HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/06/1970 Kent, Washington April 6, 1970 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen Baffaro, Barnier, Clements , Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City Engineer Sherwood and Assistant Planning Director Brace Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion. STREETS LID 253 So. 212th, Phase II. It was noted that Change Order #3 in the amount of $1, 967. 25 and Final Change Order #4 in the amount of $42, 614.83 for Red-Samm have been approved by the Street Committee MASTERS MOVED to approve both change orders, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney read the following motion, accept- ing the contract: "It is moved that the contract between the City of Kent and Red-Samm Mining Company for the construction of South 212th Street be accepted as complete and that the City of Kent be authorized to pay to Red-Samm as final payment, the sum of $3, 923 .15 , which represents the contractor ' s final estimate. Payment of this contract shall in no way be considered as a waiver of the City' s claim against Red-Samm for indemhificatibn -arising out of any claims against the City from accidents occurring on So. 212th St. during said construction, nor a waiver of the City' s right to bill Red-Samm for the City' s cost of replacing railroad crossing advance warning signals on So. 212th which, under the terms of the contract, Red-Samm was required to replace" . MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the motion as read, Martell seconded, motion carried. LID 258 4th Ave . Improvement. MASTERS MOVED to acknow- ledge receipt of the Treasurer ' s certificate of collection of assessments in LID 258 in the amount of $12, 802 .43, leaving unpaid the amount of $37, 120 . 30, . Clements seconded, motion carried. Street noted that a bond issue or a note will be proposed for the council ' s consideration. Improvement. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read requesting that the formal design plan for the inter- sections of Kent-Kangley, 256th and 104th be adopted by June 1 and that construction be completed before December 31, 1970 . Sherwood noted that the engineer ' s plans on this project would meet this schedule. MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file , Barnier seconded, notion carried. Traffic Control . It was noted that the Street Committee had reviewed the request of Union Bay Plumbing and Gerber , Cabinets for a traffic light at Central and So. 228th. The Traffic Engineer reported that the use of 228th does not warrant a traffic signal by any of the standards utilized for determining such installations . It was pointed out that the installation of the light at the off-ramp of the valley freeway at Central Avenue will alleviate the situatjon at S. 228th, by breaking the traffic flow. MASTERS MOVED for the Engineer to be directed to notify those requesting the light of this decision, Clements . seconded. The City Attorney stated that he had reviewed the judgment in this case and a survey of the judgment showed no provision for a traffic light. Motion carried. a i STREETS It was noted that the Traffic Engineer, Police and Fire Departments have recommended that parking be removed on 6th Ave. North of Smith. MARTELL MOVED to instruct the City Attorney to draft an ordinance prohibiting parking on the east side of 6th Avenue from Smith to its northern terminus, Barnier seconded,motion carried. LID 257 James Street. Letters were read from Eldon Lamb and Harold Schortgen offering the sale of their property or a portion thereof. It was noted that the Street Committee had reviewed these letters and recommended that the present plan wherein the two prop- erties are not utilized in the present construction be followed. MASTERS MOVED for the property owners involved to be notified that the Council accepts the recommendation of the Street Committee, Elliott seconded, ' motion carried. Lighting. The Engineering Department has submitted a proposal to install street lighting at the intersections of the West Valley Highway and So. 196th, So. 212th, So. 228th and James Street. This would be the major street lighting project for 1970 . LEE MOVED for the Engineer- ing Department to be directed to prepare a call for bids for this project, Masters seconded, motion carried. Vacation. Resolution 664 setting a public hearing for for May 4th for the vacation of the Alley in Block 13 , Yesler ' s First Addition (the site of the new City Hall ) was read by the City Attorney. ELLIOTT MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Martell seconded, motion carried. SR 516. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read requesting that the design hearings on SR 516 eastward from 4th Avenue be held not later than mid-September 1970 , with construction completed not later than December, 1974 and requesting further that funds be appropriated and made available in the next biennium. CLEMENTS MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the hearings and implementation of construction are all the responsibility of the State Highway Department. LEE MOVED that the Mayor request on behalf of the City, the implementation of Sign Route 516, Masters seconded, motion carried. WATER Water Main 116th S.E. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the con- tract with James Biggar for construction of a water line along 116th as complete this date, Elliott seconded, motion carried. So. 218th Reservoir Site. A contract has been negotiated with Butler Construction Co. to remove a final 12, 000 yards ( approximately) of material from the So. 218th Reservoir Site at .90(l, a yard. BARNIER MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign said contract, Martell seconded. Upon Clement' s query, Street stated that this lincludes all. fill to be removed, except the trimmings which cannot be removed until the regular contractor moves in. Barnier questioned the change in price. Mr. Street stated that this material was unusable and noted further that the material was to be removed by April 15th. Motion carried. UTILITIES Kentridge Estates. It was noted that in September 1969 , & approval was given for the installation of sewer and water SANITATION lines into Kentridge Estates subdivision, subject to the developer making a continuous installation. The developer has been forced to discontinue work for the time being because of economic conditions and has requested a• six month extension of time. MARTELL MOVED to grant the time extension, Barnier seconded, motion carried. UTILITIES Cascade Sewer District. A bill in the amount of & $124, 858.89 has been received from Cascade Sewer SANITATION District in connection with the tri-party agreement of Cascade, Metro and the City of Kent. BARNIER MOVED to authorize payment of $124, 858.89 by interest bearing warrant in accordance with Resolution 651 adopted by the Kent City Council on November 3 , 1969 , Lee seconded, motion carried. Change Order #1 for $6,563 and Change Order #2 for $2, 831 .11 have been received from Cascade Sewer District. BARNIER MOVED for the Mayor to be authorized to sign both orders, Clements seconded, motion carried. Garbage Collection. Mr. Jim Robards complained that the present ordinance regarding garbage hauling is not being enforced. He stated that he secured a garbage hauling permit, without having had his vehicle inspected, which is required under the ordinance . RAILROAD Crossings of 4th Ave . N. It was noted that the State CROSSINGS of Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission has notified the City of Kent that the Milwaukee Railroad has withdrawn it ' s request for a crossing of 4th Avenue . The reason stated for the withdrawal was that it was "pre- mature" . James Street Crossing. It was noted that the Burlington Northern Railroad has presented a contract for the James Street Crossing, in which the estimated costs are as follows: City of Kent $31 , 058 Washington Grade Crossing Protective Fund 21, 567 Burlington Northern 3, 594 The .estimates are based upon approval of the Washington Grade Crossing Protective Fund participating. Mr. Street noted that if the contract is not approved, the City and the Railroad will have to renegotiate. MASTERS MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign the contract, Clements seconded, motion carried. A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce recommending that the City meet with the railroads within 30 days to accomplish grade separations within 10 years at all main line tracks, to hold grade crossings to a minimum, to assist in a change of rate structure, to provide gate and light signaliza- tion, and to deny an at-grade crossing on 4th Avenue, north of the valley freeway. It was noted that the Planning Depart- ment is developing a comprehensive railroad crossing plan, and that every crossing must be considered. Mr. Street noted that before meeting with railroad personnel , the city should be prepared to submit a plan which would include consideration Hof closing some of the main line crossings, MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file, and for the item to be taken up by the Council acting as a committee-of-the-whole at its next regular work session, April 13 , 1970, Clements seconded. Under discussion, Barnier suggested that the Chamber show more interest in rapid transit in its relation to the city' s future traffic plans. Fred Waitman of the Chamber stated that Jim Curran is heading the City -and County Government Committee which met with Larry Coffman of the Rapid Transit Committee of Forward Thrust. Motion carried. BIDS Mr. Street noted that seven bids were received on the off- OFF STREET street parking project. The two low bids were: LDL Land PARKING Development Company, $131 , 236.60 , and Pacific Paving, LID 260 $135 , 233 .65 , both including tax. No award was made. LEE MOVED for the final hearing on LID 260 to be held as soon as legally possible, Martell seconded, motion carried. ORDINANCES The City Attorney has determined that the reading of each ordinance in its entirety is unnecessary. Copies of proposed ordinances will be included with the agenda, and ordinances will be read by title only, unless a request is made to have the entire ordinance read. This will not apply to ordinances granting franchises, authorizing bond issues or an ordinance in response to an emergency situation. MARTELL MOVED to adopt this policy, Masters seconded, motion carried. ZONING American Mobile Homes . Ordinance 1653 , approving the American Mobile Homes rezone from R-A to MHR was read by the City Attorney. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. ZONING It was noted that each of the Councilmen has received a proposal ORDINANCE from Rudolf Gast, Planning Consultant, outlining a program for the development and implementation of a new zoning ordinance . This proposal is a result of Planning Commission action through it ' s Technical Advisory Committee and the estimated cost is $8, 000 to $9, 000 . MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign a contract with Rudolf Gast in accordance with the proposal , Elliott seconded. Upon Martell ' s query, Street stated that a firm figure would be forthcoming. Motion carried., UNIFORM A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read commending the BUILDING City for adopting Title III of the Uniform Building Code. CODE MASTERS MOVED to place the letter on file , Martell seconed, TITLE III motion carried. UNIFORM The City Attorney read an ordinance adopting Volume IV (Dangerous BUILDING Building Code) of the Uniform Building Code . Elliott pointed out CODE an errorin Section 2 . ELLIOTT MOVED to refer this proposed VOLUME IV ordinance to the City Attorney for further clarification. Baff aro seconded, motion carried. CITY A letter has been received from Blue Banner Foods, Inc. asking PROPERTY the Council to consider sale of the property they now lease from the City, together with the property where the old shops are located at a less price than the appraised value of a year ago. At the work session held March 23rd, the council members came to the following conclusions : 1 . Blue Banner Lease runs until 1977. 2 . The land market is depr.essed at this time . 3 . The city is using a portion of the old shops for painting and would need a replacement building at the new warehouse immediately. 4. To place this property on the market for sealed bids, at less than 90/ of the appraised value would not properly protect the city ' s capital . MARTELL MCV ED for the Administrator to notify Blue Banner of this decision, Masters seconded, motion carried. FRANCHISE �A letter from Clearview T.V. Cable Co. was read, requesting a franchise for a community antenna television system. MASTERS MOVED for the City Attorney to be 'directed to prepare a franchise in accordance with existing T.V. Cable franchises, Elliott seconded, motion carried. PUGET MARTELL MOVED to adopt Resolution 666, approdi.ng a contract POWER with Puget Power for furnishing power to the Stockton Plat lift station and to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the 10 year contract and transformer rental agreement, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. POLICE & Chief Foster introduced Robert Dunakey, Thomas Barnes and Mark FIRE Niccoli, who have recently been appointed as probationary firemen. INSURANCE Resolution 665 , covering changes in the City`s Aetna Health & Accident Policy was read by the City. Attorney. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Elliott seconded, motion carried. MARTELL MOVED that Richard Evans (R.L. Evans Co. , Inc. ) be appointed Kent Insurance Broker-of-record for the year 1970, Elliott seconded, motion carried. WORK Work sessions have been scheduled for 7: 30 p.m. for SESSIONS Wednesday, April 8th for discussion of EDA projects and for April 13th to meet with representatives of the Highway Department concerning Willis Street Extension of SR 516. MASTERS MOVED to pay all bills received on .or before April 6, 1970 after approval of the Finance Committee, Martell seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:00 P.M. Rctful submitted, Isabel Hogan, Mayor Marie Jensen, cU1tcJxFM erk Y 1 '