HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/07/1969 Kent , Washington
April 7 , 1969
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Masters ,
Pozzi and Woodworth, City Administrator Street , City Attorney Bereiter,
and City Engineer Sherwood
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion .
Budget report submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion .
STREETS A bill of sale has been received from Dr. Melvin Rugg
for the utilities in an alley deeded to the City sometime
ago, located between 256th and the Kent Kangley Road.
Woodworth moved that the bill of sale be accepted , Masters
seconded , motion carried . Mr. Donais , Attorney represent-
ing Dr. Rugg, asked that parking be prohibited in the alley,
as employees of adjacent buildings are using the alley as
parking space , creating an unloading problem for trucks .
Ile noted that Dr. Rugg had provided parking spaces . Pozzi
moved to refer the matter to the Police & Fire committee
with power to act , Barnier seconded , motion carried .
LID 260, Off. -Street ParkinZ. Mr. Street reported thnt n
conference was held with James Gay :regarding the off-street
parking LID and noted that as yet they are not prepared to
set a* date for the public hearing. IIe stated that in order
to acquire the property, interest bearing warrants on the
LID may be issued.
LID 255 So. 228th, Pozzi moved to approve Change Order #2
in the amount of 1 , 566 .25 , for the installation of 35 cu.
yards of concrete bedding under 84" concrete pipe as required
by the Milwaukee Railroad , Woodworth seconded , motion carried .
A letter was read from the parents of school children ex-
pressing their gratitude for the approval of a traffic light
at 244th & Military Road. Pozzi moved to place the letter
on file, Barnier seconded , motion carried .
TOPICS Prorrarn. A request was made that authorization be
given to enter into an agreement with Monson , Nash, Futrell
and Associates for a study to qualify the City of Kent for
the TOPICS (Traffic Operations Program to Improve Capacity
& Safety) program. It was noted that this is a Federal
program involving a 50% grant and is especially suited to help
with improvements involving spot safety or alignment problems.
The study program would be in two phases (1 ) establish a
tentative Federal Aid System Type II in the City of Kent and
obtain approval of the system by the Division Engineer of the
Bureau of Public Roads (approx. cost $1 ,000) , (2) after
approval of the system and a 50% study grant $ gather inventory
data, prepare a TOPICS program, modify the Federal Aid System
Type II. based on the inventory, meet with the Highway Depart-
ment and Bureau of Public Roads and obtain approval of the
TOPICS Program and the Type II Federal Aid System, submit
applications for TOPICS funds for specific projects (approx.
cost $10,000 - 50% from Federal Funds , 50% from 1/20 gas tax
funds ) . The City Engineer explained that the first step,
estimated to cost $1000.00 would qualify the City to make
application for the additional $10,000.00 to complete the
study, .and would be paid for out of 1/20 gas tax funds. The
City Engineer opined that this program would be very favorable
to the City. Frank King, representing the firm of Monson ,
Nash, Futrell & Associates , explained that this is a new pro-
gram and has not been completed in any cities in the state
yet , but Bellevue and Puyallup have already submitted Phase 1 .
Tom Perkins noted that the State & Highway Committee of the
Chamber of Commerce has prepared a plan to submit to the city
and felt that they could incorporate it into this plan . Mr.
King stated that the first step is to submit the tentative
system and after approval of the funds , to develop an action
program that would be within the rules and frameworking of
the agency. Barnier moved that action be deferred and the
matter be set up for a workshop session iith the Council, Chamber
of Commerce and Mr. King, Lee seconded. Pozzi was against the
delay. Motion carried , with Pozzi voting nay.
HEALTH & LID 259 , Horseshoe Acres Sewer. Barnier reported
SANITATION that a meeting was held on March 31 with about 35
property owners within the proposed LID and noted
that the people were in favor of having sanitary
sewers and that they had agreed to delay develop-
meet of the project until a firm answer is received
from I-IUD regarding financial assistance.
Sewer Hookup - Outside City. A letter has been
received from Mr. Eugene V. Lux requesting permission
to connect to the Garrison Creek Sanitary Sewer.
Barnier moved to refer the matter to the sewer committee ,
Hogan seconded , motion carried.
ULID #1 , Contract 5. It was noted that Change Order
No. 2 originally approved in the amount of $21, 474.97
has been modified to $25 , 564.57 for the revision in
size from 27" to 30" pipe as requested by Metro and
will be paid for by Metro. Barnier moved to approve
Change Order #2 in the amount of $25 , 564.57, Masters
seconded , motion carried .
Des Moines Sewer District , Barnier reported receipt
of a copy of Resolution No. 1969=6 of the Des Moines
Sewer District which adopts a plan for additons and
betterments to the district . The District has requested
that the City approve the resolution and the City Engineer
has concurred. Barnier so moved , Lee seconded , motion
Garbage Containers . Woodworth moved for authority to
be granted to call for bids for 20 two-yard garbage
containers , with bid opening on April 16 at 3 :00 p.m. ,
Barnier seconded, motion carried.
WATER So. 213th Supply Main . Lee moved that the recommendation
of .the Engineer to accept as complete , Water System Improve-
ments , EDA Project #07-1-00099 , Phase III , be approved.
Barnier seconded , motion carried. Iie .noted that the original
bid was $195 , 201.00 and the final contract price was
$175 ,460.61 and that a check for $935.00 has been deposited
by Salem Sand & Gravel to assure seal coating of 93rd
Ave . So.
CITY Blue Banner. A re quest has -been received for the City to
PROPERTY consider the sale of the properties now leased to Blue
Banner and that which is still utilized as .City shops . It
would be necessary to declare the property surplus. If
such action is to be considered, an appraisal should be
made so that a call for bids could be issued. It was
clarified that if a call for bids is made , a minimum amount
would be set , and the City would reserve the right to
reject bids . Blue Banner ' s current lease would also have
to be considered in the study of said bids. Masters moved
for the City Administrator to be authorized to secure an
. M.A.I. appraisal of the subject property, Hogan seconded ,
motion carried.
CITY HALL Baffaro moved for the purchase of all privately owned land
in Block 13 , Yesler ' s First Addition for the sum of
,$232,500.00, plus $1,005 .03 pro rate of taxes , escrow and
closing fees , Lee seconded , motion carried. Baffaro noted
that soils tests are underway.
ZONING Hutchinson. The public hearing was opened on the applica-
tion submitted by Dr. Hutchinson for a rezone from R-3 to
C-3 for property situated at 110th S.E. and the Kent Kangley
Road. Dr. Hutchinson presented maps to the council, show-
ing the proposed locations of the professional offices
planned for the site, which plans offices for a Chiropractic
Clinic and others such as a- Dentist , Insurance Agent ,
Attorney and similar occupations . The Planning Commission
minutes of March llth were read , recommending denial.
There were no comments or objections from the floor and the
hearing was closed by motion . Pozzi asked why the Planning
Commission continued to turn down commercial zoning along
the Kent Kangley Road and stated he thought such a professional
complex would be an asset to the area. Mr. Street stated
ZONING under the new comprehensive plan , arterial roads would
have "commercial balloons" rather than having commercial
zoning strung out along the arte ial . Barnier opined
that professional offices should not be restricted to
commercial zoning. Woodworth moved to uphold the Planning
Commission ' s recommendation to deny the application for
the following reasons : (1) it constitutes a request for
spot zoning and (2 ) it does not conform with the City of
! Kent Comprehensive Plan , Baffaro. seconded. Woodworth
noted that the Planning Commission would have a public,
hearing on Tuesday, April 8 to consider a change to the
zoning ordinance with regard to location of professional
offices of this type and suggested that Dr. Hutchinson
attend this meeting. Motion carried.
FINANCE Resolution 626 was read by the City Attorney, transferring
funds within his budget , necessary to pay secretarial help
through the City payroll rather than to the law firm. Lee
moved to adopt the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion
Resolution 627 , providing for the expenditure of $3,050.00
from revenue in excess of that anticipated in the 1968
budget in the unexpended balance of the Current Expense
Fund , was read by the City Attorney. Hogan moved for the
adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried .
LID 256. A letter from the City Treasurer was read certifying
that the amount of assessments collected from LID 256 is
$8 ,429.74 and there remains unpaid the sum of $89 , 519.93 •
Woodworth moved to place the letter on file , Masters seconded ,
motion carried. Street noted that a meeting will be held
with the city' s financial advisors to determine the interest
rate for the bonds for this LID as well as for LID 253 .
RAILROAD An agreement between Northern Pacific Railroad and the City
CROSSINGS was presented wherein each share equally in cost of signaliza-
tion of the So. 228th railroad crossing. The City Engineer
noted that the City would be required to pay the cost of
some of the widening. Tom Perkins stated that IIouse Bill
24 had been passed , under which the railroad pays 10'0, the
City pays 30% and the State pays 60/ of the costs . Mr.
Street noted that while this spread of costs seems favorable
he thought that the City was then required to bear the main-
tenance costs , which were very high. Tom Perkins of the
Chamber of Commerce stated that under the new bill , the City
would not be liable for maintenance. Barnier moved to delay
action on the matter, Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
HOUSING A resolution was read by the City Attorney, wherein the City
finds that there is a need for a program under which the
King County Housing Authority leases existing housing and
rents it to low income families . The rent is then sub-
sidized by Federal Funds . He further explained that the
City would not be a participant in the program. Woodworth
stated he did not oppose the program but wanted to be sure
there was such a need. Woodworth moved to postpone action
on the matter until more information is obtained, Barnier
.seconded . Under discussion , Mr. Street stated that he would
contact the King County Housing Authority for more data.
Motion carried .
POLICE & Resolution 625 was read by the City Attorney, transferring
FIRE $1000.00 FROM salaries regular TO salaries part-time to be
used for secretarial help within the Fire Department budget .
Woodworth moved to adopt the resolution , Barnier seconded ,
motion carried.
ANNEXATION Lotto. Mr. Street noted that Lotto ' s representative was
still attempting to enlarge the area proposed to be annexed
and would report on his progress by the next meeting.
APPEAL It' was noted that 1,1acPherson ' s Inc . had filer]
notice of appeal on the action of the Board of
Adjustment in denying a variance to construct a
duplex on an undersized lot in North Park. By
motion , duly seconded and passed , a public hear-
ing was scheduled for May 5th.
RESIGNATION Mayor Thornton reported that Bob Carroll has re-
signed as Civil Defense Director and Chairman of
the Board of Adjustment . Woodworth moved that the
resignation be accepted and for a letter of commenda-
tion to be sent to Mr. Carroll . Barnier seconded ,
motion carried .
COUNCIL Pozzi reported that the Councilmen had agreed to
APPOINTMENT place all six interested citizens as nominees on
the first ballot , and that all ballots would be in
writing. It was determined that if the final ballot
resulted in a tic vote , the Mayor would vote. Pozzi
moved to nominate the following six people : Mr. I
Heriot , Mrs . Hogan , Mr. Johnson , Mr. Jones , Mr. Koszarek I
and Mrs. Sundstedt.. Woodworth seconded , motion carried .
On the first ballot , Heriot , Jones & Sundstedt were
eliminated , Hogan received three votes , Johnson 1 and
Koszarek 2 . On the third ballot , Hogan 4 , Koszarek 2.
Woodworth moved that the vacancy of the council be
filled by Mrs . IIogan , Lee seconded , motion carried.
Mrs . Hogan then was sworn in . Mayor Thornton appointed
Mrs . Hogan as lighting committee chairman and Mrs .
Masters as finance committee chairman .
BEAUTIFICA- Mayor Thornton proclaimed April 21-26 as official
TION "Kent Clean Up Week" .
The Beautification Committee of the Chamber of Commerce
requests that the following trees , shrubs and flowers
be adopted as official Kent symbols :
1. Tree for Business District : Liquid Amber Gum
with alternate of the Scarlet. Oak.
2. Tree for Residential District : Prumus Bleriana
3. Shrub : Heather with an alternate of Skimmia
4. Flower : Christmas Cheer Rhododendron
Pozzi moved that the above be adopted as official for
City of Kent and for the city' s appreciation to be ex-
pressed to the Beautification Committee for their effort
in this project , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
DOG POUND Reverend Gretz noted the need for a dog pound in the
'City and felt that if the license fees were increased ,
the structure could be built . Barnier stated that license
fees would not cover the cost of a pound . Mr. Street
noted that the City was aware of the need and if any
money was found to be available it would be so designated.
PARKS & Park Developement . The Parks Department has requested
RECREATION permission to hire Richard IIaag & Associates to formulate
a plan for development of Star Lake P,)rk, on an hourly
basis , total amount not to exceed $1000.00. Hogan
moved to approve the request , Baffaro seconded, motion
Parks Development . Mr. Street noted that it is necessary
to complete the lease with the Parks & Recreation Commission
for the Sewage Treatment Property so that plans can be
developed and approved . He suggested that the lease
restrict permanent structures on a portion of the property
and that it run on a year to year basis. The City Attorney
requested that the general terms of the lease and that a
metes and bounds description of the property be furnished
to him. Woodworth moved to authorize the City Attorney
to draft the lease with appropriate agencies furnishing
the necessary information , Masters seconded , motion carried.
PARKS & It was noted that on June 5 , 1967 , authorization
RECREATION was given to the Parks & Recreation Commission to
utilize a portion of the James Street reservoir
property as a playfield on a permissive use basis .
The Parks Department is now requesting that per-
mission be given to utilize space in the: adjacent
Fire Station #5 for a meeting room, as "long as such
space is not needed by the Fire Department and sub-
ject to restrictions suggestdd by the Fire Chief.
Woodworth moved to grant authorization , Barnier
seconded , motion carried.
Conferences & Conventions . Mogan moved to grant
permission for Barney Wilson and Jamie Parsons to
attend the Pacific Northwest Parks & Recreation
Conference to be held in Coeur D'Alene , Idaho, from
April 20-23 , Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
Mrs . Hogan submitted her resignation from the .Park
Board . Woodworth moved to accept the resignation ,
Masters seconded , motion carried.
CITY Ordinance 1591 was read by the City Attorney, amend-
ATTORNEY ing Ordinance 1177 , to repeal the provision pro-
viding that no salary shall be paid to or for the
Assistant City Attorney. Bereiter explained that lie
was no longer associated with the law firm in Renton
and therefore had no one to fill in for him, and
explained that he was not asking for funds to be
allocated for an assistant City Attorney at this
time. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance ,
Baffaro seconded , motion carried. Joe Street noted
that Mr. Bereiter would now be located in his office
in the City Hall.
COUNCIL Woodworth moved that Councilman Pozzi be unanimously
elected as Mayor Pro Tem, Masters seconded , motion
CITY Resolution 624 , commending Mr. Cavanaugh for his many
TREASURER years of service as City Treasurer was read by the City
Attorney. Hogan moved to adopt the resolution , Masters
seconded , motion carried.
CONFERENCES Mayor Thornton noted that the Association of Washington
& Cities C onvention will be held on July 16 , 17 and 13
CONVENTIONS at the new Washington Plaza Hotel in Seattle ,
Lee moved that the bills received by April 10, 1969
approved by the Finance Committee be paid , Barnier
seconded , motion carried.
Respectfully submitted ,
Alex Thornton Marie Jen n
Mayor City Cler1