HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1970 Kent, Washington
July 6 , 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7 :00 p.m.
Present Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Barnier , Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell
and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Fttorney Mirk, City Engineer
Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion.
STREETS Pacific Highway Proposed LID. At a work session, it
was reported that the Engineering Department would be
unable to do the engineering before October for the
proposed LID for the installation of a two-way left turn
lane on Pacific Highway South starting at the Kent-Des
Moines Road heading south to S . 240th Street. The peti-
tion has been checked and 68% of those inside the city
limits and 50/ of those outside the city limits favor
the project. The petitioners desire immediate action,
therefore it is recommended that the professional engineer-
ing, bond counsel and financing be negotiated immediately
so that this project may be completed this building season.
MARTELL MOVED For the City Administrator to report his
recommendations for each professional service at the next
council meeting, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
WATER Water Main. It was noted that the City installed an 8"
water. main on 108th Ave. S.E. from S .E. 264th for 660 '
north. Upon the engineer ' s recommendation, BARNIER MOVED
that an in-lieu of assessment charge of $3 . 33 per front
foot be made for hook-ups to water mains in 108th Ave. S .E .
as described, Clements seconded, motion carried .
IT WAS noted that the First Christian Chruch has satis-
factorily completed the installation of a water line on
S. 240th. BARNIER MOVED forthe City Treasurer to be
directed to refund the $500 cash bond to the First Christian
Church, Ellidtt seconded, motion carried.
HEALTH & Horseshoe Acres Sewer - LID 259 . Barnier noted that a meet-
SANITATION ing was held with residents of the area on June 29th. Grants
have been approved for this project from HUD and from
Pollution Cnntrol . Resolution 675 , authorizing the Mayor
to execute the grant agreement with HUD was introduced by
the City Attorney. BARNIER MOVED for adoption of the resolu-
tion, Clements seconded, motion carried .
Willo Vista. It was noted that the Willo Vista sewer problem
has been discussed at two work sessions. The tests of the
County Health Department show a definite health hazard. Mr.
Jones has asked that a 22 year LID be formed , however, the ability
to sell -22 year LID bonds is doubtful . Mr. Street noted that
an LID would require a minimum of 120 days. MASTERS MOVED to
instruct Mr. Jones to install sanitary sewers by private con-
trac�t or by petitioning for an LID, Elliott seconded . Under
discussion, Lee noted that in the past the City had not entered
into LIDs for one private individual . Martell stated that this
project could be completed this summer if Jones connected to the
sewer under private contract. Barnier stated that sewers are
available and since this is a health hazard, Mr. Jones should
connect. Lee, Martell, Barnier and Clements voted nay. Motion
failed . BARNIER MOVED for the Mayor to notify Mr. Jones that
in view of the health hazard, he should connect to the sewers
within a specified time, to be negotiated with the City Administrator.
Lee seconded, motion carried.
Des Moines Sewer District. The City Attorney introduced Resolution
676 , approving Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1970-19 , which
provides for construction of an office building. LEE MOVED for
adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded , motion carried.
HEALTH & THE CITY ATTORNEY introduced Ordinance 1669 regulating
SANITATION massage parlors and massagists . MASTERS MOVED for passage
of the ordinance, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1670 , . creating the
"LEFF Disability Leave" fund , to meet the requirements of the
LEFF retirement regulations. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of
the ordinance, Clements seconded , motion carried .
ELLIOTT MOVED to transfer the sum of $12, 418 'from Police
Department "salaries" to the "LEFF Disability Leave" fund
in the 1970 budget, Masters seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & Ordinance 1671 was introduced by the City Attorney, esta-
FIRE blishing positions for the Police Department. MASTERS MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded , motion carried.
ZONING Northfield . It was noted that the public hearing on the
Northfield application for a rezone has not been completed by
the Planning Commission. MARTELL MOVED that the Councilpub-
lic hearing be continued until July 20th, Elliott seconded,
motion carried .
Investment Exchange R-1 to C-3 . Mr. Harris explained that
this parcel consists of 15 ,OOOsq. ft. located at the corner
of James Street and N. Washington Avenue . The Planning
Commission recommends approval of the rezone. The public
hearing was opened. There were no comments or objections
and the hearing was closed by motion LEE MOVED for the City
Attorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance changing the
zone from R-1 to C-3 , Martell seconded, motion carried.
ANNEXATION McCann. The 75% petition for the McCann annexation was pre-
sented, in which the petitioners agree to accept their pro-
rated share of the city ' s outstanding indebtedness. ELLIOTT
MOVED to accept the 75/ petition and to forward it to the
Boundary Review Board, Masters seconded , motion carried.
PLAT Stockton Plat. Upon the recommendation of the City Engineer,
LEE MOVED that the City Treasurer be directed to release the
Bank of Tacoma savings certificate which was pledged in lieu of
a cash bond for Mayer Built Homes . Martell seconded, motion
NEW CITY ELLIOTT MOVED to approve Change Order #4 to Monroe Construction
HALL in the amount of $553 .84, Martell seconded , motion carried.
STANDARD The City Attorney introduced Ordinance 1672 , adopting the 1969
SPECIFICAT- edition of "standard Specifications Municipal Public Works
IONS Construction" . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Martell seconded, motion carried .
CIVIC IM- It was noted that the Citizens Committee on Civic Improvement
PROVEMENT has elected Harry Williams, Chairman and Ed Turner, Vice Chair-
COMMITTEE man. The committee will meet at the Chamber of Commerce office
each Friday morning at 8:00 a.m.
UTILITY It• was noted that at a previous work session, the possibility
BILLING of changing the utility billing from bi-monthly to montlhy was
discussed . At that time, the additional meter reading cost and
postage was believed to outweigh the advantages. Since that
time , collections of utility bills have become increasingly
worse and are now running above 12%. The City Administrator
recommends that the monthly billing procedure be adopted.
ELLIOTT MOVED for the Finance Department to institute monthly
billings of utilities as soon as practicable , Masters seconded,
motion carried.
CITY Consideration has been given to the sale of the sewage treat-
PROPERTY ment property to the Park Department at a per-acre price that
would cover the sewer investment, plus interest at 5z%. The
proposed per-acre cost is less than current market value, but
the original cost was paid by those within the city limits.
If the Park Department was charged more than cost, citizens
inside the city limits would be sharing with those sewer customers
outside the city limits the increased revenue to the sewer depart-
ment. Since the Park Department costs are paid by those inside
the city limits, it is deemed reasonable to charge the cost only.
ELLIOTT MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare a
contract of sale for 34 acres of sewer property at $110, 100 pay-
able at $7, 340 principle per year for 15 years with interest at
5 .5% on the unpaid principle and for the contract to include the
provision that if, for any reason, the Park Department discontinues
use for park purposes , the property will revert to the sewer depart
CITY ment and payments received shall be in lieu of rent.
PROPERTY Martell seconded . Barnier commented that this property
could have been utilized as a City Hall site and a park
complex. Clements concurred. Street stated that pay-
ments would be credited to the sewer fund for bond re-
demption.. Motion carried .
PARKS & Linda Heights Park. It was noted that the Park Board
RECREATION has recommended that a 12 month option be taken on the
property proposed for the Linda Heights Park in the amount
of $1, 000 . The purchase price is $10,000 . An application
has been submitted to the Interagency Committee for 75%
funding. The Park Board recommends that the purchase be
made even if not funded by Interagency. LEE MOVED to
approve the option, Masters seconded. Under discussion,
it was pointed out that this is 4. 2 acres located on 248th
between Military Road and . the Freeway. Upon Master ' s
query, Street pointed out that the Park Department had
sufficient funds to purchase the property without the
Interagency funding. Motion carried.
PROPOSED At the department head meeting held June 30th, the follow-
STADIUM ing items were discussed concerning the possible use of
industrial property for stadium purposes:
Planning Department. (1 ) Probably should use contract
zoning (2) Setback from Green River ( 3 ) Landscaping of
parking lots (4) Use of task force for guidance
Police Department. Need to utilize experience of other
smaller cities i.e . Bloomingdale, Minn. for necessary
expansion to handle traffic.
Engineering Department. Area is in good shape to handle
water and sewer needs . Upgrading of access streets will
be needed. Storm drainage will have to be pumped to river.
Water Department. Probably have to utilize Seattle Water
to implement peak needs . Seattle water to be in on 228th
in 1972 .
Fire Department. Will need 5 to 9000 gallons water per
minute. Probably building will have to have sprinkler system.
Sewer Department. Trunks in area adequate for stadium. The
additional motels and other uses may require extension of
additional trunks.
Administration. To furnish many services other than utilities
will probably require an admissions tax. Character of community
would change to a service center to the many activities involved.
Assurance from developers that once started, -the stadium would
be completed. Location is center of population. By careful
control this would be an excellent activity.
CONFERENCES Mr. Street, Councilmen Martell and Masters, City Attorney Mirk,
& and City Clerk Jensen reported on various meetings of the A.W.C.
CONVENTIONS convention held in Yakima July 1 , 2, and 3 . MASTERS MOVED that
the Council as a whole send a letter to the A.W.C. requesting
that their statement of policy and proposed resolutions be sent
to members at least 10 days before the next convention, to allow
the council time to review the material . Barnier seconded.
Martell suggested that the motion include provision for the
delegates ' packet to contain procedural information for submitt-
ing names of candidates to the nominating committee. Masters and
Barnier agreed to the addition to the motion. Motion carried.
FINANCE LEE MOVED to pay the bills received through July 6th after approval
by the auditing committee, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Respectfull submitted,
C .4 �' "' aCL t�,,Ri
Isabel Hogan Marie Jense
Mayor City Clerk