ordinance creat- ing LID 264 to be taken from the table, Clements seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1683, creating LID 264 was read by the City Attorney. BARNIER MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Clements seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Street explained that if the market changed, the ordi- nance could be amended at a later date to. pro- vide for a 20 year LID, as had been requested by some of the property owners. Mrs. Sainati noted receipt of a letter from Mr. Street and Councilman Barnier explaining the proposed sewer installation from her south property line to within 100 feet of her north property line, which is longer than originally anticipated. Upon Mrs. Sainati 's query, Mr. Street noted that the City is not anticipating any change in the assessment to her property. Motion carried . HEALTH & Kentridge Estates. It was noted that on Septem- SANITATION ber 2, 1969, approval was given to Mr. Guthrie ,for the installation of sewer and water lines into Kentridge Estates subdivision for a six month period . He was unable to continue work because of economic conditions and was given a six months extension of time, which expired in September 1970. The developer has asked for another six months extension, to March, 1971, which the engineering department recommends be granted. MARTELL MOVED to grant the time extension, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Metro. The City Attorney read an ordinance, under which the City proposes to join Metro by Council action. The reasons for this proposed action are as follows: 1. To remain as a contract participant the cost of Metro service in 1971 will increase approximately 38%. 2 . To be a member, the increase will be approximately 10%. 3 . The 38% figure amounts to approximately $100 , 000 per year; the 10% figure $27,000, per year. 4. If the city joins Metro, it will have a vote and membership on the Metro Council, and the community would have a vote on any proposed other activities. MARTELL MOVED that a public hearing be held October 19th at the regular council meeting, wherein the citizens may express their opinion about this proposed action, and for the City Clerk to advertise this hearing in the official newspaper of the city, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. STREETS Improvements._ It was noted that the City Engineer and Administrator met with Mr. Wes Bogart, Highway Department Engineer on September 29th to discuss the Kent-Kangley, Willis Street and S. 212th pro- jects. The State Highway Department proposes that Kent-Kangley be widened to four lanes with a left turn slot at 94th and the high school and a two way left turn from the school to Benson. The State would pay one half of the storm drainage. The ballast and asphalt on the fourth lane also. This is estimated to cost $242, 000 . The city would pay one half of the storm drainage, the fifth lane for turning, acquire the needed right-of-way near the intersection of Benson and Kent-Kangley, and street lighting. The estimated costs for the one half of the storm drain- age, and turning lanes is $133 ,000 . No estimate for right-of-way acquisition or street lighting has ;been made . The improvement of Willis will be done in the summer of 1971. There is no time schedule for acquisition of right-of-way, construction of the over-pass of the Burlington Railway and Central Avenue, or extension -up Scenic for the next six years. The consulting engineers had submitted three pro- posals for the overpass of the Valley Freeway on S. 212th. The Highway Department believes the first plan submitted should be utilized and the consulting engineers have been so notified. MASTERS MOVED that the proposal of the Highway Department concerning Kent- Kangley Road be referred to the street committee for study and recommendation, Barnier seconded , motion carried . STREETS Bids - SR 167 and EVH. It was noted that the State Highway Department has approved award of the contract for signalization and ramp widen- ing at SR 167 and EVH. MASTERS MOVED to accept the best bid of Butler Construction in the amount of $17,974.80, plus tax, Martell seconded , motion carried. LID 260 - Off Street Parking. It was noted that the suit of Stokley-Van Camp vs. the City of Kent concerning the assessment for LID 260 , off- street parking, was settled and their assessment was reduced from $50,000 to $15 ,000. In accord- ance with state law, it is necessary to spread this cost to the other properties participating in the LID. LEE MOVED for a hearing on the supplementary assessment roll for LID 260 to be held on November 2, 1970, Masters seconded, motion carried. S.E. 256th Improvement. MARTELL MOVED to accept an easement for a pole base from the East Hill Associates in connection with the improvement of S .E. 256th, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LID 257, James Street. Requests have been sub- mitted by Red-Samm & Butler Construction for time extensions on the James Street project. The City Engineer recommended that a time extension of 15 days be granted to Red-Samm on Contract A, which would extend the contract from October 5 , to October 20 and that a time extension of 31 days be granted to Butler Construction on Con- tract B, which would extend the contract from October 5 to November 5 . He also recommended that the contractor reimburse the City for all inspection costs beyond the original date of completion. MASTERS MOVED to accept the Engineer ' s recommendations, Clements seconded, motion carried. James Street Overpass. Mr. Monty Tucker of 14610 S .E. 200th, submitted a petition requesting that a wire mesh which covers the overpass be placed on the ramps as well, as a safety precaution for the school children. MASTERS MOVEDto accept the petition and to refer it to the Engineer 's office, Elliott seconded, motion carried . LID 260 - Off-Street Parking. It was noted that LDL, the contractor has requested a 30 day extension on this project. BARNIER MOVED to grant the exten- sion and for the contractor to be responsible for over-contract costs, Martell seconded . Under dis- cussion, it was noted that the south lot will be completed by October 20th and the north lot will be completed by November 5th, with the exception of the planting of the trees. Motion carried. FINANCE ' Inside Levy G.O. Bonds. The following bids were received for $1, 300 ,000 inside levy general obliga- tion bonds: - Net Interest Effective Rate National Bank of Commerce $1, 108,510.00 6.5302% Seattle First Nat 'l Bank et al $1, 148,085 .00 6. 7633% John Nuveen & Co. $1, 101 ,900 .00 6.4913% LEE MOVED to accept the best bid of John Nuveen and Co. , Martell seconded, motion carried. BARNIER MOVED that the checks of the unsuccessful bidders be returned and the successful bidder be so advised , Baffaro seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Water Revenue Bonds. It was noted that McLean and Co. have asked that their proposal for the purchase of 1970 Water Revenue Bonds be delayed until October 19 , 1970. Ordinance 1686 was read by the City Attorney, transferring from the Water Department Current Revenue Fund to the Water Construction Funds, the sum of $150,000 for redemption of interest bear- ing warrants. BARNIER MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried. THE CITY ATTORNEY read Ordinance 1682, authorizing the appropriation and transfer of funds from Cur- rent Expense to other funds. The source of the funds is from revenue from the state sales tax which is in excess of that anticipated at the time of adoption of the 1970 budget. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded . Under discussion, Clements requested that the portion of Section 4, providing $80, 000 for alternates for the City Hall construction contract be held over for further consideration. Barnier concurred. BARNIER MOVED to amend the motion, deleting the alternates in Section 4, Clements seconded. Upon roll call vote, the amendment passed, with Baffaro and Lee voting nay. Original motion carried unanimously. Library G. 0. Bonds. Lee reported that the library general obligation bonds, issued in 1958 have now been paid off. TAX LEVY The City Attorney read Ordinance 1685 ,fixing the tax levy for the year 1971. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion carried. UTILITIES Mrs. Harold Peterson of 26515 109th S .E. noted that she was away from her Home for most of the summer, yet her water bill was higher than it had ever been. BARMIER MOVED to refer the matter to the utilities, committee, Masters seconded, motion carried . PARKS & East Hill Community Club. It was noted that the RECREATION East Bill Community Club has deeded their land and building on 104th S.E. , near S .E. 240th, to the City for community use . 1,u1STERS MOVED to accept the deed and for the Mayor to acknowledge receipt of same, Barnier seconded. representative of the VFW asked if the rental fees would be changed. Barney ';lilson stated he would contact those organizations which are using the hall for meetings. Motion carried. Linda Heights Park. It was noted that the Parks and Recreation Commission have approved the pur- chase of Linda Heights Park as follows: $1, 000 Option money paid by park fund $2, 600 From park fund land acquisition $6,400 From Forward Thrust park fund $-2500 of Forward Thrust funds will be reimbursed from State Interagency after the purchase. ELLIOTT MOVED to approve the above recommendation, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. ANNEXATION O'Connell . The annexation committee met with the proponents of the O 'Connell annexation. The original petition included property belonging to Mr. Zgraggen, . who will sign the petition only if the Council will sign a contract stating that his property would not be in- cluded in any LID for water and sewer extensions. The ANNEXATION O'Connell . annexation committee therefore recommended that the Zgraggen property be deleted from the petition, which has been done. The 75% petition, in which the petitioners agree to accept their pro rated share of the ci'ty 's existing bonded indebtedness was presented. ELLIOTT 14OVED to acknowledge receipt of the 75% O'Connell petition and for the City Clerk to be directed to forward the necessary doduments to the Boundary Review Board, Masters seconded , motion carried . McCann. The public Bearing was opened on the proposed McCann annexation. There were no comments or objections and the hearing was closed by motion. Ordinance 1681, approving the annexation was read by the City Attorney. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded, motion carried. PROPOSED It was noted that on September 23th, the Des Moines City DE ANNEXATION Council met with the Kent City Council to discuss Des Moines ' interest in annexing all of the area west of• the freeway to the sound from 212th to 260th, part of which is within the City of Kent. Both legal and physical aspects must be considered before an election by the people involved is considered . Another meeting will be field October 26th. RANDALL The public hearing on -the final plat of Randall Park Division PARK DIV. #2 was scheduled for this evening. A letter was read from #2 Leonard Schroeter, Engineer, requesting that the hearing be postponed for at least thirty ( 30) days to enable the developer to more readily meet the city 's requirements for posting of bonds prior to any final plat hearing. The City Engineer explained that the $20, 000 bond could be revised to encompass the remainder of the improvements in Division #2 . MARTELL MOVED to continue this hearing until the November 16th meeting and for the recommendation of the Engineer to be approved , Barnier seconded, motion carried. ZONING Rezone - Trade Mart. It was noted that the Planning Commission hearing on this matter was continued until October 13th. PLARTELL MOVED to continue the council hearing to November 2 , Masters seconded, motion carried. Plemmons R-4 to C-3. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1684, approving the Plemmons rezone from R-4 to C-3 . ASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried. LICENSES Mr. Paul Blaylock of Disabled Veterans Chapter #33 , requested that the city pass an ordinance to prevent representatives of various organizations from out of state from coming into the city to sell to or seek donations from I:ent citizens . BARNIER . MOVED for the City Attorney to review the existing ordinance and to report at the next meeting, Clements seconded, motion carried. Hunting. It was noted that the City has an ordinance allow- ipg hunting within the City limits under certain conditions, With the decrease in open space and the difficulty in enforc- ing this ordinance , the Police Chief and Administrator recom- mend that repeal of this ordinance be considered. MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to repeal the existing ordinance covering hunting within the city limits, for the next council meeting, Martell seconded, motion carried. PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of October 4 to October 10 as "Fire Prevention Week" . CONFERENCES BARNIER MOVED to send a letter of commendation to Mr. Harris & for his part in making the Planning Association of Washing- CONVENTIONS ton Convention such a success, Martell seconded, motion carried. MR. IARRIS will attend the American Institute of Planners Conference October 17 through 21 in St. Paul. . CONFERENCES IT WAS noted that Barney tiIilson and Jamie Parsons & will attend the Washington Recreation and Parks CONVENTIONS Conference October 14, 15 and 16 in Pasco. WORKSHOP A Council workshop meeting is scheduled for October 14th at 7: 30 p.m. FINANCE LEE MOVED to pay the bills received on or before October 5th, after approval by the Auditing Committee, Martell seconded, motion carried . MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Isabel Hogan U Marie Jensen c"ry cLER19 Mayor City Clerk