HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/08/1970 Kent, Washington September 8, 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Barnier,. Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. HEALTH & LID 264 - Proposed Sewer Improvement EVH & 208th. The SANITATION City Engineer defined the area: from S. 204th to S. 212th between the East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway. The ' estimated cost of the project is $195 ,000.00 . He ex- plained the method of assessment for the various zones . Mr. Street explained the method of financing. The public hearing was opened. Written protests were read from: Lyle Schneider, Attorney for Chris Brewer, Lloyd and James Iddings, Corvi Construction Co. , Viola and Earl Iddings, Mr. & Mrs. James Wilson, Fiore and Louise Sainati and Clifford Johnson, most of whom signed the petition for the improvement, but who now are against the project because of the estimated cost. MARTELL MOVED to place the letters on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mr. Walter Rogers, representing the Benaroya Co. noted that when the petition was circulated to property owners, the cost of the project was estimated at a lower figure than the present estimate compiled by the city' s engineering staff. Mr. Schneider stated that only the Benaroya Co. is developing their property, and therefore need the sewers and opined that Benaroya should pay for the sewers, and if any of the property owners desired to connect, they could pay on a late-comers arrangement. Mr. John Minshull stated that he had not signed the petition, nor written an objection. He described his property and voiced his objection to the proposed project. There were no further comments from the audience and MASTERS MOVED to close the hearing, Lee seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED to refer the matter to the utilities committee and for the committee to meet with protestors to discuss each objection and to report their recommendations to the Council at the next meeting, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Barnier scheduled such a meeting for September loth at 8: 30 p.m. and requested that all property owners involved be notified of the meeting. LID 259 - Horseshoe Acres Sewer. Resolution 679 , was intro- duced by the City Attorney, designating the Mayor as Project Administrator in matters pertaining to the Horseshoe Acres Sewer project wherein authorized Federal Water -Quality Ad- ministration funds are used. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LID 259 . - The City Attorney introduced Resolution 681 de- claring the city ' s intention to form LID 259 and setting the public hearing for same for October 5th. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Metro. It was noted that Charles V. Gibbs of Metro presented . information concerning the anticipated rate increase to the Council at a work session held August 31st. Mayor Hogan noted that the following excerpt from the agenda is a summary of Metro ' s report to the City. To non-members such as Kent, the increase will amount to 95(, per month for each single family and 'each billing unit for commercial and industrial customer. This is a -38% increase . If the City of Kent were members, the increase would be 75(,' or 10/. The difference in total dollars will be more than $7500 per month. Membership may be had by a 4/ petition and a favorable election vote or by Council passage of an ordinance. It would be for those customers inside the city limits. Those outside the city would obtain membership through the Metro Council. The liability of membership is that Metro is authorized to go into rapid transit and could issue G. 0. bonds for this purpose . If they do not do so for four or five years, the savings on sewer costs would probably pay for local property owners share of such a bond issue. This is a decision that the Council must consider and then determine - the best method of approach. Barnier suggested that the news- paper might conduct a poll to see if the people want to join Metro, noting that this would give the Council guidance and might save the costs of an election. STREETS Signalization. It was noted that in accordance with Kent ' s contract with the State Highway Department and the City of ' Renton for the installation of signals at 180th and the West Valley Highway, it is necessary to accept the installation. The City Engineer recommends acceptance . ELLIOTT MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to accept- the signal installation at 180th and the West Valley Highway, Masters seconded, motion carried. Reith Road Improvement. It was noted that Dennis Scott of Hill , Ingman & Chase reported that the Urban Arterial Board will approve the realignment of Reith Road as proposed at last council meeting. In discussing acquisition of the properties, it is important that additional field work be done on the southern end of the project so that the actual affect on lots in Green Valley Heights be known. It is recommended that HIC do this field work, which will cost about $1,000, immediately so that negotiations for acquisitions can be started as soon as approval of the route is received . ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize HIC to do the necessary field work, Clements seconded, motion carried. Pacific Highway Proposed LID. ' The majority of the property owners have encouraged the. city to proceed with the Pacific Highway proposed LID despite anticipated increased costs . The City Attorney introduced Resolution 680, declaring the city ' s intention to form LID 265 and setting the public hearing for same for October 19th. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Elliott seconded, motion carried. East Valley Traffic ,Study. The City Engineer stated that this joint project between the County, State and the City of Kent has been completed by Hill, Ingman & Chase Inc. , and explained briefly the recommendations and conclusions, a copy of which has been placed on file. BAFFARO MOVED to accept the East Valley Traffic Study, Barnier seconded, motion carried . James Street. Mr. Richard Davis stated that dividers installed on James Street near the West Valley Highway prevented turns into his property, and that he had understood that discs would be used for channelization, instead of dividers. M� . Street noted that a letter had been received from Mrs. Hagerup on this sub- ject and that the matter would be taken up with the engineers. Gowe Street. It was noted that representatives of the Milwaukee Railroad were contacted and a meeting with them will be held this week regarding the Gowe Street problem. WATER Proposed LID - East of Lake. Fenwick. A petition has been re- ceived to form an LID to extend a water line along the east side of Lake Fenwick. BARNIER MOVED for the City Engineer to deter- mine the area such a line should serve and prepare to have a meeting with these property owners, Martell seconded, motion carried. Water Service Request. A request for .city water service has been received from eight property owners living along 94th Pl,. S. and S. 218th St. , which is outside the city limits. Mr. Flick, speaking fob the petitioners, stated that if the City will provide the re- quested water and fire protection service, Water District #58 is willing to exclude these properties from the water district. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to refer the request to the utilities committee, Clements seconded, motion carried . POLICE ,& The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1677, anending Ordinance FIRE 1611 , defining an "Abandoned Vehicle" . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. Union. Upon ELLIOTT' S MOTION, Mr. Street was directed to negotiate with the Fire Fighters Union for 1971, Masters secord ed, motion carried. IN RESPONSE to the Fire Chief 's letter, read at the August 3rd meeting, the Police, Fir.e and Street-Committee have made the following findings and recommendations: 1 . The station located at 520 Guiberson St. , consisting of a truck, garage and a one bedroom apartment is in good condition and could be utilized as a rental unit for several years . The Water Department owns the prop- erty and moving the water lines located thereon would be expensive. After the value of the building is deter- mined, the Fire Department would receive the rent until this amount is reached, and then the building should be turned over to the Water Department. POLICE & 2. The station at 23807 98th Ave. S. is presently FIRE being utilized by the Parks Department for recreational classes, which could continue until such time as the Water Department might have use for the building. It is suggested that until then. the Parks Department maintain and utilize the building. 3 . The station at 20646 84th Ave. S. and a 50 X 100 ft. lot belongs to the Fire Department and should be appraised and sold to the highest bidder. Since the building and lot is useable for light industrial purposes, it should be a saleable piece of property. 4. The 1940 pumper has little resale value and the fire- men would like to purchase it to keep for parades . It is recommended that it be sold to their organization -for a minimum price of $50.00 with the stipulation that their organization will assume all liability and garage it away from city property. 5 . The 1949 pumper has some resale value and the Fire Chief should advertise it in a trade magazine and through his professional organizations to secure the best offer. The money received from the sale of the property and the pumpers should be utilized to enlarge Station #1 so that it has sufficient room for the present ladder truck and to repair fire equipment. MASTERS MOVED that the three ( 3 ) stations and the two (2) trucks be declared surplus and disposal of these items be made in accordance with the above recommendations, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Dale Hubbard objected to closing the station on Guiberson St. , noting there is a school in the area. He' opined that although the Washington Survey and Rating Bureau had recommended the closure of this station, his concern was whether the trucks from downtown could readily get to Scenic Hill when we have snow and ice on the roads. Fire Chief Foster noted that the Fire Rating Bureau grades the city, which sets the insurance rates. He stated that trucks, manned with full time fire- men could service Scenic Hill from both the downtown station and the 114th S .E. station better than could a volunteer crew from the Guiberson Street station. Clements noted that some residents of Scenic Hill were opposed to closing the station. Upon his question, Foster stated that the cost of maintaining the station was not prohibitive. Masters noted that Foster had discussed all aspects of the. closures with the committee. Upon roll call vote, Baffaro and Clements voted nay, Barnier, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters voted aye. Motion carried. STREETS 38th Ave. S. It was noted that the Street Committee met and reconsidered the request of the Trinity Reformed Church for the closure of 38th Ave. S. adjacent to the church property. Upon their recommendation, BAFFARO MOVED that the Trinity Reformed Church be allowed to block 38th Ave. S. from 9 :00 a.m. to noon each Sunday to all traffic, except a police or fire emgrgency vehicle and upon application to the Police Chief for otlier service hours on Sunday if such services are held, Masters seconded, motion carried. Masters noted that the church would provide parking attendants during services. RAILROAD Fred Waitman of the Chamber of Commerce presented copies of CROSSINGS their rail crossing report to Mayor Hogan and Councilman Masters, MASTERS MOVED to accept the report, Barnier seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Delinquent Charges. Ordinance 1678 was introduced by 'the City .Attorney, establishing a monthly service charge for delinquent accounts, not to include utility services. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded , motion carried. Inside Levy G.O.. Bond Issue . The City Attorney read Ordinance ECTED • REFER TO 1676, authorizing a $1, 300, 000.00 inside levy G.O. bond issue. G_� MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded. Upon `TES OF !I�;,�Q,,,, Barnier ' s query, Mr. Street noted that the city is still under the limitation, and stated that the city has contracted for these projects and is obligated to pay for them. Motion carried. FINANCE LEE MOVED for a call for bids for $1, 300, 000 .00 inside levy G.O. bonds to be issued, with the bid opening at 7:OQ p.m. , October 5 , 1970 , Martell seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Donation. A letter from Walter Venino to Shannon Hogue RECREATION of .Hill N' Dale Realty was read requesting an appraisal of approximately 0.7 of an acre located between the Valley Freeway and Naden Avenue which they propose to donate to the City. Mr. Street advised that he had received the appraisal and the donors have agreed that the property may be used for other than park purposes. By motion, the letter was placed on file. NEW CITY MARTELL MOVED to approve Change Order #5 'for Monroe Con- HALL struction Co. , deducting from the contract the sum of $312.60, Barnier seconded, motion carried. BIDS SR 516 and S.E . 256th. Bids for the improvement of SR 516 and S.E. 256th were received from the following firms: Amount Alternate Moss (bnstruction $37,090.65 $43, 180.65 S & T Construction 55 ,014.50 62, 364.50 Select Contractors 39 ,504.25 45 , 174. 25 Doolittle Construction 45 ,410 .80 51 , 710.80 All of the bids were above the engineer ' s estimate of $31, 255 .25, The bids will now be submitted to the State Highway Department for review and approval. SR 167 and East Valley Highway. It was noted that bids will be opened September 15th at 3 :00 p.m. for the signalization and ramp widening at SR 167 and the East Valley Highway. ZONING Mobile Park Assoc. MHR to C-3 . Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, consisting of 11, 000 sq. ft. , located just north of Meeker and East of Russell Road . He noted that this area was zoned C-3 before the MHR zone was applied to all exist- ing trailer courts. The Planning Commission has recommended approval, as the building has previously been used for commercial purposes and it is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. The public hearing was opened. There were no objections or comments from the floor, and the hearing was closed by motion. MASTERS MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance approving the change of zone, Baff aro seconded, motion carried . Trade Mart. At the last work session, Harry Nelson, Architect, -- presented a preliminary proposal for a trade mart to be located at the northeast intersection of Frager Road and 180th, portions of which are under contract zoning. The matter will be heard before the Planning Commission and the Council as a rezone. ANNEXATION O'Connell. A 10/ •petition for annexation of certain properties contiguous with the present city limits along Russell Road and south of S. 204th has been received. ELLIOTT MOVED that receipt of 4e 10/ petition is acknowledged, that a meeting has been held with said petitioners, and that the City of Kent will accept the proposed annexation providing the 75/ petition includes assumption of existing city indebtedness, Masters seconded, motion carried. LETTERS OF A letter was read from Ernest Tannler, Chairman of the Department APPRECIATION Baseball Commission of the American Legion complimenting the City and officials for the hospitality shown to the ball clubs during the recent tournaments. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read, expressing thanks to the City for assistance with the display booth at the King County Fair, which won the award for the most outstanding community display for the third year in a row. A letter was read from Courtney Kiser to Mayor Hogan expressing thanks for the hospitality shown he and Steve Strahm when they recently visited Kent while on a two week 400 mile run through Washington and Oregon. The three letters were placed on file by motion. CONFERENCES & It was noted that the City of Kent will sponsor CONVENTIONS ' the Planning Association of Washington Convention on October 2nd and 3rd, to be held at the Sea-Tac Motor Inn. Mr. Street encouraged the Council and elected officials to attend. FINANCE LEE MOVED that- the bills received by September 8th 1970 and approved by the auditing committee be paid, Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:15 p.m. Respectfull submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CL.ERA Mayor City Clerk