HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/03/1970 Kent, Washington
August 3 , 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Barnier, Elliott, Lee , Martell and
Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk , City Engineer
Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction:
the date of the meeting on page 1 should be July 20 rather than July 21 .
HEALTH & Horseshoe Acres Sewer - LID 259 . The City Attorney
SANITATION introduced Resolution 677, designating the Mayor as
administrator with authority to sign necessary documents
to the Pollution Control Commission during the con-
struction of Horseshoe Acres Sanitary Sewer. ELLIOTT
MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Barnier seconded ,
motion carried .
Proposed LID 264. It was noted that a petition has been
received requesting sanitary sewers in the east side of
the East Valley Highway in the vicinity of 208th. Resolution
678 was read by the City Attorney declaring the city' s
intention to form the LID and setting the public hearing for
same for September 8, 1970 . BARNIER MOVED for adoption of
the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried.
Health Services . A letter from the Department of Health
was read , requesting a meeting with representatives of the
community to determine some of the important health needs
'which may warrant attention by the Department and by the
local government. Mayor Hogan suggested that the council
submit their opinions on this matter.
Sewer Extension. Upon the City Engineer' s recommendation,
MARTELL MOVED for the City Treasurer to be authorized to
release the $500 cash bond posted by Chet Wheeler in connection
with a recent sanitary sewer extension along the Kent Kangley
Road in the vicinity of 108th Ave . S.E . Barnier seconded,
motion carried .
POLICE '& A letter from the Fire Chief was read noting that the
FIRE Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau has recommended that
three fire stations be closed. Chief Foster requests that
the following property be declared surplus: (1 ) station at
520 Guiberson St. , ( 2 ) station at 23807 98th Ave. S. , ( 3 )
station and 50 ' X 100 ' lot at 20646 84th Ave . S. , (4) one
1940 , 600 G.P.M. Seagrave Pumper and miscellaneous equip-
ment and (5 ) one 1949 , 750 G.P.M. Seagrave Pumper and mis-
cellaneous equipment. He recommended that this surplus
property be sold and the proceeds be used by the Fire De-
-partment for additions to Stations #1 and 46 . MASTERS MOVED
to refer the matter to the Police & Fire Committee, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
,A LETTER was read from Mr. G. Gwin of 816 Chicago Street,
commending the Fire Department for their prompt action in
putting out the fire at their residence. MARTELL MOVED
to place the letter on file, Masters seconded, motion
FINANCE LID Segregations. The-- Kent Schocl District has requested
a segregation of LID assessments for property given to them
by Mrs. Reeploeg. MARTELL MOVED for the City Treasurer to
be directed to make the requested segregation after receipt
of the necessary fee as determined by law, together with a
signed agreement to pay for the engineering time involved in
making said segregation, Barnier seconded, motion carried
WATER S. 218th Reservoir. MASTERS MOVED to approve Change Order #3
in the amount of $192 .51 for Atlas Construction for the S . 218th
reservoir project, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
WATER & Proposed LID 263 . It was noted that only three
SEWER IM- property owners were in attendance at a meeting to
PROVEMENTS discuss the proposed water 'and sewer improvements on
S. 228th, east of the East Valley Highway. The Assistant
Engineer has been directed to send a letter of explana-
tion to the property owners involved.
ANNEXATIONS The Boundary Review Board has set a date of public hear-
ing on a proposed annexation to Auburn. This area is the
one reviewed by the Council and the Administrator was dir-
ected to write the review board that Kent concurred with
this annexation providing that 277th be the northern
boundary of Auburn across the valley floor and that the
planning departments of Kent and Auburn recommended the
extensions on both east and west hillsides.
PARKS & Lake Fenwick Park. It was noted that the Parks Department
RECREATION has been unable to purchase the necessary land for Lake
Fenwick Park. MARTELL MOVED for the City Attorney to be
directed to prepare an ordinance to begin condemnation to
acquire the Lake Fenwick park site, Barnier seconded ,
motion carried.
ZONING A letter was received from National Construction regard-
ing the property known as the Miller rezone for which a
request for change of zone was heard and denied on February
2 , 1970. Following this denial, a letter was received from
their attorney, Mr. Bastain, dated April 8 , 1970. The
following is the final paragraph of this letter: In response
to this, they did move some equipment on the property. It
will now be necessary for them to locate a new piece of prop-
erty and move the equipment to that property. It will take
sometime to do that, and we request your understanding and
indulgence in this endeavor. We will do it as rapidly as
possible, but it does necessitate a location of a new piece
of property suitable for their operation. I think realisti-
cally .that this would require a period of approximately
sixty (60 ) days to accompliah" . With this assurance, the
City did not press for immediate abatement. Almost 115 days
have elapsed. In the letter received from. National Constru-
tion dated July 22, the company has asked permission to re-
main on the site until they can sell it and purchase a site
which is properly zoned. Mr. Street recommended that this
request be denied and for the City Attorney to be directed
to proceed to abate this violation. MASTERS MOVED to ac-
knowledge the letter from National Construction and for the
City Attorney to be directed to inform National Construction
that abatement proceedings will be instituted. Elliott
seconded, motion carried .
CLAIM It was noted that on May 18, 1970, a claim was received from
Leona Lesser, regarding a fatal accident on the Milwaukee
tracks on Meeker Street on January 24, 1970 . Upon the recom-
mendation of the City Attorney, LEE MOVED to deny the claim,
Masters seconded , motion carried.
SANWICK The Council and City Attorney have reviewed the letter of
CORPORATION (July 20th from the Sanwick Corporation. The City Attorney
has considered the letter and the conditional use permit
granted by the Board of Adjustment and has drafted a contract,
which, if complied with, would effect the release of the
Sanwick bond. The proposed letter to the Sanwick Corporation
from the City Attorney was read regarding plans for grading
and restoration of the Sanwick property, stating that the
City is agreeable to their proposal with respect to grading
and surfacing. The City further agrees that the planting of
grass be deferred until the fall , but insists that the seed-
ing and planting of the slopes be in absolute compliance with
Kent Board of Adjustment Resolution #61, and that the land-
scape architect chosen to supervise this work must consult
the city. The letter further stated that the city has no int-
erest in furthering plans for the hillside trail, and that the
city will provide the geometry so that extension of Hilltop
Avenue can be dedicated , and will also provide the location
for the centerline of Jason Street so that necessary papers
may be prepared to allow the dedication of this right-of-way
to the city. The project completion date of January 1 , 1971
is agreeable to the city, however, in the event that the project
has not been completed by that date, the City will consider
this a direct violation of the agreement contained in the San-
wick letter of July 20th and also as failure to comply with
SANWICK the conditions previously set by the Board of Adjustment
CORPORATION at the time it granted a conditional exception to the
Sanwick Corporation for excavation in the area, and the
City will then proceed against the bond to whatever extent
necessary to assure the restoration of this area. MASTERS
MOVED for the City Council to go on record tha t this is the
position of the City and to authorize the City Attorney to
send the letter to the Sanwick Corporation as outlined above.
Barnier seconded. Upon Councilman ' Lee ' s inquiry, the City
Engineer stated, that sanitary sewer and water easements had
been agreed to verbally. The City Attorney pointed out that
their bond does not cover such easements. Councilman Lee
suggested that this matter be pursued so the City would have
a written agreement for these easements . Motion carried .
STREETS Pacific Highway Proposed LID . Upon an inquiry from the
audience, Assistant Engineer Engeln explained that the firm
of Ruskin Fisher has been hired as consulting engineers for
the proposed Pacific Highway LID. The State Highway Depart-
ment has raised a question as to the scope of the project and
since this road is on the state highway system, this project
must be approved by them. A meeting has been held with the
Highway Department representatives and a communication is ex-
pected from them in the near future.
LID 258 - 4th Ave. Improvement. In placing a storm drain in
4th Avenue, the existing sanitary sewer was uncovered and
found to be in such a deteriorated condition that collapse was
probable when the sub-grade of the street was compacted. On
the recommendation of the Engineers and Sewer Department, re-
placement of this sewer was authorized. ELLIOTT MOVED to
approve Change Order #2 for LDL Land Development Co. in the
amount..of $3 , 234.00 to replace 330 , of 12" pipe, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
LID 260 - Off Street Parking. MARTELL MOVED to approve
Change Order #1 for LDL Land Development Co. in the amount
of $700 to cover the addition of two parcels, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
LID 257 - James Street Contract A. MARTELL MOVED to approve
Change Order 42 for Red Samm Mining Co. in the amount of $3500
for the installation of 14 loop detectors, to be used to
actuate traffic signals, Masters seconded, motion carried.
Traffic Control - East Valley Highway. Mr. Street reported
that at the last council work session, the on-grade crossings
at 208th and 222nd were discussed and it was determined that
the 222nd crossing cannot be closed until 4th Avenue is extended
north of 228th. 208th was never extended east, because the
developer claimed he could not develop properly and open that
street. The City was not in a position to purchase at that
time. 206th was blocked because of the required security around
buildings being constructed for Boeing. Present plans are to
extend 200th west to intersect with 80th, but Paul Weiser, the
owner, has not shown interest in dedicating this right-of-way.
Toteliminate this crossing, the City will have to buy the right-
of-way. Barnier stated that he wanted to know why the inter-
section at 208th and the East Valley Highway and the area immediately
west! was allowed to be developed as it is. Mr. Street stated he
would research the matter.
Reith Road Improvement. It was pointed out that Hill , Ingman &
Chase have developed a possible location for the Reith Road
project through the Bay Construction and Green Valley Heights
properties. Mr. Street reviewed the plan for property owners in
attendance, stating that the City had met with Mr. Wasson of
Bay .Construction and Mr. Cole of Green Valley Heights. He noted
that Bay Construction insists that a high density zone change for
the property remaining be a part of the consideration, which cannot
be promised by the City, since it would require a public hearing.
Mr. Street estimated that this plan would cost $50 ,000 more than
the present anticipated cost and that in order to have additional
state participation, it would be necessary to abandon the present
project and reapply next year for a new project . Various questions
were posed to Mr. Street from the property owners . Mr. Street
noted that a copy of the plan may be reviewed in the engineer ' s
office. Mayor Hogan asked that a letter explaining the project be
sent to property owners by August 5th, requesting responses by
August 17th.
RAILROAD Mr. Block of the Overmyer Corporation had requested
CROSSINGS that he be heard at this meeting concerning rail trans-
portation to their warehouse in the Kent Valley Industrial
Park, however, he was not in attendance. Mayor Hogan
reported that after Mr. Block asked to speak, he received
further communication from Burlington Northern. Mr. Lee,
Attorney for the Sanwick Corporation stated that the Over-
myer Corporation had received a letter from Burlington
Northern stating that the cost of installing track to serve
Overmyer would be over $50 , 000 , which cost the Sanwick
Corporation will not accept. Mr. Lee had a copy of this
letter. Masters opined that the Council is not involved in
this, since the Overmyer Corporation is negotiating with
Burlington Northern directly. Attorney Lee stated that this
could greatly affect the Council since the letter from the
Milwaukee suggests most strongly that the City might well be
asked to pay these costs. Mayor Hogan noted that each
Councilman had received a copy of the letter from the Mil-
waukee Railroad. The Council declined to have either letter
read aloud. MASTERS MOVED for the next order of business,
Barnier seconded , motion carried, with Councilman Lee voting
nay. MASTERS MOVED to place the letter from the Milwaukee
Railroad on file for future study, Elliott seconded. Under
discussion, Councilman Lee stated that some action must be
taken on this matter. Masters asked that the City Attorney
comment. He suggested that it be discussed at a workshop
session, which would allow him time to study the matter.
Masters withdrew her motion, Elliott withdrew his second.
MARTELL MOVED to consider the Milwaukee letter at a workshop
session and for the City Attorney to have an opinion prepared
at that time as to the various ramifications of the letter,
Lee seconded, motion carried . The workshop session is scheduled
for August loth.
PLAT Kentridge Estates. It was pointed out that a representative
of Three Way Construction Company had asked to be heard at
this meeting concerning a dispute between his firm and Ralph
Gutherie,- developer of the Kentridge Estates plat. The repre-
sentative was not present however, and the City Attorney advised
that the City is no way involved in this matter.
INVITATION A letter was read from the White River Buddhist Church in-
viting the Mayor and Council to attend the annual Bon Festival
at the church on Saturday, August 8 from 6 : 30 p.m. to 9: 30 p.m. ,
MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
WORKSHOP It was noted that a workshop session will be held on August loth
at which McLean and Co. will review the proposed bond issues.
A meeting with the P anning Commission is also scheduled to
discuss the ordinance creating the Planning Department and
FINANCE MARTELL MOVED that the bills received by August 5 , 1970 and
approved by the auditing committee, be paid, Lee seconded,
motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen
�Z�`�j City Clerk CITY r1_FR)4