HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/07/1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Barnier , Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and Assistant Engineer Engeln . Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk' s and Treasurer Reports were submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . BUILDING New City Hall . Mr. Bassetti , Architect , presented the schematic plans for the new city hall , which proposes two wings with three stories each and one wing with 1112 stories . IIe noted that the construction budget is $982 , 300 and the estimated cost for the buildings described was $1 , 130 , 000, which is almost $148 , 000 over the budget . Lie stated that reducing the lobby area and putting the police parking out- side would save about $84 ,000. The estimate for adding an unfinished fourth floor to allow for future expansion was $82 , 000. lie noted that the start of construction was projected for the end of 1.969. Proposed Phases II and III were also shown : Mr. Street suggest.ed a work session of the council as a whole on Monday evening at 7 : 30 p.m. , July 14th to review these plans . Mr . Street noted that the building committee has met twice with the architect , the plans were reviewed by the Department Heads , whose comments were relayed to the architect for consideration . The Chamber of Commerce has recommended that the Mayor appoint three citizens other than city officials , to review the plans for the new city hall , in con- junction with the Building Committee . Woodworth so moved , Pozzi seconded . Under discussion , Hogan noted that these citizens would be included in an advisory capacity only. Motion carried . At the Mayor ' s suggestion , the Chamber agreed to submit a list of interested citizens . Uniform Building Code . The Chamber of Commerce has recommended that the City adopt Title III of the . Uniform Building Code , which is known as the minimum housing code . John Fournier , Sr. explained that this would be the initial step toward application for federal funds for Urban Renewal and was important even if the City did not apply for the funds . Mr . Street stated that the project should be studied , so that funds could be allocated in next year ' s budget . Masters moved for this to be considered by the Council as a whole , Woodworth seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & ULID ##1 , Contract IV. Walt Ramsey noted that Tonneson SANITATION Slead , Contractors on Contract IV, ULID ##1 , have re- quested that 50i0 of the retainage be released and recommended the request be granted . Barnier so moved , Lee seconded , motion carried . Agreement Between Metro, Cascade Sewer District and City of Kent . It was noted at the Council meeting of June 2 , a tri-party agreement was read and approved , subject to two changes . These changes were submitted to Metro and on June 17 , a reply was received wherein Metro agreed to inclusion of the 118 . 6 million gallons per day" . The requested change concerning payment for change orders was a misunderstanding. The - section in question concerns only the Mill Creek Sewer Extension which will be owned by the City, not be Metro and therefor the City should pay for any change orders and then collect from Cascade Sewer District in accordance with our agreement with Cascade . The council concurred with this explanation . Woodworth moved that the tri- party agreement for Kent , Metro and Cascade Sewer District be approved as amended , Barnier seconded , motion carried . HEALTH & LID 259 Horseshoe Acres Sewer. Resolution 643 , SANITATION concerning acquisition of property for LID 259 , in connection with the application to MUD for financial assistance was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for adoption of the resolution , Hogan seconded , motion carried . King County Health Department . Mayor Thornton reported on two meetings he attended concerning the Seattle-King County IIealth Department and the proposed health district or contract for health services as required by State Law. Ile stated that Bob Gaines , as the President of the Suburban Mayors Association had appointed a new committee , consist- ing of Ted Best , Don Custer and Joe Miller to further -study the matter . Street noted that the City wants information from the Health Department as to the extent of the services the city will received . STREETS Traffic Control . The City Attorney reported on Mrs . Sayer ' s suggestion -that speed bumps be used at railroad crossings . IIe noted receipt of informa- tion from the Attorney General ' s office and stated that the city' s liability would be increased . Wood- worth moved that because of inherent liability of the City; that speed bumps not be installed in public rights-of-way and that the City Attorney notify Mrs . Sayer of the council ' s action , Masters seconded , motion carried . S .E. 236th Place . It was noted that Mrs . Thomas , property owner on S .E. 236th Pl. had called protest- ing the removal of parking on one side of this street , stating that speed has since increased . Mr. Street opined that a street with parking allowed on only one side was more desirable from a safety standpoint . Pozzi concurred . Mrs . Thomas was not present and Mr. Street stated that he would notify her that the matter had again been brought before the Council . Traffic Control . A letter has been received from Kenneth Smith requesting stop signs at the intersection of Hampton Way and Manchester Ave . Pozzi moved that the letter be referred to the Traffic Engineer who will report his recommendations to the street committee , Barnier seconded , motion carried . Pozzi read a letter from the State Highway Commission stating that Pacific Highway So. from the King-Pierce County Line northerly to Midway, was reinstated as a portioi of the State IIighway System and effective July 1 , the Department of Highways will take over the maintenance of this section of highway. Recommendations from the Engineer ' s Office regarding the Chamber of Commerce _ Phase I , Traffic Improvements t Proposal were presented o the council . It was noted that these recommendations will be discussed at the ' .workshop session next Monday evening. WATER Clark Springs . Mr. Street noted receipt of tentative approval of utilization of water at Clark Springs for 30 days , from the Department of Water Resources, and reported that the City' s application and fee will be submitted on July 24 . FINANCE Resolution 644 , transferring $1000 from Salaries (Acct . 01 O to Office Supplies (Acct . #921 01) within the 1969 budget for Fino.nce Department was read by the City Attorney. Masters moved for adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried . PERSONNEL Hogan moved for the position of Office Engineer to be created in the Engineer ' s Department and that the City Administrator be authorized to hire said employee upon the City Engineer ' s recommendation , Masters seconded , motion carried . [3IllS The following bids were received for removal of City owned houses on properties to be used for the construction of the new City Hall and for the off-street parking LID: Fred Kruse House & Garage at 204 S. 4th $295 .00 Fred Kruse House at 1126 W. Smith 100.00 Fred Kruse House at 306 W. Smith 60.00 Harold Bartley House at 233 So . 3rd 455 .00 Pozzi moved that all bids be rejected and the Admini- strator be authorized to negotiate for the sale of all the houses listed in the call for bids , Masters seconded , motion carried . Water Mains . Bids received for the miscellaneous water main project were as follows : Coulee Construction Co. $4o , 599 .21 , inc . tax G & S Construction , Inc . 117 , 214 .82 , inc . tax Frank Coluccio 61 , 291 .86 , inc . tax 1 The engineer ' s estimate was $30 ,000. Mr . Street recommended that all bids be rejected and for the engineer to study the estimate for an explanation of the vast difference between it and the bids . Hogan so moved , Masters seconded . Under discussion , a representative from Coulee Construction opined that considerable restoration .would be required on these projects , which would account for the seem- ingly high bids . Motion carried . GREEN Masters moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be VALLEY authorized to execute the plat of Green Valley IIEIGHTS ##7 Heights ##7 to place Mr. Dolman and Mr. Cole in a position to sell their properties so they may satisfy their financial obligation to the City of Isent , but that in no other way should the City release or subordinate its judgment lien against the real properties in which Messrs . Dolman and Cole have an interest in King County, until the judgment , plus accumulated interest , is paid off in its entirety to the City. Woodworth seconded , motion carried . ZONING Standard Equipment Rezone . The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Standard Equipment for a rezone from M-A to M-l. It was noted that this rezone involves two parcels , parcel 1 was designated as the north-south tract and parcel 2 as the east-west tract . The Planning Commission recommends approval of the rezone for parcel 1 and against t-he re- zone for Parcel 2 . A letter from Mrs . Dearnaley, owner of property included in parcel 1 , was read stating that the proposed rezone meets with her approval. Mr. Byron Rosdahl of Standard Equipment , stated his firm had no objection to the deletion of parcel 2 as a r a ilroad spur was permitted in an M-1 zone . There were no further comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to approve the rezone for parcel 1 and for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance in accordance with the recommendation of the Planning Commission , Masters seconded , motion carried . G.L. S . Properties Rezone . It was noted that the Planning Commission did not complete their hearing on the request for rezone from M-A to C-3 submitted by G.L.S. Properties . Pozzi moved that the Council hearing be continued until July 21 , Masters seconded , motion carried . ELECTIONS Pozzi moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance increasing the Mayor ' s salary to $600 per month , beginning January 1970 , Masters seconded . Under discussion , Hogan noted that she would abstain from voting , as she intended to be a candidate for Mayor in the coming election . Motion carried , with Hogan abstaining. ELECTIONS It was explained that :in connection with the coming City election , it is necessaiyto establish a number for each of the Council positions to be voted upon , except that of Councilman-at-large . The result of the drawing is as follows : Position t#1 now held by Pozzi Position #2 now held by Hogan Position /#3 now held by Woodworth It was noted that the period for filing is July 28 to August 1 , inclusive . Both Woodworth and Pozzi announced that they did not intend to file for office . RETIREMENT Mr . Street noted receipt of a letter from Statewide SYSTEM Employees Retirement System, along with an actuarial report and stated that this system is a sound and good investment for both the City and its employees . LICENSES Taxi Cabs . It was noted that a meeting had been held concerning the licensing of taxi cabs within the City. As a result of the meeting , the following recommendations have been made :. (1 ) that taxi cabs have a special license , rather than a standard business license , (2 ) that the firm which operates only a dis- patching service and garage in Kent , with no pick-ups inside the city be allowed to continue under a standard business license , (3 ) that consideration be given to extending the on-street parking charges to other public transportation , such as the Metropolitan bus , which also was reserved space , (4 ) that the bill presented to Kent Taxi for on-street parking stalls be collected in the amount of $150.00 for 1968 , and the bill for 1969 be pro- rated if any change is made in the charges , (5 ) that the number of cabs licensed to operate within the City be limited according to the ordinance . Woodworth moved for the City Attorney to draft an amending ordinance approving all of the recommendations except #3 , Hogan seconded , motion carried . Woodworth opined that as public service facilities , ' the bus company and the taxi company should not have to pay for on-street parking stalls and moved for such payments to be deleted from th'e ordinance , Lee seconded . Mr. Street disagreed , stating 'that publi.c parking should not be reserved without . somo° clar,ge , 'Motion carried , with Barnier voting nay. A request for a taxi license has been received from E. Ross Lundbeck, Lundbeck Enterprises at 862 Woodland Way. Woodworth moved thnt this request be tabled until the above referenced ordinance has been prepared , Masters seconded , motion carried . ANNEXATION Mead-Samuels . It was noted that Mead-Samuels have petitioned for annexation for an area east of the Benson Road and South of 248th, but have been un- successful in completing the 75% petition . The annexation committee has recommended that approximately 9 acres be deleted , thus assuring the signatures of the owners of 75/ of the assessed valuation . FORWARD Mayor Thornton noted that a meeting will be held on THRUST Thursday, July 10 at 7 : 30 p.m. at the Puget Power Building Auditorium in Renton , as a part of a "community involvement"program being conducted by Forward Thrust on the problems of mass transportation . Reverend Gretz and Councilman Hogan , who are co-chairmen agreed to represent the City. PARKS '& A letter from Arnold Blessing was received , commending RECREATION the city for prompt action in eliminating the baseball hazard at the north end of Memorial Park. Pozzi moved to accept the letter and place it on file , Barnier seconded , motion carried . PARKS & Barney Wilson reported that the County Council has RECREATION passed an emergency ordinance to pay the total cost of the life guards at the Lake Meridian County Park, which will eliminate an expenditure of $3 , 510 by Kent . . Reverend Gretz explained a proposed "Bike Route" along Frager Road and Russell Roads , noting that it it is successful , it would be continued down the River Road to Isaac Evans Park. The. City Attorney opined that such a route would notcreate additional liability for the City. Hogan moved that the Parks & Recreation Commission be authorized to establish such a Bike Route along Frager Road from Kent-Des Moines Road to 212th, thence south along Russell Road to the point of begining , Barnier seconded , motion carried . CONFERENCES Woodworth moved to authorize Chief Foster ' s atteddance & at the Western Fire Chiefs Association Conference in CONVENTIONS Honolulu, Hawaii , September 14 - 18 and Art Toreson ' s attendance at the annual business meeting of the Inter- national Conference of Building Officials in Salt Lake , September 1 - 5 . Barnier seconded . Under discussion , Mr. Street requested guidance from the Council in setting a city policy regarding attending conferences , particularly those held out of the state , sothat proper amounts could be budgeted for the various departments . Motion carried . Masters moved that the City Clerk be authorized to pre- register those officers who plan to attend the full session of the Association of Washington Cities meeting July 16 - 18 in Seattle . Hogan seconded , motion carried . PROCLAMATION Mayor Thornton read a proclamation declaring July 17 , 18 and 19 as Ezra Meeker Days . Pozzi moved to confirm the proclamation , Masters seconded , motion carried . Masters moved that the bills received by July 10 and approved by the Finance Committee , be paid . Hogan seconded , motion carried . MEETING ADJOURNED : 4 : 40 P.M. Respectfull submitted , MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , r-nf -EMerk t