HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/21/1969 Kent , Washington July 21 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Dent City Council was called to order at 3 ; 00 P.►n. Present ; Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Barnier , Hogan , Lee , Masters and Woodworth, City Administrator Street and Assistant City Engineer Engeln Minutes of the last meeting Caere approved as printed and accepted by motion . STREETS Traffic Control. A letter from the Chamber was read recommending a plan fo r improved traffic flow at the intersection of Benson Road , Kent Kangley Highway and South 256th. Woodworth moved for the letter and proposed plan to be referred to the traffic engineer and street committee , IIogan seconded , motion carried . A meeting was then scheduled for July 28 at 7 : 30 P.n►. to discuss the Engineer ' s recommendations regarding the Chamber ' s Phase I , Traffic Improvements Proposal , as well as this proposed plan . Traffic Control. A report was submitted from the Traffic Engineer on the request for stop signs at the intersection of Ha►npton Way and Manchester Ave . recommending that stop signs in this location were unwarranted and suggesting that visability at this intersection would be improved by removal of the brush on the southwest corner of the intersection . Woodworth moved that the report be accepted and implemented as proposed , Barnier seconded , motion carried . Improvement . Mr . Street noted that approval was received at the U.A.B. Board meeting held in Olympia on July loth for funding of Phase I of Reith Road improvement . IIogan moved that Hill , Ingman & Chase be authorized to proceed with pre- liminary engineering and preparation of plans and specifica- tions for this project , Masters seconded . Under discussion , Mr. Street suggested that this phase be coordinated with the improvement of 516 . Motion carried . WATER Masters moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with Puget Sound Power & Light to in- crease the size and number of transformers at the Derbyshire pumping station , in connection with Kent ' s Resolution 567. Hogan seconded , motion carried . HEALTH &, ULID #1 , Contract IV. Barnier moved to approve Change Order SANITATION #5 to Tonneson Slead , contractors on Contract IV, ULID #1 in the. amount of $302. Lee seconded , motion ►carried . Eastridge #1 Division . It was noted that easements have been received from the Park Orchard Community Club and Kent School District 415 in connection with construction of a sanitary sewer to serve Eastridge #1 Division . Barnier moved to accept and file both easements , IIogan seconded , motion carried . ZONING G.L.S .! Properties . The continued public hearing was opened on the application submitted by G. L.S . Properties for a re- zone from M-A to C-3 . It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended denial for the following reasons : (1 ) insufficient plans (2 ) application is in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and ( 3 ) the possibility of strip commercial development is present . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be upheld for the same reasons stated above , Masters seconded , motion carried . ZONING McLaughlin . The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Earl McLaughlin for a rezone from C-1 to C-3 . It was noted that the Planning Commission Iiad recommended in favor of the rezone . Mr. Shellan , attorney representing the property owners , gave a brief outline noting that the piece of property in question is located in the southeast corner of the West Valley Highway and So. 130th . Mr. Shellan stated that there was a service station on the property some years ago , and the State took part of the property to widen the West Valley Highway. IIe noted that they bought property to the East for a new station and the . reason for the rezone request is that the city' s code stated that a service station is not permitted in a C-1 zone . There were no comments or objections from the audience . Hogan moved to close the hearing, Masters seconded , motion carried . Mr . Shellan submitted a written report on percolation tests taken on the sub- ject property. Masters moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance approving the change of zone from C-1 to C-3 , Lee seconded , motion carried . Standard Equipment . Ordinance 16041 approving the Standard Equipment rezone from M-A to M-1 was read by Mr. Street . Masters moved to approve the ordinance , Hogan seconded , motion carried. ANNEXATION Mead-Samuel . Woodworth moved that the 10% petition received December 24 , 1963 and the 75% petition received on July 11 , 1969 which accepts the pro-rates share of existing general obligation bonded indebted- ness , be accepted and forwarded to the Boundary Review Board , with a letter explaining why the northwest corner was deleted from the proposed annexation , as well as an explanatory letter from the City. Lee seconded , motion carried . A letter from Mr. Mead was read re- questing that sanitary sewer and water service be granted to the petitioned area at this time . Mogan moved that water and sewer construction begin upon the City Engineer ' s acceptance of the plans for the project , Masters seconded , motion carried . ZONING The public hearing was opened on the proposal to repeal ORDINANCE Section 10.10.0ll of the Kent Zoning Ordinance which would delete a "grandfather" clause concerning use of undersized lots . There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Ordinance 1606 was read by Mr . Street , repealing Section 10 . 10.01E of the Kent 'Zoning Ordinance. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Hogan seconded , motion carried . LICENSES Taxi Cab. Woodworth moved that action on the proposed ordinance to amend the taxi cab licensing ordinance be tabled to the next meeting , at which time the City Attorney will be available for clarification of several points . Lee seconded , motion carried . Woodworth moved that action be held on Ross Lundbecks application for a taxi cab license until the next meeting, Lee seconded , motion carried . Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to be directed to prepare an ordinance repealing that portion of Kent Code Chapter 6 .3 which allows the licensing of multiple choice or free play machines , and for the City Treasurer to be directed to refuse to license such devices prior to adoption of said ordinance , Barnier seconded , motion carried. It was further explained that no machine which requires a Federal Gambling Stamp will be licensed . MAYOR' S Ordinance 1605 , increasing the Mayor ' s salary SALARY to 6 0 per month, beginning January 1970 , was read by Mr. Street . Lee moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded . Mrs . Hogan stated she wished to abstain from voting since she would be a candidate for this office . Barnier was absent at this time , and it was pointed out that if she abstained , only three votes would be cast , and four are required . It was noted that the council had , at the last meeting, voted to have this ordinance drafted , with Hogan abstain- ing and no one dissenting , and that if Hogan abstained now the ordinance would be unnecessarily delayed . Motion carried unanimously, with Hogan reluctantly voting on the measure . BUILDING Mr. Street reported that the architects will be at the staff meeting on Tuesday morning to review suggestions made by Department Heads regarding utilization of space within various departments of the new- City Hall . Claims received through July loth, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting : Current Expense 19 , 350.98 Transfers 252 , 569 . 50 Firemen ' s R/P Fund 306 .60 Library 42 , 153 .47 Parks 10 , 466 .77 Forward Thrust 1 , 710. 26 Arterial Street Fund 1 , 348 . 98 Street 39 , 077 . 99 Equipment Rental 5 , 955 .85 Garbage 6 , 871.20 Sewer 34 , 613 . 19 Water 37 , 146 .43 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID /#1 133 , 310 . 72 535 , 331 . 94 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 , So . 212th , Phase II Hill , Ingman & Chase 517. 62 Hill , Ingman & Chase 104 .42 LID 255 , So . 223th Hill , Ingman & Chase 159 .06 Red-Samm Mining Co. 49 , 113 . 51 LID 257 , James Street David A. Williams & Delores II. Williams 910.00 George K. Breckenridge & Frary H. 300.00 Breckenridge Casey & Pruzan 200.00 Korry Manufacturing Co. 1 , 200.00 Walter Renshler 12 , 300.00 C . II. Shoff & Alice Shoff 100.00 Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson 6 , 203 .19 Hill , Ingman & Chase 795 .03 Elmer R. Streed & Virginia B. Page 2 , 250.00 Virginia B. Page 1 , 350 .00 Elmer R. Streed & Virginia B. Page 1 , 350.00 •LID 253 , 4th Ave . Hill , Ingman & Chase 1 , 199 .25 Harold I-I. Heath, Ernestine M. Heath & 1 , 125 .00 City Transfer , a Partnership Interest Bearing Warrants (Cont ' d ) LID 261 , So. 212tli_, Phase III Hill , Ingman & Chase 235 . 53 Dames & Moore 206. 11 LID 252 , North Water, Phase II Hill , Ingman & Chase 711 • 79 LID 256 , East Valley rater Main Hill , Ingman & Chase '132 . 35 Morrison-Knudsen , Inc . 2 , 759 •87 North Pacific Bank Note Co. 216 . 99 North Kent Water Hill , Ingman & Chase 71.75 IIill , Ingman & Chase 3 , 822 .04 Austin Construction Co . 28 ,009.80 Constructors-PAMCO 39 , 501.00 Anderson u Kelly 365 •82 MEETING ADJOURNED: : 50 P.m. � Ls'L MpYOIt Res ctfully ubmitted , Alex Thornton , Mayor Maxie Jensen , �} yyc�q�krk 1