HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/21/1969 Kent , Washington April. 21 , 1969 I Regular meeting of Lhe Kent City Council w is caller] Lo order at 3 :00 1)•111• Present : Mayor Thornton , Courncilmen : Baffaro , Hogan , Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Berciter and City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . STREETS Alley Behind Maple Street . Mr. Don Moorehouse and Mr. Lombardini who live in the 1400 block of Maple Street asked the council what action has been taken regarding the alley behind Maple Street . They noted that the Hauge Construction Co. started to put the alley in over a year ago and that nothing had been done since and that letters have been sent to the City Engineer , City Attorney and IIauge , Mr. Lombardini noted that he lives in a group of homes on Maple Street constructed by Powell Homes Construction . Iiauge was building on i the next street and lie agreed to put an alley in for the homes he was building. He stated that the owners of the Powell Homes had agreed to give the City access to I sewers and that Mr. IIauge had continued to construct the alley even after the engineer ' s office had instructed him to stop. IIe stated that it is supposed to be only an easement for the City to maintain the sewers. Mr. Lombardini read a. letter from IIauge to Lombardini ' s attorney. The City Attorney explained that a law suit had been filed against Hauge on this . Pozzi stated that the City only accepts the right-of-way and does not accept an alley or street until it is brought up to City standards. It was determined that this is part of the Knob Ilill Addition , dated 1894 and has never been replatted by Iiauge . The City Engineer will report at the next meeting on the property and on the status of the suit , possibly with pictures supplied by 1'rs . Collins . Mr. Moorehouse requested that official notification be sent to the homeowners of any future meetings or action on this matter. Vacation . Pozzi moved that a public hearing be scheduled for May 19th for the vacation of J . H. Patton Road through Randall Park Division #1 , Woodworth seconded . Under dis- cussion , the City Engineer stated that this is a planned unit development of single family homes , just north of Kentwood Hills #1 , and the Planning Commission and Engi- neering Department believe it could best be developed by vacating this road and substituting another road in its place . It was noted that the City was initiating the vacation and it would be granted irithou.t. .ch.arge-.to the developer in exchange for a street whicYi will be more, serviceable . The vacation is .to be withheld until the, plat is ready for acceptance . Motion carried. TOPICS Program. Pozzi moved that the City enter into an agreement with the firm of Monson , Nash, Futrell and Associates for a study to qualify the City for the TOPICS Program, as discussed at the last meeting. Woodworth seconded. Street reported that the Council, Chamber and Mr. King of Monson , at al had met on April 14th and discussed approval of this program and suggested that the engineering office review it . Gerry Anderson stated that the Chamber of Commerce committee will meet with representatives of TOPICS. Motion carried. Woodworth moved to note receipt of the plan and to refer it to the street committee for study, who will report back, Masters seconded , motion carried. STREETS 80tIi Ave . S. It was noted th,'t a letter was received from Ulrich Investment , Inc . on June 22 , 1968 concern- ing need for access to the East Valley IIighway front the portion of 80th Ave . S. lying between 200th and 208th. A letter dated April 9 , 1969 was received ask- ing what progress had been made . The City Engineer 'I reported that ownership information is coming in now, and that a meeting w oti� with rners will be held to discuss -of-way by deed. acquisition of this right lie explained that a different route had been discussed, which had delayed action on this matter. Kent Des IL'Ioines Road. The State Highway Commission has presented an agreement whereby at the completion of the Kent Des Moines Road , the city agrees to maintain certain frontage roads . The City Engineer explained that this agreement deals with the new route from Midway down the Kent-Des Moines Road to the West Valley Highway. Pozzi moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement , Masters seconded , motion carried. I HEALTH & Garbage . Barry Palmer of LeMay Enterprizes , asked if SANITATION the Council would be interested in contracting the city' s garbage hauling. Mr. Street replied that no decision had been made and stated . that it would , in any case , be by sealed bids . Metro Cross Valley Sewer. The City Engineer explained that this has been mentioned before at council meetings . Ile noted that it involves a 60" sewer from the north lagoon eastward to tie into the 72" sewer that is in line with 78th Ave . South. He stated that this line provides a diversion from the lagoon for a portion of the flows , but it would not put the lagoon out of service . IIe noted however, that it will enable service to be discontinued to the south treatment plant . IIe stated that Metro will bear the costs and has requested permission to cross the West Valley Highway by tunnel or by boring. Masters moved to permit Metro to make the extension and cross the West Valley Highway, contingent upon receipt of an offi- cial request for same and permission for the city to connect to various manholes for further lateral sewers . Pozzi seconded . Under discussion , Lee asked if Metro will have these crossings in prior to the widening of the street . Sherwood opined it would not be , but that it will be an encased crossing so there will be no open cut to the surface . Motion carried . BIDS Garbage Department . The following bids were read for 20 two-yard garbage containers : Worthington Cont . Corp. $2 ,831.95 , inc . tax Capital Industries 2 , 915 .55 , inc. tax DeWald Northwest 2 , 917.64 , inc . tax Paul K. Haggard Co. 3 , 103.65 , inc. tax Pozzi moved to accept the low bid of Worthington Cont . Corporation , Hogan seconded , motion carried. CITY HALL Baffaro reported that the soils analysis report for the City Hall site has not been received as yet . Street noted that an architect from Fred Bassetti ' s office will meet with department heads to determine space requirements for the new City Hall. Baffaro moved to approve a communications study by Communications Management , Inc . in the amount of S1800. Hogan seconded . It was noted that the expenditure would be charged to the City Hall Construction Fund. Motion carried. I PLAT Strawberry Lane . The City Engineer recommended that the Bill of Sale be accepted for water mains , sewer lines and street improvements in the Straw- berry Lane Plat . Lee so moved , IIogan seconded , motion carried. FINANCE Planning Commission . Resolution 623 was read by the City Attorney, transferring S2000 FROM Salaries , Regular -TO Contractual Services , Planning Consultant in the 1969 budget for the Planning Department . It was noted that this resolution is necessary to pay Mr. Gast for his service in developing the Comprehensive Plan . Hogan moved to adopt the resolution , Masters seconded , motion carried . POLICE & Ordinance 1592 amending the Fire Prevention Code was read FIRE by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded, motion carried. Ordinance 1593 relating to fire protection and requiring fire hydrants to be installed under certain circumstances was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. Ordinance 1594 defining "abandoned vehicles" and the dis- position thereof, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried . THE MARCH FIRE DEPARTMENT report was presented and explained by the Fire Chief. Woodworth noted that we are presently without the services of an animal control warden . RAILROAD So. 228th. Mr. Street recommended that the City and the CROSSINGS Northern Pacific Railroad enter into an agreement wherein each share equally in cost of signalization of S. 228th railroad crossing. Ile noted that the Governor vetoed a portion of IIouse Bill 24 under which the railroad pays 10%, the City pays 30% and the State pays 60% of the costs , and that implementing of the bill may be delayed beyond the proposed July 1 effective date . Ile further noted that the Utilities & Transportation Commission has issued an order that this signal be put in , in accordance with this agreement . Woodworth moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement , Hogan seconded , motion carried. ANNEXATION Clark Springs . Lee moved that the City Engineer prepare and submit the formal annexation petitionfor the Clark Springs Annexation to the County Boundary Review Board requesting that they waive jurisdiction , •and to notify the King County Board of Adjustment of this action with a request to continue consideration of the City' s application for a conditional use permit to their June meeting. Masters seconded , motion carried. Lotto. It was noted that on February 27th, a 10% annexation petition was received from Ivlr. Lotto and was referred to the Annexation Committee. As a result of this meeting, Mr. Lotto then filed a 755 petition which was accepted by the council at the March 17th meeting. The Boundary Review Board requires notification of the official acceptance of the 10% petition , which was omitted in the March 17th minutes. Pozzi moved to correct the March 17th minutes to include the passage of a motion to accept the report from the annexation committee including the acceptance of the 10% petition and reflecting that the petitioners had agreed to accept the pro rata share of the city' s bonded indebtedness . Woodworth seconded , motion carried. ZONING Anderson . Tlie public hearing was opened on the applica- tion submitted by John Anderson for a rezone from R-3 to R-4. It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval. Mr. Monroe Watt , attorney for Mr. Anderson , explained the conditions which led to the filing of the application . There were no objections Cr comments from the audience and Uie hearing was closed by motion . Woodworth moved to approve the rezone and for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary ordinance as the change is not detri- mental to adjacent properties and is not in conflict with the Comprehensive Plan . Masters seconded . . Under discussion , Baffaro opined that it was not in ]seeping with the surround- ing area. , Motion carried , with Baffaro voting nay. ZONING It was noted that a public hearing was scheduled for a pro- me posed amendment to the zoning ordinance which would enlarge the conditional uses under R-3 zoning. The matter has been delayed at the Planning Commission . level , and will be re- scheduled at the Council level after completion of the hear- ing before the Planning Commission . LOW RENT Resolution 629 encouraging the submission and application LEASED for a low rent (lousing program on a lease basis for the IIOUSING citizens of Dent , was read by the City Attorney. The City Attorney noted that 'the intent of the resolution is to show that the city had determined that there is a need for this type of housing. Woodworth stated that the need should be for housing inside the city, and asked if a - study had been made to determine such need. Joe Street explained that the study showing the need was for South King County, and it was not broken down into cities . Woodworth opined figures should be ' available for the area within the city limits and that the contract between the owner of the Iaome to be .leased and the King County Housing Authority should be studied with regard to the requirement concerning .the condition of the house , what the city' s interest would be , etc. Plasters asked how the city was involved. The City Attorney explained that King County IIousing will do nothing unless tiie City of Kent finds a need , and that if such a need is determined to exist now, the situation could still be reviewed again in case there is no longer a need -at a later date . Lee moved for adoption of the resolution and Baffaro seconded. Motion carried , with Woodworth voting nay, stating he was not against the program, but felt more information should be made avail- able. Pozzi moved that the meeting be adjourned until 7 : 30 p.m. , Baffaro seconded , motion carried . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The recessed City Council meeting was called to order at 7: 30 p.m. by Mayor Thornton . Present : Councilmen IIogan , Masters , Lee , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter and City Engineer Sherwood. Baffaro and Barnicr were late , arriving at 7 :115 and 8 : 30 respectively. Masters moved to reconvene , Kogan seconded , motion carried. Mr. Rudy Gast gave a resume of the proposed Comprehensive Plan and pointed out that it should not be considered as a Zoning Ordinance . IIe pointed out that this plan attempts to look at all aspects of city development , future land use , street network, population densities , open space , school facilities , etc . , all things that make up an active living community and attempts to anticipate all of the things which will be needed in the community for a 20 year period. IIe first showed an Annexation Map indicating how Kent had grown since the original toia*nsite of 1890. Mr. Gast then pointed out the Land Use Map which shows the generalized use of land COMPREHENSIVE as anticipated through 1933 , explaing that areas PLAN outside tale city are included , since they affect the city. The map showed density designations , industrial areas , etc . and showed the Green River area and power line sites as green belt and recreation areas . Gast pointed out that the river- front should be made accessible for recreation purposes through purchase , easement , etc . IIe noted that the _Open Space Map showed major parks , such . as Mill Creek, existing state parks and the proposal to have the entire Green River area preserved as open space . The Public Services and Utilities Map depicted the major sewer and water lines including those of Metro and the City of Seattle . The Educational and Recreational Facilities Map was then shown , point- ing out schools , hospitals , future city hall , post offices , reservoir sites , libraries , etc. and indi- cated 20 new schools by 1933. The Circulation Map showed the existing and proposed freeways , expressways and collector highways and the mass rapid transit plan . This map included future interchanges , existing inter- changes and grade separations where highways cross railroad tracks . Mr. Gast then presented the Comprehensive Plan , 1.933 Map which combines , in general the items shown on the previous maps . This map includes about 53 square miles , even though the City of Kent is pre- sently only approximately 15 square miles . Mayor Thornton pointed out that the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan does not repeal or change the zoning ordinance and that any change of existing zoning must have its own public hearing with notification given . IIe further stated that this plan gives guidance to anticipated changes of the future , but does not make these changes at present . Mayor Thornton then declared the public hearing open . Mr. George Kargianis , attorney representing Mazel Inc . , whose property is located west of the West Valley IIigh- way and immediately south of the city limits , stated that he agreed that the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan does not constitute zoning. He noted however, that the adoption of this plan cannot help but have an affect in fixing the character and type of development of property for the future and opined that designating this valuable property for open space or agricultural use denies the right of the owners to use the land to the best advanatge. Ile stated that the area is ideally locatedfor a higher use and that the owners had planned to seek annexation to the city eventually, since water and sewers are readily available . James Curran , representing Mr. & Mrs. Miskell and speaking for a group of farmers in the same area, presented a petition signed by property owners protesting the proposed agriculture designation as shown on the plan . He noted that none of the signers are in the city and were not likely to seek annexa- tion if their property is designated as agricultural. Curran concurred with the statements made by Mr. Kargianis and stated further that the plan tells the farmer that he is to keep his land as a farm for the next 20 years. IIe urged the Council to study the area. Mr. Miskell of 27611 West River Road stated that they are paying $75 an acre in taxes , but are getting only $35 an acre for rent for their farm land. Mr. & Mrs. Epperson of 26431 West River Road stated that they owned 60 acres adjacent to the Smith Brothers Dairy and that the taxes are so high that they cannot afford to license their equipment. i COMPREIiENSIVE A lady who resides at 25314 Lk. Renwick Road PLAN stated that she is renting some of her property at $35 an acre for farming, but that it is taxed according to its potential. use . Mr. Curran also represented Kent Highlands Inc. , owners of 500 acres west of the Green River and over to the base of the hill. Ile noted that it is not being used basically as agricultural now and I� some of it has never been agricultural. Ile noted that on the proposed plan , at least 50% is desig- nated as open space and none of the property is marked for high density use , though it meets all of the requirements , with sharp hillsides , accessi- bility to arterials , etc . Mr. Curran also repre- sented Gib Kendall, whose property near the river is designated as open space on the proposed plan . He stated that earmarking this property for open space was unfair to the owner and noted that the property had been rezoned within the past few years . Mr. John Hay, associated with Mr. Kargianis , re- ferred to the Mazel Inc . area, noting that much high density is planned for the adjacent area and the plan would , in effect , be perpetuating farm lands in a high density area. Mr. Kargianis stated that this is a truly transitional area and felt that the Comprehensive Plan i.s blind to these changes and have not taken it into account . IIe asked the Council to set aside this area as transitional or at least not adopt this plan until an additional study can be made. Ile opined that if this plan was adopted , it would create a burden on the pro- perty owner. Woodworth asked if the property is taxed at its highest and best use or according to land use. Mr. Gast stated that the assessor is not looking at the farm, etc . , he is looking at what the surrounding area is selling for. Mr. Gast stated that the Planning Commission had reasoned that there are areas of this valley that can remain profitably in agricultural use . He stated that a Comprehensive Plan has -to be 'reviewed regularly to be useful: Miles Drake referred to Block 1 and 2 , Guiberson Addition , bounded by Smith and Harrison , Lincoln and the Interurban right-of-way which is designated as commercial on the Comprehensive Plan . Ile stated that it was zoned M-1 in 1960 and since then , the freeway has blocked it off, putting the property on a deadend street . Ile opined that commercial use was detrimental to the property, and requested that it remain M-1. A petition , signed by 100% of the owners of the subject property was filed with the Clerk. Mr. Drake ' s petition was read by the Clerk. A letter from J . W. Morrison & Assoc . , builders of San Juan Homes , was read stating that a C-1 neighb6rhood commercial zone was located at the corner of S. 264th and Military Road. Mr. Morrison stated that the Comprehensive Plan indicates residential for this area and requested that the C-1 zoning remain . A petition with 133 signatures was read objecting to the high density designation of N. Kennebeck, Clark and Jason and requesting that it be kept a single family dwelling area. After all who wished to speak were afforded the opportunity, Baffaro moved to close the hearing, Hogan seconded , motion carried . COMPREHENSIVE Mogan moved to accept a]_1 written correspondence of PLAN and place them on file as part of the record carried e these proceedings , Lee seconded , motion d . Barnier moved for the City Council to set up a workshop session for Monday, April 23th at 7 : 30 p.m. to discuss the items that have been brought out at this hearing, before a decision is reached . Masters seconded. Under discussion , Baffaro congratulated the Planning Commission on t1lis plan . Motion carried. Lee moved to direct the City Attorney to draft a resolution to members of the Planning Commission , commending them for the' work tlley have done on the Comprehensive Plan , Barnier seconded , Iltotlon carried . Claims received through April 10th, for .which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting : Current Expense S30,061.53 Library 6115 .16 Park 13 ,482.89 39 343.34 I±;c�uipment Rental 9 , 343.34 Sewer 25 , 355.68 Street 7 ,490. 35 Water 3 , 360.05 Firemen Is R/P 306.60 Arterial St . (240th Signal) 1o6. 31 LID 255 62 , 542.23 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID i/l 110,280.59 Garbage 8,455 .78 Off. St . Parking 1 , 100.00 272, 536 .06 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 , So.__ 212th 21.43 Dames & Moore11 , 723-90 Roberts , Shefelmen , Lawrence , Gay & Itiocll 5 ,936 .96 IIill , Ingman & Chase 1, 100.00 'Puget Sound Power & Light 68 ,660. 13 Red Samm Mining Co. 5, 775.00 J . Carroll Shoe & Assoc . LID 2571 James St_._ 636 .113 Mill , Ingman & Chase Karl E. Hagerup & Betty Hagerup & 1 , 550.00 Citizens Federal S & L Assoc . J. 0. Egan & Helen Egan & Andrew San dwicic 100.00 LID 253 , 4thAve • 1 , 436.61 Hill , Ingman & Chase 2,000.00 Jack. Bisyak & Olga Bisyak LID 261 S. 212th Phaee III 63.110 Hill , Ingman & Chase N. Kent Water 3 , 685 . 34 Hill, Ingman & Chase 111 .00 KC Road #2 250.00 Bell Anderson Ins . 203. 311 Anderson & Kelly 45 ,657 .26 Austin Construction Co. LID 252 , N. Water 1,637.65 I-Iill, Ingman & Chase 7 , 915.20 Austin Construction Co. LID '56 , East Valley Water_ Main 135 .73 Hill, Ingman & Chase MEETING ADJOURNED 9 : 30 P•In• Respectfully submitted , MAYOR � Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jens City Cle;k