HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/17/1969 Bent , Washington March 17 , 1969 Regular 'meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Plasters , Pozzi , and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk' s and Treasurer ' s reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . IIEALTI-I & Sewer Extension . It was recommended that the following SANITATION charges be adopted to cover costs of the extension of sewers within the immediate 1000 acres served by Mill Creek Metro line : 1. An acreage charge of $217.80. 2. Where sewers are installed to serve Cascade or Aero-Mechanics and are usable as a lateral , a charge of $5 .88 per front foot . 3. Where further construction is necessary, the City will pay from its area charge the over- sizing cost , but the developer or adjacent property owners will have to finance those costs normally associated with a lateral sewer. This financing may be by cash payments of ad- jacent property owners , LID, or advance payment by the developer. The above applies to pro- perty inside the city limits . Any extensions outside the city must be in accordance with a contract approved by the City Council. Barnier moved that this policy be adopted for sewer extensions in the Mill Creek Sewer primary 1000 acres , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. Sewer Extensions. Barnier moved that the City Engineer forward to Lydec Corporation authorization •to connect to the Aero-Mechanics sewer line out- side the city limits under the following stipula- tions : 1. The sewer and lift station will be designed in accordance with city specifications . 2.. The developer will pay for plan checking and if any changes in design are necessary, to pay for said design changes . 3. Lydec will pay to Aero-Mechanics a charge determined by the City Engineer as his fair share of the lift station and force main . 4. This authorization is to Lydec Corporation covering (specific desc . prop. ) and is not transferrable to any other owner. 5. Said authorization is for six months from date of letter, and expires at that time . 6. The City may consider another application during the 30 days prior to expiration date , but is under no requirement to do so. 7. The deverloper will pay for any County per- mits and inspection fees. 8. The developer will certify to the City Engi- neer that he has read Ordinance 1142 and will comply with this ordinance. 9. This agreement will be notarized and filed with the County Auditor. Plasters seconded , motion carried . WATER Lee requested an adjournment for an executive session relative to land acquisition. Masters so moved , Lee seconded , motion carried. The Council adjourned for ten minutes , then a motion to reconvene was duly seconded and passed. No action on the subject was taken . POLICE & The annual fire report was submitted to each FIRE councilman . Fire Chief Foster noted that in order to receive fire permits , an air pollution permit is required from the Air Pollution Council. Fire Chief Foster stated that the Fire Department now has a diving team consisting of five trained members , made possible from donations received totaling $2000. Woodworth moved to accept a 1947 International panel truck to be used in this pro- gram, donated by Mr. & Mrs . Ernest Bryant and for a letter of appreciation to be sent to them. Barnier seconded , motion carried . BUILDING City Hall. Baffaro stated that the Building Committee has opened negotaations with property owners and hopes to have the final report at the next meeting. BIDS Park Department . The following bids were received for reconditioning two tennis courts , adding pads and tables , drinking fountains , fencing entry pads and surfacing areas around the recreation building: Raecolith, Inc . $13 , 556.00 + sales tax Rumsey & Co. , Inc. 14 ,429.00 + sales tax It was noted that only $9 ,000 was budgeted for re- conditioning only, but that the Park Commission believes the inclusion of the extra items to be the best use of the money. Pozzi moved that the low bid of Raecolith be. accepted , Barnier seconded, motion carried. In accordance with the Park Commission request , Pozzi moved to pass Resolution 623 , trans- ferring $4 ,617 from Account # 73 1.01 Tennis Court Lighting, to Account#831.03 , Tennis Courts , Barnier seconded , motion carried. APPEAL Barnier. The continued public hearing was opened on Jerome Barnier ' s appeal from the Board of Adjustment ' s decision to deny his application for a variance to allow additional non-conforming use in an M-A zone . Mr. Street read the minutes of the Board of Adjust- ment hearing of February 4 , 1969. There were no comments or objections from the floor. Mr. Pain , resresenting Mr. Barnier noted that Barnier applied for and was granted a building permit in 1960, prior to the passage of the present. zoning ordinance , at which time the property was 40, 000 square feet . The State Highway Department has since widened the West Valley Highway, taking a portion of the property, leaving 16 ,000 square feet . He now proposed to re- locate the building, but will not alter or enlarge it . Adequate parking space would be provided. Pain opined that the concept behind M-A zoning was to provide a holding zone and that this variance would not be detrimental to M-A zoning. Iie noted that with- out the variance , Barnier will be prevented from effectively using his property. It was noted that under the zoning ordinance, three acres is required for M-A zoning. The City Attorney stated that the situation was unique in that there are no changes proposed for the building. There were no further comments and Pozzi moved to close the hearing, Masters seconded , motion carried . Pozzi moved for the decision of the Board of Adjustment to be reversed due to the "Grandfather Clause" , as stated by the petitioner, Masters seconded , motion carried. Woodworth stated that he supported the motion because the business conforms in every respect except for the size of the property and because the State took the land. Baffaro stated .that the reduction in size of the property was not of Barnier ' s choice and if the variance was not granted , it would create a hardship on the owner. He APPEAL also noted that there were no objections from the audience. (Councilman Barnier vacated his seat at the council table for the duration of this hearing) . COMPREHEN- Mr. Gast presented copies of the comprehensive plan SIVE PLAN to the councilmen , reflecting the corrections made at the comprehensive plan meetings . He stated that these corrected copies will be made available to the public in two weeks . The City Attorney questioned the wisdom of having, the public hearing at other than a regular council meeting and recommended that the hearing be set for a regular council meeting. Woodworth moved to set the public hearing on the proposed comprehensive plan for 7 : 30 p.m. on April 21st , noting that the regu- lar meeting will commence at 3 :00 p.m. , and after the conclusion of the regular business , the meeting will be recessed to 7 : 30 p.m. , Lee seconded , ►notion carried. COUNCIL Woodworth commented on the article in Sunday' s Kent SALARIES News Journal, which erroneously reported that Councilmen receive $4 , 358 annually in addition to $20 for each of the two regular meetings per month. Wi.ni Carter of the News Journal apologized for the error and stated that a correction would be printed. Vera Fredrickson noted that the League of Women Voters would soon publish a booklet of facts about Kent and neighboring cities. COUNCIL Baffaro stated that he would like to have a resolution VACANCY drafted adopting a four ward system for election purposes. Mr. Street advised that this could not be done, that it would have to be one , three or six wards. Each ward must then have aprroximately the same number of voters and must follow precinct boundaries. Barnier moved that a meeting of the council as a whole be held to interview those who have expressed willingness to serve in Armstrong ' s vacated position and for the selection to be made at the next council meeting, Lee seconded. It was noted that the following had expressed interest in serving: William Jones , Lou Koszarek, Edwin Johnson , Isabel Mogan , Joanne Sundstedt and Robert Heriot . Woodworth moved to amend the motion to declare that anyone else who wished to be considered should make written notice to the City Clerk by 5:00 p.m. , Wednesday, March 19th, Lee seconded , amend- ment carried. Motion carried. Masters moved that as a gesture of good faith, the nominees should pledge their candidacies for the fall election , Lee seconded. Under discussion , Pozzi stated that this should not be made a prerequisite for a nomination , as something unforeseen could happen , Baffaro concurred. Motion carried. A meeting of the council as a whole was then scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on March 25th. The City Clerk was instructed to schedule the interviews with the prospective councilmen . RAILROAD It was noted that the City Engineer has received an agree- CROSSINGS ment from the Milwaukee Railroad wherein the Railroad and City will each pay 50% of an estimated $20,082 to install crossing lights . The City' s share is covered in the pro- ject estimate which includes EDA, 1/20 gas tax and LID 253 . Pozzi noted that an additional $1, 500 was necessary for temporary signals. Pozzi moved for the Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign the agreement , Barnier seconded , motion carried. PERSONNEL Ordinance 1588, setting forth an employee life insurance program for new employees was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded. It was explained that the benefits enjoyed presently by employees would not be changed. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Ordinance 1590, annexing city owned property at Clark Springs to the City of Kent was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. CAMBRIDGE Ordinance 1589 was read by the City Attorney, #6 PLAT accepting Cambridge #6 plat. Lee moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. PARKS & Baffaro moved that the Parks & Recreation RECREATION Commission be authorized to enter into a con- tract with Olson , Richert and Bignold for a Masters Plan Study of the Sewage Treatment Plant property for park purposes at a fee of $3500, Woodworth seconded , motion carried. The City Attorney read an agreement with Kent School District No. 415 and the City for joint use of school and city properties for recreational purposes . Lee moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign said agreement , Barnier seconded . Under discussion ; Jack Cosby, represent- ing the Kent Association of Churches commended the City and the School District for this effort . Barney Wilson explained that the agreement would provide for the Park Department to make expenditures on school grounds for summer recreation programs . I-Ie noted that a similar agreement will be made with the Federal Way School District . Motion carried. ZONING Ordinance 1587 was read by the City Attorney. The ORDINANCE ordinance amends the zoning ordinance (Ordinance 1071) deleting the following portion of Subsection C of Section 10.11 .03 : "Provided , that if 50 per cent or more of a given block already has structures upon it for which no provision has been made for off-street parking , the remaining property owners in such block shall not be required to provide either off-street parking facilities pursuant to the regulations pre- scribed herein or to make a contribution in lieu thereof in accordance with the above formula". Barnier moved to pass the ordinance , Lee seconded , motion carried. SENIOR Lotto Annexation . The 75% petition for the Lotto CITIZEN Annexation was presented , along with a letter from HOUSING the City Engineer certifying that signatures thereon represent owners of property aggregating more than 75% of the assessed valuation of Lot 4, R. 0. Smith Orchard Tracts. Mr. Jerry Carlat , consulting engineer, reported that they are attempting to get signatures from owners in Lots 1 , 2 and 3 and hoped to have the 75% petition for this portion by the April 7th meeting, Pozzi moved to accept the 75% petition• on Lot 4 , R. O. Smith Orchard Tracts and to forward the necessary documents to the Boundary Review Board , Barnier seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney clarified that the formal contract would have to be accepted by the City before the City would commit to water and sewer connec- tions . Pain stated he could have the contract ready within a few days . Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the sewer and water committees with power to act in ratifying the contract , Plasters seconded, motion carried. The committee meeting was set for Thursday, March 20 at 8 :00 a.m. Goodwin . Resolution 622, authorizing the leasing by the King County Housing Authority of privately owned dwellings for use of low income senior citizens was read by the City Attorney. Barnier moved to adopt the resolution , Lee seconded , motion carried. Low Income . Mrs. Gillie , Secretary of Operation Head Start at Valli Kee Housing, requested that the City consider a plan under which individual homes in the City are leased by the King County Housing Authority for low income families . The Authority then subsidizes the rent . An agreement between the King County Housing Authority and the City is necessary. Baffaro pointed out that this type of housing would be individual homes throughout the city. Barnier commented on the possibility of a I i SENIOR shortage of rental homes for those who would pay CITIZEN full rent if -the program was to be adopted . Wood- HOUSING worth stated that he would like to see the proposed agreement witli King County IIousi_ng Authority. RETIREMENT Lee moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft a resolution for Lawrence Cavanaugh citing his long and dedicated service to the City, Barnier seconded , motion carried. Barnier. moved to confirm Mayor Thornton ' s appointment of Margaret Drotz as City Treasurer to become effective April 1 , 1969 , Masters seconded , motion carried . Mrs . Drotz was then sworn in . VALLEY Pozzi moved to confirm Mayor Thornton ' s appointment of REGIONAL Edwin Nelson , Gerden J . Clark and Donald Eide to the PLANNING Valley Regional Planning Commission , Masters seconded , COMMISSION motion carried.• Claims. received through March loth, for which authoriza- tion for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 24 ,408.71 Firemen ' s R/P 306.60 Library 301.68 Park 3 ,760. 93 Street 6 , 204.29 Equip. - Rental 2 ,656.90 Garbage 1, 383.26 Sewer 51,453.43- Water 4 , 556.02 Art . St . So. 240th Signal 2, 271.28 1967 Sewer Constr.. ULID #1 123 , 8 3�.58 221, 134 .6 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 222 Austin Construction Co. 18,004.13 Hill, Ingman & Chase 110.02 Hill, Ingman & Chase 3 ,199.50 LID 256 Hill, Ingman & Chase 143.11 North Kent Dater) Austin Construction Co. 23 ,485.42 Hill, Ingman & Chase 3 , 387. 10 K. C. Road #2 7.00 Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence , 108.98 Gay and Moch 2 ,070.82 Salem Sand & Gravel LID 253 Red Samm Mining Co. 16 ,036 .53 Hill, Ingman & Chase 25 .16 Hill, Ingman & Chase 3 ,426.83 Bell Anderson Agency 125 .00 Dames & Moore 423 .53 LID 255 Hill, Ingman & Chase 5 ,092.96 Dames & Moore 860.42 Red Samm Mining Co. 51 ,600.57 Hill , Ingman & Chase 44.03 Hill-, Ingman & Chase 2,602.91 Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence , 400.00 Gay & Moch North Pacific Bank Note Co. 185.39 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 257 Pioneer National Title Ins . 220.51 Sparkman & McLean C o. 80.00 Louis Crandall , Virginia Crandall 500.00 and Sparkman & McLean Chief Constr. Co. , Jack Calvert , 500.00 and Dorothy Calvert Chief Constr. Co. , Jack Calvert , 800.00 and Dorothy Calvert Charles Wilson , Betty Wilson and Seattle Mortgage Co. 95 .00 Margaret Howard 675 .00 Roger & Patricia Noel , Eli Smith 2,500.00 and Susan Nelson T. J. Lakin , Pearl M. Lakin 730.00 Harold Sandwi.ck, Andrew Sandwick 14 , 000.00 Clifford Marlowe , Stanley Marlowe , 365 .00 Melvin Marlowe , Paul Marlowe & IIilding Marlowe First Church of the Nazarene 1, 300.00 Anna Youngman 1, 250.00 Kent School Distr. #415 8, 850.00 Kent School Distr. #415 10, 300.00 Chief Constr. Co. , Joe Malnati 800.00 and Mary Malnati Barbara Wakefield, Jack Calvert 75.00 and Dorothy Calvert Coates Field Service 1,643.61 Coates Field Service 1,772.35 Hill, Ingman & Chase 939.34 Coates Field Service 1,264.14 J . Stanley Clifford, Dorothy Clifford 1, 100.00 Elizabeth McHugh 700.00 . Schneider, Smythe & Salley, Attorneys 25.00 for Susan Nelson LID 258 Clyde Foster, Polly Foster & 350.00 Ulrich Investments Robert Kobayashi , Lillian Rueckert 1, 963.50 Robert Kobayashi, Richard & Mae 1, 963.50 Murray Robert Kobayashi , II. D. Stevens & 1 , 963. 50 Blanche Stevens Kermit Fitzhugh & Orilla Fitzhugh 550.00 Robert Robbins & Beatrice Robbins 900.00 & Sparkman & McLean George Coddington & Wendy Coddington 175 .00 & Sparkman & McLean Richard Weaver & Verda Weaver & 1, 175.00 Sparkman & McLean Sparkman & McLean 75.00 Charles Bigley & Marjie Bigley; 250.00 Charles Campbell & Cecelia Campbell; National Bank of Washington Sparkman & McLean 75.00 Coates Field Service 887 . 36 Coates Field Service 819.00 National Bank of Washington 12.10 Sparkman & McLean 75.00 Coates Field Service 697.99 Robert Kobayashi , Harold Dudley 2,256.75 & Grace Dudley LID 261 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2 ,476.34 Bell Anderson 'Agency 125.00 MEETING JOURNED: 5 0 pm. Respectfully submitted , MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie .Je en , Ci y Clerk