HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/20/1970 I:ent, Washington July 20 , 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Rogan, Councilmen: Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Barris Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS Pacific Highway Proposed LID. The City Administrator reported that proposals have been received from three consulting engineering firms concerning the Pacific highway LID: Transportation Planning & Engineering - 12% of the project if the program includes no shoulders 10/ of the project, with 81 shoulders Ruskin Fisher & Associates - 8. 73% of the project Hill, Ingm an & C1,ase Time & Material Basis with guarantee that total cost would be not over 7.8%, plus a surveying fee of $1250 to $1750 The City administrator recommended to accept the proposal of Ruskin Fisher & Associates on the project and to retain Roberts, Shefelmen, Lawrence Gay & Moch as Bond Counsel. He noted that two bonding companies had offered proposals on the LID bonds. Upon questions- from Barnier and Clements, Mr. Street acknowledged the fact that HIC ' s proposal on the time and material basis could cost less, but the Ruskin Fisher figure is firm at 8.73/. IIe noted that the project would cost approximately $5.0,000 and that HIC had already compiled some of the material . MASTERS MOVED to accept the recommendations and to direct the the Administrator to proceed with this LID, Martell seconded, motion carried, with Barnier and Clements voting nay. Vacation - 38th Ave. S . MASTERS MOVED for a public hearing to be held on August 17th for the vacation of 38th Ave. S. between Military and Reith Road, as requested by the Trinity Reformed Church. Barnier seconded, motion carried. Parking. At a recent work session, the matter of excluding truck parking in areas where residences exist was thoroughly discussed. It was the recommendation of the Police Chief that such parking problems could best be solved by directing such complaints to his department and for each to be handled in- dividually. MASTERS MOVED to adopt this policy and for the Police Department to report on the success or failure of this policy, Martell seconded . Mrs. Frazier noted that she had been informed that the Police Department was unable to take action without an ordinance. Masters stated that she had studied ordinances from other cities and that the problem is one of enforcement. She noted that the committee has agreed to allow the Police Department to try this policy. Motion carried. LID 258 - 4th Ave. Improvement. Change Order #1 in the amount of $927 has been received from the L.D.L. Land Development Co. for the installation of manliole risers, frames and covers in the amount of $750 and removal of approximately 120 lin. ft. of railroad track from the roadway right-of-way limits in the amount of $177. CLEMENTS MOVED to approve the Change Order, Elliott seconded, motion carried . CLEMENTS MOVED to bill the Milwaukee Railorad for $177 for the removal of the track, Masters seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Sewer Connection - Kent Garden Apartments. It was noted that SANITATION at.,a work session held July 6th, Mr. Link of the Kent Garden 'Apartments and his attorney, Steve Johnson presented an appeal from the proposed "late comers" agreement as submitted by the Engineering Department, and based upon prior comparable agree- ments and that which had been outlined some months ago. In accordance with further consideration at a work session held July 13th, at which the council as a committee-of-the-whole recommended that the proposal as presented by the Engineer be used as the base for the "late comers" agreement, BARNIE R MOVED for the Engineer to prepare such an agreement, Elliott seconded, motion carried. FINANCE LID Segregations. A letter has been received from Standard Equipment requesting segregation of certain assessments. BARNIER MOVED to direct the City Treasurer to segregate assessments #21 and #€182 of ULID 41 and assessment #28 of LID 252, after receipt of the necessary fee as determined by law, together with a signed agreement to pay for the engineering time involved in making said segregations, Martell seconded, motion carried. POLICE & King County Fire District 437 has requested permission FIRE to purchase gasoline from the City until such time as they are able to install their own storage facility. All users are charged 1(, above cost. Upon the Fire Chief ' s and Admini- strator 's recommendation, LEE MOVED to grant such use at the same price charged to other users, Clements seconded, motion carried. AIR A letter from the Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency POLLUTION has been received requesting the City's views regarding prohibition of outdoor fires in the City of Kent after January 1 , 1971. The Council, in work session, requested that the cities of Renton, and Auburn be contacted to determine the action that they propose to take on this matter. A report will be the subject of discussion at a future council meeting. SUIT It was noted that the City of Kent has been named in a suit of Geiger vs. Buchanan, Johnson and Associates re- garding forefeiture of a real estate contract. ELLIOTT MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to represent the City of Kent in this matter, Masters seconded, motion carried. BUS It was noted that the Mayor has written asking that a public SERVICE hearing before the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission be held on the proposal of the Metro Bus Company to discontinue bus service to Renton, Kent and Auburn. ZONING Northfield - I4-2 to C-3 . Mr. Harris pointed out the area on the map, consisting of 9 .77 acres located at the southwest corner of the East Valley Highway and 18Oth Street. The Planning Commission recommends denial of the petition for the following reasons: (1 ) the character of the area is already established, ( 2 ) the rezone request is not in con- formance with the comprehensive plan and, ( 3 ) the applicant is not willing to submit a detailed development plan. The public hearing, continued from the last meeting, was reopened. There were no comments or objections from the audience and the hearing was closed by motion. MASTERS MOVED to deny the petition for reasons as ascertained by the Planning Commission, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Investment Exchange - R-1 to C-3 . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1673, approving the Investment Exchange rezone from R-1 to C-3 . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried. PLAT Randall Park - Subdivision 42. MARTELL MOVED to hold a public orb August 17th on the Randall Park Subdivision '42 plat, Clements seconded, motion carried . RAILROAD It was noted that several meetings have been held with representa- CROSSINGS tives of the railroads, industries and the develpers of the Kent Valley Industrial Park, so that the council may make a decision to reaffirm their position that no crossing of 4th Ave. be allowed, or to continue negotiations. Reports were read from the Traffic Engineer, Planning Director, City Engineer and City Administrator, copies of which have been placed on file. Bob Lee, Attorney for the Sanwick Corporation asked if the proposal received from the Milwaukee Railroad relative to the Gowe Street interesection was satisfactory to the City. Street noted that it was, but that the proposal was tied into the 4th Avenue crossing problem. A letter from the Sanwick Corporation, delivered at 5 :00 p.m. today was then read, outlining the firm's plans for grading, seeding and planting the development east of the East Valley Highway, and stating that the firm will sign the dedica- tion for the Hilltop Avenue extension upon receipt of the city's specific requirements for the extension. The letter also pro- vided for right-of-way for Jason Street, after the city provides the location site for the centerline . Upon Barnier ' s question, Attorney Lee stated that the improvements referred to would be completed by January 1, 1971 . Mr. Block of the Overmyer Corpora- tion stated that the building in KVIP is completed, but the firm knew of no problem over t:,e proposed crossing of 4th ^.venue and RAILROAD has been negotiating with the Milwaukee. Ile stated that CROSSINGS service would be delayed six months if the Burlington Northern line was to be utilized, and urged the council to approve the Milwaukee crossing of 4th ?'.venue . Don Cowles stated that ser- vice could be provided by Burlington as quick as that provided by the Milwaukee. Tom Bailey stated that the Chamber of Commerce had written to the council stating that until th.e Milwaukee observes safety precautions, the Chamber recommends the cross- ing be denied. 1. copy of the letter is on file. Attorney Lee asked if the Chamber would go along with the proposed crossing if the Milwaukee agreed with the safety suggestions made by the City Engineer. Bailey stated lie would consult with the committee. "ifter all wlio %rished to speak were afforded the opportunity, BARNIER MOVED to deny the Milwaukee Railroad ' s proposal for a crossing of 4th XAve. south of 223th. Masters seconded, and stated that no rril service was being eliminated, as both lines could serve the I:vIP without crossing any street within the park, so there was no need to create an additional crossing; in the city. She noted that 4ti. Avenue was originally planned to be a fire lane into the north industrial area of the city so a spur crossing, and the resulting encumbrances would defeat this purpose, and noted further that Chapter 81 .53 .020 of the RCw stated th^t grade separations shall be required where practicable . Alasters urged the council to bear in min d the conseauences of an additional unnecessary grade crossing , and recommended the proposed crossing be denied . Councilman Bob Lee spoke against the motion, stating that he was in favor of requiring the safety precautions and noting that the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission could approve the cross- ing over the city' s denial , without the safety precaution which is now being offered. Ile stated that industry was assured that the railroad would serve the industrial park, and that the city should not be deciding which railroad would serve the area. Ile opined that by negotiating for this crossing, the community would gain, particularly by having the Sanwick project finished. Martell concurred with Councilman Lee. Barnier, Elliott and Clements spoke briefly in favor of the motion. Motion carried, with Lee and Martell voting nay. Mr. Sanwick desired to speak further on the matter, but Barnier moved for the next order of business. WORK It was noted that a work session will be held July 27th. Items SESSION to be discussed are as follows: (1 ) Discussion with property owners adjacent to 228th east of the East Valley Highway concern- ing the installation of sanitary sewers, (2 ) a joint meeting with the Planning Commission to discuss the recently adopted ordinance and duties of this Commission and, ( 3 ) a request for water and sewer service in the vicinity of S. 216th. FINANCE Claims received through July 6th, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 14, 007.74 Park 4, 604.49 Library 102 .01 Street 23 , 749.21 Arterial Street 4, 570.92 Forward Thrust 1, 000.00 Equip. Rental 3,456.68 Fire R/P 331.58 1967 Sewer Construction 0, 087.56 Sewer 33 ,038.72 Water 7, 369 .21 Sanitation 22, 346.39 Reith Road Phase I 832.80 City Hall Construction 75 , 365 .02 228th Street Construction 8,000.00 Interest Bearing Warrants Off Street Parking LID 260 Pioneer National Title Ins. 16,570.25 Pioneer National Title Ins. 35 , 086.00 FINANCE James Street Construction LID 257 Red Samm Mining Co. 69 ,844.75 Butler Construction 86, 222.50 Hill, Ingman & Chase 152. 26 Hill, Ingman & Chase 18.57 Dames & Moore 58.52 Dames & Moore 112. 34 Hill , Ingman & Chase 15 , 661.09 Roberts, Shefelm an, Lawrence 2,017.30 Gay & Moch 4th Ave. Construction LID 250 L.D.L. Land Development Co. 111,083.77 Hill, Ingman & Chase 113.39 Dames & Moore 107 .87 Washington State Treasurer 183 .14 Hill , Ingman & Chase 5 , 303 .34 North Kent Vlater LID 252 Atlas Construction Co. 105 , 966.98 Hill , Ingman & Chase 167.89 Dames & Moore 470 .92 Bill, Ingman & Chase 6, 394.67 So. 212th Phase II LID 253 Mill, Ingman & Chase 301.13 MEETING ADJOURNEC: 8:00 P.M. / Hespectfu y submitted, Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CteRw Mayor City Clerk s