HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/05/1970 Kent, Washington
January 5 , 1970
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baffaro, Barnier, Clements, Lee, Elliott,
Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Bereiter,
City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion.
Treasurer 's report submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion.
WATER S. 218th Reservoir Site. It was noted that the city
contracted with Iddings Brothers for removal of gravel
from the 218th Street Reservoir Site, for which the ,City
receives 15G a cubic yard for the material removed.
Within the bid for construction of the reservoir, it will
cost the city $2.00 a yard to have this material removed.
Mr. Iddings believes he could remove 40 to 50,000 yards
of this material if he did not have to pay the 15(,' a yard
for the material. The City Engineer noted that approxi-
mately 30,000 yards has been removed by Iddings thus far.
BARNIER MOVED for the Utilities Committee to be authorized
to negotiate the contract with Iddings, Clements seconded,
motion carried.
Extension. The City Engineer reported that the Milwaukee
Railroad is proposing to extend the water line from
approximately 3rd Ave. and S. 258th, west to their right-
of-way, south across their bridge and then into their prop-
erty which was formerly the Kent Airport property. He
Noted that the railroad proposes that the pipe line that
lies within their industrial property be handled by stand-
ard city easement, and that the pipe line that lies on
their operating property itself be covered by pipeline agree-
ment. The City Engineer and City Attorney reviewed the
pipe line agreement and decided that it is not in the best
interest of the city. Subsequently, the railroad has made
an effort to revise the pipe line agreement to remove the
unsatisfactory portions, but the revision was not received
until today and has therefore not been reviewed. The City
Engineer noted that there will be no reimbursement agree-
ment. BARNIER MOVED to approve the contract, subject to
the City Attorney's approval, Elliott seconded, motion
Bids. S. 218th Reservoir. Twelve bids were received for
the construction of the S. 218th six million gallon
reservoir. The three low bids were:
Atlas Construction $523,608. 75
Venture Construction 554,160 .00
Saunders, Inc. 572,186.20
I't was'noted that the low bid is 23% above the engineer 's
estimate and that the engineer is preparing a report to
determine where the difference occurred. LEE MOVED for the
bids and the engineer' s report to be reviewed by the Utilities
Committee and for a report to be made at the next meeting,
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Bids: Pipes, Valves, Fittings and Hydrants. The following
bids were received:
6-8-10-12-16" Pipe
Pacific States Cast
Iron Pipe Co. $46,556.55
U. S. Pipe & Foundry 47,924.92
6 to 12" Valves
Pacific States Cast
Iron Pipe Co. 8,401.70
Western Utilities 10,004.39
H. D. Fowler 9,010.65
Misc. Fittinhs
Pacific States Cast
Iron Pipe Co. 5 , 163.10
Western Utilities 4, 719 .92
Pacific States 3 ,552. 30
Western Utilities 3 ,801 .78
H. D. Fowler 3 ,855 .60
WATER Barnier noted that it has been recommended by the
Fiie Department and Water Department that the hydrants
bid of Western Utilities be accepted over Pacific
States because of the functioning quality of the Mueller
hydrants. BARNIER MOVED to accept the low bid of Pacific
States Cast Iron Pipe Co. to furnish pipe and valves and
to accept the best bid of Western Utilities to furnish
fittings and hydrants, Martell seconded, motion carried.
Bids: LID 258, 4th Avenue. It was noted that ten bids
were received for the improvement of 4th Avenue, LID 258,
the three low bids, which are within the engineer ' s esti-
mate were :
L.D.L. Construction $443 , 685 .80
Tri-State Construction 470, 391.50
Bay Construction 473 , 757.00
Mr. Street pointed out that the low bid of L.D.L. Construction
has been submitted to the Urban Arterial Board for approval,
and that action will be taken by the Council after approval
is received.
LID 258, 4th Avenue . MASTERS MOVED to hold the public
hearing on the final assessment roll for LID 258 on
February 2 at 7 :00 p.m. , Elliott seconded, motion carried.
LID 257 , James Street. Ordinance 1632, amending Ordinance
1550 , was read by the City Attorney, providing for condemna-
tion for right-of-way for the James Street improvement in
connection with the Olson property (Parcel T-58 ) . LEE MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. Dennis
Scott of Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. explained that the original
ordinance provided for an 18 foot retaining wall , abutting
the sidewalk, which was not acceptable to the Olsons. The
counter proposal eliminated the retaining wall, but required
more property for additional right-of-way, and provides for
an 8 foot rockery with a fence. Scott stated this was the
most economical way for the city to handle the situation.
Barnier expressed concern as to the city' s liability in
connection with the fence. Motion carried unanimously.
LID 257. Mr. Moll presented a letter from Butler Construction
which was read by the Clerk. The letter notified property
owners that work would start on January 5 , removing shrubbery
and relocating fences. Mr. Moll stated he had not yet received
a settlement. It was noted that this letter was hand delivered
to James Street residents. Mr. Street stated that Butler
Construction will not enter upon property which the city has
not yet acquired, and that he would discuss the matter with
Mr. Moll immediately following the meeting.
LID 257 . It was noted that the Milwaukee Railroad has
appealed their assessment in LID 257 to the Superior Court.
MASTERS MOVED that George Mack be retained to represent the
City in this suit, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
,LID 257 . A letter was read from Mrs. Marvich, owner of prop-
;arty y at the corner of Prospect and James Streets, protest-
ing the city ' s offer of $550 and setting the price at $1, 000 .
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to Jack Pain, special
counsel on this project, and to the consulting engineers for
action, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
UTILITIES Horseshoe Acres Sewer Project. Barnier noted that some of
& the property owners in Horseshoe Acres are in favor of the
SANITATION sewer project even if federal funds are not available. The
committee recommends that another meeting be held with the
people involved at 7 : 30 p.m. on January 14th.
ULID #1, North Sewer System. A letter from Toni Bernasconi
was read, stating that he was told everyone would have to pay
sewer charges if they lived within the specified area, whether
they connected to the sewer or not. He therefore connected
to the line and has subsequently discovered that not everyone ha
been charged. Mr. Street noted that letters have been sent
out clarifying this matter. Barnierstated that a communica-
tion problem had occurred. CLEMENTS MOVED to place the
letter on file, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
FINANCE It was noted that the State Examiner is auditing the
Sewer Construction Fund of 1967 for final submission
to EDA for funding. Upon the recommendation of the
State Examiner, LEE MOVED that the City Treasurer be
directed to invest Garbage Funds in the amount of
$40 ,000 in the interest bearing warrants of Sewer
Construction 1967, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Advance Travel Expense Fund. Ordinance 1630, esta-
blishing a revolving travel expense fund was read by
the City Attorney. BARNIER MOVED for passage of the
ordinance, Masters seconded. Under discussion, Martell
opined that $200 was not sufficient. Barnier withdrew
his motion, Masters withdrew her second. BARNIER MOVED
for passage of the ordinance with the total amount to be
increased to $500 , Masters seconded, motion carried.
Lee noted that there will be a meeting of the Finance
Committee at 3 : 30 p.m. on Friday, January 9th, relative
to investments.
NEW CITY Mr. Street reported that the City Hall plans and specifica-
HALL tions are basically finished, and that to avoid numberous
addenda, the architect proposes to advertise the call for
bids for the 29t11 of January instead of the 12th, with
the bid opening to be the 26th of February. A report on
the bids will be made at the March 2nd council meeting.
ANNEXATIONS Elliott noted that the Annexation Committee will meet at
10 :00 a.m. at the City Hall on January 6th.
PARKS & Lake Fenwick Park. Resolution 659 was ze ad by the City
RECREATION__ Attorney, approving and providing for the execution of
the contract for the Federal grant to acquire and develop
the Lake Fenwick Park. LEE MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Baffaro seconded, motion carried.
Call for Bids. CLEMENTS MOVED that a call for bids be
issued for lighting for the ball field at Kent Memorial
Park, in accordance with the 1970 budget, with the bids
to be opened January 26, 1970 , Elliott seconded, motion
Lease. The City Attorney read the lease providing for the
Parks Department to lease the American Legion Ball .
MARTELL MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk .be authorized
to sign the lease, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
POLICY Resolution 658 adopting the Kent Policy Manual was read
MANUAL by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the
resolution, Elliott seconded, motion carried.
BUILDING Ordinance 1631 , adopting the 1967 Building Code to replace
CODE the 1964 version, was read by the City Attorney. LEE MOVED
for passage of the ordinance, Martell seconded, motion
RESIGNATION MASTERS MOVED to accept with regret the resignation of
Bohn Bereiter as City Attorney, effective January 31, 1970
and that a letter of appreciation for his years of service
be forwarded to him, Baffaro seconded, motion carried,
with Martell voting nay.
BOARD OF LEE MOVED to confirm the Mayor ' s appointment of Phyllis
ADJUSTMENT Mauritsen to the Board of Adjustment for the term ending
February 1973, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
UNIFORM It was noted that the Administrator has discussed the
BUILDING minimum housing code with Councilmen Barnier, Clements and
CODE Elliott. Barnier is concerned that the average citizen
HOUSING - will not realize the he has the right to refuse entrance
1967 EDITION and opined that this should be spelled out in the ordinance.
VOLUME III He believes that the present building code gives the city all
the power that the minimum code does. It was pointed out
that one particular difference is that the building code
does not have a nuisance section which is of importance
in removing old cars and other unsightly objects . Elliott
UNIFORM was in favor of updating to the 1967 edition and
BUILDING spoke in favor of consideration of a dangerous
CODE building code (Vol . IV) and a signs code (Vol.
HOUSING - V) . Clements believes that this proposed ordinance
1967 EDITION gives too great a power to the city over private
VOLUME III ownership and believes that the city should not be
involved in any steps towards utilization of federal
funds. MASTERS MOVED that this matter be referred
�RRECTED - REFER TO to a committee of the council as a whole for further
�I�UTEJ Of /� �9•r1� study and recommendation, Clements seconded. Martell
spoke in favor of adopting Vol . III. Upon roll call
vote, Baffaro, Clements, Elliott and Masters voted
aye, Barnier, Lee and Martell voted nay. Baffaro
requested time to reconsider. Mayor Hogan declared
a 5 minute recess. Upon reconvening, BAFFARO MOVED
to reconsider the motion, Masters seconded, motion
carried. The motion was reconsidered and upon roll
call vote, all voted, nay, except Masters, who as maker
of the motion, voted in favor. Motion failed. MARTELL
MOVED for the City Attorney and Administrator to pre-
pare an ordinance for consideration, including any
suggested amendments, Clements seconded. Under dis-
cussion, Clements requested that the Council have a
copy of the proposed ordinance at least a week ahead
of time for study. Motion carried unanimously.
COUNCIL Ordinance 1629, changing the time of the council meet-
MEETINGS ings to 7:00 p.m. was read by the City Attorney.
CLEMENTS MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Martell
seconded, motion carried, with Masters and Lee voting
ZONING BARNIER MOVED that the public hearing concerning amend-
ORDINANCE ments to the zoning ordinance be continued to January
AMENDMENTS 19th, Clements seconded, motion carried.
RAILROAD Copies of the Planning Commission ' s report on railroad
CROSSINGS crossings were presented to the Council . Mr. Harris
noted the word "separated" should precede tirade crossings
in the last paragraph of page 1 of the letter and in the
last paragraph on page 4 of the report. BAFFARO MOVED
for a joint- meeting to be held by the Planning Commission
and City Council and representatives of the railroads on
Tuesday, January 20th at 7: 30 p.m. , Martell seconded,
motion carried. Mr. Street suggested that news of this
meeting be publicized so that representatives of the
Chamber of Commerce and interested industries will be
On-Grade Crossing of 4th Ave. It was noted that a meeting
was held December 30th with the Mayor, three councilmen,
City Engineer, City Attorney, Administrator and Planner
representing the city, Mr. Holloway of the Washington
Utilities and Transportation Commission, Paul Scott of
the Milwaukee Railroad and Fred Waitman of the Chamber,
for the purpose of discussing the request of the railroad
for an on-grade crossing of 4th Avenue to serve the Kent
Industrial Park. At the meeting, Mr. Scott presented a
plan for this extension of a lead track with a passing
,Brack so that no switching would be necessary across 4th
Ave. There would be two trains a day using this crossing
at present. The railroad proposes cross-buck warning
signs. It is recommended that the City Engineer prepare
for the Mayor ' s signature, a list of requirements to be
submitted to the WUTC for consideration before granting
of approval of the crossing, including the following:
1 . That the railroad submit a definite plan of
anticipated crossings of 4th Ave. , 228th, 212th
and the West Valley Highway prior to the granting
of any on-grade crossing permits.
2 . That if the present request for crossing 4th Ave.
is considered in the final plan, that automatic
signals be required at the whole expense of the
railroad. Justification for this is the existing
agreement for the City to cross this railroad at
James St.
3 . That the utilization of this crossing by the rail-
road be restricted so that no crossing would occur
during the hours of 6 to 9 a.m. and 3 to 6 p.m.
RAILROAD Martell asked if consideration was given to entering
CROSSINGS along 228th instre ad of paralleling the Valley Freeway.
Mr. Scott stated that it would be difficult due to the
curvature of the tracks and would make additional prop-
erty necessary. Mr. Scott explained that this would be
a joint usage track by Milwaukee and the Union Pacific
Railroad, but Milwaukee Railroad is the operating rail-
road in this part of the valley, therefore they are
making the application for the petition. Mr. Scott
referred to Item #1 , noting that at the meeting on
December 30th, he stated that they did not ancitipate
crossing 228th or 212th with a north-south track, and
the only other possible crossing of 4th Ave. would be to
serve north of 228th. Referring to Item #r2, Mr. Scott
stated that the railroad replies' to the WUTC after the
city submits this request. LEE MOVED for the Mayor to
send the above requirements to the Washington Utilities
and Transportation Commission for consideration before
approval is granted for the crossing, Barnier seconded,
motion carried.
ZONING Lotto Annexation. The public hearing was opened on
proposed zoning for the Lotto Annexation. The Planning
Commission has recommended C-3 zoning for the areas
facing James Street and facing 104th and R-4 for the
area encompassing the 61 unit apartment complex. There
were no comments or objections and the hearing was closed
by motion. LEE MOVED to accept the Planning Commission ' s
recommendations and for the City Attorney to prepare the
ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion carried.
Tonelli and Pohl. The public hearing was opened on the
application submitted by Tonelli and Pohl for a rezone
from R-1 to M-1 and R-4. The Planning Commission reco-
mends approval for only that portion requested for M-1
and recommended that the remaining area be denied and
remain R-1. Harris noted that Tax Lot 15 , presently
zoned R-1 , was left out of the original application, and
stated that the Planning Commission had elected to con-
sider rezoning this piece of property at it ' s next meet-
ing. Mrs. Vert, who owns property on the hill above
the portion requested for R-4 zoning was told that if the
area was considered again for rezoning, she would again
receive a notice. Harris stated that the Planning
Commission had indicated that the rezone might be con-
sidered again if plans for development were submitted.
There were no further comments from the floor and the
hearing was closed. MASTERS MOVED to approve the rezone
as recommended by the Planning Commission and for the
proper ordinance to be drafted by the City Attorney,
Elliott seconded, motion carried.
CLIFFORDS The City Engineer defined the proposed Clifford Plat
ADDITION Addition as just south of James Street, between 96th
PLAT and 98th Ave . S. lie noted that it is composed of 8 lots.
The Planning Commission determined that it would be im-
proper to require the city ' s usual standards of curbs,
flutters and paving, since these were not required in Cosby's
Addition, which is immediately adjacent to this plat, both
of which share the same street. They recommended therefore
that minimum gravel streets with storm drainage should be
required. The Planning Commission also required that Lots
1 through 3 , facing James St. must connect to sanitary
sewers, but did not require that Lots 4 through 8 which
face 241st connect. The City Engineer noted that the plat
bond and cash bond have been posted. Ile stated that sewage
disposal for Lots 4 through 8 could be extended by LID
methods . These lots have been adequately served by septic
tanks. The public hearing was opened. There were no comments
or objections and the hearing was closed by motion. BARNIER
MOVED for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an
ordinance accepting the Clifford's Addition Plat, recog-
nizing that this is a unique situation, Masters seconded,
motion carried.
ReApectful submitted,
Isabel Hogan, Mayor Marie Jense , :C -erk