HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/16/1969 Kent , Washington June 16 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Baffaro, Barnier , Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . STREETS Proposed LID - Oowe Street . The City Engineer noted that a meeting was held last Monday evening with some of the property owners , and was of the opinion that the reaction was favorable enough for the Council to proceed with the resolution to initiate the LID. Pozzi so moved , Masters seconded. Pozzi stated that some gas tax money will be used for the LID. The City Engineer noted that ' a repre- sentative of the railroad was in attendance and it was pointed out to him that the proposal does not include assessing the 6th Avenue frontage , but only the property subject to development along Cowe Street . Motion carried. I LID 257 - James Street . It was noted that in acquiring property for the improvement of James Street , negotia- tions were attempted to avoid taking the whole of Parcel T-58, at James & IIilltop by considering installa- tion of a retainage wall. It was subsequently found that the installation of the wall to the owners satis- faction would cost more than the market value of the whole property. The City Attorney read Resolution 637 , providing for the acquisition of the entire Olson pro- perty (Parcel T-58) for the improvement of James Street . Pozzi moved for the adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried. So. 212th & S. 218th - Traffic Control. A letter was received from Mrs. L. A. Sayer, suggesting the use of speed bumps at the railroad crossings on 212th and 218th. The City Attorney noted that there is no law prohibiting speed bumps on main arterials and that he asked for further information from the Depart- ment of Highways. LID 260 - Off-Street Parking. Mr. Perkins asked when the hearing will be held on the off-street parking LID. Mr. Street advised that this should be held within 60 to 90 days . So 212th - Milwaukee Railroad Crossing. It was noted that at a meeting held June 6, 1969, with a representative of the Milwaukee Railroad, concern- ing. the crossing on 212th, the following facts were esta- blished :` 1. Only three companies make these signals and they were on strike for several months. 2. The signals are due to be shipped August 1 , 11969 and will be installed by mid-August . 3. The Washington Public Utilities Commission ' s order to install these signals directed that the widening to four lanes be delayed until the signals are installed. 4. To- widen at the present time would require on amendment to this order. 5. From a practical standpoint , the request for the change would probably take as long to process as the time planned above. 6. In future installations , with the formula for cost sharing established by the new state law, the delay in an acceptable contract should be minimized , and tie installations , be ready by the time the street is finished . STREETS Mr. Street noted that a work shop meeting for the Council has been tentatively set for the 24th of June with Mr. Reed of the Public Utilities. Commission to discuss proper application of the new law and related topics . Right-of-Way. Resolution 638 , accepting a deed for .43 acres of land from GSA for the improvement of So. 248th Street was read by the City Attorney. Hogan moved for adoption of the resolution , Masters seconded , motion carried. Right-of-Way. Hogan moved for the City to accept the quit claim deed of Frank Roos for right-of-way pur- poses on 102nd Ave . S.E. , Masters seconded , motion carried . Traffic Flow Study. Upon Mr. Perkins inquiry, it was noted that approximately 80/ of the traffic flow study, presented by the Chamber some time ago, had been reviewed by the Street Committee , Pozzi stated that the Chamber was not represented at this meeting. Drainage . Resolution 639 was read by the City Attorney, providing that the City will not longer install drain tite for the control of surface drainage for individuals in public rights-of-way. Pozzi moved for adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried. Walkway. Woodworth moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign an agreement with the Titusville Lodge #34 I.O.O.F. to maintain a walk- way between the lodge and City Hall annex which is used by the public , Barnier seconded , motion carried. SE 236th Pl. Pozzi reported that the Street Committee , Engineer , and Police & Fire had held an on-site inspection with regard to the petition requesting that parking be restored to both sides of S.E. 236th Place . In compliance with the committee ' s recommenda- tion , he moved for the parking to be left as it is , and for the petitioners to be so informed. Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Pozzi noted that the re- quest for the city to consider opening 108th Ave. S.E. to S.E. 240th had be6n studied, and that the engineer' s office was checking ownerships , but that the extension seemed unlikely, as it would be necessary to have curbs and gutters. lie reported further that the city was working on a proposed resolution ;. under which, after traffic reached a certain volume , parking would auto- maitcially be restricted to one side of any street which was only 30' wide . WATER Armstrong Springs . Lee moved that the City Administra- tor be directed to notify Mr. Armstrong that the pro- perty known as Armstrong Springs is needed for the development of the city' s municipal water source and that if a satisfactory price cannot be agreed upon , the City will proceed with action proving public use and necessity and ask that the Superior Court set a fair price and award this property to the City. Hogan seconded. Under discussion , Lee noted that an option on the 'pr6perty was approved on May 5th and his motion was made in case such action becomes necessary and provided the tests prove ample water supply. Motion carried. LID 252. Pozzi moved that Change Order' #3 , Austin Construction , for LID 252 be approved. Woodworth seconded, motion carried. It was noted that this reduces the final contract amount by $40, 964. 32. WATER Water Rights . A letter from the Department of Water Resources was read requesting that the city relinquish certain water rights which have never been used. Lee moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the document , Masters seconded , motion carried. Milwaukee Railroad Development . Mr. Street stated that the Milwaukee Railroad is going to utilize the old Kent Airport as an unloading dock area. A meeting was held with railroad representatives to discuss a water service problem. HEALTH & LID 259 - Horseshoe Acres Sewer . Resolution 642 SANITATION was read by the City Attorney, authorizing the filing of an application with HUD for financing the constru- tion of a sewer collection system at Horseshoe Acres . Hogan moved for adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried. Stockton Plat. An easement from Russell B. and Flora R. Mac Arthur for a sanitary sewer through their pro- perty has been received. Hogan moved that said ease- ment be accepted, Masters seconded , motion carried. ULID #1, Contract II . Barnier moved to accept as complete Contract II of ULID #1 , PAMCO Contractors , and for the final retainage to be paid upon receipt of the necessary releases from the Tax Commission and Department of Labor & Industries , Lee seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Budget Adjustment - Sewer Fund. Resolution 640 was read by the City Attorney, ordering that the sum of. $36 ,000 for Rent & Accounting payable to Current Expense and $19,027.14 , principal and interest for Yorkshire Sewer Warrants both be paid from the un- bud•geted unexpended balance of the Sewer Fund. Barnier moved for adoption of the resolution , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Resolution 641', was read by the City Attorney ordering that the 1969 budget be amended to include an expense account of $2500 for payment of contr acted fees or service. The revenue of $2500 will come from the Cash Bond Fund. Barnier moved for adoption of the resolu- tion , Masters seconded, motion carried. BUILDING It was noted that on June 18th at 11 :00 a.m. , Mr. Joe Brown , a representative of HUD will give a presentation regarding minimum housing codes . ANNEXATION Spears. Woodworth noted receipt of the 75% petition from Spear and of the engineer ' s certification that the signatures thereon represent ownership of property aggregating more than 75% of the assessed valuation . The petitioners have agreed to accept the pro-rata share of the city' s existing bonded indebtedness . Woodworth moved that the petition be acknowledged , accepted and forwarded to the Boundary Review Board , Lee seconded , motion carried. Lotto. The City Clerk advised that the Boundary Review Board has invoked jurisdiction on the Lotto Annexation and that the check in the amount of $100 has been forwarded to the Board. A public hearing will be scheduled by the Board. CITY PROPERTY Street advised that the City will advertise for the removal of 14 houses from property to be used for the new City Hall and for the Off-Street Parking project . ZONING It was noted that the public hearing on the rezone application for Standard Equipment would be held at the July 7th meeting. BIDS Tractor-Mower. Pozzi moved to accept the low bid of Ray Bock Equipment Co. for a tractor mower for $3 ,807. 13 , including tax. Piasters seconded , motion carried. It was noted that the machine had been satisfactorily demonstrated. I RANDALL Ordinance 1603 , approving the Randall Park PARK PLAT Division #1 Plat was read by the City Attorney. Hogan moved for passage of- the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. PARKS Mrs. Hogan submitted a report on Parks and Recreation Department : Lake Fenwick. Interagency and HUD will be con- sidering the funding in August . Sewer Treatment Plant . The architect has pre- sented a preliminary plan to the Park Board. It was noted that the lease of the Sewer prop- erty to the Perk Department has not been signed. Star Lake Park. Haag & Associates have presented the preliminary plan which will be shown and dis- cussed at a community meeting soon . Recreation . Swimming lessons have commenced at the county facilities at Lake Meridian . Over 2 ,000 have registered for the baseball program. GREEN VALLEY The City Attorney noted that before the Green HEIGHTS #7 Valley Heights /{7 Plat can be approved and accepted by the City, Mr. Dolman must have an affidavit indicating he owns fee title. IIe further stated that in every plat there is a title search made and this title search indicates that there is a judgment in favor of the City of Kent for $10 , 000. The judgment will appear against all real property in King County owned by Dolman & Cole. 1�Ir. Dolman was present and asked that the City waive it ' s lien rights and sign the plat . Ile stated that his understanding of the judgment was , that as long as he paid the $200 per month, plus $100 per lot that his other property would not be involved. Pozzi moved that this matter be referred to the Finance Committee , City Attorney and proper City officials for their recommenda- tion , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. Claims received through June' lOth, for which authoriza- tion for payment was given at the last meeting : Current Expense 23 , 550.71 Library 581.93 Park 12 , 153.17 Forward Thrust (Park) 96..09 Street 16 , 254.48 Equipment Rental 2 , 632 .45 New City Hall Constr. 3 , 740. 30 Garbage 4,848.62 Sewer 27,642.92 Water 6 ,683.58 Cash Bond Fund 50.00 (LID 255) So. 228th St . Constr. 33 , 123 .85 (LID 261) So. 212th Phase III 26.86 LID 256 5 , 735.63 1967 Sewer Constr. (U.LID #1) 183 ,969.79 Firemen ' s R/P Fund 306.60 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 252 Austin Construction Co. 52,703.28 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 234.85 LID 256 Morrison-Knudsen Inc . 40, 441.37 N. Kent Water Constructors-Pamco 10, 584.00 Austin Construction Co. 48 , 755. 38 Hill, Ingman & Chase 4 ,041.59 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 , So. 212th Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence , Gay 600.00 and Moch North Pacific Bank Note Co. 221.54 Hill , Ingman & Chase 1 , 573.38 Hill , Ingman & Chase 1 , 323•80 LID 255 , So. 228th Red•-Samm Mining Co. 15 ,423 . 38 LID 257 - James Street Walter Renschler 2 ,600.00 Rolo Thorsland & Myrtle Thorsland , 2 ,000.00 his wife & Citizens Fed. Savings & Loan Assoc . Katherine S. Rugg 7 , 255.00 Robert Kuvara 200.00 Robert Kuvara 200.00 Coast Mortage & Inv. Co. 35.00 Pacific Northwest Bell 100.00 Lowell A. Hall & Jewel M. Hall & 350.00 Coast Mortgage & Inv. Co. M. J. Trumbauer Jr. 200.00 Eugene Koch & Mady Koch 1 , 535.00 M. L. Armstrong & Adelaide Armstrong 1,000.00 Tom Coppage 1,000.00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2 , 109.03 Coates Field Service , Inc . 504.00 LID 258, 4th Ave. Harold H. Heath & Ernestine M. Heath 1, 030.00 Harold H. Heath & Ernestine M. Heath 2, 390.00 Coates Field Service , Inc. 252 .00 LID 260 - Off-Street Parking Suburban Escrow Inc. 34 ,790.96 Pioneer National Title Ins . Co. 392 , 381.67 MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 :00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Je n , City Clerk