HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/19/1969 Kent , Washington May 19 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Pro Tem Pozzi , Councilmen : Hogan , Lee, Masters and Wood- worth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood. Baffaro and Barnier were late , arriving at 3 :10 and 3:25 respectively. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed , with the following correction : under Bids , the opening date for a call for bids for a tractor- mower should be May 15 , instread of May 27. Clerk' s, Budget and Treasurer reports were submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion . STREETS Alley Behind Maple Street . It was noted that a meeting was held with 19 owners of property adjacent to the alley Thursday evening with Mayor Thornton , Sherwood , Engeln and Street , at which a solution was proposed. The Administrator will contac t a key owner who was not present at the meeting. If a solution based upon this proposal is not found , the City will have to make and adopt its own determination to settle the problem. Vacation . The public hearing was opened on the vacation of a portion of J. H. Patten Road in conjunction with the dev- elopment of Randall Park Division #1. There were no comments or objections from the floor. , and the hearing was closed by motion. Woodworth moved that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance vacating J. H. Patten Road through Randall Park Division #1 without charge , since a new street will be created through the project . Lee seconded , motion carried. LID 260, Off-Street Parking. Mr. Street stated that about a month ago, the Council authorized issuance of warrants against this LID. He suggested that the property owners in the LID be notified that $442, 449.00 will be placed in an escrow- account to be used to obtain the parcels in the LID. The City Engineer will prepare the final assessment roll. East-West . Mr. Street read a letter from the Washington State Highway Commission concerning. the proposed corridor location for SR 516 from 4th S. to 124th S.E. Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the Street Committee , Hogan seconded, motion carried. LID 261 , So. 212th, Phase III. Pozzi reported that the Street Committee met with the engineers on this matter, and it is their recommendation that authorization be given to hire Dames & Moore for soils testing to. a maximum of $2000.. Masters so moved, Hogan seconded, motion carried. LID 261. Pozzi stated that the Street Committee recommended that further design on this project be delayed until the High- way Department study of traffic flow is completed , noting that the study might show a need for a complete interchange. So. 212th - Traffic Control. Barnier expressed concern about the situation on S. 212th. The Milwaukee Railroad crossing is not complete and the railroad has refused to allow it to be four lanes , thus creating a dangerous situa- tion . Ramsey stated that delivery of equipment is delaying the completion and that Hill , Ingman & Chase would look into the matter. Traffic Control. Hogan noted that the Metro shack on James St. at Woodford was causing a traffic hazard. The City Engineer stated that authorization had not been given for this location and that he would have it removed. STREETS Paul Barden stated that in March, Mayor Thornton and he discussed the highway department ' s lack of enthusiasm to provide ingress and egress at the park at the sanitary land fill on the West Hill. IIe stated that the City Engineer sent in a proposed plan which he went over with the Highway Department and stated that the Highway Depart- ment rejected it. lie urged the Council to meet with him and Highway Department representatives , in Olympia to go over the matter. HEALTH & ULID #l. It was noted that the Union Pacific Railroad was SANITATION charged for two side sewer connections at $150.00 each, which were then not installed. Resolution 634 was read by the City Attorney, authorizing the City Treasurer to refund $300.00 for Assessment #1 and Assessment #562 to Union Pacific Railroad . Barnier moved to adopt the resolution , Lee seconded. Under discussion , Ramsey explained that the Contractor had not been paid for these two connections. Motion carried . ULID #1. Barnier reported that the North Sewer System is almot complete , with a small amount of work remaining on Contracts 4 and 5 • Mill Creek Sewer. The City Engineer noted that the tri- party agreement between Cascade Sewer District , Metro and the City of Kent concerning the extension of Mill Creek sewer was received today, but he had not had time to peruse it . He further noted that the two-party agreement between Cascade Sewer District and the City has not as yet been received. Barnier moved that action be withheld on this matter, Masters seconded , motion carried. . FINANCE Ordinance 1601 , making the position of City Treasurer appointive , rather than elective was read by the City Attorney. Hogan moved for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded. Under discussion , it was determined that the appointee need . not be a resident of the City. Motion carried. LID Segregation . Mr. Street pointed out the need for a city policy regarding LID segregation , recommending that the .city not segregate properties in most instances for these reasons : 1. Any error made wherein the total paid would not equal the original assessment , the shortage would have to be made up from the Guaranty Fund. 2. The purchaser would certainly believe the city was at fault if he had .to pay for any of the assessment assigned to another portion of pro- . perty, but had become delinquent and after foreclosure , the LID had not received the full assessment . 3. Insurance companies generally do not insure the purchaser against LID assessments , and too many times on closing of sales , the assessments have not been explained. He has recommended . that the city adopt a policy of not segregating except for thosetimes when a govern- mental unit , state, county or municipal district applies for such segregation . . The reason for the exception is that often times a governmental unit in purchasing an ease- ment or deed for right-of-way that is a very small portjQp of the whole and governmental units would be accepting the risk involved , and only upon application wherein notice could be given. Hogan moved for the City Attorney to draft a resolution in accordance with Street ' s recommendations , Woodworth seconded , motion carried. BIDS The following bids were received for a tractor mower: International Harvester $4,054.60, inc. tax Evergreen Equipment 5 , 169.62 , inc. tax Buck & Son 4, 593.82 , inc. tax Ray Boch Equipment 3, 807.13 , inc . tax Gib Kendall of the Street Department noted that demonstrations of the machines have not been . shown yet and suggested the award be held over until June 2 , 1969. Woodworth so moved , Hogan seconded, motion carried. APPEAL Mac Pherson ' s Realty. The continued public hearing was opened on the appeal of Mac Pherson ' s Realty from a ruling of the Board of Adjustment in denying their request for a variance to allow a duplex on a 40 ' X 128 ' lot in an R-2 zone in North Park. Mr. Kleweno, attorney representing the property owners stated that the variance should be granted for the following reasons : (1) prior precedent was established in this area in March, 1968 when a variance was granted for a duplex unit across the street on the same size lot , (2) the building would upgrade the neighborhood , . (3) the area is carried on the Comprehensive Plan as multiple zoning and would seem to add to the area rather than leaving a vacant lot which might become overgrown with weeds , (4 ) it is a logical develop- ment for the property and (5 ) there were no objections from any of the neighbors. The minutes of the April 1 Board of Adjustment meeting were read , giving the following reasons for denial : (1 ) the lot is under- sized , (2) it is not in accordance and is not wanted as an example , (3 ) continuance of an undersized duplex must be stopped. Kleweno indicated that these two lots are part of a plat which was planned in 40' lots . The house adjacent to this property was on a single lot and the garage that served the house was on a portion of each of the lots . About 114 years ago, a fire damaged the garage and the owner tore the structure down, planning to use the 40 , lot for build- ing. One house has been resold and there remains a 40 ' lot . Mr. Abercombrie , former owner of the property noted that Mac Pherson ' s Realty,bought the property specifically to build a duplex unit on it : Mr. O'Connel of Mac Pherson ' s Realty, stated that at the time they bought from Abercombrie , he. was told that a variance, was granted for a duplex across the street and assumed that one would also be granted for this property. There were no further comments and the hearing was closed by motion . Baffaro moved that the Board of Adjustment ' s recommendation to deny the variance be upheld , Woodworth seconded . Under dis- cussion , the City Engineer explained that this request was not comparable to the duplex across the street from the standpoint of ownership se- quence . The Mac Pherson property has been a double lot (80, frontage) for years , but the site of the other duplex has been --h own as a single CORREC Ed • REt:ER TO lot since prior to 1915. Motion carried , with Barnier and Masters voting nay. Upon Woodworth' s• query, the MtNUT OF „„�„�w.�.{..... City Attorney stated that the City has an ordinance covering weed abatement. FINANCE Masters stated that the bills for the month of April included a warrant for $13 ,796 to satisfy a judgment for Kent Industrial Center and requested that the City Attorney investigate the facts surrounding the suit . Bereiter stated he would report on the matter. BUILDING Street reported that a meeting is scheduled Tuesday, May 20th at 10:00 a.m. with the architects , regard- ing the new city hall. PARKS Mill Creek. Hogan moved that the Parks & Recrea- tion Commission be authorized to apply for match- ing funds for several parcels of land in the Mill Creek park area, Masters seconded , motion carried . Park Board . Ordinance 1600, amending Ordinance 156E—to allow appointees serving on the Board of Park Commissioners to reside outside the city limits , was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded, motion carried. Hogan moved to confirm the Mayor' s appointment of Mrs . Harold Heath as a member of the Park Board to become effective May 26 , 1969 , Lee seconded , moti.on carried . TRAIN It was noted that at the last Council Meeting, , an , WHISTLES ordinance requiring that trains sound their whistles at all crossings inside the city was referred to the Police Committee for study. Woodworth reported -that a meeting was held , at which three different things were discussed (1) to enact the ordinance as presented (2) to consider an ordinance which would require no whistles at all and ( 3 ) to leave it as it stand.s. Woodworth stated that the majority. of the committee recommended that no action be taken. The City Attorney noted that there would be no added liability if the ordinance was not enacted , and that there would be an increase in the scope of liability if the ordinance was passed, if we did not enforce the ordinance completely. Woodworth noted that he is opposed to this decision. No action was taken . COMPREHEN- Resolution 633 , adopting the Comprehensive Plan was SIVE PLAN read by the City Attorney. Hogan moved to adopt the resolution , Masters seconded . Under discussion , Baffaro asked if this is to adopt the changes only. The City Attorney replied .that this would adopt the complete Comprehensive Plan . The following addendum to the text has been submitted by Mr. Gast : May 19 , 1969 ADDENDUM TO TEXT This addendum constitutes part of the Kent Comprehen- sive Plan adopted this day by the Council of the City of Kent . The indicated material herein is hereby added to the text of the Plan . 1. To chapter II , Land Use , sub-heading "A g riculture" p. 14 , add the following: It is recognized that many factors , most of which are beyond the control of local govern- ment may re change of use to something Y require q g g other than agriculture. Such factors shall be s given due consideration in the future zoning or rezoning of lands designated in this Plan as agriculture , if and when such lands become part of the corporate limits of the City of Kent . There- fore , the designation of agriculture may be re- garded as a desirable but transitional use. I COMPREHENSIVE 2 . To chapter II , Land Use , sub-heading PLAN "Residence" , p. 11� the following: Certain areas on the east slope of West Hill, north of the Kent Des-Moines Road , shown in this Plan as "Residence-Low Density" , shall be re-examined by the Planning Commission upon its first annual review following adoption of the Plan. The appropriateness of redesignating the aforementioned areas' as "Residence-Medium- High Density" shall have first consideration. 3. To chapter VII , The Comprehensive Plan and its Co... Cuit� • REFER TO Implementation , sub-heading 5, "Periodic Review MINM�IV TES+ �F `,�,_leq of the Comprehensive Plan , " add the following: GJJ Among other factors to be considered in greater depth in future review of the Plan shall be the geologic , hydrologic and seismic characteristics of the planning area and their implications for future development of the area . Bereiter explained that the addendum would be attached to the text , and upon adoption of the Resolution , all documents , including maps will be certified by the City Clerk and filed in the vault , with copies available to- the public . Woodworth referred to item #1 of the addendum, suggesting that the words : "if and when such lands become a part of the corporate limits of the City of Kent" be stricken . Mr. Gast ex- plained that this was so phrased to clarify the position for those parcels which weee now out- side the city, but which may seek annexation and that property inside would be automatically covered. Lee questioned the use of the word agricultural , noting that he was under the impression that the word transitional would be used. Street pointed out that the last sentence covers this : "Therefore the designation of agriculture may be regarded as a desirable but transitional use" . Gast pointed out that by this sentence the city, would , as a matter of practice be more liberal. Gast noted that the Planning Commission has selected the terminology, that it appeared to the Planning Commission that some areas might possibly remain agricultural and that certainly it would not force farmers to continue to use their property as agricultural only. Mr. Muschall asked whom he would contact for a rezone of his county property. The City Attorney stated that the county should be con- tacted , but that they would probably be guided by Kent ' s Comprehensive Plan . Barnier stated that in view of the fact that state law gives the Council some degree of power or control over the use of property, he was concerned as to whether designations of park or open space use would infringe upon the owners right to utilize their pro- perty at the highest and best use. The City Attorney pointed out that there is a specific portion of the text of the Comprehensive Plan that acknowledges that these are planning concepts only and cannot be used to deprive the owner of the appropriate zoning of his property. Iie further stated that if the city wants the property for park or open space use , they must buy it . Gib Kendall stated that he owns C-3 property that is designated as open space and opined that any developer interested in the property would be deterred upon finding the open space designation on the Comprehensive Plan. Kendall stated further that he wished to go on record as being opposed to open space designations. Pozzi opined that if the city wanted property for open space , it would have to meet the price offered by others . Baffaro asked I it COMPREHENSIVE why open space was designated in the middle of PLAN the valley and what determines the location of j open space areas. Gast replied that there are several factors taken into account , noting that the Planning Commission tried to make land use j proposals that would help preserve the natural amenities of the valley, therefore they designated j areas that appeared to be available, desirable , etc . He stated that unless approximate locations for open space development are designated , finan- cial aid will not be readily available for develop- ment of parks , etc. Ile noted that the designation. of open space does not deprive the owner of more` intensive use. He pointed out that the text� and maps must be considered together for adequate iinterpretation. Mr. Kleweno referred to Item II of the addendum and opined that this should be designated as medium high j density rather than low density. Barnier asked I if it was feasible to amend Item II of this add- endum to review the designation in 60 days instead of one year. Woodworth moved to amend the original motion to include changing the designation of this area from "Residence-Low Density" to "Residence Medium-High Density" , Masters seconded. Gast stated that this would necessitate changes to the maps , incurring additional work and considerable delay to the passage of the plan . He noted that much of the land in question is at least a year away from actual development . Masters suggested that it be left as is , and the plan be adopted. Upon Lee ' s query, the City Attorney stated that the Comprehensive Plan will not become effective until it is certified and it is filed in the office of the City Clerk. Upon roll call vote , the amend- ment failed., Hogan , Baffaro, Lee , Masters voted nay, Barnier and Woodworth voted aye. Upon roll call vote on the original motion to adopt Resolution 633, approving the Comprehensive Plan , Barnier, Lee, Masters , Hogan and Woodworth voted aye , Baffaro voted nay. Motion carried. CONFERENCES & It was noted that the annual meeting of the Asso- CONVENTIONS ciation of Washington Cities is scheduled for. July 16-18 at the Washington Plaza Hotel in Seattle , Woodworth moved for Mayor Thornton , Councilmen Lee and Hogan be named as the official voting delegates to the AWC meeting, with alternates being Woodworth, Masters and Baffaro. Baffaro seconded, motion carried. Claim's received through May loth, for which authorization was given for payment at the last meeting: Current Expense 17, 361.29 Transfers (KC Tax) 75 ,770.85 Firemen 's R/P 306.60 City Hall Constr. 264.05 Library 314.25 Park 7 , 521.13 Arterial St . So. 240th Sig. 25.56 Street 14 ,011. 36 Equip. Rental 8 ,780.19 Garbage 12 , 386.73 Sewer 34 , 301.45 Water 78 , 953.07 1967 Sewer Constr. (ULID #1) 60,492 .48 LID 255 3 ,175. 30 313, .31 Interest Bearing Warrants North Kent Water Austin Construction 51 , 786.14 Constructors Pamco 13 ,230.00 Salem Sand & Gravel 16 ,547.82 K. C. Road #2 77.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 3 ,669.82 Anderson & Kelly 625.40 Bell Anderson Ins . 18.00 LID 252 Austin Construction 311.24 Austin Construction 7 ,874. 36 Hill , Ingman & Chase 2 , 124.94 LID 256 Morrison Knudsen , Inc. 72 ,098. 34 Hill , .Ingman & Chase 1 , 760.43 K. C. Trasurer 25.00 1966 Sewer Constr. Issue II Bell Anderson Ins . Co. 38.00 LID 253 , So. 212th Bell Anderson Ins . 19.00 Shorett & Riely 1 , 200.00 Dames & Moore 893.36 Dames & Moore 171.76 Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence , Gay & Moch 1 ,66o.89 Hill , Ingman & Chase 5 ,162.61 Red Samm Mining Co. 16 , 700.89 Dames & Moore 6 , o45.31 LID 255, So. 228th Red Samm Mining Co. 41,671. 37 Hill, Ingman & Chase 3 ,785.57 LID 257 Union Federal Savings & Loan Assoc . 25.00 John Grosz, Margaret Grosz 900.00 George M Booher 1 ,100.00 Abeyta, Zimmermang, & Highline Savings 1,000.00 Williamson , Ling, "Nletro Savings & Loan 925.00 Ecternkamp & Union Federal Savings & Loan 1 , 550.00 Hansen & McHugo 1, 375 .00 Williams & Williams 3 , 000.00 Shuknecht & Schuknecht & Metro Fed. Savings 925.00 Citizens .Fed. Savings & Loan 25.00 Tom Coppage 250.00 Peoples Mortgage Co. 25.00 Flick, Flick & Peoples Mortgage Co. 165.00 Coates Field Service 2, 526.46 Metro Savings & Loan Assoc. 25.00 Ball , Ball & Pioneer Nat 'l Ins. Co. 1, 300.00 Metro Fed. Savings & Loan Assoc . 25.00 Margaret McPhee & Ruth Cole 2, 100.00 John Costello 200.00 Truax & Security Savings & Loan Assoc . 525 .00 Coates Field Service 252.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 650.67 LID 258, 4th Ave. Coates Field Service 57.0.65 Swift Printing 57.74 Hill, Ingman & Chase 258.55 LID 261 , So. 212th, Phase III Bell Anderson Ins . 19.00 State Treasurer 6.47 Hill , Ingman & Chase 167.89 MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 : 55 p.m, Respectfully submitted, 7 ; Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jensen , �yCl�erk