HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/15/1969 Kent , Washington September 15 , 1969 Regular meeting of the bent City Council was called to order at 3 : 00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Baffaro, Barnier, Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Minutes of the last meeting, were approved as printed and accepted by motion . STREETS So. 182nd . It was noted that a contract has been received from the State Highway Department concern- ing the proposed closing of S . 182nd at the 'west Valley Highway. WOODWORTH MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said contract , Plasters seconded . Under discussion , Street stated that he and the City Engineer met with Mr.- Heinen of CAM Industries , who stated that his organization had been promised by the Highway Department that S . 182nd would be open for both right and left turns , and that S . 72nd is not a satisfactory entrance to their prop- erty. Up until Friday, Andreas of the Highway Depart- ment had been unable to solve the problem with CAM. It was noted that CAM has purchased property for an entry to their facilities from S . 182nd . It is their opinion that the present structure of S . 72nd is not adequate to accommodate heavy loads over a period of time . Street pointed out that if the contract is accepted as presented , the problem of the structural strength of 72nd is left , and, if it is not accepted , the original problem on S . 182nd remains . Pozzi stated that left turns are almost impossible now. Street stated that this area is zoned for industry, but still used as residential. IIe pointed out that neither the State or the City knew that CA1,l had bought right-of-way to their property. Motion carried . S 180th Improvement . Pozzi reported that the Street Committee and Engineers had met with Renton officials , who indicated Renton ' s willingness to support a program for the improvement of S . 180th to a four lane arterial as a joint project between Renton and Kent as an Urban Arterial Board subsidized program. POZZI MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into an agree- ment with Renton and Hill , Ingman & Chase for the prepara- tion of the necessary material for the UAB, under the terms of the IIill , Ingman and Chase existing agreement . Lee seconded . Under discussion , the City Engineer stated that the entire existing right-of-way is within the Renton city limits , but that Renton had agreed that the street should be 100 ' wide , which would include some Kent right- of-way. Street noted that utilities could be included and that the city' s interests would be protected . Motion carried. �o. 212th. Barnier noted that construction work at the corner of S . 212th and the East Valley Highway had left the right turn lane in poor condition . Ramsey stated he would notify the contractor to repave it . Traffic Control . Woodworth recommended that the Traffic Engineer investigate the sight -restriction caused by an advertising sign at the corner of Titus and Central Ave . Traffic Control. The Traffic Entineer submitted a re- port on the parking problem on S. Central Ave . in the vicinity of Canyon Center , and recommended that an ordi- nance be drafted and forwarded to the Washington State Highway Department for their approval prohibiting park- ing on a 24-hour basis along the entire frontage of Canyon Center. MASTERS MOVED to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance , Pozzi seconded , motion carried . STREETS Signalization . ' The City Engineer reported that the pedestrian signal is now in operation at S . 244th and Military Road . WATER S. 218th Reservoir. LEE MOVED to approve the proposal of Dames & Moore for additional soils evaluations for the S. 218th Street water reservoir at their standard fees , estimated to be $200 to $300, Barnier seconded , motion carried . Water Main Bids . Lee noted that some time ago , the bids for miscellaneous water mains were rejected because they were not within the engineer ' s estimate . Under new specifications , bids have again been called for and received as follows : Bert Robison Construction 317 , 159.89 G & S Construction , Inc . 17 , 852. 73 McDonough Construction Co. 13 , 553 .63 Argentieri Construction 22 , 081. 11 Pat Carscadden & Assoc . 22 , 266 .08 Ehco Construction , Inc . 34 , 694 . 7$ LEE MOVED to accept the loiv bid of Bert Robison Construction , Hogan seconded , motion carried . WATER & Bill of Sale . A bill of sale for a water line and STREET street improvements in 108th Ave . startin at 238th Street and running 240 feet , has been received from Tom Archey of the Parkside Building Corporation . LEE MOVED that the bill of sale be accepted , Hogan seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Ordinance 1612 was read by the City Attorney, creating an Urban Arterial Construction Fund in the office of the City Treasurer. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Hogan seconded , motion carried . Ordinance 1613 was read by the City Attorney, providing for the transfer of 520 ,000 From the unbudgeted , unexpended balance in the Street Fund To Urban Arterial Construction Fund for the purpose of paying the preliminary costs of Reith Road , UAB Project , Phase I . POZZI MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Hogan seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Kent Langley Assn . a (Aero Mechanics Housing) . It was noted SANITATION that the City Engineer has received easements and bills-of- sale from Kent Langley Assn . BARNIER MOVED that they be accepted upon completion of the' following items : (1. Release from State Highway Department accepting highway restoration , 2. Release from King County accepting right-of-way restora- tion 3 . Payment of engineering, permit and inspection fees to City of Kent , 4 . Completion of pressure tests of all utility lines , 5 . Testing of pump stations and controls ) . (Item #5 was added upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation . ) Pozzi seconded , motion carried. BUILDING New City Hall. Mr . Bassetti reported that in an effort to reduce the cost of the new building , the new plans have been drafted reducing the size of the building from 43 ,000 square feet to 25 , 340 square feet . This would bring the cost to $1 ,002 ,000, including fees and taxes . He noted that the third floor of the police wing and the unfinished fourth floor has been eliminated in the new plan . He recommended that the City consider building the framework for these if at all possible . Mr. Street submitted figures on amounts which could be raised through an "inside levy" . Mr. Bassetti indicated that the new drawings will be completed and presented at the end of this week. BAFFARO MOVED to refer the matter to the Building Committee who will call the Advisory Committee and Council for further study of the drawings , Pozzi seconded , motion carried . COURT It was noted that Mayor Thornton has appointed John Bereiter DISTRICTING to represent the City of Bent on the King County Court Districting Committee , in accordance with RCW 3 . 38.010(5 ) . TAXI CAB Resolution 647 , providing that no additional taxi LICENSE li6ense be issued at this time was read by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the resolu- tion , Hogan seconded , motion carried. PLANNING Mayor Thornton noted that the Planning Commission COMMISSION terms of office for Don Eide and Harlan Bull expire this month, and that each has indicated he does not wish to be reappointed. Replacements will be appointed at the next meeting. PARKS & A request has been received from the Parks Department RECREATION to transfer the following items , all within the capital outlay budget of the Parks : From: 831 01- Land Acquisition $4 , 500.00 831 02 Landscape & Beautification 4 ,000.00 831 63 Tennis Lights 3 , 333 .00 831 07 Fencing 490.00 To : 831 06 Site Improvement . 12 , 373 .00 HOGAN MOVED for approval of the above transfer , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Mrs . Hogan noted that the estimate forthe cost of the tennis court lights is $10, 000 to $12 , 000. Hogan reported that the Parks Department is planning on tennis court lighting at the Kent Memorial Park this year , with baseball and softball lights planned for next year. Call for Bids . Mr. Street suggested that a call for bids for tennis court lighting and park wiring be made for October 13th. HOGAN SO MOVED, Masters seconded , motion carried . Hogan further reported that the Green River Bike Route is being completed and will be ready forthe official opening , Sunday, October 5th at 1 : 30 p.m. CLAIMS It was noted that repairs to a city vehicle damaged by Mr. Riley Landacre would be $490.83 . Mr. Landacre has indicated a desire to pay the sum at the rate of $25 per month, advising that at the time of the accident , his insurance policy was not in effect . POZZI MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to notify Mr. Landacre that his proposal is acceptable provided that each such payment is received before the loth of each month and that failure to pay on time will authorize the City Attorney to bring suit for collection of the balance . Baffaro seconded , motion carried . LID A request has been received from Elmer Sanford , 19862 W. Valley Highway, to separate certain LID assessments in accordance with a recently enacted State Law. Street explained that the law does not require that segregations be allowed but does provide a legal method for it , under which each request must first be approved by the Council. who in turn directs the City Treasurer to make such a segregation. The City Engineer then determines the pro- per assessment , and presents a bill to the City Treasurer for this labor. The City Treasurer then notifies the requestor that the segregation will be entered upon the LID roll upon payment of the segregation charge. It was pointed out that Resolution #635 , passed by the City on June 2 , 1969 provided that the City would consider segrega- tions only for properties connected with a City, County or State project . WOODWORTH MOVED that Mr. Sanford be notified of the City policy regarding LID segregation , Barnier seconded , motion carried . CITY POLICY Resolution 643 , adopting a Policy Manual for the MANUAL City was read by the City Attorney. HOGAN 1�10VED for adoption of the resolution , Plasters seconded , and then suggested that action be delayed to the next meeting to allot.* time to study the manual. POZZI MOVED to table the motion to the next council meeting, Lee seconded , motion carried , with Darnier voting nay. Purchaajpj . It has been recommended that City Purchasing should not be done in the same depart- ment which processes and pays the bills . The Policy Manual has , therefore , proposed to have this duty assigned to the City Administrator ' s office , and to appoint Helen Deal as Purchasing Agent . Street suggested that action be held until the Policy Manual is adopted . WOODWORTH SO MOVED. Hogan seconded. Pozzi suggested that the qualifications for Purchasing Agent also be outlined . Motion carried . CLIFFORD It was noted that the Planning Commission had reconsidered PLAT the Clifford Plat on September 9 , 1969 and have approved it with the provision that certain conditions are complied with. Pozzi stated that it appeared that the Planning Commission requirements are not in accordance with standards and the City Engineer concurred . Pozzi pointed out that in the past , a plat which failed to meet the standards had been approved and that the homeowners had then complained about the conditions . The City Attorney noted that the Planning Commission had stipulated that if the conditions were not adhered to within 60 days , approval would be automatically withdrawn . Woodworth suggested that the developer post a bond to satisfy the Planning Commission so the matter may be heard before the Council . SS 01 CO. Mr. Street requested that the report on the status of the SS&M Co. and its commitment to the City be delayed until the next council meeting to allow time to review the material . PROCLAMATION A proclamation declaring October 24 , 1969 as United Nations UNITED Day and asking community support in observing this day , was NATIONS DAY read by the City Attorney. It was noted that Mayor Thornton has appointed Don Eide as Chairman . Claims received through September ]Oth , for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting : Current Expense 14 ,027•83 Transfers 75 , 770.35 Firemen ' s R/P 306 . 60 Library 299 .09 Park 7 , 983 .20 Forward Thrust 1 , 368. 75 Arterial Street 225 . 96 Streeet 9 , l43 . 54 Equipment Rental 3 , 894 .89 =ew City Hall' Construction 1 , 800.00 arbage 9 , 625 .47 Sewer 30 , 110. 25 Water 20, 113 . 57 LID 253 429 .61 LID 255 11 , 314.30 LID 260 153 .03 LID 261 141. 11 Reith Road , Phase I 9 , 794 .82 1967 Sewer Construction (ULID #l ) 71 , 253.. 25 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 256 Hill , Ingman & Chase 311.96 LID 257 , James Street Royal Realty 20.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 30 , 921 • 75 LID 25� , 4th Ave . Imp. Bill , Ingman & Chase 27.47 Ballard Mortgage Co. 75 .00 Water Construction 1967 IIill , Ingman & Chase 2 , 700.00 N. Kent Water 6 MG Iles . Hill , Ingman & Chase 6 , 750.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 1 , 819 . 14 N. Kent hater Clark SPrins Hill , Ingman & Chase 3 , 726 •07 Anderson & Kelly 132 .60 Austin Construction Co. 2 , 395 . 33 N Kent Water Grd. Storage Iles . Constructors PAMCO 17 , 463 . 15 MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 : 15 p .m. Res ectfully submitted , MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jense , yC�€erls