HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/06/1969 Kent , Washington October 6 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Barnier, Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter, City Engineer Sherwood. (Councilmen Barnier and City Attorney Bereiter were not present for the entire meeting, each arriving at approximately 4 :00 p.m. ) Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Treasurer ' s report submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . STREETS LID 257. The following bids were received .for construction of James Street : . Contract A Contract B Red-Samm 594 , 407. 38 701 , 818 - 50 Butler Construction 632 , 508.00 685 ,016.50 POZZI MOVED that the low bid of Red-Samm for Con tract A and the low bid of Butler Construction for Contract B be accepted , Woodworth seconded . Under discussion , Pozzi complimented the engineers on their estimate of the cost , which although submitted 18 months ago, still came within 10% of the bid. Motion carried . POZZI MOVED to hold the final hearing on LID 257 on November 5th at 7 : 30 p.m. , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Parking. Ordinance 1615 was read by Mr. Street , re- stricting parking on So. Central from a point 400' south of the centerline of Morton and extending south 510' . POZZI MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried . LID 253 and LID 255. Red-Samm, contractors on South 212th and South 22 th have requested that 1/2 of the 10% retainage be released . It was pointed out that the projects are more than 90% complete . POZZI SO MOVED, Hogan seconded , motion carried . Traffic Control. A petition signed by approximately 500 citizens from the Circle K Mobile Home Park was presented , requesting a guard rail the full length of the West Valley Highway curve to protect the four mobile homes adjacent to the curve and a stop light at the Morton Street intersection . POZZI MOVED that this petition be referred to the Street Committee , Woodworth seconded . Street noted that since this is a state highway and the highway department is now working on the West Valley Highway, he had forwarded the petition to the Highway Department . Masters opined that the guai`d rail was very important and should be put in as soon as possible . Motion carried . Traffic Control. It was recommended that a private road , crossing city property from Kent-Kangley Road to the American Legion Building, be marked .one way for ingress only. POZZI SO MOVED , Hogan seconded . Under discussion , it was noted that this road leaves the Kent-Kangley Road at about a 45° angle and is dangerous when used to enter Kent-Kangley. Motion Carried. Freeway. Mayor Thornton noted that John Fournier Jr. has scheduled a meeting with Mr. Andrews of the State Highway Department regarding the Freeway (third phase ) to be held October 9th at 7 : 30 p.m. at the Chamber of Commerce office . WATER So. 208th Tank Site . Lee noted that approximately 70,000 yards of earth should be removed from the So. 208th tank site . Proposals have been received from three firms for removing it and grading to the engineer ' s specifications . LEE MOVED for the City Administrator to be authorized to accept the best- proposal, Masters seconded , motion carried. LID 256• A permit has been received from the City of Renton for placing a water line in So. 180th which will complete the LID 256 water line extens- ion . It was pointed out that the City Attorney had approved the permit and LEE MOVED to accept it , Hogan seconded , motion carried . Resolution 649 and 650 were read by the City Admini- strator, extending the contracts with Puget Power for an additional 10 years for furnishing municipal water pumping power service for two pumping stations , both located in the Reith Road & Kent-Des Moines Highway vicinity. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of these two resolutions , Lee seconded , motion carried. BUILDING New City Hall. Mr. Briener of the architects office showed thb new reduced model of the new city hall . Masters noted that the council and advisory committees had reviewed the latest plans which included a $400 ,000 inside levy G. O. bond issue , and have agreed to approve them. Mr. Pete Curran spoke in favor of this plan on behalf of the citizen ' s committee . MASTERS MOVED that the architect be authorized to proceed with construction drawings and preparation of a call for bids , in accord- ance with the plans presented September 30, 1969 , Wood- worth seconded , motion carried. Barnier was not present for this action , and commented later that the use of the inside levy constituted deficit spending , and he hoped that the citizens would not later complain if it became necessary to curtail services . Hogan pointed out that the matter had been considered and the City could "live with" budgets which provided for the inside levy. FINANCE Hogan referred to an article in a September issue of the Kent News Journal regarding the citys financial consultants . She noted that the City has had a con- tract with McLean & Co. for seven years under which the City is not charged for the firm' s services , and questioned as to how a bonding company could operate without charging fees . She opined that it might be appropriate to show that this firm has saved the city money, and if they have not to perhaps consider hiring a consultant , when needed , -for a specific fee. She moved for the Finance Committee , Administrator, City Treasurer and three citizens of the community to study the contract . Motion died for lack of a second. Woodworth stated that , in his opinion , 1kcLean & Co. had done a commendable job for the City and that while he had no objection to the Council reviewing the contract , he did not deem it appropriate to have a citizens committee included. HOGAN MOVED for the Council to review the McLean and Co. contract , Woodworth seconded, motion carried , with Pozzi voting nay. (Barnier was not present for this action ) . HEALTH & Aero-Mechanics Sewer. It was noted that an easement SANITATION has been received from School District #415 , in con- junction with the Aero-Mechanics sewer. HOGAN MOVED to accept the easement , Masters seconded, motion carried. Des Moines Sewer Distrct . BARNIER MOVED to approve Des Moines Sewer District Resolution #1969-47 , adopt- ing a plan of additions and betterments to the dis- trict , Woodworth seconded . Under discussion , the City Engineer noted that this resolution actually covers about 5 or 6 different sections , only one of which lies within the City of Kent . Motion carried . HEALTH & ULID #1. It was noted that the final EDA inspection SANITATION of the North Sewer system has been made and that it is now necessary to have a C .P.A. audit of expenses . WOODWORTH MOVED that the firm of Worth & Chatham be retained on an hourly basis with a maximum cost of $2 , 500, Lee seconded , motion carried . ULID #1 , Contract 5 . Barnier stated that Murphy Bros . has asked the City to accept Contract 5 of ULID #1 as complete. He noted that five constru- tion easement releases have not been secured by the contractor , but that the committee had investi- gated the situation and recommended that the pro- ject be accepted . WOODWORTH MOVED that the City accept as complete Contract 5 , ULID #1, from Murphy Bros. on condition that Murphy Bros . furnish the city with a hold harmless agreement from any liability with respect to the five parties who have not signed the releases , namely SS&M Co. , Barnier, Harn-Spear , Baird and McGovern . Pozzi seconded , motion carried . Barnier noted that SS&M Co. had completely ignored communications regarding the release and MOVED to direct the City Attorney to prepare a letter to SS&M Co. setting forth a time limit in which they are to respond , under which failure to respond will be considered as approving the release . Woodworth seconded , motion carried. BARNIER MOVED to approve the final change order in the amount of $197 ,727. 99 , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Armscrest #6 . Hogan referred to the September 2nd meeting at which the City Attorney was asked to check into the situation under which the City is holding checks from Hauge Construction which are payable to the School District . The City Attorney has recommended that the City continue to hold the checks . Hogan stated that the City held the checks because Hauge claimed there was some controversy with the School District , but the City has never received any documented evidence of such con- troversy. HOGAN MOVED that the checks be released to the School District , Pozzi seconded. Under discussion , the City Attorney stated that this -could place the City in an awkward position . The City Engineer explained that when the Scenic Hill School was built , the School District extended the city' s sanitary sewer along Woodland Way to the school building, and the City agreed that anyone connecting to that line would reimburse the school dis- trict . Hauge built adjacent to Woodland Way and connected to the sewer. The City refused to issue him building per- mits until he could show that he had paid the School Dis- trict. Hauge stated that a controversy existed with the district and deposited the checks with the. City in order to obtain the permits . Hogan reconsidered and WITHDREW her motion , since she serves on the School Board , Pozzi withdrew his second . POZZI MOVED that the motion as stated be placed on the floor , Lee seconded . Upon roll call vote , Pozzi and Lee voted aye . Woodworth, Barnier and Masters voted nay and Hogan abstained. Motion failed . BARNIER Toyed that the City Attorney be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Hauge in regard to these two checks and to stipulate that his response is to be made within 10 days from the date the letter is mailed , showing cause as to why the checks should not be released to the district . Failure to respond would indicate that there is no controversy, and the checks will be released , Pozzi seconded. Motion carried , with Hogan abstaining. BUDGET Ordinance 1614 , fixing the tax levy for 1970 was read by Mr. Street . The public hearing was opened. There were no comments or objections and the hearing was closed by motion . WOODWORTH MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Pozzi seconded , motion carried . SS&M CO. A report concerning the status of the SS&M Co. DEVELOPMENT project was presented to the Council. It was noted that the City has not yet requested a triangle of land to be deeded for the extension of Hilltop Ave . Pozzi stated that we should establish the description of the property and ask for the deed now. The City Engineer concurred. It was pointed out that the project engineer had instructed Horton Dennis to submit contour maps. Clarification was made on the $100, 000 performance bond which covered hauling , and the $2500 and $10,000 bonds which cover minor items. EASEMENT It was noted that Clifford Kirkland has requested that the city grant an easement to Puget Power to allow placement of power lines within an exist- ing road easement . LEE MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said easement , Masters seconded. Mr. Street explained that this easement is located at Clark Springs and was granted for road purposes only, across the NW corner of prop- erty, owned originally by Mrs . 'MacLellan . The City Engineer has requested that it be kept to the East 10 feet . Motion carried. LID It was noted that a request has been received from ASSESSMENTS James M. Matsuoka for segregation of LID assessments for a portion of property which has been awarded to his neighbor by court order. WOODWORTH MOVED to refer the matter to the City Attorney , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. CAMBRIDGE A Bill of Sale covering utilities and streets in #6 Cambridge #6 has been received and approved by the City Engineer. POZZI MOVED to accept it , Lee seconded , motion carried . ANNEXATION Spears . WOODWORTH MOVED that the 10% petition and the 75% petition filed October 2nd , wherein the petitioners for Spears Annexation agree to accept a pro-rata share of the city ' s existing bonded indebtedness , be acknowledged , accepted and forwarded to the Boundary Review Board , Masters seconded , motion carried . Lotto. It was noted that the Boundary Review Board has approved the Lotto annexation consisting of five acres . WOODWORTH MOVED that the public hearing be held on October 20, 1969 , Lee seconded , motion carried. UNION LEE MOVED that C. C. Donworth & Assoc . be "retained for assistance in collective bargaining with the union at the same rate as our former contract , namely $250 retainer per month based upon an hourly rate of $25 to $35 per hour , with no extra charge unless the work exceeds $375 per month, Masters seconded , motion carried. Street oted that the previous charge has been approximately 1080 for a four month period . PAYROLL WOODWORTH MOVED that the Administrator be authorized DEDUCTIONS to allow payroll deductions for UGN contributions for any city employees who request this service , Lee seconded , motion carried. CITY It was noted that the Kent Jr. Chamber of Commerce has PROPERTY requested permission to use the City owned house located at 216 So. 4th , from October 24 to October 31 , for the purpose of having a "spook house" . They have agreed to obtain insurance to idemnify and hold the city harmless . POZZI MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement for use of the house , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. PLANNING WOODWORTH MOVED to confirm Mayor Thornton ' s appointment COMMISSION of Terry McKenna and Monte Fugate to the Planning Commission , Masters seconded , motion carried. CONFERENCES POZZI MOVED to grant permission for the City Clerk, & Finance Officer and City Treasurer to attend the CONVENTIONS Washington Finance Officers meeting in Vancouver , October 15 through October 17 , and for the City Engineer and Assistant City Engineer to attend the APWA Conference in Spokane , October 15 through October 17 , Masters seconded , motion carried. HOGAN MOVED to authorize two employees of the Parks Department to attend the Washington State Parks & Recreation Conference in Bellingham, October 26 through October 28 , Masters seconded , motion carried . CITY POLICY Street stated that the heads of the city departments MANUAL were reviewing- the City Policy Manual and requested that action on the matter be left tabled until the next meeting. FINANCE MASTERS MOVED for approval of bills received through October loth, after auditing by the Finance Committee , Woodworth seconded , motion carried . A meeting of the Finance Committee was scheduled for October 15th at 9 :00 a.m. for this purpose . MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 : 40 p.m. Rectfull submitted , MAYOR Alex Thornton Marie Jensen CITY CLERK' Mayor City Clerk 1