HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/17/1969 Kent, Washington November 17 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Barnier, Hogan, Lee, Masters, Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood, City Planner Harris Masters moved to approve the minutes of the last meeting with the follow- ing addition: that the record indicate receipt of a letter from the City Treasurer recommending that the Council comply with the new state statute allowing the Council to instruct the Treasurer to make LID segregations in instances the Council determines advisable , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. WATER S. 218th Reservoir. LEE MOVED to issue a call for bids for December 23, 1969 , for construction of the S. 218th Reservoir, Hogan seconded, motion. carried. It was noted that the final project of the EDA North Kent Water develop- ment' is the trunk main to connect the 218th reservoir with the main on East Valley Highway. Mr. Wallace of E.D.A. has suggested that it may be possible to divide this into two projects since the extension of this main across the freeway along 212th is not practical at this tmme . The Water Committee requested the engineer to pursue this possibility with E .D.A. Miscellaneous Water Mains. HOGAN MOVED to accept the contract with Bert Robison Construction Co. as complete, Masters seconded, motion carried. LEE MOVED to accept Gaudio 's well drilling contract as complete, Barnier seconded, motion carried. STREETS Railroad Crossings. Pozzi noted receipt of a revised agreement with Milwaukee Railroad regarding the crossing at So. 228th and MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign same, Masters seconded, motion carried. Woodworth commented on the unsatisfactory resurfacing job on the Kent Kangley Road. Mr. Street stated that the City has already contacted Metro and they have reviewed it with the contractor, who was told that it was unsatisfactory, WOODWORTH MOVED that a letter be sent to Metro reminding them of their responsibility and requesting an answer, Barnier seconded, motion carried. LID 257, James Street. Pozzi reported that the Street and Finance Committees had met to consider the protests filed at the last Council meeting. HE MOVED to adopt the follow- ing recommendations : 1. to deny the protests of : The Milwaukee Railroad, Howard Manufacturing, Korry Manufacturing and Dawson & Co. 1. .,To amend the assessment roll as follows : Assessment Item #30 Nancy Echternkamp VOID, correction in ownership-assessment of $288 is included in Items #32 and 33 . Assessment Item #32 Baptist Church of Kent, change in ownership to Paul Ginn and Barney Wilson, also change in legal description. Revised assessment from $585 .08 to $731.96 Assesment Item #33 Nancy Echternkamp, correction in legal description. Revised assessment from $636.32 to $777.44 Assessment Item #14 Rentonites Inc. , - no change, assessment $842.13 STREETS Assessment Item 415 Rentonites Inc. , change of ownership of portion to J. P. Curran, Trustee, change in legal description - revised assessment from $1 , 762 .33 to $1 ,508.15 Assessment Item 416 Phillips Petroleum - correction in legal description. Revised assessment from $2 ,099. 29 to $1 , 396.93 . Assessment Item 417 Rentonites Inc. , change of ownership to J. P. Curran, Trustee, and correction of legal description. Revised assessment from $121.50 to $823.88 Assessment Item #44 Rentonites Inc. (New Item) Change in ownership of portion of assessment #15 to James P. Curran, Trustee. New assessment of $254.18 Ordinance 1619 approving and confirming the final assess- ment roll of LID 257 was read by the City Attorney. POZZI MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Hogan seconded, motion carried. Upon Barnier' s inquiry, the City Attorney stated that state statutes permit the combined penalty rate and interest rate to exceed 12/. LID 257 James Street. The City Engineer recommended that in the interest of the improvement of James Street that the following portions of the contracts be awarded so the con- struction of the pedestrian overpass and some storm drainage may be installed immediately. POZZI MOVED that upon receipt of approval of the UAB that Contract A, Schedule 1, $532,432.25 , Schedule II, $20,099 .13 and Schedule III, $14,820.00 be awarded the low bidder, Red Samm Mining Co. , Hogan seconded, motion carried. BARNIER MOVED that upon receipt of approval of the UAB that Contract B, Schedule 1 , $630, 006.50, Schedule II, $22, 500 .00 and Schedule III $7,510 .00 be awarded to the low bidder, Butler Construction and Engineering Co. , Pozzi seconded. Upon Barnier's inquiry, Street stated that the amount of bonds cannot be determined until the bids are in on the 4th Avenue improvement. These will be opened about the third week in December. Reverend Gretz expressed concern about the beautification provision. Ramsey stated that approximately $47 ,000 has been allocated for beautification . Street stated that the committee is in favor of the full beautification program. Motion carried. Traffic Control. It was noted that a letter from Ulrick Investment Co. was received, requesting information concern- ing the need for an access street in the 206th and 80th Ave. area from the East Valley Highway. POZZI MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the letter and for the appropriate city departments to report to the Street Committee and for an answer to be sent, Hogan seconded. Under discussion, Street noted that there were three specific questions in the letter to be answered. Motion carried. HEALTH & UL,ID ##1, Contract 4. It was noted that a claim was received SANITATION on November 4th from Slead-Tonneson for $25 ,579.04 against retained funds of Project No. 07-1-00103 , Contract 4, for work not • authorized or recognized as extra work by the Engineers . POZZI MOVED that this claim be referred to the City Attorney, City Engineer and City Administrator for review and recommenda- tion to the Council, Lee seconded, motion carried. Stockton Plat. It was noted that an indemnity agreement has been received from Mayer Built Homes protecting the City from any liability arising from the construction of a sewer line across privately owned property. It was explained that the agreement clarifies that after the sewer line is installed, restoration of the property is Mayer 's responsibility and not the city's. HOGAN MOVED to accept the indenmity agreement and to have it recorded, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. BUILDING Mr. Street noted receipt of revised plans and revised model of the new city hall. The committee recommended that the City enter into a contract with Haag and Associates for development of complete landscaping program in con- junction w-i.th the building program. Mr. Street stated that the latest plans will be ready for review and for a call for bids the first meeting in January so construction can begin in February. Woodworth objected to receiving the plans as late as Friday, January 2 when action would be necessary on January 5th. MASTERS MOVED to approve the Haag and Associates land- scaping plan in the amount of $3000? Hogan seconded, motion carried. FRANCHISE TV Cable. It was noted that Teletronics Inc. is requesting a franchise from the City to use City right-of-way for place- ment of television distribution lines in accordance with the present CATV ordinance for areas recently annexed to Kent. The City Attorney noted that under state law, the City is bound to grant extension of franchises covering newly annexed areas. It was pointed out that the City has passed the underground wiring ordinaneesince the original CATV franchise ordinance was enacted. POZZI MOVED to refer the Teletronics request for a franchise to the City Attorney and City Engineer and for a report to be made at the next council meeting, Hogan seconded, motion carried. FLOOD Green River Flood Control Project. It was noted that on CONTROL August 16, 1965 , the City of Kent entered into a joint work agreement between Auburn, Kent, Renton, Tukwila, King County Soils and Water Conservation District, Green River Flood Cpntrol District, County of King, State of Washington and the Soil Conservation Service. This agreement has been up- dated by further engineering and' adjustment of costs. MASTERS MOVED to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the Supplemental Watershed Work Plan Agreement #2 , Hogan seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the agreement does not constitute a financial obligation. BUDGET Copies of the preliminary budget for 1970 were presented to the Council. POZZI MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the preliminary budget for 1970 and for the public hearing to be held at the regular Council meeting of December 1 , 1969 , and for a work session to be held on Monday, November 24th at 7.: 30 p.m. , Masters seconded. Under discussion, Woodworth asked if the present council would actually act on this matter, since three new councilmen would be seated at the next meet- ing. Pozzi opined that the new council should pass on it. The City Attorney stated that the budget could be brought up under old busuness and that the old council could then refer it to the new council . Motion carried. It was noted that letters were received from the Kent American Legion Baseball organization and the Kent Jaycees requesting that lighting of the baseball field at Memorial Park be considered in the new budget. Street noted that this item is in the preliminary budget and the letters will be kept for the budget consid eration and hearing. BIDS Dibsel Oil. One bid was received for furnishing diesel oil for 1970 from Standard Oil for .1305 per gallon. WOODWORTH MOVED to accept the bid of Standard oil, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. BUILDING Ordinance 1620 was read by the City Attorney, adopting by CODE reference the Uniform Building Code - Volume III - Housing, 1967 Edition. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. LID Ordinance 1617 was read by the City Attorney establishing SEGREGATIONS procedures under which application for segregation of LID and ULID assessments will be processed. WOODWORTH MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. The City Attorney clarified that the Council would consider each such application separately. Motion carried. UNION Mr. Street read the proposed agreement with Teamsters Local Union #910 for 1970 . HOGAN MOVED for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign the agreement, Masters seconded, motion carried. ASSOCIATION It was noted that the AWC District meeting will be OF WASHING- held at the Auburn Elks Club on Wednesday, November TON CITIES 19th at 7 :00 pm. Street noted that the AWC would hold a one day school on November 24th in Seattle for newly elected Mayors and Councilmen at 9 : 30 a.m. at the University Tower Hotel. OUTDOOR Ordinance 1618 establishing licensing procedures for MUSIC outdoor music festivals, amusements, etc. , was read by FESTIVALS the City Attorney. WOODWORTH MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. The City Attorney explained that the bond required protects adjacent property owners. Motion carried. Claims received through November loth, for which authoriza- tion for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 12, 233 .58 Firemen 's R/P Fund 306.60 Library41, 752.60 'ark 6,084.99 Arterial Street 289 .35 Street 28, 727.35 Equipment Rental 9, 802.95 New City Hall Constr. 9, 278.00 Garbage 24, 659 .99 Sewer 53 ,959 .97 Water 116, 735 .94 LID 253 272 .54 LID 255 4, 138.83 Reith Road Phase I 7,429 .35 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID 41 55 , 671 .45 Sewer Constr. Fund of 1969 32, 625 .00 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 252 Phase II Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 61 .99 LID 256, E. Valley Water Main Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 797.61 Morrison-Knudsen, Inc. 9, 970. 27 LID 257 James Street Daily Journal of Commerce 131.25 Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 1, 070 .46 LID 258 4th Avenue Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 1, 398.28 Walter Renschler 5 , 700 .00 Walter Renschler 104, 200 .00 North Kent Water Joseph A. Street 214.00 Anderson & Kelly 43. 75 dill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 6, 750.00 Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 920 .C30 Constructors PAMCO 5 , 343.50 7 <1 MEETING ADJOURNED: 4: 30,?p.m. %a R pectful submitted, oe Alex Thornton Marie Jens MY CLERP Mayor City Clerk