HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/18/1969 Bent , Washington August 18 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Baffaro , Barnier , Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter , City Engineer Sherwood and Planning Director Harris Budget and Treasurer reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . WATER Clark Springs Water Supply. Lee referred to a letter from Austin Construction Co. to the City Engineer re- questing that their contract on the Clark Springs water Supply project be accepted . He noted that Austin will post two certified checks with the City to guarantee performance , one in the amount of $2 , 260 for testing of the automatic controls and one for $425 to cover painting. Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation , Lee moved to accept the contract as complete , pending receipt of the usual releases from the State , Pozzi seconded , motion carried . Exploration - Test Wells . Upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation , Lee moved to grant a time extension of 45 days to L. R. Gaudio, contractors for exploration of test wells on three sites , Barnier seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & Mill Creek Interceptor. Barnier noted that Metro and the SANITATION contractor for Mill Creek Interceptor have indicated that the project could be completed 10 days soonerif they could 1 "open cut" at the Crow Road . Two lands of traffic would be kept open and the road would be properly restored. It was ascertained that the contract was between Metro and Constructors Pamco. The City Engineer approved this pro- posal and noted that the old sewer which crossed the high- way would be tied in , thus allowing a potential connection to the proposed Mill Creek Park. Both Pozzi and Barney Wilson stated that the contractors have been doing a fine job. Barnier noted that the sewer committee had met and will maintain the city' s policy to avoid pumping stations and encourage new developments to utilize gravity sewers . FINANCE Mr. Street reported that he and Piasters had attended a Finance Seminar in Seattle last week held by the Seattle First National Bank concerning a new law under which it will be possible to invest in timed certificates of deposit . These certificates will not pay as high a rate of interest as trdasury bills, but if the difference is not great , the city might consider such investments as the money will then stay in the community. BUILDING New `City Hall. Mr. Street noted that the architect did not have the material ready for the meeting scheduled today, but that he would have his report ready for the meeting scheduled for August 25th at 7 : 30 p.m. STREETS LID 257 , James Street . Pozzi repoted that the call for bids on the James Street improvements will be issued on August 20th , with the bid opening on September 10th. SR 516 . Pozzi moved for the City to approve the proposed location of the corridor for SR 516 east of 4th Avenue and for the City Engineer to send a letter to the State Highway Department requesting that a temporary extension from 4th Avenue to Central, utilizing a portion of the eventual right-of-way and Willis Street , be initiated and constructed to relieve the congested traffic on the present SR516 on Meeker Street , Hogan seconded. The City Engineer explained the proposed route and Street noted that the Comprehensive Plan had already adopted this location . Motion carried. DEEDS Baffaro moved to accept and record deeds from Edward A. Clifford , Forrest V. Williams and Richard A. Clifford for road , sewer and public utility purposes , all in the vicinity of S . 248th just west of Pacific Highway South, Hogan seconded , motion carried . TAXI CAB Woodworth stated that the license committee will meet LICENSE regarding the application of Mr. Lundbeck for a taxi cab license and will report back at the next council meeting. STREETS So . 182nd. The State Highway Department has requested that the City consider closing So. 182nd at the West Valley Highway with the provision that the Highway Department will agree to reconstruct the connection in the future at their expense , if the adjacent property owners will dedicate the additional right-of-way as required . A detailed report has been submitted by the Traffic Engineer recotmnending that the City agree to the closure . Pozzi moved that the City concur with the request of the State to close So. 182nd , Masters seconded . Under discussion , Masters stated that 182nd St . residents would then have to use 72nd Ave . to get to 180th, and thought that it would be difficult for them to turn left on 180th to get to the signal at the West Valley Highway. Barnier opined that the signal would provide sufficient breaks in traffic to allow traffic to flow from 72nd into S. 180th. It was pointed out that the state plans a central barrier on the West Valley highway at S . 182nd which would prevent left turns into or out of 182nd to or' from the West Valley highway even if the street was not closed . Hogan asked if the area residents were in general agreement with the proposed closure . The City Engineer noted that there had been no official discussion with them. Barnier and Masters agreed that the residents should be advised of the proposed closure . Woodworth n oted that no action could be taken until after the public hearing. Motion carried , with Barnier voting nay. OPTIONAL Resolution 646 was read by the City Attorney, stating MUNICIPAL the City ' s intention to adopt the Optional Municipal CODE Code as a non-charter code city under the Mayor-Council form of government . Masters moved to adopt the resolu- tion , Hogan seconded , motion carried. CLAIMS The City Attorney noted that three claims have been filed against the City in connection with an accident on So. 212th on May 27 , 1969. The claims were filed by Lucille Roy and Jean Lyon , each in the amount of $450 ,000 and by Arthur Hereford in the amount of $350,000. The City Attorney recommended that the three claims be rejected on the basis that the City has no liability in these cases . Barnier so moved , Masters seconded , motion carried . LIBRARY Masters moved to confirm Mayor Thornton ' s appointment of BOARD Mrs . Norwood Cunningham to the Kent Library Board , and for a letter of commendation to be sent to Loys Blanton , who has served on the Board for 10 years. Barnier seconded , motion carried . PERSONNEL Payroll Deductions . It was noted that the Police Chief has requested council approval for payroll deductions for 8 police officers who wish to enroll in the Great Republic Financial Corporation ' s Invest-A-Matic program. Woodworth moved that such payroll deductions be authorized , Masters seconded . Street noted that some policy should be established regarding payroll deductions . After considerable discussion , Pozzi moved to table the motion to allow time for study, suggesting that the city might require that the majority of a department be in favor before approval for deductions is given . Lee suggested that a committee study the matter so a policy may be established . Mayor Thornton requested that Joe Street and the Finance Committee make the study and re- port back at the next council meeting. Motion carried , with Woodworth voting nay . PARRS & Lake Fenwick Park. Barney Wilson reported that RECREATION information from the Government should be received soon regarding matching funds for the Lake Fenwick Park and that information from the Interagency should be available in November. . CITY Plasters moved that the City Attorney keep the Council ATTORNEY informed , through interoffice memos , of any activities in his office between meetings which are pertinent to council business , Barnier seconded . The City Attorney opined that the motion should be more specific . Pozzi stated that he preferred to leave the policy as it- stands , and if a Councilman wants more information on ' .. any subject , he should contact the City Attorney' s office . Masters , Barnier and Baff aro voted aye . Hogan , Lee , Pozzi and Woodworth voted nay. Motion failed. C1•aims received through August 10th, for which authoriza- tion for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 10, 930.22 Firemen ' s R/P 306 .60 Library 404 .50 Park 5 , 470.94 Forward Thrust 3 , 539.00 Arterial Street 4 , 950.00 Street 11 , 704 .28 Equipment Rental 6 , 182 .00 New City Hall Constr . 9 ,024.00 Garbage 1 , 720. 35 Sewer 33 , 509. 71 Water 9 ,082.61 LID 255 3 , 074 .49 LID 261 148 . 58 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID #1 3 , 732. 31 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 252 , North Kent Water Hill , Ingman & Chase 307 . 59 LID 253 , So. 212th, Phase II Hill , Ingman & Chase 829 . 77 LID 256 , E. Valley Water Main Hill , Ingman & Chase 224. 50 LID 257, James Street . Ring County Clerk 2 , 350.00 Tom Coppage 2 , 075.00 Prudential Mutual Savings Bank 20.00 Walter Renschler 6 , 700.00 Walter Renschler 7 , 300.00 Walter Renschler 21 , 535 .00 Valter Renschler 975 .00 Walter Renschler 150.00. Walter Renschler 3 , 400.00 Walter Renschler 14 , 375 .00 Walter Renschler 1 , 300.00 Walter Renschler 9 , 250.00 Walter Renschler 3 , 800.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 4 , 145 .63 Richard P. Coppage 300.00 LID 258 , 4th Ave. Douglas Stevens , Gloria Stevens 300.00 Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson 1 ,073. 55 Hill , Ingman & Chase 541. 94 Holm, Best & Shaw 52 .25 Richard P. Coppage 1 , 325 .00 Interest Bearing Warrants (Cont ' d) North Kent Water Anderson & Kelly 243 .27 Joseph A. Street 48.00 Austin Construction 13 , 348.10 Constructors Pamco 50, 879.25 Hill , Ingman & Chase 3 , 792 .70 MEETING ADJ OURNED: 4 :00 p.m. y:�c'� MAYOR Respectfull submitted , Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , (Q-6�E"erk 1