HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/21/1970 Kent, Washington
September 21, 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor llogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements , Elliott, Lee,
Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City
Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Elliott moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting as amended, as
follows: on Page 6 , under Finance Inside Levy C. O. Bond Issue, include
that $520 ,000 is the amount still under the limitation
Mayor Hogan introduced Jean Golay, a student from Switzerland who is stay-
ing with Dr. & Mrs. Shaw
HEALTH & LID 264, Sewer Improvement East Valley Highway and
SANITATION 208th. Barnier noted that the utilities committee
met with the protestors to discuss each protests and
reported the following conclusions :
1. If the zones on the Benaroya property were
changed from two #1 zones, it would increase
the cost to the other property owners.
2. Tie north-south sewer line on the Benaroya
property was put in to City of Kent specifica-
tions and Benaroya paid the full price. In
this LID he is charged full price for this
line, and then given credit for the lines
already in place. The amount of credit given
is favorable to other property owners.
IRECTED REFER TQ 3 • The property west of 84th and north of S.
212th can be served by sewers on the prop
�1 �' y" erty to the southwest.
4. The Minshull property has been removed from
the LID.
5 . Comparative costs of the previous estimate
and the present estimate are very close.
It was noted that J. Carroll Shoe reviewed the pro-
tests with the committee and had recommended that Minshull
be removed from the assessment roll . Ile concurred that
the assessments of the other properties were. justif ied.
The City Engineer explained both methods used in compiling
the assessments and concluded that the method used resulted
in a $5600 advantage to Benaroya. Benaroya stated he was
willing to pay this additional amount if the method used
should require it. The City Attorney stated that the
ordinance as written is not satisfactory and will have to
be rewritten and considered at the next council meeting.
Mr. Schneider, Attorney, stated lie thought the public
hearing was to be continued at this meeting . It was pointed
out that the public Bearing was completed and closed at the
fast council meeting. Schneider opined that the LID should
be for a 15 or 20 year period instead of for 10 years.
BARNIER MOVED to table the ordinance for review by the
City Attorney, Martell seconded . Under discussion, Mr.
Benaroya stated he was anxious to have the sewer put in this
year. Mrs. Sainati noted that she has not given an easement,
nor would she give one, until she knew the status of her
property to the north with regard to future assessments.
Mr. Street stated he would contact her by mail. Motion
Metro. Mr. Street noted that as of September 16th, only
a few ballots have been received from the Pent News Journal 's
poll expressing opinions concerning joining Metro. The
matter will be discussed further at the September 28th meet-
STREETS LID 257 James Street. A letter was read from Dennis
Scott req arding channelization of James Street. Mr.
Street explained that this letter was requested because
residents of James Street had complained that the use of
dividers instead of discs prevented turns into their
properties. Scott' s letter explained that channelization
on major street should be curbed, with openings only at
intersections. Turning lanes were provided at the major
intersections of '4est Valley 1iirflhway, 4th Ave . N. , Central,
94th Ave. S. , 100th yve. S. and the Benson Highway. 5th
Ave. was excluded because it was determined that very
few cars use it for access to James Street. Barnier
questioned the safety of raised islands as compared with
buttons for left turn lanes. Scott explained that it is
not a safety hazard, as it is a 35 MPH zone. Mr. Street
noted that a service station at ilest Valley Highway and
Ne eker had asked to have ,buttons replace the curbed
divider, and the request had been turned down flatly be-
cause of the safety haaard. MISTERS MOVED to acknowledge
receipt of the letter and to adopt the information con-
tained therein, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
LID 258 4th Ave. Improvement. BhRNIER MOVED to approve
Change Order #3 for LDL Land Development Co. in the
amount of $472. 70, covering the connection of. a side
sewer at 4th and Harrison and the removal and replacement
of a sign. Masters seconded, motion carried.
Bids - SR 167 and EV13. The following bids were received
for signalization and ramp widening of SR 167 and the
East Valley llighway:
Butler Construction $17,974.80 + tax
Moss Construction $20,020 .00 + ta:,c .
The bids were within a few dollars of the engineer' s
estimate and have been submitted to the State for approval .
CLEMENTS MOVED to defer action on the matter to the next
meeting; to allow time for receipt of approval by the State
Iiighway Department, Masters seconded, motion carried .
Bids - SR 516 and S.E. 256th. Mr. Street noted that the
State Ilighway Department has approved award of the contract
for improvement of SR 516 and S.E. 256th, for which: Floss
Construction was the low bidder.
I-loss Construction Basic Alternate
Totals as Bid $37,090.65 $43 , 180 .65
Bids Based Upon Adjusted $39, 861 .65 $45 ,951.65
It was noted that the alternate bid includes the water line
on 104th. ELLIOTT MOVED that the best basic bid of Moss
Construction be accepted and moved for temporary acceptance
of the alternate bid, pending signatures of property owners
for payment of the costs of the water line, in the amount of
$58 00 . Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that
a letter had been received from Moss Construction acknowledging
acceptance of the variations in quantities, and that the bid
unit prices will remain the same.
WATER Easement. It was noted that the City has attempted to pur-
chase a utilities easement along the future extension of
116th S.E. , south of Kent Kangley Road. Four of five prop-
erty owners involved have agreed, but one has not been
receptive to discussing the matter. The Engineering Depart-
ment has reviewed the plans and found there is no practical
way to bypass this property. It is recommended that the
City Attorney be directed to contact the property owner in
an attempt to negotiate a purchase and failing such negotia-
tion, to have authority to prepare an ordinance of condemna-
tion . BARNIER MOVED for the City Attorney to be so directed,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & Letters of appreciation to the Kent Fire Depart-
FIRE ment were read from Foster Fire Dist. #13, Wayne
Weber, Prinicipa.l of the Showalter Junior high and
Myron G. Colburn, Superintendent of the Showalter
Junior High, for their assistance in controlling the
fire at Showalter Junior High and from Fire Dst. #40
for assistance at the house fire at S.E. 106th and
Springbrook Road. MASTERS MOVED to accept the
letters and place them on file, Clements seconded ,
motion carried .
THE CITY ATTORNEY introduced Ordinance 1630 , pro-
viding for prosecution of those charged with writinq
bad checks to be under the jurisdiction of the Aukeen
District Court instead of the Prosecuting Attorney in
Seattle, MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance ,
Martell seconded, motion carried.
ANNEXATION McCann. It was noted that the Boundary Review Board
has riot invoked jurisdiction on the McCann Annexation.
ELLIOTT MOVED for a public 'hearing to be held Oct. 5 ,
and for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an
ordinance for consideration at that meeting , Masters
seconded, motion carried .
NEW CITY Street reported that the roof rafters are in place on
HALL the main portion of the City Hall ahead of schedule,
and the bricks on the third floor are in place . He noted
that the contractors are approximately two weeks behind
schedule on the over-all project.
CITIZENS The preliminary progress report from the Committee sub-
CIVIC mitted by Chairman Harry 'dilliams, was read. The committee
BETTERMENT will, by December 15 , 1970 : (1) establish definite goals
COMMITTEE and objectives, ( 2) establish a schedule of priorities ,
( 3) investigate and make recommendations as to the most
efficient methods of financing public and private improve-
ments and implementing the program. BARNIER MOVED to send
letters of commendation to the Jaycees and the Chamber for
their efforts on this project, Masters seconded, motion
carried .
BUILDING It was noted that Karl H agerup, Building Inspector, will
review the progress of inspections and abatements to date
at a work session, September 20th.
ZONING Mobile Park Assoc. - MHR to C-3 . The City Attorney intro-
duced Ordinance 1679, approving the Mobile Park Assoc. re-
zone from MI-IR to C-3. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Plemmons - R-4 to C-3. Mr. Harris pointed out the area
on the map, located at the southwest intersection of 104th,
fronting on the Kent-Kangley Road. He noted that proper
signatures were not obtained from property owners of Tax
Lot 16, and it was therefore deleted at the Planning
Commission hearing. Harris noted that the Planning Depart-
ment recommended to the Planning Commission that they re-
view the circulation system, ingress, egress, and the total
layout of all the properties before approving the rezone.
A letter from the City Engineer was read recommending approval,
if the following conditions are met:
1. Extend Mill Creek sanitary sewer line to
subject's property.
2. Loop water system on S.E. 256th Street
into 104th Ave. S.E.
3'. Provide integrated access plan.
4. Submit a drainage plan.
The public. hearing was opened. There were no comments or
objections from the audience and the hearing was closed by
motion. Mayor Hogan questioned whether the council ' should
refer this back to the Planning Commission to determine if
some traffic pattern should be considered. Harris noted that
Jim Rayfuse of the Planning Commission suggested that the
Council recommend that all of the area be considered for C-3
zoning. Ile further noted that Tax Lot 16 extends to the south
city limits boundary line, and the Planning Commission saw no
problem in recommending that it all be zoned C-3 . Upon
ZONING Baffaro 's query, the City Attorney stated that this
is private property and the council cannot dictate
requirements for traffic control. Mr. Harris stated that
the city Could only attempt to persuade the developers to
submit plans which would comply with a suitable traffic
plan. It was determined that this matter was heard be-
fore the Planning Commission on September 15th, and that
the council has not received the minutes of that meeting,
so had no chance to study the matter. Discussion ensued
regarding the access proposed on the Dent-I:angley Road.
Mr. Plemmons stated that he o�,med 60 ' north of the Shell
Station on the I:ent-I:angley Road and that he would give an
easement to the city, and although the state regulation
was 341 , it could be made wider for the access road .
Plemmons noted that lie submitted plans for his own prop-
erty only, which would not be changed regardless of the type
of development adjacent to him. Ile stated that lie expected
approximately the same traffic volume as the existirn
shoppincj center. Mr. Plemmons was not in favor of delaying
action on the rezone, as an extensive fill program is anti-
cipated for the property. Barnier asked if the Planninc
Commission made any conditions to the recommendation of approval .
Harris stated that the Planning Commission recommended deletion
of Tax Lot 16 and recommended approving C-3 in accordance with
plans submitted, and no additional, conditions were added.
Mr. Street pointed out that the City Engineer 's recommendations
were made before Tax Lot 16 was deleted. Barnier asked about
sewers . Plemmons stated that he could gravity 600 ' to the
front or could go acros's the South property line. Ile concurred
that this large a facility would have to be connected to a sewer.
Plemmons agreed with the City Engineer regarding the loop for
the water on 104t1i, and stated that the storm drainage would be
provided for in the same manner as the rest of the area. Barnier
asked if there would be an advantage of having two lanes for
traffic into the property and one lane out on the Kent Kangley
Road. Plemmons stated that it would be advantageous to them and
would alleviate some of the traffic on the Kent-Kangley Road.
MASTERS MOVED to approve the rezone and for the City Attorney
to be directed to prepare an ordinance in accordance with the
recommendation of the Planning Commission, Clements seconded.
Under discussion, BARNIER suggested an addition to the motion:
"provided that increased ingress from the Kent-Kangley Road
be provided and that the easement grants be taken" . MARTELL
suggested adding also, the provision that the City Engineer ' s
recommendations be included for sanitary sewers, storm sewers
and that the water be looped.
Masters inquired as to the extent of the Council 's authority.
Mr. Street stated that the matter of the water looping is pro-
vided for in -the bids to be considered on improvements to the
Kent-Kangley Road and S.E. 256th, and further suggested that if
Plemmons cannot connect to sewers , he should be allowed to pro-
vide his own lift station. Piasters and Clements concurred with
the additions to the motion as suggested by Barnier and Martell,
to approve the rezone with the following provisions :
1 . There shall be sanitary sewers preferrably
, from Mill Creek.
2. Storm drainage will be taken care of.
3. Fire Line will be in for Plemmon 's share
and the City will see to the looping.
4. Increase the ingress to two lanes, and
have one lane for egress at the Kent-
Kangley Road.
5 . Offered easements be taken by the City.
The City Attorney referred to Item #5 , noting that the ease-
ments are not part of this application. On Elliott 's question,
Plemmons noted that he has a verbal agreement with Highline
Savings & Loan for 104th ingress and egress, but no written
agreement. Elliott noted that the access would have to be
changed, particularly at the cleaners, which has a canopy.
Barnier suggested adding to Item 44 - ingress and egress from
104th be provided. Regarding Item 7'r5 , Barnier noted that
Plemmons agreed to give an easement for future use of the
East-west road on property owned by him, and requested that
acceptance of such easement be added to Item #5 . The City
Engineer, referring to Item #4, requested that' this be conditioned
ZONING on the Engineer and Traffic Engineer malting a finding
that it was desirable to increase the access, as he is
concerned that two lanes coming into the property might
not be an asset.
All concurred with the additions to Items 44 and 45 .
The motion is restated is follows :
PIASTERS MOVED to approve the rezone and for the City
Lttorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance in accord-
ance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission,
and in accordance with the following:
1. There shall be sanitary sewers preferrably
from Mill Creek.
2. Storm drainage will be taker: care of .
3 . Fire Line will be in for Plemmon ' s share
and the City will see to the looping.
4. (a) Increase the ingress to two lanes,
and have one lane for egress at the
Kent-Kangley Road , conditioned upon
the City Engineer and Traffic Engineer
finding that it is desirable to increase
the access.
(b) Ingress and egress be provided on 104th.
5 . he easement offered by Plemmons be accepted.
Clements seconded , motion carried.
CONFERENCES It was noted that Bob Kristofferson and Don Wickstrom
& will attend the Water Pollution Control meeting in
CONVENTIONS Victoria, October 21 - 24.
FINANCE Claims received through September Oth, for which
authorization for payment was given at the last
Current Expense 14,031.50
Park 0 , 310 .92
Library 257. 71
Street 11,059.05
Arterial Street 4,440.01
New City Hall 121 , 715 .62
Park Forward Thrust 350.77
228th St. Construction 15 ,075 .30
Reith Road 582.91
Equipment Rental 3 ,510 .42
Fire R/P 3G5 .28
LID 261 1,927.4E
Sewer 34, 226.21
19G7 Sewer Construction 129 .7G
Water G, 965 .38
Sanitation 20 , 394.99
Interest Bearing Warrants
228th St. Construction
Red Samm Mining Co. 9 ,459 . 33
Hill, Ingman & Chase 69 .63
Chicago, Milw. St. Paul 1 ,075 .00
& Pacific RR
James St. Construction
Seattle lst Nat ' l Bank, 3 ,520.08
Butler Construction 53, 29G . 79
Seattle lst Nat ' l Bank 2 ,819 .19
Red Samm Mining Co. S2 ,075 .56
IIill , Ingman & Chase 1G5 .50
Hill , Ingman & Crease 267.86
Hill , Ingman & Chose 11 ,456.70
Tom Coppage 400.00
Peoples Mortage Co. 75 .00
H. O. 'Brien & C. O'Brien 900 .00
Interest Bearing Warrants (cont 'd)
4th i',ve . Construction
LDL Land Development Co. 135 , 164.85
Mill, Ingman & Chase 544.16
Dames & Moore 106.06
Wash. State Treasurer 3.35
Hill, Ingman & Chase 7 ,105 .44
N. F:ent later
Atlas Construction 57,585 . 70
F. 1-,, Breda 16, 195 .07
Hill, Ingman & Chase 59 .12
Hill, Ingman & Chase 5 , 650 .18
Pittsburgh Testing 67.50
Off Street Parking
Gish 's Wood Products 65 .63
LDL Land Development Co. 31, 277.38
212th St. Phase II
Red Samm Mining Co. 21 , 158.95
LID 261 , 212th Please III
Hill , Ingman & Chase 304.00
Respectfull submitted,
J' (' 9�'—
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY cLER)d
Mayor City Clerk