HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/03/1969 Kent, Washington November 3, 1969 O Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at ' F.... , 3 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Thornton, Councilmen: Hogan, Lee , Masters, ' CJC Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street, u \ City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris tJ TI Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and . accepted by C� v" motion. O Uj Treasurer' s report submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion. C~.� W W STREETS LID 255 , S. 228th. POZZI MOVED to approve Change Order #3 to Red-Samm Mining Co. in the amount of V $3, 355 .46 for additional work, Lee seconded, motion carried. 1 Traffic Control. A letter was received from the Sunnycrest Elementary School expressing appreciation for the installation of the pedestrian crossing light at 244th and Military Road. WOODWORTH MOVED to place the letter on file , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. LID 257. James.St. POZZI MOVED for the Council, acting as a Committee as a Whole, to meet at 7: 30 pm Wednesday, November 5 , 1969 , for the purpose of holding the final public hearing on the James Street LID 257 assessment roll, Masters seconded, motion carried. Call for Bids. The following bids were received for street sweeping for the year 1970 : Items Hourly Rate A & B for Washing Sanco NW Lot Services, Inc. $9000 $15 .00 per hour Tri-State Eductor & Sweeper 26,111 18.00 " Luckman Brothers 14, 142 16.50 " Nate Pennachi 9 , 327 16.00 " Power Sweeping Service 9, 600 15 .00 " POZZI MOVED to accept the low bid of Sanco NW Lot Services, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. WATER Armstrong Springs. To avoid the payment of interest on warrants, it is recommended that the 1969 budget be amended to provide 'for the purchase of Armstrong Springs. LEE MOVED for the City Clerk to pay the escrow fees amounting to approximately $300, the initial payment and monthly payment due December 1, 1969 , amounting to approximately $53 , 104 from unexpended capital outlay in the Water Department budget, Pozzi seconded, motion carried Scenic Hill Reservoir. POZZI MOVED that Change Order #2 To Constructors PAMCO in the amount of $494.50 be approved, Lee seconded, motion carried. LEE MOVED to accept as complete, the contract of Constructors PAMCO for the roof on the Scenic Hill Reservoir, Hogan seconded, motion carried. So. 218th Main. Ramsy stated that the plans are now compolete and requested a meeting with the water committee for a final review. Hogan asked that the Park Department be included. WATER & It was noted that certain portions of the present sewer SEWER RATES rate allow customers to receive sewer service for a cost less than that which the City pays Metro for this service. A review of the commercial and industrial rates' shows a disparity between customers in both sewer and water rates. LEE MOVED for the City Administrator to contact a utility rate analyst to determine the probable cost of a complete review of sewer and water rates, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & Mill Creek Sewer. Sometime ago, the City entered into SANITATION an agreement with Cascade Sewer District, and also entered into a tri-party agreement with Cascade Sewer District and Metro for the enlargement and extension of the Mill Creek Sewer. It was noted that it is now necessary to create a fund for the payment of the City's share of these costs and to receive latecomers charges. Resolution 651A creating a "Sewer Construction Fund - 1969" was read by the City Attorney. POZZI MOVED for adoption of the resolution, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was pointed out that the first payments are now due Metro. Mill Creek Sewer. HOGANIDVED that the City. Treasurer be directed to transfer $32, 500 from the Sewer Fund' s unbudgeted unexpended balance to the Sewer Construction Fund of 1969, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. ULID #1 , Contract 5 . The City .Engineer reported that the City Attorney had reviewed an indemnity agreement from Murphy Brothers, contractors on Contract 5 , ULID #1, to hold the city harmless from any action from those property owners who have not submitted releases of easements. POZZI MOVED that the indemnity agreement be accepted, upon the approval of the City Engineer, Hogan seconded, motion carried. Health Services. The City Attorney noted that the City has joined other cities in litigation against the King County Department of Health. He stated that a temporary restraining order was serviced, restraining the County Treasurer from releasing city funds to the Seattle King County Health De- partment until a trial can be had on the matter. Call for Bids. WOODWORTH MOVED that the City Administrator prepare a call for bids for contract garbage hauling and together with the City Attorney, prepare a new ordinance covering garbage hauling, Hogan seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a firm is now collecting dry paper from some store and industries, which is subsequently sold. The present ordinance prohibits this type of activity, but the Health & Sanitation committee has directed that such activity be permitted after January 1, 1970. Sewer Extension. Two applications for sewer extensions outside the city limits have been received. One is from Ralph Gutherie for 14, 750 lineal feet in Kentridge and another from Kent School District for 170 lineal feet near Aero=Mechanics. It was determined that both applica- tions comply with the City ' s regulations. POZZI MOVED that these applications be accepted and filed with •the County Auditor, Masters seconded, motion carried. Bill of Sale. A bill of sale and sewer reimbursement agreement have been received from Reproco, Inc. for an ex- tension constructed along James Street from a point 323 feet west of the centerline of 104th. HOGAN MOVED to accept both and to file them with the County Auditor, Lee seconded, motion carried. Stockton Plat. It was noted that an easement for sewers has been received for Lot 14 from Mayer Built Homes. LEE MOVED to accept the easement and to have it recorded with the County Auditor, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Randall Park #1. HOGAN MOVED that an easement from R & A Construction for sanitary sewers in Randall Park #1 be accepted and filed with the County Auditor, Masters seconded, motion carried. BUILDING New City Hall. Mr. Street reported that the architect had stated that the plans and specifications will be pesented in two weeks. Woodworth objected to the constant delays and MOVED that the architects be written a letter from the Council stating that the City was promised the plans in time for a call for bids by the first part of December, and we should be ready for the bid call as soon as possible in order to get the best use of the building funds. Pozzi seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED to authorize sub-contracts to Robin M. Towne and Associates, Consultants in Acoustics of $1 ,800 and to Communications Management, Inc. for $2 ,400 , Hogan seconded, motion carried. POLICE & Call for Bids . The foll-owing .jic.s .were received. for FIRE furnishing two police cars : Inc. Tax Less Trade-in Strains Auto $3,416.96 Bowen Scarff 3 ,861.64 Hazelett Chevrolet 4,064.45 WOODWORTH MOVED that the low bid of Strains Auto be accepted, Hogan seconded, motion carried. Outdoor Music Festivals. Woodworth noted that the License Committee has received a copy of an ordinance governing licensing of outdoor music festivals from King County; and that a meeting will be held to make a recommendation tothe Council. SEGREGATION OFIt was noted that another request has been received for LID ASSESS- segregation of LID assessments. The City Attorney has MENTS suggested that a policy be established to handle segrega- tions. It is recommended that (1 ) the enabling legislature be made a part of the City Ordinance, ( 2 ) that each step of procedure included therein be followed in processing such a request ( 3 ) that segregations which are obviously separating areas that will be utilized for public rights-of-way have the assessments thereon paid in full upon acceptance by the treasurer of the segregated areas (4) that segregations re- quested to divide a present single parcel into more than 5 parcels will not be considered until the parcel is platted into a legal subdivision and the assessments due on areas designated public rights-of-way paid in full. WOODWORTH MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance to cover segregations, Masters seconded. Under discussion, the City Attorney noted passage of such an ordinance would make it necessary to repeal Resolution 635 which set a city policy governing segregation of LID assessments. Motion carried. RAILROAD Discussion was had on a letter received from Mr. Johnson of CROSSINGS the Boeing Co. concerning proposed railroad crossings of the West Valley Highway. In view of the recent improvements to this highway and the installation of an on-grade crossing -of 180th servicing Andover Park, Street suggested that the Planning Commission be requested to review, within the frame- work of the Comprehensive Plan, the utilization of industrial I roperty west of the West Valley Highway and its railroad re- quirements . WOODWORTH MOVED for the Planning Commission to review the requirements of railroad crossings to serve the industrial property west of the West Valley Highway, Masters seconded, motion carried. ZONING Keck. It was noted that the Planning Commission had held over the hearing on the Thomas E. Keck rezone to their November 12th meeting. LEE MOVED to continue the council hearing to the December lst meeting, Hogan seconded, motion carried. G.L.S. Properties. The public heaing was opened on the applica- tion by G.L.S. Properties for a rezone from M-A to M-1 at South 277th and the West Valley Highway. 'he City Engineer read a letter from the engineering department to the Planning Commission recommending approval of the application, noting that Mr. Butnam, the representative of the applicant, had agreed to deed to the City the south 12 feet of their property along with the west 20 feet for future widening of the West Valley Highway and South 277th St. The Planning Commission had recommended that the application be approved. Mr. Kelleher, Attorney representing G.L.S. Properties, stated that Mr. Butman had not been aware of of the value of the land. Gulf Oil plans to buy the land for a service station, and a 20 ' setback would be impractical . He requested that the provision for deeding .both sections be deleted. Ile pointed out that the proposed widening was for the future and that oil companies were always willing to realign gas stations to provide for street improvements , and that the city could buy the land from the company. Woodworth stated that since Mr. Kelleher has now requested that the provision -for deeding the land be deleted, that the matter should be referred back to the Planning Commission for their further consideration and SO MOVED. Masters seconded, motion carried. Mr. Harris ascertained that the Planning Commission would consider the application at their November 12th meeting. This hearing was therefor held over to the December 1 council meeting. HEALTH & Bill of Sale. .A Bill of Sale from Mayer Built Homes covering SANITATION easements and sewer lines, man holes, and a lift station have been reviewed. It contains the following restriction: "When and if said lift station is abandoned, all equipment pertinent to the lift station shall revert back to the Grantor of this Bill of Sale" . It was further noted in the agreement that Mayer Built Homes is the owner of the preliminary plat of Benson East which is adjacent to the plat of Stockton, that the lift station was designed to provide sewer service to Benson East and that the City will allow Benson East to be served by the lift station. The City Engineer objected to ` providing sewer service to the Benson East plat, noting that a study shows a lack of capacity to handle more than that which has been authorized to date . The City Engineer recommended that the bill of sale be accepted with the above underlined deleted and that acceptance be subject to an adequate bond or cash deposit to guarantee some items still not up to City standards, and that the operation of the lift station meet City standards. It was noted that Mr. Mayer had deleted the subject section immediately prior to the Council meeting. He noted that Mr. Mayer wants service as soon as possible so the homes in Stockton may be occupied. He explained that he was unable at this time to state an amount to be posted for the cash deposit or bond, but that the $500 proposed by Mayer was insufficient. Mayer suggested that the Council approve his proposal to post a bond for 11-2 times the estimate that the City feels is adequate. WOODWORTH MOVED to refer the matter to the Sewer Committee, with power to act and for the committee to determine the amount of the bond, Masters seconded. Under discussion, the City Attorney clarified that the intent of the motion is that the Bill of Sale acceptance is conditioned upon compliance with the points brought out by the City Engineer. Motion carried. Masters moved that the bills received on or before November 10, 1969 , and approved by the auditing committee, be paid, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 4:10 p.m. Res ectfully submitted, MAYOR Alex Thornton Marie Jensen CITY CLERK Mayor City Clerk 1