HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/20/1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Pro Tem Pozzi , Councilmen : Barnier , Hogan , Lee , Masters and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and City Engineer Sherwood. (Councilman Barnier was not present for the entire meeting, arriving at approximately 3 : 30 p.m. ) Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . STREETS Court Suit . It was noted that the alley in Block 30, Knob Hill Addition was excavated by Hauge Construction in 1967, despite three stop-work orders being issued . A suit in superior court was started and then negotiations attempted to arrive at an equitable decision acceptable to the adjacent property owners . At a meeting this spring, the property owners agreed to five points which was the minimum acceptable to them. Mr. Hauge agreed to three of the points , but refused the other two. At a meeting held October 14th with the property owners , the City was re- quested to continue the case in court , and toilet the court decide the damages . WOODWORTH MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to proceed with the case against Hauge Construction Co. since the efforts to negotiate have failed , Lee seconded , motion carried. Call for Bids . LEE MOVED that a call for bids be issued for street cleaning for the year 1970, with the bids to- be opened October 29 , 1969 , Masters seconded , motion carried. WATER Armstrong Springs . Lee reviewed the council action concern- ing the acquisition of Armstrong Springs , noting that the City had extended the option to October 31 and that the acquisition of the property is now being processed. The report an the drilling has indicated a good source of water. So. 218th Water Main . Lee noted that the City is holdingk a check for 1 ,029. 33 from Salem Sand & Gravel which was deposited to guarantee restoration of the street , and MOVED that 'the check be returned to the contractor. Masters seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & Health Services . It was noted that the Suburban Mayors met SANIATION on October 1 th and developed a resolution regarding health services to be presented to their respective councils for consideration . The City Attorney read the resolution request- ing- thatthe member cities of the association join in retaining counsel to bring legal action against the Director of the Seattle-King County Department of Health to seek answers to questions raised by the association relative to the amount of monies billed to the cities for alleged services rendered . WOODWORTH MOVED to approve the resolution of the Suburban Mayors Association dated October 16 , 1969 and to adopt it as Kent Resolution #651 , Masters seconded. Under discussion , Street stated that the rates proposed were five times higher than the rates in Pierce , Snohomish and Yakima counties and the cities had not been able to have this explained. He further stated that the King County Health Department had been . operating on 4/10th of a mill and are now asking for approximately $5 .23 per capita , although they have not in- formed the cities as to what additional services are now being provided . Motion carried . Bids - High Pressure Sewer Cleaner. The following bids were read for a truck-mounted high pressure sewer cleaner : TOTAL INC . TAX Hazelett Chevrolet with Flexible cleaner 15 ,, 138.93 Hazelett Chevrolet with Sahlberg cleaner 14 , 410.56 Hazelett Chevrolet with Pacific cleaner 14 , 167.07 Bowen Scarff Ford with Flexible cleaner 15 , 502. 58 Bowen Scarff Ford with Sahlberg cleaner. 14 , 800. 34 Bowen Scarff Ford with Pacific cleaner 14 , 804 . 52 Valley Garage GMC with Flexible cleaner 15 , 244.18 Valley Garage GMC with Pacific cleaner 15 , 036.28 HEALTH & It was pointed out that the Sewer Department recommenddd SANITATION the Chevrolet truck with the Flexible Cleaner as the best bid , noting that all of the trucks meet the specifications , but that only the Flexible Cleaner completely meets the specifications . HOGAN MOVED that the bid of Hazelett Chevrolet with a Flexible cleaner be accepted , Masters seconded , Under discussion , Bob Parks of Sahlberg Equip- ment spoke on behalf of his machine , noting that the service is ample , and the smaller engine and the different nozzle are small points considering that the price would be $700 less than the Flexible . Mr. Street stated that thorough consideration had been given to these facts . Motion carried. Mr. Street requested a meeting of the Health & Sanitation Committee regarding consideration of extension of a sewer line . BUILDING New City Hall. It was noted that Lee believed that clarifica- tion should be made concerning the City Hall plan . MASTERS MOVED and Hogan seconded that the minutes include the following information : 1. A two-story council and court wing with 3392 square feet of finished area. 2. A four-story office wing with 12 ,012 square feet of finished area and 4 ,004 square feet of unfinished area. 3. A four-story police wing with 5 , 224 square feet of finished area on the first two floors , 2 , 612 square feet of unfinished on the fhird floor , and the fourth floor of 3 , 520 square feet utilized for utilities for all three wings . 4 . 'Lobby finished area is 2 , 963 square feet . 5 . Terrace area of 662 square feet finished . 6 . Total finished area is 27 , 161 square feet . Total unfinished area is 6 , 616 square feet . 7 . Total estimated cost is $1 , 233 , 463. Motion carried . FINANCE Street noted that an Interest Bearing Warrant issued to Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson in the amount of $6 ,203 .19 was subsequently lost by Peoples National Bank. In compliance with state statutes , the bank has filed an affidavit and bond , together with a photo copy of the warrant . The City Attorney has approved the document and MASTERS MOVED to have the City accept it . Lee seconded , motion carried , McLean & Co. Contract . Masters made the following report : "(fin Tuesday, October 14 , 1969 , five members of the City Council met with Paul Flint of McLean and Company. The history of , and the present contract with McLean and Company was reviewed . Mr. Flint explained that his company did , and has bought all of the City LID bonds and revenue bonds for the past several years , at a price that they might in turn resell the bonds to make a profit . Councilman Woodworth and Pozzi both reported that comparing the interest rate paid by Kent at the time of these sales with similar bonds from neighboring communities , was in fact competitive and that the services the city received had been definitely to the advantage of Kent . Mrs . Hogan asked for a complete breakdown between the cost and the sale , and Mr. Flint did not furnish this informatiot The matter of in-house preparation and subsequent bids on bonds was discussed. ULID bonds are particularly difficult to put together by an in-house operation . A review of the contract also noted that there is a thirty ( 30) day cancellation clause for either party. The consensus of this meeting was that following the election of a new council there may be a desire by this said council to review this contract and consider other financial institutions" . FINANCE Hogan referred to two letters written by the former City Treasurer, Mr. Cavanaugh, dated January 9 , 1969 and March 28 , 1969 and requested that they be made a . part of the record . WOODWORTH MOVED that these letters be included by reference , Masters seconded . Under discussion , Hogan requested that these letters be read by the City Attorney. Woodworth withdrew his motion , Masters withdrew her second. The City Attorney read the letter dated January 9 in which Mr. Cavanaugh opined that the contract with McLean and Co. is not in the best interest of the City and should be scrapped. He suggested that competitive bidding be encouraged on all future bond issues and registered warrant operation . The letter dated March 28th was then read , which called attention to the former letter. ANNEXATION Lotto. The public hearing was opened on the proposed Lotto Annexation , consisting of five acres at the southwest corner of the Benson Road and James Street . There were no objections or comments from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Ordinance 1616 , approving the Lotto Annexation was read by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Lee seconded , motion carried . PARKS AND Bids - Lights & Wiring for Memorial Park. The following RECREATION bids were received for area lighting and electrical service at the Kent Memorial Park: Base Bid Total Inc . Tax Donald W. Close Painted Poles 15 ,Oa .00 Seattle Galy. Poles 15 , 131 .60 Irving G. Chapman Painted Poles 17 , 3o4. 16 Renton Galy. Poles 17 , 3o4.16 Holmes Electric Painted Poles 15 , 601 .95 Renton Galy. Poles 15 , 841. 16 Electrical Northwest Painted Poles 17 , 138.00 Renton Galv. Poles 17 , 514. 20 HOGAN MOVED to accept the low bid of Donald W. Close for galvanized poles , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Agreement . HOGAN MOVED to authorize the City Clerk and Mayor to sign an agreement with the Federal Way School District for joint utilization of facilities for recreation programs . The agreement is similar to that now existing with the Kent School District , Barnier seconded , motion carried. CONFERENCES The City Clerk and City Treasurer reported on the various & meetings attended at the Washington Finance Officer ' s meeting, CONVENTIONS noting especially discussions involving the Optional Municipal Code , the new Public Pensions Act (Leff) , Licenses , Census , Investments and Data Processing. LEAVE OF A request for a leave of absence for approximately two and ABSENCE olne half months has been received from Mrs . Geneva Obenchain , Chief Operator of the Communications Center. The City Clerk, Fire and Police Chiefs recommend the leave be granted. WOODWORTH MOVED to grant the leave of absence without pay and for her seniority to be retained , Hogan seconded , tmotion carried . AWC It was noted that the Association of Washington Cities MEETING Legislative District meeting will be held at the Auburn Elks Club on Wednesday, November 19th at 7 :00 p.m. Pozzi requested that the City Clerk notify the officials after the election . Claims received through October loth, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting : Current Expense 12 , 988. 36 Firemen ' s R/P Fund 306.60 Library 430.63 Park 6 , 100.64 Forward Thrust 94.0o Arterial Street 1,875 .00 Street 15 ,881.47 New City Hall Constr. 19 , 948 .00 Equipment Rental 4 , 944 .13 Garbage 8 , 891.85 Sewer 32 , 973.65 Water 18 , 4o8.83 UAB Constr. ,, (LID 255) 23 , 387 . 33 1967 Sewer Constr. (ULID #1 ) 17 , 432. 39 UAB Constr. (Reith Rd. Phase I ) 2 , 168. 76 Interest Bearing Warrants . LID 252 North Water Phase II Hill , Ingman & Chase 120.74 LID 253 So. 212th Chicago , Milwaukee , St . Paul and 1 , 670. 57 Pacific Railroad Hill , Ingman & Chase 3i5 .78 Red-Samm Mining Inc . 1.9 , 394 .27 LID 256 16" Water Main Hill , Ingman & Chase 203•45 LID 257 James Street Walter Renschler Davis ) 1 , 400.00 Walter Renschler (Powers) 1 , 250.00 Walter Renschler (Schindeldecker ) 1 , 150.00 Walter Renschler (Ostler ) 300.00 Walter Renschler (Teter) 6 , 700.00 Walter Renschler (Teter-Ball ) 2 , 200.00 Walter Renschler (Little ) 95.00 Walter Renschler (Van Horn ) 550.00 Walter Renschler (Jenks ) 950.00 Walter Renschler (Littler) 1 ,000.00 Walter Renschler (Cantrell ) 4 , 700.00 Walter Renschler (Brewer) 950.00 Walter Renschler (Pearson ) 1 , 000.00 Walter Renschler (Novak) 2 , 000.00 Walter Renschler (Benson ) 700.00 Walter Renschler (Hoover) 650.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 793 .45 Reproco, Inc. 4 , 500.00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 7 , 323 . 53 LID 258 , 4th Avenue Hill , Ingman & Chase 413 .14 1 North Kent Water Austin Construction 22, 643 . 30 Hill , Ingman & Chase 3 , 146 .51 Constructors PAMCO 4 ,o82 .40 Future SRB Municipality of Metro Seattle 32 ,625 .00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 3 :45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, MAYOR � Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , C VSr(-CP*rk