HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/17/1969 Kent , Washington February 17 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Lee , blasters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood. Barnier arrived at 3 :25 p.m. and Baffaro arrived at 4 : 10 p.m. Armstrong was absent . Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk' s and Treasurer! s ,Reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . STREETS Off-Street Parking, LID 260. Mr. Street recommended that authorization be given to use the $1800 presently in the city' s off-street parking fund to purchase options on the land needed for the off-street parking LID. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read , also suggesting that these monies be so utilized. City Attorney Bereiter advised that the city' s bond counsel should be consulted about any decisions on this subject . Woodworth moved for authorization to use the money for the purpose mentioned , subject to the opinion of James Gay, bond attorney, Pozzi seconded , motion carried. At Mr. Street 's request for assistance in property acquisition , Mayor Thornton appointed Lee and Woodworth to serve on a committee for this purpose . Woodworth moved that this committee be designated as the official representatives of, the city on this project , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. East-West . A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read recommending that the city approve the Highway Department ' s proposal to improve Willis St . from 4th Avenue to Central as a temporary four lane access route , and that efforts be coordinated to improve Central from Titus south to the Green River toa 4 or 5 lane highway. They recommended also that the State Highway Department immediately purchase right-of-way for the eventual construction of East/West Route 516 , to be located on the North side of Willis. Mr. Street noted that a meeting was scheduled for Tuesday evening with representa- tives from the State Highway Department on this subject . Woodworth moved to place the letter from the Chamber on file , Pozzi seconded , motion carried. Traffic Control. Pozzi reported that the Street committee had met with the Police Chief and the school ' s safety officer and now recommends that a traffic light be installed at the intersection of S . 244th and Military Road , where several hundred school children cross daily. Pozzi moved for the Engineer to call for bids for the installation of such a traffic signal. blasters seconded , motion carried. HEALTH & Des Moines Sewer District . City Engineer Sherwood reported SANITATION receipt of a copy of Resolution No. 1969-4 of the Des Moines Sewer District which adopts a plan for additions and betterments to the district . The District has requested that the City approve the resolution. Sherwood explained that the sketch showed that all of the area was outside the city limits of Kent , and recommended that the City approve the resolution as requested, as such action would indicate the city's interest and the district would be likely then to keep the city informed of future expansions. Woodworth moved to approve the resolution , Masters seconded , motion carried. Finance. The City Attorney read Resolution 621, creating an account within the Sewer Department , numbered 682.03 , entitled Engineer Services , in the amount of $1,600.92 and providing that expenditures from this account will be paid from receipts for engineer services not budgeted. Mr. Street explained that in the past Hill, Ingman & Chase has reviewed plans for develo- pers , and billed them for services , however the State Auditor has directed that the city should have an account to receive these monies from the developers , and in turn , pay HIC. Lee moved to adopt the resolution , Barnier seconded., motion carried. t WATER Supply Valuation Study. Lee reported that the firm of Anderson & Kelly had made a proposal for testing water supply sources at $175 per day plus incidental expenses . Mr.. Street stated that IIIC' s report on the study had been received and that a decision could not be made until the Anderson-Kelly tests were made , noting that sometimes the cost of developing exceeds the cost of purchasing water elsewhere . Lee moved to authorize Anderson-Kelly to do the testing, Barnier seconded , motion carried . Roof Over Reservoir. Lee moved to authorize Pamco to proceed with the roof over the existing 3 million gallon reservoir, subject to EDA approval , Masters seconded , motion carried. ZONING Benaroya. Ordinance 1584 , approving the Benaroya rezone from R-3 to C-3 was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. It was noted that a public hearing is scheduled for the I March 3rd meeting, to consider changing paragraph 3 , Section 10.11.03 of the zoning ordinance which now, under certain conditions , permits businesses to operate without providing adequate off-street parking. A letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read in favor of the proposed change . ANNEXATIONS Spear. Woodworth reported that the Annexation Committee had met with the proponents of the Spear Annexation and at the committee 's suggestion they had attempted , unsuccessfully to enlarge the area to be annexed . He moved to accept the Spear 10% petition , and to request the property owners to submit the 75% petition for consideration and presentation to the Boundary Review Board , Lee seconded, motion carried. Woodworth reported that the committee had considered Recommendation No. 10, adopted by the Legislative Council, which would amend the annexation law to authorize annexation of areas completely surrounded by a city or town , and moved for the city to endorse the recommendation , Pozzi seconded and the motion carried. SOLICITOR'S The City Attorney read Ordinance 1585, setting up 4equirements , LICENSE penalties and fees for licensing solicitors . Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance and Woodworth seconded, mdt'ion carried. APPEALS It was noted that John Pain , representing Jerome Barnier has filed notice of an appeal over the action of the Board of Adjustment in denying his application for a variance. Monroe Watt , representing Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson has also filed an appeal over the action of the Board of Adjustment regarding their decision to reverse the City Engineer ' s decision , which allowed construction to continue at 758 Woodford Ave. Pozzi moved for hearings to be set for both appeals for the council meeting of March 3, Masters seconded , motion carried. UNION Woodworth moved for the Mayor to be authorized to sign a contract with Teamster ' s Union No. 910 for the year 1969, Masters seconded , motion carried . COMPRE- Hearing Date . Mr. Street noted that the Planning Commission HENSIVE PLAN will hold a final public hearing on the proposed Comprehensive Plan on Tuesday, February 25th, and urged all Council members to attend. PARKS & Woodworth moved for the Mayor to execute the agreement with RECREATION King County providing for matching funds for two recreation leaders for 1969, Lee seconded, motion carried. MEETINGS Mayor Thornton announced that the Suburban I�iayor ' s Association would meet with legislators in Olympia at 6 : 30 p.m. on February 26th, and invited those interested to notify the City Clerk. Mr. Perkins stated he was attending a hearing in Olympia on Tuesday afternoon , February 18th, on House Bill 24, the Railroad Crossing Bill, which divides and sets forth the costs that cities , state and the railroad will pay. Mr. Street stated he would attempt to attend this meeting, with the State Highway Department , also scheduled for tomorrow. I WATER & Senior Citizen Housing Complex. Barnier reported that SEWER the request for sewer and water extensions made by Mr. CONNECTIONS Carlat of Wesley Hylen & Assoc. 'had been considered by the sewer and water committees , and their recommendation is to require that the area be annexed before extension of utilities is made . It was determined that the site was not contiguous to the city, but was within 200 feet of the city limits boundary. It was suggested that Wesley Hylen & Assoc . should seek promotion of the annexation , & should seek an agreement with the adjacent property owners to annex to the city. Mr. McDonald , representing the dev- elopers , asked that construction be allowed to commence while they seek promotion of the annexation . He stated that Mr. Lotto, the developer, was willing to post any type bond the city might require to insure that the project would meet the city' s specifications . He noted that they were aware that the city had had an unfortunate experience with another turnkey development in the area. City Attorney Bereiter pointed out that he had not advised the water and sewer committees in their decision to require annexation , and that the city' s prior experience with a turnkey pro- ject would have no relation to their decision on this one. It was pointed out that it would be necessary for the City to enter into a cooperative agreement with the King County Housing Authority; after which the Authority would purchase the project from the developer. The City Attorney pointed out that the council was not commiting the city to sign such an agreement without having had an opportunity to study it . Woodworth stated that while he had objected to the coopera- tive agreement some years ago when a similar development was proposed for Kent , that he was not opposed to this pro- ject , and wanted to see if the agreement differed from the 0 0� one proposed previously. Tom Perkins questioned the suitability �D of the site for senior citizens , . since there is no public ' transportation available . Mr. McDonald stated that most of ' the residents would have cars , and pointed out the proximity �.." of shopping centers . Fire Chief Foster pointed out the fire hazard during construction since the closest fire hydrant is Q 0 600 feet distant . The City Attorney clarified that what the council was suggesting to the developer was that they annex to the city before utilities would be extended , and that the cooperative agreement would be considered after the annexa- tion was accomplished. Barnier moved for the matter to be referred to the committee again , to be studied by the council V as a whole. Masters seconded , commenting that the city was , in essence, being asked to deviate from their policy requiring annexation before utilities would be extended. Mr. Streeet advised the developers to have a copy of the cooperative agree- ment available for the council ' s perusal. Motion carried. (Councilman Baffaro, having not been present for most of the discussion , did not vote ) . Herb Mead. Barnier reported that the Herb Mead request for extension of utilities had been considered for an area East and North of the city limits , and the committee had advised the applicant to further his efforts to obtain the necessary signatures for annexation . Jim Rice. Barnier moved for Mr. Rice to be sent written notification from the City Engineer that he will be required to pay the cost of the oversizing of the main trunks . Wood- worth seconded, motion carried. Monarch Investment . Barnier moved for the City Engineer to write a letter to Monarch Investment Co. advising them that they will be responsible for paying for the cost of an 8" line through their property and must also pay their share of the oversizing costs . Woodworth seconded. Barnier noted that if Monarch could quote a contractor' s price which was less than the amount stated at the meeting, that consideration would be given to this information . Motion carried. COUNCIL Masters asked if the Council would consider changing MEETINGS the time for meetings to 6 : 30 p.m. , since Armstrong was unable to be present at 3 :00 p.m. , and Barnier and Baffaro were riot able to make it as early as 3 :00 p.m. , and consequently were missing some of each meeting. Mayor Thornton stated that the matter should be discussed when the Council meets as a whole to consider the water and sewer problems of the senior citizens housing complex. Clamms received through February loth, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 40,409.21 'Park 1 , 984.05 Library 366.54 Street 9, 184.46 Art . St . (S. 240th Signal ) 960. 50 Equipment Rental 1, 390. 35 Garbage 5 , 132.96 Sewer 659.92 Water - 3 , 633.92 I Firemen ' s R/P 3o6 . 6o 1967 Sewer Constr. ULID #1 74, 435 . 93 LID 252 Constr. 41 752.88 1 0, 222 . 32 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 , S. - 212th Red Samm Inc . 31, 513.68 Walter W. Renschler 21,815.00 M. Kato & Amy Kato 7,000.00 Dames & Moore 61.75 1 Hill, Ingman & Chase 5 , 869. 79 LID 255 (UAB 8-11o6(l) Red Samm Mining Inc . 18, 301.06 Dames & Moore 696.80 Walter W. Renschler 1, 700.00 Bill, Ingman & Chase 10. 93 LID 257 Alex G. Johnson 965.00 Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson 784.00 John E. Banks & Phyllis Banks 1,228.25 Puget Sound Power & Light 640.00 Jack H. Calvert & Dorothy Calvert 1,000.00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 750.52 Oscare C. Ringdahl, Myrtle E. Ringdahl, John N. Ringdahl , Lyla R. Ringdahl , & Westside Federal Savings & Loan 3 , 525.00 Tom Coppage 4 ,250.00 Coates field Service 1, 577. 90 Coates Field Service 1, 207.60 Robert C. Hawkins , Minerva Hawkins & Lincoln 1st Fed. S&L Assn. 800.00 Barbara Wakefield , Jack Calvert & Dorothy Calvert 500.00 Clark Williamson & Lois Williamson 1, 175.00 Ruby L. Williamson & Metropolitan 270.00 Fed. S&L Assoc . Metropolitan Federal S&L Assoc . 25.00 Lamar Strain & Thelma Wingert John L. Wingert & Thelma Wingert 800.00 Pioneer Nat ' l Title Ins . Co. 930.10 LID 258 Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson 901.20 Tom Coppage 1 ,800.00 Robert M. Hansen 250.00 Hill , Ingman & Chase 762.39 Coates Field Service 820.30 Coates Field Service 823.20 LID 261 Hill , Ingman & Chase 844•35 Mill, Ingman & Chase 1,006. 73 Hill, Ingman &Chase 2, 714.92 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 252. Austin Construction Co. 39 ,815. 31 Hill , Ingman & Chase 3 ,057.63 Water Constr. 1967 Hill, Ingman & Chase 4 , 500.00 LID 256 Hill, Ingman & Chase 471.85 Pioneer .Nat ' l Title Ins . Co. 53. 30 N. ICent Water Hill, Ingman & Chase 1 , 725. 90 Salem Sand & Gravel 9 , 194• 59 MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 : 30 p.m.7'-V:�- , Respectfully submitted , MAYOR A� Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen Ciy/Clerk I