HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/17/1970Kent, Washington August 17, 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Clements, Elliott and Masters, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Assistant Planning Director Brace Minutes•of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS James Street. It was noted that the Milwaukee Railroad has asked compensation for the taking of an easement at the James Street crossing in an amount approximate to their assessments. The matter is scheduled to be heard in court December 2, 1970. In the meantime, the railroad has allowed the city to proceed with the James Street con- struction. The city has agreed to pay the cost of the signals. Mr. Simpson, attorney for Milwaukee, has assured Scott of Hill, Ingman & Chase that the 4th Avenue crossing is not a part of the negotiations. However, until the matter of the taking of the right-of-way is settled, either by court action, or by negotiations, no action will be taken on the signals. The City Attorney has advised that James Street should not be opened to full traffic across the Milwaukee until the signals are installed. The amounts of money involved are as follows: Original City Assessment $1,659.10 Deduction By Court 160.94 Final Assessment $1,498.16 Value of the- right-of-way based on 40(, per sq. ft. _ $1,360.00. The cost of going to court must be considered. Mr. Street has recommended that, considering the amount of money asked by Milwaukee for their right-of-way easement, the delay in completing the contract, condemnation court costs, and the public need for full utilization of this street, that the Council should authorize the City Attorney to negotiate this item and get the road open. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize the City Attorney to negotiate the Milwaukee - James Street crossing, Masters seconded, motion carried. Street Vacation. T e Trinity Reformed Church has petitioned to have a portion of 38th Ave. S.-vacated, from Reith Road to the extension of S. 260th, for the purpose of combining their present property with the additional 3.5 acres west of the Reith Road upon which the church has a six month option. The church proposes to have walk -in -drive-in faci- lities. The Street Superintendent, Fire Department and Planning Commission have recommended that the petition be denied. The public hearing wss opened. Pastor DeVries explained the pro- posed use of the street and Tom Brace pointed out the areas on the map. Mr. Hugh Smith opined that the improvement was a good idea,.but noted that this portion of 38th Ave. S. was used by many drivers to avoid the dangerous intersection at the ilitary and Reith Roads. Pastor DeVries noted that when a light was installed at_Military and Reith Roads, that inter- section would be better than the shortcut through 38th Ave. S., After all who wished to speak had been granted the oppor- tunity, the public hearing was closed. MASTERS MOVED to deny the request for reasons stated by the Planning Commission, Street and Fire Departments, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Baffaro asked for Fire Chief Foster's comments on this matter. Foster noted that closing of this street would make access to Kentwood Hills and Cambridge most difficult. He was not in favor of allowing the street to be closed for Sundays only, for the same reasons. Pastor DeVries noted that the develop- ment of Randall Park Division #2 would provide another access, but that the hearing on this plat had been delayed until October. Masters noted that although the reasons for denial were temporary, the safety aspects of the situation would have to take precedence over the improvements to the church at present. Motion carried. Pacific Highway Proposed LID. Masters noted that the estimate on the proposed Pacific Highway LID is higher than expected. It was further noted that a meeting with property owners is scheduled for August 31st to describe the project etc., and that notices to property owners will be sent by the Engineering Department. STREETS Call For Bids. ELLIOTT MOVED to authorize a call for bids for September 3rd at 10:00 a.m. for the proposed improvements of SR 516 (Kent Kangley) and S.E. 256th, Clements seconded, motion carried. Auburn -Bothell Corridor Study. The City Engineer re- ported that he had attended the Auburn -Bothell Corridor Study. He explained that the project is divided into three regions, each having a planning advisory committee, composed of city officials, engineers, chambers of commerce and other people representing specific interests. After the advisory committee considers a particular phase of the study, the public is invited to a hearing and their opinions are considered. FINANCE Water Revenue Bonds. It was noted that Mr. Street had re- viewed the water bond issue proposal presented by McLean & Co. and has come to the following conclusions: (1) the present water revenue cannot cover a $1,300,000 bond issue, (2) it would not be advisable to consider a secondary bond issue because of its effect on future financing, (3) it is not a good time to propose a water rate increase and (4) it is necessary to have $1,300,000 to pay for completed or contracted water improvements. The present water revenue will support a $1,000,000 water revenue bond issue and it is recommended that the Council enter into negotiations with McLean and Company to sell su-ch an issue. MASTERS MOVED for the Council to enter into negotiations with McLean & Company to sell $1,000,000 of water revenue bonds, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Inside Levy G.O. Bond Issue. It was noted that it is proposed to sell an inside levy general obligation bond issue for the following purposes: City Hall Completion $400,000 James Street Completion $380,000 212th Completion $120,000 Fourth Ave. Completion $100,000 In addition, it is proposed that $300,000 should be added to this issue to be used for completion of the water capital improvements program referred to above. Mr. Street's recom- mendation for this addition is based upon the following: 1. The City is committed for this amount in present contracts. 2. The major portion of this improvement was to serve the industrial area in the valley, and because of the economic slow -down, the return on this investment is just not coming from the industrial area. 3. By taking bond redemption and interest from the Current Expense Fund, at least that vacant property which has water service available and is not using it would be helping on this investment. Many cities do finance a portion of their utility capital outlays through General Obligation bonds for this purpose and the fact that the interest rate is lower. 4. This is not a good time to raise water rates when garbage rates have already been raised and sewer rates will be raised on or before January 1971. 5. If the water income improves, it is perfectly legal to pay this bond redemption and interest from water revenue. 6. This.may mean a reduced revenue for current expense, but the City, as all citizens and business, is having to do this. ELLIOTT MOVED to direct McLean & Company to.prepare for sealed bids sale, the sum of $1,300,000 in inside levy General Obligation Bonds, to be dated October 1, 1970 for the purposes stated above, Baff aro seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Delinquent Charges. The City Treasurer has recommazded that a charge of 1/ per month be made on delinquent mis- cellaneous charges, with a minimum charge of 50(4,. Utility bills would not be included. This would cover engineer- ing fees, service fees, advances made by the City to pay County permit fees and inspection charges, which have to come through the City, and any other delinquent accounts. BAFFARO MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to cover the above items, Masters seconded, motion carried. Parks. BAFFARO MOVED to approve the transfer of $15,000 from Improvements to Salaries, Part Time in the Parks Department Budget for 1970, Clements se m nded, motion carried. PLAT Randall Park Division #2. A letter was read from Leonard Schroeter.requesting that the hearing scheduled for this meeting on the.final plat of Randall Park Division #2 be continued to the October 5, 1970 meeting. ELLIOTT SO MOVED, Clements seconded, motion carried. PARKS & The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1675, providing for RECREATION condemnation to acquire those parcels of property necessary for the Lake Fenwick Park. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordi- nance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Donation. It was noted that the Riverbend Corporation, owned by Walter Benino and Luella Gottstein, have offered to give the City approximately 0.7 of an acre, located between the Valley Freeway and Naden Avenue. The owners will have the land appraised and request acknowledgment of receipt. The Parks Commission has recommended that the parcel be accepted. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the gift of the tract adjacent to Naden Avenue for parks purposes and to authorize the Mayor to acknowledge receipt. Masters seconded. Under discussion, Barney Wilson suggested that the acceptance not -be specified for park purposes only, so the parcel could be sold or traded for other property. CLEMENTS CHANGED THE MOTION to delete the reference to park purposes if agreeable with the owners, Masters concurred. Motion carried. PLANNING Ordinance 1674 was introduced by the City Attorney, creating a Kent Planning Agency, describing the relationship of the Planning Department and Planning Commission and repealing Ordinances 764, 997 and 1668. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried. BAFFAR.O MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan's appointments to the Planning Commission for the terms designated as follows: Willis M. Calhoun July 1972 Gordon Hall July 1972 Fred Frazier July 1972 Noel Bicknell July 1973 Louis Koszarek July 1973 Richard Land July 1973 Vera Frederickson July 1974 Terry McKenna July 1974 James Rayfuse July 1974 Clements seconded, motion carried. SANWICK A fetter from the Sanwick Corporation was received, submitting CORPORATION for the council's consideration, the firm of Miles Yanick and Company as landscape architects for the Sanwick Corporation, along with a resume' of their current work. MASTERS MOVED to approve the firm of Miles Yanick and Company as landscape architects, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. STREETS Reith'Road Improvement. At the last council meeting, the Administrator was directed to send letters to interested prop- erty owners along Reith Road, requesting their comments be received on or before August 17th. Letters were "read from the following property owners: Mr. Hawthorne, Mr. & Mrs. Loshly, Mr. & Mrs. Sawyer, Mr. & Mrs. Platt, Mr. Clayton, Mr. & Mrs. Wrye, Mr. & Mrs. Kliskey and Mr. & Mrs. Chamberlin, all favoring the alternate route through Bay Construction property. MASTERS MOVED to place the fetters on file, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Dennis Scott of Hill, Ingman & Chase reviewed the proposed alter- nate plan, noting that 250,000 to 300,000 yards of material would have to be removed from the Bay Construction site, to meet grade. Mr. Wasson of Bay Construction has stated that realigning would curtail his use of the property and insists on multiple zoning STREETS for'the remaining portion. The developer of the Green Valley Heights Plat would lose seven (7) lots and would expect to be paid for these by the city. Mr. Scott noted that the cost of right-of-way acquisition for the alternate route would be about three times that of the original plan, and the additional estimated cost of using the alternate route would be $50,000 to $60,000. Scott stated further that if the city abandoned the project and reapplied to the Urban Arterial Board next year, we would be competing with other cities for funds, or if the city decides on the alter- nate route through Bay Construction, the city must provide the $50,000 to $60,000 additionalfunds. Mayor Hogan noted that the estimated cost of the original project was $428,000. 90% of which will be paid by U.A.B. $26,750 has already been used for engineering. Mayor Hogan stated that this is a difficult decision, as UAB funds may not be available next year and the City does not have the additional $50,000. She pointed outthat Reith Road improvement has been planned since 1962.as part of the City's arterial street program, and that sooner or later the west hill must have a four lane road. CLEMENTS MOVED thatin the best interest of the community, the Engineer be directed to pro- ceed with the project as proposed through Bay Construction prop- erty, Elliott seconded. Under discussion, Elliottasked if the City would lose the UAB money by realigning. Scott replied that he understood we would not lose it but we would have to notify UAB that we are realigning and that the city will provide the extra $50,000. Mayor Hogan cautioned the Council regarding committing the city for the extra funds without knowing the source. Walt Ramsey of Hill, Ingman & Chase stated that the city should review the cost estimates before proceeding. Dennis scott noted that UAB has not said what the timing for UAB funding is. Upon Hugh Smith's query, Scott noted that the Reith Road would intersect with the Kent Des Moines Road in approximately the same place. Mr. Smith opined that this is a poor outlet for Reith Road, particularly in winter. Vera Frederickson read a supplenent to the letters from property owners on Reith Road, suggesting, as an alternate, four laning of Lake Fenwick Road. Mr. Brace agreed with Mrs. Frederickson somewhat, and stated that Bay Construction may not be suitable for multiple zoning. Motion carried. MINERAL Some months ago, the City, as well as many other property owners, RIGHTS were informed that the mineral rights on several acres of land on Scenic Hill had been purchased at a tax sale by Jerry Glazier. The City informed Mr. Glazier, that regardless of his purchase, no mining would be allowed on this property, and the City was not interested in purchasing these rights for City -owned property. Other owners who desire to clear this flaw in titles to their prop- erty should contact Mr. Glazier. RAILROAD It was noted that Kenneth Block, Attorney for Overmyer and Bob CROSSINGS Lee, Attorney for the Sanwick Corporation attended a work session on August loth. They presented a copy of a letter written by Don Cowles of Burlington Northern stating that Overmyer would have to pay for the siding to serve the Overmyer warehouse. Their presentation was made because Mr. Block assumed that one of the considerations in denying the 4th Avenue crossing was that the Burlington Northern would serve them without cost. The me�bers of the Council informed Mr. Block that the City was interested in seeing that they had adequate rail service, the method of financing was a matter between the railroads, Sanwick and.Overmyer. On August 11, 1970, Don Cowles informed Mr. Street that they have not.changed their position of service as they wrote to the City some days ago. CIVIL MASTERS MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan's appointment of Peter A. DEFENSE Gomes, Jr. as Civil Defense Director, Clements seconded, motion. carried. GARBAGE Mr. Castle of Castle's Bookkeeping Service of 23436 Pacific .Highway S. complained that the City is billing 5 businesses for garbage pickup, although the cans are all picked up in one location Mayor Hogan stated she would discuss the matter with the utility department. BEAUTIFICATION Drainage District #1. A letter from the Western Pro- cessing Co. was read, stating that the County Drainage Ditch District #1 had, over Mr. Nieuwenhuis' objection, removed trees from around their plant, which were used to obscure the site from the public. Mr. Nieuwenhuis asked that the City instruct the Drainage District to plant new trees. CLEMENTS MOVED to place the letter on file, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that it would be advisable to discuss their tree removal policy with the District. Masters opined that the City should determine the procedure followed by the Drainage District to notify property owners. FINANCE Claims received through August 5th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 24,920.89 Park 3,260.72 Library 453.34 Street 8,366.56 Arterial Street 5,127.58 New City Hall 141,152.91 Equipment Rental 9,310.10 Fire R/P Fund 335.18 1967 Sewer Constr. 2,648.69 Sewer 33,528.03 Water 5,089.08 Sanitation 22,235.42 228th St. Constr. 151.45 LID 261 922.01 Reith Rd. Phase I 97.57 Interest Bearing Warrants James St. Construction Seattle First Nat'l Bank 23,030.50 Hill,Ingman & Chase 105.92 Hill, Ingman & Cilase 52.96 Red Samm Mining Co. 48,221.12 Butler Construction 66,982.14 Hill,Ingman.& Chase 13,919.96 4th Ave. Construction Hill, Ingman & Cu ase 277.88 LDL Land Dev. Co. 130,381.99 State Treasurer 28.09 Hill, Ingman.& Chase 7,560.05 212th St. Phase I & II Hill, Ingman & Chase 51.30 North Kent Water Hill, Ingman & Chase Atlas Construction Hill, Ingman & Chase Hill, Ingman & Chase Pittsburgh Testing King County Treasurer bff Street Parking LDL Land Dev. Co. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:20 p.m. Isabel Hogan Mayor 29.56 59,821.07 4,500.00 6,282.54 37.50 5.00 28,195.53 Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen CITY CLERK City Clerk