HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/02/1970 Kent, Washington
February 2 , 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott,
Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Engineer Sherwood,
and Planning Director Harris
Don Mirk was sworn in as City Attorney by the City Clerk.
The following five patrolmen were sworn in by the City Clerk: Joseph
Raudebaugh, James Gonzales, Grant Bartholomew, Jonathon Hendrickson and
Michael Jennings .
ZONING Strain-Wingert.rt. Mr. Barris pointed out that the location
of the proposed rezone is at the southwest intersection of
James Street and the Valley Freeway, noting that the Planning
Commission has recommended approval of the rezone from R-3
to C-3 . The public hearing was opened. The City Engineer
explained that Helen Street is a dedicated street which has
never been constructed. Mrs. Freeman of 1027 Sam Street
spoke against commercial zoning for this area and expressed
concern over general "visual pollution" in the City. MARTELL
MOVED to close the hearing, Masters seconded, motion carried.
BAFFARO MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance
in accordance with the Planning Commission ' s recommendation.
Masters seconded. It was pointed out that the Engineering
Department recommended that provision be made for extension
of water and sewer service to the adjacent property to the
south. Sherwood pointed out that James Street has water and
sewer service, but there is no sewer service on Helen or Sam
Streets or down to the Paradise Trailer Court. IIe suggested
that the water line be looped to serve Helen Street. IIe
noted that the Planr�ng Commission was reluctant to take a
position requiring provision for these services and expressed
the opinion that the City should protect the interests of the
majority of the citizens in providing rights-of-way through
the Strain-Wingert property to the property to the south.
Masters concurred. Mr. Strain stated he has no objection to
a 20 ' right-of-way or easement through the property for water
and sewer. Clements suggested that action on the matter could
be held over, to allow sufficient time for study. Street
pointed out that the motion directs the City Attorney to draft
the ordinance and that the rezone is not approved until the
ordinance is read and passed by the council . At Barnier ' s
request, Planning Director Harris explained that the Comprehen-
sive Plan indicated commercial and industrial park zoning for
this area and that the Planning Commission had approved the
rezone on a 3-2 vote. Motion carried.
Gaviglio. Mr. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed
rezone , at 509 Washington Ave. , south of James Street. It was
noted that the Planning Commission recommends approval of the
rezone from MIIR to C-3. The public hearing was opened. A
letter from the City Engineer was read, stating that water ser-
vice was available but not sanitary sewer service and express-
ing concern that C-3 zoning could permit usage which could add
to an already bad sanitary sewer situation. There were no
comments or objections from the floor. ELLIOTT MOVED To close
the hearing, Clements seconded, motion carried. Martell asked
if sewer facilities could be required at the time of applica-
tion for a building permit. The City Engineer pointed out that
a building already exists on the property. Barnier concurred
with the City Engineer, that the sewer problem should be con-
sidered at the time of the rezone, rather than when a building
permit or certificate of occupancy is requested. MASTERS MOVED
to accept the Planning Commission ' s recommendation to approve
the rezone and for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary
ordinance, Clements seconded, motion carried.
ZONING Tax Lot 15 . The public hearing was opened on the rezone
from R-1 to M-1 for Tax Lot 15 , Shinn' s Cloverdale Addition.
Harris noted that the Planning Commission initiated this
rezone, as this lot was inadvertently omitted from the
Tonelli-Pohl rezone application. There were no comments or
objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by
motion. MARTELL MOVED to accept the Planning Commission 's
recommendation to approve the rezone and to direct the- City
Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
Miller. The public hearing was opened on the proposed rezone
from C-1 to M-1 for property located between Military Road
and Interstate Freeway No. 5 and between the north city limits
and approximately. S. 231st Street. The Planning Commission
recommended that the petition be denied. The public hearing
was opened. Derrill Bastain, attorney representing Mr. Miller
requested that the Council refer this application back to the
Planning Commission, as he was of the opinion that a C-3 zoning
request would be sufficient. Ile noted that Mr. Miller proposes
to build an office building and store contracting equipment
consisting of trucks, loader, ditch digging equipment and pipe.
Mr. Harris recommended against having the PlannimjCommission
reconsider the rezone for C-3 zoning, opining that M-1 would be
appropriate for this type of activity. He noted further that
the storage yard is already in operation, contrary to the exist-
ing C-1 zoning. Mrs. Carl Johanson of 23011 Military Road pro-
tested the proposed rezone, stating that this area is residen-
tial , water pressure is already a problem and that the roads
are not suitable for large equipment. The public hearing was
closed by motion. MARTELL MOVED that the recommendation ofthe
Planning Commission be upheld and for the petition to be denied
Clements seconded, motion carried.
Mead-Samuel Annexation Initial Zoning. Mr. Harris stated that
the annexation is approximately 71 acres at the southeast
corner of 104th S.E. and S.E. 248th. He noted that the Planning
Commission recommends R-1 , R-4 and C-3 zoning. The public hear-
ing was opened. Mr. Mead was in attendance to answer any
questions regarding this matter. There were no comments or ob-
jections from the audience. BAFFARO MOVED to close the hearing,
Elliott seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to approve the
Planning Commission ' s recommendations and for the City Attorney
to be directed to prepare the proper ordinance, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
. Spears Annexation Initial Zoning. Mr. Harris explained that
this annexation is 5 acres, located at the southwest corner of
S. 256th and the Military Road. The Planning Commission
recommended that the area be zoned R-1. The public hearing was
opened. There were no comments or objections and the hearing
was closed by motion . CLEMENTS MOVED that the City Attorney
be directed to prepare an ordinance approving R-1 zoning for
the .annexation, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
STREETS Traffic Control. Mr. Street read Ordinance 1641 providing for
the', reduction of the speed limit from 50 MPH to 40 MPH on the
East Valley IIighway from So. 228th to the north city limits.
MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Elliott seconded,
motion carried.
Mr. Street read Ordinance 1642 providing for the reduction of the
speed limit on 94th Ave. S. from 35 MPH to 25 MPH from So. 240th
to the north city limit and from So. 240th to the south city
limit line . MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Clements
seconded, motion carried.
Deed. CLEMENTS MOVED to accept the deed for a frontage road west
of the old Kent- Airport from the Milwaukee Railroad and for the
Clerk to file the deed with the County Auditor, Barnie'r seconded,
motion carried.
LID 257 Soils Investigation. It was noted that the street
comnPittee had reviewed the proposed contract with Dames & Moore
to do the soils investigation and allied engineering for both
contracts on the James Street improvement and have recommended
contract be accepted. MARTELL MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk
to sign the contract, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
STREETS LID 258 4th Ave. Imprvement. The final hearing was
opened on LID 258 for the construction of 4th Avenue
from Harrison Street to So. 228th. There were no
written objections and no comments from the audience.
MARTELL MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded,
motion carried. Ordinance 1640 , approving and confirm-
ing the final assessment roll for LID 253 was read by
Mr. Street. ELLIOTT MOVED for passage of the ordinance ,
Masters seconded, motion carried unanimously. Upon his
query, Mr. Miller was informed that the City Engineer
could advise him regarding ingress and egress arrange-
ments to Northwest Products Co. while construction was
underway. Ramsey noted that a landscaping program was
included in this project.
It was noted that a meeting of the street committee will
be held February 9 at 7: 30 p.m.
RAILROAD MASTERS MOVED that the Council adopt the policies set
CROSSINGS forth in the letter dated December 29, 1969 to the Council
from the Planning Director, regarding rail crossings,
with reference to rail spur lines in particular, Barnier
seconded. Harris stated that plans were made to update
the Comprehensive Plan in relation to railroad crossings.
He stated lie would like to see a plicy statement in the
comprehensive plan addressing itself specifically to rail-
road spurs for industry and to the problem of at-grade
crossings. Motion carried.
On-Grade Crossings of 4th Ave. MASTERS 140VED that the
correspondence from the Chicago, Milwaukee , St. Paul and
Pacific Railroad relating to the petition to the Washing-
ton Utilities & Transportation Commission be made a part
of the record, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
UTILITIES Garbage Collection Rates. The City Administrator met with
& representatives of Western Electric and General Disposal to
SANITATION try to resolve a fair rate for handling compacted garbage .
The original proposal from General Disposal was $1.80 per
yard plus the sanitary land fill dumping fee of $1.50 per
ton. Mr. Torre of General Disposal proposed to handle this
for $1..50 per yard plus the dumping fee, f or .two years. At
the end of two eaars, the fee would be reviewed. BARNIER
MOVED that the above schedule be agreed upon and utilized
for the present and future compactor customers, Elliott
seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Street explained that the
Western Electric representative will report the results of
the meeting to his company. Motion carried.
BARNIER MOVED that the utilities committee be permitted
to reopen and resolve the policy of administration of
past and future sewer connections with the City Administra-
tor, Clements seconded. Under discussion, Mr. Street stated
that the committee recommendations should be brought back
to the Council for action. Barnier withdrew his motion,
Clements withdrew his second. B11RN1!Z MOVED that the utilities
committee be permitted to reopen and discuss the past and
'future sewer connections and bring back their recommendations
to the council, Clements seconded, motion carried. A
meeting for this purpose was scheduled February 9th at 3: 30 p.m.
WATER LID 252. Mr. Street read Resolution 661 providing that any
overruns of expenditures in excess of the costs submitted to
EDA for Contract 8, Project 07-1-00099 shall 'be paid by the
City of Kent. MARTELL MOVED for adoption of the resolution,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
LID 252 . Mr. Street read Resolution 662 providing that for
consideration by the EDA in allowing Contract 8, Project
07-1-00099 to be considered for splitting into two sections,
the latest starting date for Section #2 will be September
1972. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Elliott
seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE LID 257. The City Attorney read Ordinance 1643 providing
for the issuance of an installment note payable from the LID
257 fund and to be sold to the Kent Firemen ' s Relief and
Pension Fund in the amount of $21 , 252.20 . MARTELL MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion
FINANCE It was noted that Peoples National Bank lost a warrant
in transfer and have presented an affidavit and bond
guarantee that the city will not have any loss if the
treasurer pays this warrant on a photostatic copy. The
City Attorney has approved the bond. BARNIER MOVED that
the City Treasurer be authorized to pay claim warrant
18373 on a photostatic copy which has a proper affidavit
and bond attached, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Mr. Street noted that the plans for the new City Hall
are ready and on file in the architects office, and the
call for bids will be published in time for the February
26th bid opening.
CALL FOR BARNIER MOVED that a call for bids be issued for February
BIDS 25th at 3 :00 p.m. for a truck and chassis for the Fire
Department, in accordance with the specifications on file
in the City Clerk 's office. Martell seconded, motion
PROCLAMATION Mayor Hogan proclaimed the week of February 9 through
February 13 , 1970 as the "Week of the Women Marines" .
BIDS The following bids were received for the lighting of the
larger baseball field at Memorial Park:
Service Electric Co. $30 , 148.25 , inc. tax
Ind. Electric- 'eattle Inc. 31, 299 .84, inc. tax
Westcoast Electric 32, 666.70, inc. tax
Carl Madson, Inc. 33 , 960 .41 , inc. tax
Donald W. Close, Co. 34, 574.87, inc. tax
Selo Electric Co. 36,470.50, inc. tax
Van S. McKenny, Co. 39 , 381.87 , inc. tax
BARNIER MOVED to accept the low bid of Service Electric
Co. amounting to $30, 148.25 , Elliott seconded, motion carried.
GREEN - "A request of the engineers for Green Valley Heights 40
VALLEY for assistance in solving a storm drainage prcblem was
HEIGHTS 47 reviewed by the Utilities & Sanitation Committee. The
City Engineer ' s recommendation for through installation
of a drain within the sanitary sewer easement was adopted.
Notification of this action will be forwarded to the deve-
lopers by the City Engineer.
ARTS MASTERS MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointments to the
COMMISSION City Arts Commission as follows:
Mrs. Trevor Bryant Mr. Leo LeBlanc
Mrs. Robert Benton Brown Mrs. Al Staley
Mrs. Thomas Drangsholt Mr. Wes Soderberg
Mr. David Hewitt Mrs. Arnold Trescott
Martell seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE FARO MOVED to pay all bills received on or before
Mruary 10, 1970 after approval of the Finance Committee,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
.Isabel Hogan Marie Jensen CITY CLERK
Mayor City Clerk