HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/16/1970 Kent, Washington
March 16, 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee,
Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, City
Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris
Minutes. of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion.
WATER S. 218th Reservoir. BARNIER MOVED to accept, the best
bid of Atlas Construction Co. to build the S. 218th
Reservoir in the amount of $523 ,608.751 Clements
seconded, motion carried. Mr. Street stated that upon
acceptance of this bid, it is necessary to post a bond
with King County in the amount of $250 to assure that
the drainage pipe and ditch adjacent to this property
is maintained during the course of construction. MARTELL
MOVED for the City Treasurer to be directed to post a
certified check in the amount of $250 with King County,
utilizing water funds, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Clark Springs. CLEMENTS MOVED to release the check in
the amount of $2260.00 posted by Austin Construction Co.
to cover testing of automatic equipment at Clark Springs,
as the testing has been completed, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
S. 212th Supply Main. It was noted that bids have been
received on the S. 212th supply main which will connect
the S. 218th reservoir to the north valley area and have
been submitted to EDA for approval. The bids were below
the engineer 's estimate.
FINANCE LID Segregations. A request has been received for segre-
gation of LID 255 and ULID #1 assessments from Wm. G
Springer, who is selling a portion of his property to Miles
Sand & Gravel. BARNIER MOVED For the City Treasurer to be
directed to segregate the assements after receipt of the
necessary fee as determined by law, together with a signed
agreement to pay for the engineering time involved in making
such segregations. Martell seconded, motion carried.
POLICE & Mr. Lombardini stated he had heard that the insurance
FIRE carrier had questioned the insurability of the three new
patrolmen due to their previous driving records. Mr.
Street stated that the City had received such notification
on Friday and that a meeting with the city' s insurance
representative would be arranged. Fie explained that the
patrolmen were serving their probationary 6 months period
now and that the matter would be resolved.
RAILROAD S. 212th. An agreement with the Milwaukee Railroad covering
CROSSINGS the installation of automatic signals at the S. 212th has
been received and is substantially as agreed upon approximately
a year ago. Mr. Street noted that this agreement is made on
a cost estimate basis and that the city's cost is estimated
to be $17, 118.00 . MARTELL MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk
to be authorized to sign the agreement, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
UNDER- A letter .from James Curran was read, suggesting that the City
GROUND is violating it ' s underground wiring ordinance, on both the
WIRING James Street and the 4th Avenue projects. It was pointed out
ORDINANCE that the two projects are combination UAB and LID projects and
therefore the scope of the work proposed was defined in the
ordinance creating the LIDs, which were both adopted prior to
September 2, 1969 when the underground wiring ordinance was
passed. Mr. Curran contends that since the contracts were not
awarded prior to the adoption of the underground wiring ordi-
nance, that it is necessary to have a variance or comply with
the ordinance. The City has taken a position that these pro-
jects are entitled to the same treatment as projects of indivi-
duals. Privately constructed projects which had secured
UNDERGROUND building permits prior to the adoption of the
WIRING underground wiring ordinance were not required to
ORDINANCE conform, even though actual construction did not
begin until after the passage of the ordinance .
The formation of the LIDs was the city' s permit to
build these projects. Curran asked to be notified
when Puget Power or Pacific NW Bell applied for a
variance. Mr. Putnam stated lie understood that if a
permit was refused, only then should a variance be
sought. Assistant City Engineer Engeln stated that
a permit for Puget Sound Power & Light had been signed
and was in the mail. Upon Curran's query, Putnam noted
that detailed sketches were supplied by Puget Power .
ELLIOTT MOVED to place the letter on file, Masters
seconded, motion carried.
ZONING American Mobile Homes. Mr. Barris pointed out the
subject property on the map which consists of 46 acres
located north of the Kent Des Moines Road and adjacent
to the Frager Road. lie noted that the applicants
originally asked for a change of zoning from R-A to MHR
and C-3 , but have since amended the request to MIR for the
entire parcel . The Planning Commission recommends
approval of the rezone, with the condition that the develop-
ment plans as submitted, include the provision for a right-
of-way which will increase the Frager Road to 84 feet.
Harris read a letter from Mr. Gillespie of the King County
Flood Control, stating that drainage facilities are adequate.
The public hearing was opened. There were no objections from
the floor, ELLIOTT MOVED to close the hearing, Barnier
seconded. Upon the Mayor ' s query, Mr. Bob Watt of American
Mobile homes stated that the final landscaping plans have
not been developed, but that the complex, including land-
scaping, would be completed this summer, except for a small
triangular portion. The City Engineer noted that a dike was
to be constructed to protect the area from flood waters
which might come through the overflow channel, and that
portion of the project lying northerly and westerly of the
dike would not be completed this summer. Upon Masters question,
tie explained that sewage would be taken care of through a
lift station and pumped into the sewer on the Kent Des Moines
Road. 1-le further stated that the applicants propse to change
the alignment of Frager Road, north of the Kent Des Moines Road
which will alleviate the sharp turn and that they will improve
the Frager Road, by paving and installing curbs and gutters.
Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED for the City Attorney to be
directed to prepare an ordinance approving. the rezone from R-A
to MIIR in accordance with the Planning Commission ' s recommenda-
tions, Clements seconded, motion carried.
Keck. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1649, approving the
Keck rezone from R-1 to R-3 . ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried.
Percy Abney. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1650, approving
the Abney rezone from C-3 to M-1. LEE MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Martell seconded, motion carried.
I EDA t was noted that on Tuesday, March 10, the City Engineer and
PROJECTS Administrator met with EDA representatives to discuss possible
projects in which EDA might be interested. The following
information was received:
1. An area overall economic development plan must be presented.
The area would be King County, with Mr. McGavick, of the
County Executive ' s office, spearheading the initial work.
A county wide committee will be selected, which will have a
staff. All projects,must be a part of this county wide plan.
It is estimated this plan will take 90 days to formulate.
2 . Projects can include storm or sanitary sewers, water lines
or streets.
3 . Each project must develop land which, when improved, will
be used to create jobs. Thus it primarily mutt be land
that will bring new industry.
4. Each project must have an identifiable industry willing to
utilize this land. .
A meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 19th at 2 :00 p.m.
to review projects for King County.
STREETS Armscrest 146. Mr. Lombardini asked if the City had
filed a brief with the Court Clerk in connection with
the suit against Hauge Construction, relative to the
controversy over the excavation of the alley behind
Maple Street. Mr. Street stated that he had just learned
that the matter had not been noted for trial by the former
City Attorney, but had since been noted for trial by City
Attorney Mirk. Lombardini stated that if action is not
taken by 2:00 p.m. Friday afternoon, a law suit will be
filed against the City. He noted further that the situation
is inconveniencing four property owners in the area who wish
to improve their property.
Traffic Control. A letter from Traffic Engineer Dave Hamlin
was read recommending that the City participate in the
Comprehensive Traffic Safety Program, noting thatthe primary
purpose of the program is to reduce the accident rate. The
Highway Safety Act provides federal matching funds on a
50-50 basis, with a portion of the local share borne in
contributory services. It was noted that the matter will be
discussed at a workshop session on March 23rd.
Traffic Control . A letter from Union Bay Plumbing Co. was
read, calling attention to the need for a traffic light at
S. 228th and North Central and stating that the light was
promised by Carl Pozzi and by the State Highway Department.
MARTELL MOVED to refer the matter to the Street Committee,
Barnier seconded. Mr. Street stated that he had discussed
this matter with Mr. Pozzi who stated he had made no such
promise. Motion carried.
James Street Traffic Control . MASTER MOVED for the Police
Department to instigate additional patrolling of James Street
to curtail speeding, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mr.
Street noted that the Police Department has had radar units
working for several hours each day on James Street, which has
proved effective.
LID 258 4th Avenue. It was noted that the Urban Arterial
Board has approved the bid of LDL Development Co. in the
amount of $443, 785 .80 and have also allowed the widening to
48 feet and authorized an allowance of $50 ,000 in excess of
their original commitment. This included $6150 for land-
scaping. MARTELL MOVED that the best bid of LDL Land Develop-
ment Co. in the amount of $437, 635 .80 be accepted, Masters
seconded. It was noted that approval was granted for the
Parks Department to do the landscaping, which reduces the LDL
amount by $6150, motion carried.
Mr. Sherwood pointed out that in both the 4th Ave. and the
James Street projects, the curbing and landscaping portions
are in one project, and should now be separated since the
city 's park department will do the landscaping for both projects.
STREET Mr. Peth has submitted a request to vacate a portion of 27th
VACATION Ave. So. The land has been appraised and the petitioner is
willing to pay 1/2 of the appraised value, which is the amount
qet by State Law. MARTELL MOVED to set a public hearing on
the proposed vacation for April 20, 1970, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
NEW CITY LEE MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract with
HALL Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory for inspection and testing
services during construction of the new City Hall at an estimated
cost of $6, 100, Martell seconded, motion carried.
LEASE A lease from March 1 , 1970 to �:pril 30, 1971 for the engineer 's
office located at 312 W. Meeker has been negotiated with Mr.
Shoff, under the present terms and conditions at $235 per month.
BAFFARO MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to
sign said lease, Elliott seconded, motion carried. It was
pointed out that the lease may be extended 60 days if found to
be necessary.
SALES Ordinance 1651, increasing the sales tax 1/2 of 1%, was read by
TAX the City Attorney. CLE14ENTS MOVED for passage of the ordinance,
Masters seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED for the Mayor
and City Clerk to be authorized to sign an agreement with the
State Department of Revenue to collect said sales tax, Martell
seconded, motion carried.
ZONING Harris noted that at the March loth meeting , the Planning
ORDINANCE Commission had made two determinations relative to the
Zoning Ordinance and recommended that they be approved by
the council. (1 ) that power substations, plus other
franchised and public utility f aciliti.es, such as branch
telephone exchanges and pumping stations be allowed in M-1
zones, and (2 ) that electronic repair and sales uses be
allowed in M-1 zones. MASTERS MOVED to approve both
determinations and to allow these uses in M-1 zones. Martell
seconded, motion carried, with Barnier voting nay.
UNIFORM Ordinance 1652, adopting Volume III of the Uniform Building
BUILDING Code was read by the City Attorney. It was noted that Paragraph
CODE B, Section 1I-201 under Right of Entry has been amended to
VOLUME III provide for tl�e building official to notify the owner or
tenant that he has the right to refuse entry. MARTELL MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Baff aro seconded. Clements
opined that the code implies that the City can condemn or buy
a whole city block, raze it, and sell it to private enterprise.
and that the code was detrimental to some senior citizens.
Barnier asked what action has been taken regarding his motion
to enforce the present housing code of the city, particularly
as it pertains to existing building. Mr. Street noted that
the city has done everything possible, including notifying
the King County Health Department when applicable. Baff aro
spoke in favor of the ordinance. Clements opined that the
city was primarily interested in dilapidated houses and a
city ordinance would be sufficient to cover this without
adopting the code. Lee stated that his interpretation of the
coee was that it would improve the city by making existing
houses safer to live in. Motion carried, with Barnier and
Clements voting nay.
VOLUME IV ELLIOTT MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare
an ordinance to adopt Volume IV of the Uniform Building Code,
1967 Edition, entitled "Dangerous Buildings" for the next
meeting, Martell seconded, motion carried.
LIBRARY LEE MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan 's appointment of Marie Crew
BOARD to the Library Board until February 1975 , to replace Gertrude
Fox whose term has expired. Masters seconded, motion carried.
CONFERENCES It was noted that Marie Jensen will attend the Washington
& Municipal Clerks Conference in Yakima, April 15 - 17th.
Mah City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer will attend the
American Public Works association Conference in Portland,
March 25 - 27th.
PROCLAMA- Mayor Hogan read a Proclamation declaring April 5 through `.pril
TIONS 14th as Chamber of Commerce Week.
March 15 through March 21 was proclaimed American Legion Week
by Mayor Hogan.
Mayor Hogan proclaimed the month of April 1970 as Kent Clean-up
Month and requested that all citizens cooperate in this program.
I0arch 15 through March 21 was proclaimed as National Wildlife
Week by Mayor Hogan.
FINANCE Mayor Hggan read a Proclamation declaring March 15 through Marcli
21 as National Poison Prevention Week.
Claims received through March 5th, for which authorization for
payment was given at the last meeting:
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID 258 4th Ave.
Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. $872.57
UAB 8-1106-2 LID 257 James Street
Dames & Moore 120.31
Dames & Moore 331.34
Louis V. Moll 900 .00
Walter Renschler 500.00
Shellan, Pain, Stone 764.47
M.J.R. Williams 2 .00
Butler Constr. & Engr. Co. 57, 309 .81
Red Samm Mining Co. 49, 727.94
Kathryn V. Marvich 350.00
Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 9,928.54
Walter Renschler 3 ,500.00
Interest Bearinc; Warrants (Continued)
LID 260 Off. Street Parking
M. J. R. Williams 4.00
City of Kent 1 ,059 . 39
N. Kent Water Construction
Daily Journal of Commerce 112 .20
Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 123 .25
Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 78.15
Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 3 , 199 .90
Current Expense 12, 434. 71
Park 2, 160 .12
Library 438.49
Street 5 , 176.78
Arterial Street 57.48
City Hall Construction 2,114.76
Forward Thrust 2,500.00
Equipment Rental 4, 919 . 23
Firmen ' s R/P 653 .19
Sewer 33,054.84
Water 6,196.52
Sanitation 20, 343 .16
228th St. Constr. 30.74
LID 261 898.01
Reith Road 300 .63
J / Respectfully submitted,
Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen" CLERK
Mayor City Clerk