HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/16/1968 Kent , Washington December 16 , 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present ; Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee, Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood. In Mayor Thornton ' s absence , Councilman Pozzi served as Mayor Pro Tem. Minutes of the last meeting were approved as printed and accepted by motion . Clerk' s , treasurer' s and budget reports submitted, accepted and placed on file by motion. The City Attorney stated that under state law, a councilman serving as Mayor Pro Tem retains his right to vote as a councilman WATER LID 256. It was noted that the Water and Finance Committees met as a Board of Review of the protests received on LID 256. The committee reported as follows : Protests reviewed were : Mr. & Mrs. Robert Carroll, Harlan Bull, Emon Ikuta, W. S . Hixson , Mr. & Mrs. Robert IIedlund The committee recommended (1) that the assessment of Emon Ikuta, Assessment Item #26 , in the amount of $1828. 33 be deleted, as the parcel has no poten- tial use and (2) that the assessment of Green River Cheese be credited with the frontage charge paid in the amount of $222.00. Lee moved for the Council to approve these recommendations , Woodworth seconded. motion carried. Armstrong moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft the necessary ordinance con- firming the LID, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. HEALTH & ULID #1, Contract II. Barnier moved that Constructors SANITATION Pamco be granted a 20 day time extension for road restoration , subject to EDA approval, providing that the contractor pay the over-contract inspection time , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Drainage . Barnier stated that attention should be given to the water drainage problem on W. Gowe St. Gib Kendall , Street Superintendent , noted that . arrangements have been made to temporarily drain the water. Pozzi commented that an LID for this area was proposed, but he was unsure as to the re- action of the property owners once the cost has been determined. Sewer Connections. Woodworth moved that the con - traot from Aero-Mechanics on the proposed sewer connection be referred to the Health & Sanitation ' Committee , Barnier seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Parks. Resolution 614 was read by the City Attorney, authorizing the transfer of $3,601.97 within the Park Department from Capital Outlay Clearing & Grupping as follows : To: Office Equipment and Table $1200, to Machinery & Equipment $1, 378.00 and to Maintenance & Operation $1,223.97. Armstrong moved to adopt the resolution, Barnier seconded , motion carried. Armstrong questioned the voucher for $91, 500 to Rugg for the Canyon property and asked if the federal and state funds have been received. Mr. Street explained that receipt of. these funds will be in 20 to 30 days after the city shows proof of ownership of the pro- perty. FINANCE Ordinance 1559 , creating a Cash Bond Fund , was read by the City Attorney. Armstrong moved for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded . Under discussion , it was clarified that in the case of the television cable franchise, if, upon notification th6 company fails to make the specified improvements , the city may do so with funds from the Cash Bond Fund. Motion carried. WATER Clark Springs . Lee moved that notice to proceed be given to Austin Construction Co. for the Clark Springs Water Supply Main project , Armstrong seconded , motion carried. LIGHTS Masters moved for the installation of an overhead light in the alley south of Meeker Street between Central and Railroad Ave. , subject to the approval of the City Engineer, Barnier seconded , motion carried. i POLICE & Game Bird Hunting. Mr. Street recommended that the FIRE city's game bird hunting ordinance be updated. Barnier moved to refer the matter- to the Police & Fire Committee , Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Ordinance 1565, providing for implied consent to a breath test to determine intoxication when arrested for any offense was read by the City Attorney. Barnier moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded, motion carried. Woodworth noted that the committee is now in receipt of dog leash ordinances from other cities and will report on .same at the next • meeting. BIDS Van - Engineering Dept. The following bids were read for a van for the engineering department : Bowen Scarff $2, 638.87, including tax & trade Bill Hazelett $2 ,690.00, including tax & trade Woodworth moved to award the bid to Bowen Scarff, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Truck — Water Dept. The following bids were read for a truck for the water department : Bill Hazelett $14, 762.47, plus tax Paul Haggard 13 ,600.00, plus tax (1967 Demonstrator) Bowen Scarff (Body only) 2 , 580.00, plus t'ax Lee moved to reject all bids , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Heating Oil. City Transfer ' s bid for heating oil for 1969 was read : P.S. 300 3 .50 barrel P.S. 200 .1175 per gal. P.S. 100 .1375 per gal. Woodworth moved to award the bid to City Transfer, Arm- strong seconded, motion carried. The following bids were read for street sweeping : Items A&B Item C Automotive Steam $32,—256-00 $1$.00-per hour Cleaners Nate Pennachi 8, 787.00 15.00 per hour Sanco-Northwest Lot 11 , 100.00 12.00 per hour Service Luckman Brothers 17,062.50 16.50 per hour Tri-State Eductor 54 , 587.00 17.50 per hour & Sweeper Woodworth moved that the Bid of Nate Pennachi be accepted, Armstrong seconded, motion carried. BIDS The following bids were read for street painting: Item A Item B Paint-a-Line 43.50 per mile Z7.50 per mile Oztom Medallion Inc. _ 264 .00 per mile 269.00 per mile (Yellow) 316 .80 per mile 316.80 per mile Lee moved that the bid of Paint-a-Line be accepted , Barnier seconded , motion carried. STREETS LID 257, James St. It was noted that the city'.s bond counsel suggests that the passage of Ordinance 1532, establishing LID 257 , for improvement of James Street might possibly "be challanged since the Mayor voted on the issue to break a tied vote . The City Attorney suggested that a motion be passed to reconsider Ordi- nance 1532 and another vote taken on the ordinance , with all members of the council voting. Woodworth so moved , Lee seconded , motion carried , with Barnier and Armstrong dissenting. The City Attorney then read Ordinance 1532 in its entirety. Armstrong explained that he had ab- stained from voting on the issue as he was a .property owner in the area, but he had since been advised that since he is not actually assessed , he should vote on the issue . Woodworth moved to pass the ordinance , Armstrong seconded. Barnier stated that his convictions remained the same and he would again vote against the measure, although he was not against the improvement it- self. Masters concurred with Barnier. Baffaro stated he had reconsidered and opined that the street improve- meet was needed. Upon roll call vote , Armstrong, Baffaro, Lee, Pozzi and Woodworth voted aye . Barnier and Masters voted nay. Motion carried . LID 258, 4th Ave. Improvement . Ordinance 1564, pro- viding for condennation of property for improvement of 4th Ave . from Meeker to 228th was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance , Armstrong seconded. Under discussion , Lee asked if the improvement of 4th Ave . is compatible with the drainage ditch plansi and the City Engineer stated that it was. Barnier questioned the necessity of. the con- demnations . The City Attorney pointed out that it was desirable to have the condemnation ordinance avail- able to have the condemnation ordinance available in case negotiations fail. The right-of-way agent noted that '3 deeds have been signed and negotiations are under- way on others . Upon roll call vote , Barnier, Lee, Pozzi and Woodworth voted 'aye, Armstrong and Masters voted nay. Baffaro was absent during the roll call vote. Motion carried. Vacation . The continued public hearing was opened on the petition to vacate Waterman Avenue. The property was appraised at $1750 by Mr. Coppage. It was noted that the Planning Commission approved the vacation. A letter from Herb Mead was read requesting that the City not reserve any easement rights in said vacation . The City Engineer concurred. There were no comments or objections from the audience. Lee moved to close the hearing, Barnier seconded , motion carried. Lee moved to instruct the City Attorney to draft. an ordi- nance to be published upon receipt of $875, as provided by Kent City Ordinance, Barnier seconded, motion carried. Traffic Control. Ordinance 1558, prohibiting parking on Central Ave. from James St . to Titus St. and on E. Smith from Central to Jason. was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Barnier seconded , motion carried. Signali.zation . Masters moved that the Mayor be authorized to sign an agreement with the State Highway Commission for the city' s share of signalization costs at the intersection of West Valley Highway and 180th at a cost estimated to be $4,468.64, Barnier seconded. Under discussion , the City Engineer noted that the City' s share is 3/11ths of the total cost . Motion carried. I STREETS It was noted that five deeds of right-of-way have been received. These deeds are for recording only and do not constitute any liability for development. 1. East thirty feet for portion of 64th Ave. S. lying north of Meeker St . & south of James St . 2. The west thirty feet running south of W. Meeker St. for a distance of 795 feet more or less centerline being the west line of the C.C. Thompson Donation Claim. 3. Portion of the south thirty feet of W. James St . lying east of 64th Ave. S. and west of lift station . 4 . The north thirty feet of James -St . lying west of W. Valley Highway and east of pump station . 5. Portion of the East 1/2 of 102nd Ave. S.E. from James (S. 240th) north to S. 236th. Armstrong moved that the above deeds be accepted as deeds of rights-of-way and such acceptance purpose shall be so noted in the minutes of this meeting, Barnier seconded , motion carried. LID 261, S. 212th, Phase III. The initial public hearing was opened on the proposed improvement to S. 212th from the East Valley Highway to the East city limits. No written protests had been filed with the Clerk. Dennis Scott of HIC explained that this is a joint project with King County and that. the county will improve the road from the city limits east to the Benson Highway. The cost of the improve- ment within the city is $6471350, broken down as follows : EDA $110,250, UAB $483, 400, City of Kent $53 , 700. The total cost of the entire project is $1, 510,850. Mr. Scott stated that there will be a grade seperation across the Valley Freeway and noted that there will be access to the Benaroya and Nash property and to that portion of the Nash property east of the Freeway which is now landlocked. Mr. Andrews, owner of property on the SE corner of the East Valley Highway and S. 212th noted that the pro- posed street curves to the south some 15 feet which cuts into his narrow piece "of property. Scott stated that this was done to stay clear of the Benaroya construction on the north side. The City Engineer clarified that the amount varies from 0 to 4.5 feet . Cummins of HIC explained that the centerline of the proposed extension of 212th is 14. feet north of the centerline of the old 212th. Andrews claimed he had been informed otherwise and stated he would file a written protest. James Curran represent- ing Mr. Nash asked if more property was being taken to the south than to the north. Scott affirmed that it was , in order to allow turning room for Benaroya's trucks and to avoid disturbing graves in the Methodist cemetary. The City Engineer pointed out that the angle prop o:sed would allow ramps to be built later at the east end of the bridge if an interchange was ever approved. Curran objected to the fact that no assessment was made to the cemetary pro- perty. He asked •what provision had been made for an over- pass •for tracking facilities south of 212th. Scott stated that no such facilities had been planned, that"•a major drainage ditch was included in flood control plans. Curran stated that in all railroad discussions , regarding the 84th Ave . S. crossing, consideration was to be given to providing railroad service to the north and south, noting further that railroad facilities are essential to this type of develop- ment : Scott explained that Benaroya was consulted because he had planned to bear the cost of the railroad facilities to the south. Paul Barden asked if consideration had been given to acquiring property to cross 84th Ave. S. from the main line to provide service to the property south of 212th. Scott replied it had not . Barnier opined that an over-grade crossing should be provided and objected that the present plan precluded railroad service to the south under the bridge. Curran opined that the city should bear some of the cost of i � STREETS the project and objected to the proposed restricted access to the Nash property. I-Ie stated he would file a written protest on behalf of his client. Sherwood explained that the assessment rate for this project is less than the rate to the property owners on Phase I and. II of the S . 212th improvements. Armstrong asked what the 200 acres south of S. 212th was zoned. Sher- wood stated he thought it to be less than 200 acres of which about 1/2 is zoned commercial and about 80 acres zoned . manufacturing. Having determined that no .one else' wished to speak from the audience, Barnier moved to close the hearing. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Lee moved to refer the matter to the street committee and for the committee chairman to set the time for a meeting, Armstrong seconded, motion carried . ZONING Initial Zoning - Sunray Annexation. Ordinance 1560, approving initial zoning of R-1 for the Sunray Annexa- tion was read, by the City Attorney. Barnier moved for passage of the ordinance , Masters seconded , motion carried. Initial Zoning - Samuel Annexation . Ordinance 1561, approving initial zoning of C-3 for the Samuel Annexa- tion was read by the City Attorney. Barnier moved for passage of the ordinance , Lee seconded, motion carried. Keck Annexation . Ordinance 1562 , correcting the legal description in Ordinance 1545 , zoning portions of the Keck Annexation was read by the City Attorney. Barnier moved for passage of the ordinance , Lee seconded , motion carried. Vasilatos & Pohl. It was noted that public hearings were scheduled for this meeting on both the Pohl and Vasilatos rezone applications. James Curran , . represent- ing both Pohl and Vasilatos has requested that these rezone requests be returned to the Planning Commission without being heard before the Council, so that an amended proposal may be .presented to the Planning Commission . Barnier so moved , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick Land Acquisition . Resolution 615 , amend- RECREATION ing Section 2 of Resolution 04 , to increase the acreage to be. acquired from 34 acres to approximately 46.55 acres was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for adoption of the resolution , Barnier seconded , motion carried. It was noted that some months ago, two new ordinances proposing to create a Park Commission and a Park and Recreation Department were presented to the . Council for consideration . The basic difference between the exist- ing ordinances and those proposed is in the power of the Commission . The present ordinance provides an ad-. visory to the council, the proposed ordinances would grant to the Park Commission, powers of administration as autho- rized by state law plus limited contracting authority. Discussion was had on the manner in which the existing ordinance conflicts with the proposed ordinances. Arm- strong moved for the City Attorney to be directed to pre- pare the two ordinances substantially as presented with the words "and acquire" to be stricken from the paragraph referring to board or department powers. The City Attorney clarified that the Park Commission could enter into con- tracts within budget limitations and under $2000.00. Baffaro seconded, motion carried. It was pointed out that authorization and approval has been recieved for the expenditure of Forward Thrust park money on the development of a major recreational facility on the land owned by the Sewer Department . This approval is based upon the granting of a 20 year lease , with the option to purchase at the end of the lease period. This property has been rented for several years at a $1000 per year. It is recommended that this property be leased to l PARKS & the Park & Recreation Department , subject to ex- RECREATION pansion of the present warehouse area or other municipal use at a rental of $1500 per year. Barnier moved to refer the matter to the sewer committee for discussion of policy at 7 : 30 p.m. on December 19th, Armstrong seconded, motion carried, with Baffaro voting nay. CITY It was noted that at the present time , city bills are BILLS paid twice a month, which is very time consuming. Mr. Street suggested that the following procedure be adopted : At the first council meeting of each month, a motion be passed authorizing the payment of all bills received on or before the business day nearest the 10th of the month. The Clerk would prepare the vouchers for consideration by the Finance Committee and have them available for the committee on the first business day following the 10th of the month. The Finance Committee would examine and either approve or disapprove or withhold any bill that it desired to b r ing before the council as a whole. 'Those bills that were approved would then be processed and paid. Armstrong so moved , Barnier seconded , motion carried. PERSONNEL Upon the recommendation of the City Administrator, Barnier moved to have the City Attorney prepare a personnel ordi- nance covering city policy regarding office hours , sick leave, overtime, longevity, jury duty, etc. , Masters seconded, motion carried. COUNCIL Ordinance 1563 , changing the official meeting time of the MEETINGS council meetings from 8 :00 p.m. to 3 :00 p.m. on the first and third. Mondays of each month, was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Lee seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong stated the new time would Create a hardship on the people of Kent having business before the council and Barnier .concurred. Woodworth opined that the average citizen attends a council meeting less than once a year and since it was a business meeting, time could be taken to attend. Curran spoke from the audience in favor of the change. Masters moved to have the meetings commence at 6 : 30 P.M. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon roll call vote, Lee , Masters, Pozzi and Woodworth voted aye , Armstrong, Baffaro and Barnier voted nay. Motion carried. Barnier moved and Armstrong seconded that the vouchers be approved and warrants drawn for the same. Motion carried. Current Expense 6, 965.04 Administrators Expense 137.08 New Shop Account 135. 37 Labor Relations 250.00 Water 13 , 162. 91 Street 4, 661.16 Art . St . (UAB 8-1106(4 ) 777.52 Art. St . (S. 240th Sig. ) 170.51 Sewer 29,621.90 Garbage 1,p16.30 Library 327.73 Park 92 ,254.68 Fire R/P 306.60 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water KC Road Dist . #2 203.00 Hill, Ingman & Chase 7,867. 37 f Interest Bearing Warrants (Continued ) LID 256 Hill, Ingman & Chase 2, 202.13 LID 251 Earl M. McLaughlin 1,216 .00 S. 212th LID 253 Hill, Ingman & Chase 162.69 Hill , Ingman & Chase 7,635.37 I LID 255 Hill, Ingman & Chase 44.88 Hill, Ingman & Chase 58.17 Hill, Ingman & Chase 5 , 105.18 Dames & Moore 1,001.79 LID 257 Coates Field Service, Inc . 1, 522.24 Coates Field Service, Inc. 1, 702.44 Hill, Ingman & Chase 56.76 Hill, Ingman & Chase 3 ,684.69 Vergie C. Miller 1,000.00 Fred H. Campbell, Doris Campbell 2, 525.00 . and Vergie Miller Ot 'i. s C. Brown ,. Betty J. Brown 110.00 and Andrew Sandwick Irving L. Maule & B. Jeanne Maule 160.00 Pioneer Title Ins. Co. 5 , 225.00 LID 258 Coates Field Service , Inc. 574.63 Hill, In & Chase 10.91 Hill, Ingman &Chase 2 ,688.32 Pioneer Title Ins. Co. 2 , 142.25 ULID #1 1967 Sewer Constr. Dames & Moore 1,717.29 Custom Asphalt Co. 346.94 Tri-State Construction 53 ,814.73 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10: 30 p.m. Respectfully _submitted, MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor Marie Jen n , Cit Clerk R