HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1969 Kent , Washington
January 2(9, 1969
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :05 p.m.
Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth,
City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer
Sherwood., Barnier arrived at 3 :20 p.m. and Baffaro arrived at 4 :40 p.m.
M. L. Armstrong was ill.,
Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion .
AWARD Mr. Gerry Anderson presented a safety award to the City
for the period August 3 , 1962 to August 3 , 1968 . He noted
that many employees will receive individual safe driving
BIDS The following bids were received to furnish a 1/2 ton pickup:
Scarff Ford $2 ,499.64 , inc. tax
Valley Garage 2,446.81 , inc . tax
Hazelett Chev. 2,275.14 , inc. tax
It was explained that about an hour after the bid opening,
Mr. O'Kon of Hazelett called and asked to have his bid with-
drawn as he had made an error in his figures and his correctdd
bid would be $2 ,449.14. Pozzi moved that O'Kon ' s bid be re-
turned, Masters seconded, motion carried. Pozzi moved that
the low bid of Valley Garage be accepted, Lee seconded , motion
The following bids were received to furnish a 1 ton pickup:
Att . Inside
Dump Control
Scarff Ford $4 , 176.00, inc. tax $65 + tax
Valley Garage 4 ,083.26 , inc. tax 60 + tax
Hazelett Chev. 4 ,231.89, inc . tax 60 + tax
Woodworth moved that the sum of $345.96 be transferred from
1/2 ton pickup to 1 ton pickup within the Capital Outlay
budget of the Equipment Rental Fund , Pozzi seconded, motion
carried. Woodworth moved to accept the low bid of Valley
Garage in the amount of $4 , 145.96 , Masters seconded, motion
BUILDING Mr. Street reported that there will be a report soon on the
new City Hall site acquisition .
STREETS Pozzi stated that he received several calls from residents
on the West Hill commending the street department for their
work during the recent snow conditions.
LID 260, Off-Street Parking. Ordinance 1576 , creating LID 260,
Off-Street Parking LID, was .-read by the City Attorney. Pozzi
moved for passage of• the ordinance , Masters seconded. Under
discussion , a letter from Wm. L. Donais , representing the St .
Anthony' s Parish was read protesting their assessment . Motion
carried. (Barnier had just arrived and did not vote on this
matter) .
East-West Route. Mr. Street reported on the meeting with the
State Highway Department , Chamber of Commerce , HIC, etc . Mr.
Bogart of the Highway Dept . stated that the extension of the
Kent Des Moines Road temporarily will go along Willis to Central
Ave. , noting that the total project will be expensive. In
addition , it is proposed that the City and State Highway Dept.
consider some improvement along Central Ave. in conjunction with
the Willis St. proposal. He noted that Willis St. should be kept
open , as it is of major importance to the City. He stated that
the State will, probably attempt to acquire rights-of-way for the
final structure for the next bienniel. Mr. Street stated that
the Highway Dept . is reacting very well in considering Kent ' s
problems. Woodworth asked if the State will make a formal pro-
posal to the City. Mr. Street stated that they will, in the form
of a presentation .
STREETS LID 255 , S. 228th. Ordinance 1582 , providing for
issuance of bonds for LID 255 and directing the sale
thereof to McLean & Co. , was read by the City Attorney.
Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters
seconded , motion carried .
Traffic Control. Letters were read from Junius Morris ,
Head Librarian at Highline College and Cheryl L. Curcio, Sopho-
more Class Representative expressing their appreciation for
the installation of the traffic signal at the intersection
of Highway 99 and S. 240th.
It was pointed out that the City Engineer had been autho-
rized .to negotiate for purchase of a triangular piece of
property on S. 240th and Highway 99 to facilitate the
operation of the traffic signal , not to exceed $2000.00.
Iie ooted that the purchase price had been established at
$$1732.50, plus $$28.22 for the title policy. Woodworth
moved to approve the purchase , Masters seconded , motion
Woodworth moved that a deed for right-of-way at S. 258th
(Titus Pitt Road ) be recorded , Masters seconded. Under
discussion , the City Engineer noted that this is a small
portion of S. 258th just east of the row of houses along
the south side of the street which extends for 300 feet and
is being deeded to the city in accordance with the agreement
made with the owner in discussions of a zone change in that
area. Motion carried.
So. 212th. An agreement with King County concerning bill-
ings and disbursements with U.A.B. for the joint project on
S. 212th was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for the
Mayor and City Clerk to be authorized to sign the agreement ,
Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
WATER LID 256 East Valley Water Main . Ordinance 1581, amending
Section 3 of Ordinance 1566 , the ordinance confirming LID
256, by fixing the interest rate at 61%, was read by the
City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of the ordinance ,
Barnier seconded , motion carried.
LID 256. Lee moved that the- low bid of Morrison-Knudsen
in the amount of $147,812, plus tax be accepted for the
installation of water mains , Masters seconded , motion carried.
S. 218th, Water Supply Main . Lee moved that the Mayor be
authorized to sign Change Order #1 to Salem Sand and Gravel
on installation of waterline from six million gallon tank
to the valley, in a reduction of total contract by $8 , 330.48,
Project 07-1-00099 , Phase III , Woodworth seconded , motion
Reservoir Roof. It was noted that the best bid for installa-
tion of an aluminum roof on Scenic Hill reservoir was sub-
mitted by Pamco in the amount of $$148, 800. This bid is above
the Engineer ' s estimate , but as a part of the EDA project ,
the total of these EDA projects is within total estimates.
Lee ,moved to accept Pamco' s bid , Woodworth seconded , motion
HEALTH & Drainage. Barnier commended the Engineering Department for
SANITATION the improvement of drainage conditions on Gowe Street .
HEALTH & Metro. Barnier stated that Metro has reported the
SANITATION necessity of building a line to relieve the lagoon .
Upon Woodworth' s query, the City Engineer noted that
Metro will need permits from the city to cross the
West Valley Highway, which are usually issued auto-
matically. Woodworth opined that this should not be
routine , and requested further information . The City
Engineeer explained that Metro intended to use the
North Treatment Facility for some interim period, then
they diverted the South Plant to the North Plant . This
resulted in the lagoon becoming overloaded , so the South
Plant had to be reactivated until the diversion line is
completed to the 72" line , after which the South Treatment
Plant will be taken out permanently. Ile noted that they
will still use the North Lagoon for leveling off the peak
flows associated with storm waters , so it will not be com-
pletely out of service upon completion of this diversion
line. The City Engineer stated that he was in favor of
this proposal. Ile stated that there will be ample oppor-
tunity to review Metro' s plan and the City can ask them
to present the plans to the Council if they so desire.
Resolution 618 was read by the City Attorney, establishing
city policies regarding new sewer hook-ups within the Kent
city limits and extension of sewer services outside the
city limits , Barnier moved for adoption of the resolution ,
Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
INSURANCE It was noted that the present city liability policy has
the following limits : $250,000 per person , $500,000 per
accident and $100,000 property damage. The City' s insurance
carrier has recommended that consideration be given to
having an excess limit of one million added to each of the
above at .a cost of approximately $2000.00 per year. Wood-
worth moved to approve the recommendation , Masters seconded,
motion carried.
It was noted that proposals for health & accident insurance
were received and that the policy that offers the most
protection to the employees and their dependents is that of
Aetna. This policy also covers a dental program with a $50
deductible. Woodworth moved that the quotation of Aetna be
accepted , Barnier seconded, motion carried.
RETIREMENT Resolution 619 , authorizing transfer of credits for Barney
Wilson from State to Statewide Employees Retirement Fund
was read by the City Attorney. Masters moved for adoption
of the resolution , Pozzi seconded, motion carried.
PERSONNEL Ordinance 1577 , defining eligibility for employee benefits
was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage of
the ordinance, Woodworth seconded , motion carried.
Ordinance 1579, was read by the City Attorney,. authorizing
city participation of full compensation for retirement
benefits with Statewide Employees Retirement System. Wood-
worth moved for passage of the ordinance , Barnier seconded ,
motion carried.
ZONING Keck Annexation . Ordinance 1578 , zoning R-1 those portions
of the Keck Annexation which were previously not zoned ,
was read by the City Attorney.. Lee moved for passage of
the ordinance, Masters seconded , motion carried.
Mead. Ordinance 1580, approving the Mead rezone from M-A
to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for passage
of the ordinance , Barnier seconded , motion carried.
LICENSE A proposed solicitors license ordinance was presented
for the Council' s consideration . Woodworth moved that
the Administrator place this ordinance on the agenda
for next Council meeting for consideration , Pozzi
seconded, motion carried.
PARKS Woodworth moved and Masters seconded to confirm the
Mayor ' s appointments of Park Board Commissioners :
1 year term - John L. Gretz
2 year term - Mrs . James D. Hogan
3 year term - Bernie W. Biteman
Motion carried.
Mayor Thornton appointed Barney Wilson as Director of
Parks- & 'Recreation effective .January 1, 1969 in accordance
with Ordinance 1569. Lee moved to confirm the Mayor' s
appointment , Masters seconded, motion carried.
A •letter from the American Legion _was read expressing
their desire to give a Flame of Freedom Gas Torch to
the City to put in the Park at Meeker and First Avenue.
They also indicated that if the City wishes they will
place one of 'the torches at the new city hall , when •it
is completed . Woodworth moved to refer the letter to
the Park Board, Pozzi seconded , motion carried.
COUNCIL A letter was read from Mrs. Sundstedt protesting the
MEETINGS change in the council meeting hours to .3 :00 .p.m. A
letter from the Chamber of Commerce was read commending
the Council for changing the meeting hours to 3 :00 p.m.
Woodworth moved to place the letters on file , Pozzi
seconded. Under discussion , Barnier stated that the lettwr
from- the Chamber is the first expression he •has heard in
favor of the time change. Woodworth stated that he had
had many expressions of commendation on' the time change
to .3 :00' p.m. Barnier stated that he was in favor of the
new time , but was concerned as to whether it afforded the
opportunity for as many citizens to attend the meetings .
Mayor Thornton stated that a compromise could be made in
the future if the new time proved inconvenient for many.
MEETINGS . It was noted that three important meetings were scheduled
SUBURBAN for .January 22 :
MAYORS Mayor Thornton stated that there will be a Suburban
Mayor' s Association Election of Officers .
CHAMBER OF A Chamber of Commerce Leadership meeting is also
COMMERCE scheduled at the School Administration Building.
VRPC Gordon Hall noted that the VRPC will meet at PSGC
offices on Jan . 22 to discuss future plans. He also
explained the forthcoming seminars at Green River
College starting on January 29th. Mr. Street stated
that he will attempt to have the city represented.
STREETS LID 261. Pozzi reported on the special meeting regard-
ing Phase III , S. 212th attended by four councilmen , Mr.
Street , Mr. Sherwood and HIC representatives. He noted
that James Curran ' s letter was not received before the
meeting, but felt that they had covered his objections.
Pozzi stated that HIC reported on the meeting with the
UAB, listing three alternatives :
(.1) Ask for increased amount to change the LID.
HIC recommended against this.
(2) Reduce the' project scope to provide for
additional funds .
(3 ) Withdraw the presently approved application
and resubmit a new application which would be
considered in April.
Pozzi stated that the majority of the people present at
that meeting were against jeopardizing the U.A.B. funds
already allocated. Mr. Street stated that if we resubmit
to U.A.B. , the maximum change would be $50,000 or 10% which-
ever is less , noting that the UAB application stressed the
necessity of improving So. 212th as a Primary Arterial Street.
STREETS Mr. Street questioned the economics of an extension
of rail to the south, noting these figures involved :
(1 ) immediate cost of $200,000 for space under structures ,
(2 ) if results of the study justify connection between
the East Valley Freeway and 212th, then $70,000 to $100,000
" i more would be involved . He questioned whether the Council
or the property owners could justify these. expenditures .
Ile stated further that it is the recommendation of HIC and
the City Engineer that for the amount of risk involved , that
the LID be passed as it stands now. Baffaro asked how the
extra $200 ,00 for rail to the south could be financed . Mr.
Street replied , by (1) G. 0. Bonds (2 ) form a new LID and
add the properties to the south. IIe stated that he personally l
could not see that the 135 acres warrants this expenditure.
., Masters asked if 135 acres was the correct figure. It was
determined that it was . Ordinance 1533 , creating LID 261
was then read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved for passage
of the ordinance , Lee seconded . Under discussion , Masters
questioned the ability of the Council to judge whether it was
economically feasible to serve this area with rail facilities .
Baffaro asked why it was not planned to have rail to the south
in the first place . The Mayor pointed out that there is much
industrial zoned land without rail service now, and that if
the property owners want rail service , they should pay for it .
Barnier stated there were four glaring weaknesses in Phase III
of So. 212th. (1) Failure to connect to the freeway (2 )
failure to provide rail to the south, ( 3 ) a main arterial should
not be an LID and , (4 ) land is taken in unequal amounts from
property owners . He opined that the route is vitally needed .
Mr. Curran noted that Council had made errors in the past by
not looking at the long range picture . lie stated that a major
area of industrial land in the valley would be cut off from
rail service and that the $200,000 figure would not seem so
great in the future . He pointed out that G. 0. Bonds were
used to extend other portions of this same highway. The Mayor
stated that the area could be served less expensively by an i
on grade crossing at N.W. Steel. Rolling Mills . Curran stated
that if the council granted a franchise for crossing of the
East Valley Highway, he would withdraw his objection . Barnier
stated that as long as Benaroya agreed to serve north and south ,
he suggested it could go over at grade , since there are already
I two crossings . The City Engineer noted that the first communica-
tion with Benaroya was on September 22 , 1967 and they contem-
plated rail service only to the north. Iie stated that the
U.A.B. application was sent in on September 27th and did not
include provision for a rail spur. The first mention of rail
service to the south was February 2 , 1963. IIe noted that before
j the time of the application , there had been no discussion of
rail service to the south at all. Barnier asked if the applica-
tion showed anything north of 203th. The City Engineer replied
that it did not . Regarding the spur crossing at the East Valley
Highway, the City Engineer stated that the city could require
that it be a grade separated crossing. Ile noted that the one
north of 212th would be the only one on grade from that point
southward . The other one adjacent to the N.W. Steel Rolling
Mills could be a grade separated crossing. Baffaro stated that
he is in favor of Phase III , So. 212th, but feels it is poor
planning not to go south with rail . Lee asked if the Planning
Commission considered rail service to the south in the compre-
hensive plan . The City Engineer stated yes , it was considered ,
but based on the council ' s indication that they would not per-
mit additional grade crossings sDuth of 212th, the comprehensive
plan shows rail service north of 212th , but not south. Dale
Cutler of HIC stated that the dates and records will show that
Benaroya ' s contemplated rail spur to the south was submitted
after the prospectus was sent to the U.A.B. Upon roll call vote ,
Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Pozzi and Woodworth voted aye . Masters
voted nay. Motion carried . Pozzi moved that the letter from
James Curran be placed on file , Lee seconded , motion carried .
Woodworth moved and Lee seconded that the bills be paid ,
after approval of the Auditing Committee , motion carried.
Claims approved at the January 6th meeting, received
through January loth:
(1968 Budget ) (1969 Budget )Interest Bearing Warrants
Current Expense 15 , 599.77
Adm. Expense 6 .25 N. Kent Water
New Shop Account 719.13 Hill , Ingman &Chase 2 , 546.70
Water 6 ,085.98 Salem Sand & Gravel 6 , 189.92
Street 9 , 242.26
Sewer 41, 261.02 LID 256
Garbage 16 , 104 .54 Hill , Ingman & Chase 449. 16
Library 579. 31 Richard F. Murray 78.75
Park 8 ,848.83
LID 252 Constr. 22 ,896 .02 LID 253
LID 255 15 ,737.82 Hill, Ingman & Chase 7 ,274.93
Art . Street 8, 296.20 Hill , Ingman & Chase 166. 79
ULID #1 226 , 949. 32 Dames & Moore 562 • 99
Red Samm Alining, Inc. 6 , 367.42
LID 255
Red Samm Mining, Inc. 44 ,287•81
LID 257
Hill, Ingman & Chase 1,623. 39
Coates Field Service 1 , 387.70
Clark C. Williamson & 620.00
Lois W. Williamson
Jack Dunham, E. W. 300.00
Turner, Dial Finance
Pioneer Nat ' l Title 52.25
Insurance Co.
Harry 0. Kronick & 300.00
Carol W. Kronick
LID 258
Lendors , Inc . 325.00
Borghild Storey 300.00
Don Bell Inv. Co: 325.00
Norman Anderson & 1, 350.00
Deila Anderson
George McCulloch & 300.00
Eunice McCulloch
George McCulloch & 300.00
Eunice McCulloch
Coates Field Service 894.05
Russel Dunham, et al 350.00
Claims approved this meeting , received through
January 20th:
(1968 Budget ) (1969 Budget ) Interest Bearing Warrant
Current Expense 5 ,780.60 N. Kent Water
Labor Relations 637.50 King County Rd. #2
Water 584.87
Street 25 .25 LID 257
Arterial Street 1,760.72 Kent News .Journal
Sewer 54.78 Szaift Printing
Garbage 671. 36
Library 2.34 LID 261
Park 1,496.48 Hill, Ingman & Chase
Firemen ' s R/P 306.60 Pioneer Title Co.
Hill, Ingman & Chase
Claims approved this meeting for 1969 Budget.:
Firemen ' s R/P
Respectfully submitted ,
MAYOR Marie J en , (City Clerk
Alex Thornton , Mayor y