HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/05/1969 Kent , Washington
May 5 , 1969
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Mogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and
Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and City
Engineer Sherwood . Baffaro and Barnier were late , arriving 'at 3 :15 and
3 :20 respectively.
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by
motion .
Clerk's and Treasurer Reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by
WATER Bids. The following bids were read for drilling of
exploration test wells :
Richardson Well Drilling $22 ,822.80, inc. tax
L. R. Gaudio ' 21, 140.00, inc. tax
Masters moved that the low bid of L. R. Gaudio be accepted,
Hogan seconded , motion carried .
Six Million Gallon Reservoir Site - S. 218th and 98th.
In seeking to acquire a site located at S. 218th and
98th for a six million gallon reservoir necessary in the
development of the water system, the City went to court
to condemn the site. During the trial the owners agreed
to accept the amount of $56 ,200 offered prior to the trial
with certain stipulations . Lee moved that the stipulated
court settlement be accepted and for the Clerk to be
directed to pay into the court , the sum of $56 ,200. Pozzi
seconded , motion carried.
So. 218th Supply Main . Lee moved to approve Change Order
#1 to Salem Sand and Gravel, required by EDA, for adjustment
of quantities resulting .in a $13 ,255 .91 decrease in the
contract price , Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
LID 252 Lee moved to approve Change Order #2 for Austin
Construction to pay for overtime to avoid shutting down
industry, in the amount .of $1, 533 . 15 and the acceptance of
the contract as complete, Hogan seconded , motion carried .
EDA Pro ' . #0 -1-0009 Phase VI . Lee moved to approve
Change Order #1 to Pamco to change the form of the roof
, posts on the Scenic Hill Reservoir at no extra cost to
the City , Hogan seconded, motion carried.
LID 256. Ordinance 1599 providing for the issuance and
sale of bonds for LID 256 was read by the City Attorney.
Hogan moved for passage of the, ordinance , Masters seconded ,
motion carried.
Water Source. Hogan moved to approve signing a four month
option for $2 ,000 to purchase approximately 50 acres of
land for a water source . Masters seconded. If sufficient
water is found to be available , the option could be exercised
for the 50 acres on contract ,with a down payment. of $55 ,000
and the balance of $140,000 to be paid over a five year
period. Motion carried.
WATER & Cole & Dolman. It was noted that sometime ago, the
SEWER City was awarded a decision against the firm of Cole
and Dolman in consideration of monies owed the city
in connection with the extension of water and sewer
lines to their development on the West Bill•. On
advice of counsel , it has been determined that the
insistance of fulfillment of the judgment will force
them into bankruptcy and the amount the city would
then collect would be questionable . Bereiter noted
that he and Street suggested that a negotiated
settlement for $10,000 plus interest at 6% per annum,
payable at $200 or more per month, starting in May,
1969 would be more advantageous to the city. He
explained further, that in addition to this amount ,
there remain approximately 63 lots for which $100
each would be paid to the city. The firm has been
credited with the amount of $17,600, under the Court ' s
decision . Pozzi and Bereiter elaborated on the back-
ground surrounding the original agreement . Bereiter
explained that the firm of Cole & Dolman has been
dissolved , so this is now a personal judgment . Wood-
worth moved for the Mayor and City Clerk to be
authorized to sign the settlement , Pozzi seconded ,
motion carried.
STREETS Right-of-way. Pozzi moved to accept a deed for
Public right-of-way of half of S. 250th between
the old and new Military Road from A. W. and Joanne
Sundstedt , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
LID 253 , Ordinance 1598 providing for the issuance
and sale of bonds for LID 253 was read by the City
Attorney. Baffaro moved for passage of the ordinance,
Masters seconded, motion carried.
Alley Behind Maple Street . The City Engineer
distributed sketches showing the grades in the
alley behind Maple Street . The City Attorney
stated that a suit had been filed against Hauge
in October, 1967, but that no action has been
taken on this because further information is
needed regarding damages and a plan for restoring
the alley to its original grade. Sherwood
explained that as part of an old plat , the alley
is dedicated to public use , but since it has
never been improved., the city has not taken over
maintenance of it . It was pointed out that in
the past , some of the property owners in the area
had spoken in favor of vacating the alley. Mr.
Collins spoke against this proposal. Pozzi moved
for the engineer to set a meeting with the property
owners , and suggested that the City crews could
improve the alley to meet city standards , at
Hauge ' s expense. Hogan seconded , .motion carried.
HEALTH & ULID ##1, Contract 3. Barnier moved to accept as
SANITATION complete , the contract with National Construction
Co. of Contract 3 , ULID ##l , Masters seconded ,
motion carried .
ULID ##1 Contract 4. Barnier moved to approve
Change Order #4 to Tonneson Construction Co. ,
allowing a time extension of 77 days until May
19, 1969 , with the provision that any additional
inspectiDn charges be paid by the contractor,
Masters seconded , motion carried.
ULID ##1 Contract 5. Barnier moved to approve
Change Order #4 to Murphy Brothers in the amount
of $17,044 for extra excavation and to •allow a
time extension of 63 days until June 5 , 1969,
Lee seconded . Ramsey explained that after the
contract was let , the developer in the area placed
3.4 ft . of fill over the entire area and Murphy
Bros . then had to excavate more material then they
had bid on . Motion carried,' with Pozzi voting nay.
POLICE & It was noted that Tom Stokley of the Seattle Times
nal award for his article on. Asst .
FIRE had won a natio
fire prevention program.
Fire Chief Randall ' s
Fireman Glenn Webster presented the award to Mr.
Stokly. Former Kent Councilman and long time
Fire Dept. volunteer Dave Mooney, now serving on
the County Council, was welcomed by Mayor Thornton .
Councilman Mooney assisted in the presentation .
FINANCE City Hall. Resolution 631 was read by the City
Attorney, creating a new account under "City
Hall Construction Fund" in the 169 budget in the
amount of $1,100,000, by transferring the account
li from the 169 Current Expense Budget , Government
Buildings . Masters moved for adoption of the
resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
The City Attorney read Resolution 632 , authorizing
the City Treasurer to transfer from the City Hall
Construction Fund to Current Expense Fund , the sum
I of $291 ,083.62 to cover warrants issued for the
new city hall which had been charged erroneously
to Current Expense. Masters moved for adoption of
the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
Masters reported that the Treasurer had made the
following investments of city funds :
G. 0. Street Funds - 90-day time certificate
of .deposit $10,000
1966 Sewer Revenue Bond Reserve - 180-day
time certificate of deposit $5 ,000
Mixed Funds - 90-day treasury bills $100,000
Mixed Funds - 15-month treasury notes $250,000
City Hall Construction - 180-day treasury bills
PARKS Park Board. Pozzi moved for the City Attorney to
draft an ordinance to amend Ordinance 1568, to allow
appointees serving on the Board of Park Commissioners
to reside outside the city limits . Baffaro seconded ,
motion carried.
Star Lake Park. It was noted that the King County
Design Commission has approved the firm of Richard
Haag Associates to be the design consultants for
Star Lake Park, which will enable the parks depart-
ment to begin development under Forward Thrust funds .
BIDS Pozzi moved for approval .of a call for bids , for a
CORRECTED-REFER To tractor-mower, to be opened May 27, 1969. Hogan
MINUTES OF 5-19-69 seconded , motion carried.
BOARD OF Woodworth moved to confirm Mayor Thornton ' s appoint-
ADJUSTMENT ment of Chet Wheeler to the Board of Adjustment to
complete the term of Robert Carroll , Barnier seconded ,
motion carried.
TURN KEY The City Attorney reported that the city had
HOUSING been awarded a judgment of $6 , 160.00 against
Buchanan , Johnson and Assoc. in the matter of
payment for sewer lines within the Turn Key
Housing Development on the Benson Highway.
APPEAL Mac Pherson Realty. The public hearing was opened
on the Mac Pherson appeal from the Board of Adjustment ' s
decision in denying their application for a variance to
allow a duplex on a lot 40' X 128' . It was noted that
the Attorney representing Mac Pherson ' s has requested
that the hearing be continued to the May 19th meeting.
Masters so moved , Hogan seconded. There were no
comments or objections from the floor. Motion carried.
ZONING Anderson Rezone. Ordinance 1595 was read by the
City Attorney approving the Anderson rezone from
R-3 to R-4. Pozzi moved for passage of the
ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried.
TRAIN Ordinance 1596, establishing train speed limits
SPEED at 40 MPH as set by the Public Utilities Commission
LIMITS and repealing Ordinance 703, was read by the City
Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance,
Masters seconded. Under discussion , the City
Attorney pointed out that the City would be the re-
porting agency and the State agency would enforce
it. Motion carried.
AN ORDINANCE requiring that trains sound their
whistles at all crossings inside, the city was read
by the City Attorney. Masters stated that the
whistles would be sounding continuously for each
train going through the city under this ordinance,
and suggested that whistles be sounded at the des-
cretion of the engineer. She opined that the
whistles would not prevent accidents and cited
statistics on accidents in Marysville which has a
similar ordinance and in Spokane which does not
have one. She stated that the city should consider
gates at crossings and investigate starter relays
for crossings . Mr. Street noted that the state law
allows the city the choice as to adopting such an
ordinance . The City Attorney stated that rejection
of this ordinance would not increase the city' s
scop.e of liability. Woodworth moved to delay action
until the next meeting and to refer it to the Police
Committee for study, Masters seconded , motion carried.
COMPREHEN It was noted that the public hearing on the proposed
SIVE PLAN Comprehensive Plan had been held at the last meeting
and that the Council had held a work session on April
28th and had discussed the proposed plan in depth.
The City Attorney stated that if the Council proposes
to make changes in the text , Rudy Gast will incorporate
them into the Comprehensive Plan and that the resolution
approving the plan will then be drafted. Among the
items discussed at the workshop was the use of the word
"agricultural" in the plan . It was explained that
within an incorporated urbanizing area, .this term normally
designates an areas that is transitional in character
from a former use that , by zoning, will be directed toward
future residential, commercial or industrial use , and
that it is not anticipated that such areas will retain
agricultural usage in the future . It was further
clarified that the community must be prepared to acquire
by easement or purchase within a reasonable time, areas
designated as greenbelts and that the area on the east
slope of west hill and portions of the valley floor
should be directed toward medium to high density residential
usage. The City Attorney stated that the Council is in
a position to adopt the Comprehensive Plan as recommended
by the Planning Commission , or to make the textual changes
determined appropriate based on the public hearing and
the workshop session . Mr. Gast advised that for the
benefit of the. public it would be advisable to make the
changes to the text. Woodworth moved to instruct the City
Attorney and Mr. Gastto make the appropriate changes to
the plan and for a resolution to be drafted to adopt the
plan as changed , Hogan seconded. Under discussion , Street
asked that the proposed changes be given to him by the
Thursday prior to the next council meeting. Curran re-
quested that these changes be made available to the public
as well. Masters stated that consideration should be given
to subsurface exploration in the text of the plan , noting
COMPREHENSIVE that the unstable valley floor might make certain
PLAN areas unsuitable for highrise buildings or large
industries. Woodworth opined that it belonged in a
zoning ordinance and not in land use. Mr. Gast stated
that Woodworth was right , but that Masters has a good
thought as conditions of the soil can be recognized
in the Comprehensive ' Plan as an element to help the
Council determine future developments . Gast opined
that this idea should be put into the Comprehensive
Plan . He noted that it could then be elaborated
upon in the zoning ordinance. Woodworth and Hogan
agreed to include this addition in the original
motion . Motion carried.
Resolution 630, commending past and present Planning
Commission members for their work on the Comprehensive
Plan was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for
adoption of the resolution , Masters seconded , motion
carried .
INSURANCE Ordinance 1597 , clarifying the life insurance program
for city employees , was read by the City Attorney.
Masters moved for passage of the ordinance , Mogan
seconded, motion carried.
CLEAN UP Mr. Street noted that the Street Department to date
WEEK had hauled 95 loads of debris during Clean Up Week
at a cost of $363.38 to the City.
Masters moved that the bills received by May 10, 109
approved by the Finance Committee be paid , Lee
seconded , motion carried .
Respectfully submitted ,
Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jens n , City C rk
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