HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/03/1969 Kent , Washington February 3 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :10 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood. Barnier arrived at 3 : 50 p.m. and Baffaro arrived at 3 : 55 p.m. Armstrong was absent . Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Budget and Treasurer Reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion. STREETS LID 253, Phase II, S. 212th. A letter from John Pain was .received with an agreement with M. Kato and Amy Kato and Pearl Hogan , and a voucher for the Katos . The City Engineer noted that they had met with the property owners involved. Woodworth moved that the Mayor be authorized to enter into the agreement as set forth in Pain ' s letter, after approval of the Street Committee , Baffaro seconded , motion carried . Traffic Study. Pozzi reported that three firms had submitted proposals for the traffic study of the 'East Valley Highway between 228th and 180th and noted that the cost will be $1800.00 more than anticipated. lie noted that this would increase the cost of the study by $600 each for the City, the County and the State Highway Department , and moved for the city' s concurrence , Lee seconded, motion carried. Pozzi then moved for the traffic study contract to be awarded to Bill , Ingman & Chase , Lee seconded , motion carried. The City Engineer noted .that HIC will include Fred Bassetti as Architect , H. D. Kreger , Economist and Kent R. White Co. as Traffic Analysts for the study. Barnier stated that he had a call regarding the hazardous condition at the corner of 94th Ave. S. and S. 248th, stating that a barricade should be placed there. Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the street committee , with power to act , Barnier seconded , motion carried. Barnier remarked about the poor condition of So. 212th between the East Valley Highway and the West Valley Highway, suggesting that when notice to proceed is given to contractors , consideration be given to the eason so that roads would not be torn up in the winter. HEALTH & ULID #1, Contract 2. Lee moved that the Mayor SANITATION be authorized to sign Change Order A , issued to Constructors Pamco, increasing the contract price by $2,046.13 , Masters seconded, motion carried. ULID #1 Contract 3. Woodworth moved that Change Order 3 , issued to National Construction Co. , decreasing the contract price $7 ,836.24 , be signed by the Mayor, Pozzi seconded, motion carried. ULID #1, Contract 4. Woodworth moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign Change Order #3, issued to Tonneson Slead granting a time extension to March loth , subject to the contractor paying the over-contract inspection time , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. i HEALTII & It was noted that a letter was received from Mrs . SANITATION Dunning requesting some action on her request for a sewer LID in the northwest section of the city. The City Engineer explained that Mrs . Dunning' s property is along the edge of the city limits , but that much of the project would be outside the city limits . Ile further explained that the petition showed most property owners had some frontage on Military Road and that two thirds of that portion is outside the city. Mrs . Dunning ' s letter and the City Engineer ' s proposed response were read by Mr. Street . The City Engineer stated that the total cost of the project would be $210,000 and that bond attorneys would not approve bonds for sewers outside the city. The City Engineer explained that Water District #75 now serves water• to these property owners, however they do not have the author- ity to form a sewer district at this time . Pozzi stated that there are various agencies who could be contacted about forming a sewer district . Mr. Street , stated that it is unfortunate that the contour runs from outside the city to inside the city and felt that we should try to straighten out some of our .boundaries . Woodworth moved that the City Engineer' s letter be sent to Mrs. Dunning, Pozzi seconded , motion carried. WATER Resolution 620, authorizing the execution and delivery of a contract with .Puget Power for fur- nishing municipal water pumping pwwer service for the Clark Springs Pumping Station was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for adoption of the resolution , Pozzi seconded, motion carried. WATER & It was noted that an application for water and SEWER sewer extensions has been made by Mr. Carlat of EXTENSION Wesley Hylen and Assoc . for a proposed 61 .apart- ment senior housing project south of James Street and West of the Benson Highway. Mr. Lotto, Contractor and Developer explained that construction would be by private contractors and when finished would be sold to King County, noting that the pro- posal conforms with. county zoning. IIe further noted that the housing Authority had received a letter from the city sometime ago stating that permission to connect to city sewers would be given upon pay- ment of theusual fees. Woodworth stated he had no objection to the extension , but wanted facts . Mayor Thornton stated that the city will set forth rules and regulations governing the extensions and pay- ments therefor. Woodworth moved to refer the matter to the sanitation and water committees to report back at the next meeting, .Pozzi seconded. Under discussion , the City Attorney clarified that this action does not commit the city to the extensions , that proper written agreements will be required. Motion carried. BUILDING C}ty Hall Site . Upon Mayor Thornton ' s query, Baffaro stated that the property owners had .de- clined the city ' s offer. Pozzi noted that condem- nation procedure had been authorized some time ago. The City Attorney stated that he had been told to delay action while further negotiations were pend- ing. Ile stated he would proceed immediately. LIGHTS Mr. Street stated that a report will be presented soon on the long range plans for street lighting for the City. POLICE & Woodworth reported that effective January 1, 1969 , FIRE Officers Bean and Hammer advanced to "A" Grade Patrolmen , Pat Porter to Clerk "B" , Officers Smith Fadden and Boudreau to "B" Grade Patrolmen and Firefighters Grenstad, Higgins and Open to 2nd Class . 7 ZONING Benaroya. The public hearing was opened on the application submitted by Mr. Benaroya for a rezone from R-3- to C-3. There were no comments or objections and the hearing was closed by motion . It was noted that the Planning Commission recommended approval. Woodworth moved to approve the rezone and to direct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. UNION Copies of the union contract were presented to the Council. Pozzi moved that the Council study the contract and come back with a recommendation at the next meeting, Lee seconded , motion carried. BIDS The following bids were received for two police cars (one car to be traded in ) : Bowen Scarff $4 , 729.00, including trade & tax Strain ' s $4 ,666.96 , including trade & tax Bill Hazelett $4, 743.27 , including trade 8R tax Pozzi moved that the best bid of Strain ' s Auto be accepted , Masters seconded , motion carried . SOLICITORS Pozzi moved that the City Attorney prepare an ordi- LICENSE nance in accordance with the sample proposed solicitor' s license , Masters seconded . Under dis- cussion , Lee asked the City Attorney if there has been any court decision handed down on this particu- lar ordinance . The City Attorney replied that there had not , but that it has been approved by the legal departments of some of the national news magazine organizations . Mr.. Street noted that this ordinance has been utilized successfully in Pullman for some years . Woodworth suggested that the section re- quiring Council approval for licenses be deleted , and that the Council review only those applications which the Police Chief considers questionable. Motion carried. PARKS Call for Bids. Woodworth moved that a Call for Bids for a 1/2 ton pickup for the Parks Department be authorized, «i.th payment from the reserve in the Equipment Rental Fund , Masters seconded, motion carried. Donation of Property. Mr. Street noted that a motion is needed to accept the donation of the triangular piece of property at the. intersection of Titus and Reiten Roads for park purposes , from Dr. Rugg and Mrs . Stencil. He noted that the appraised valuation of the property is $6500.00. Pozzi moved for accept- ance and for the City Attorney to be authorized to notify Dr. Rugg and Mrs. Stencil, Lee seconded , motion carried. The Mayor asked about the building on this property, which i.s rented to Mr. Hauge at $60.00 per month. Mr. Street replied that the monies received will be credited to parks . FINANCE Parks. Barney Wilson stated that it is the recommenda- tion of the Park Board that Forward Thrust park money be invested. LEGISLATIONAnnexations . A copy of Recommendation No. 10, adopted by the Legislative Council, proposing to amend the annexation laws was presented to the council for their , consideration . Pozzi noted that the annexation committee has a meeting scheduled February 4th at 10: 30 a.m. and moved that the matter be referred to the annexation committee , Masters seconded, motion carried. LEGISLATION Woodworth noted receipt of a suggested resolution of the City of Cle Elum suggesting that distribution of state funds to cities be changed to a per capita basis , it being the opinion of Cle Elum that smaller cities are discriminated against under the present distribution formula. Present distribution is as follows : 25% to all cities and towns 25% to cities of over 20,000 population 25% to cities with 5 or more policemen 25io to cities with 5 or more firemen Woodworth moved that the City of Kent take the position in favor of the present basis and to so notify the Mayor of Cle Elum, Lee seconded. Under discussion , Woodworth noted that Kent would reach 20,000 population soon . Lee asked if the Association of Washington Cities had made a study on this. Mr. Street stated that AWC was in favor of the straight per capita basis . He stated that the legislature is not in favor because (1) rapid growth areas are truly problem areas (2 ) the present system would encourage cities to upgrade their police and fire departments and (3 ) some smaller cities have .not utilized their abilities to take care of themselves. Barnier asked why big cities didn 't come out ahead on a per capita basis. Mr. Street replied that cities never catch up with growth, that the increased population costs more than the increased returns. Barnier asked what would happen in the future if rapid growth ceased. Mr. Street noted that this distribution is on a two year basis . Motion carried. MEETING Mayor Thornton noted that he and Mr. Street will attend a. meeting in Olympia on February 12 at 7 :30 a.m. re- garding money for cities and towns. He stated that Legislators Stender, Cunningham and Barden will also attend. Woodworth moved and Lee seconded that all bills received up to February 10, 1969 be paid , upon approval of the Auditing Committee. Motion carried. MEETING ADJOURNED: 4 :25 p.m. / Respectfully submitted , MAYOR �"`~+• Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen , Cit Clerk.