HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/15/1969 Kent, Washington December 15 , 1969 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 3 :00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilmen: Baff aro, Barnier, Clements, Elliott, Lee, Martell and Masters, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Bereiter, City EngineeEr Sherwood, Planning Director Harris By motion, minutes of the last meeting were approved as corrected as follows : Salaries & Maint. & Capital Wages Operation Outlay City Adminstrator From: $24,056 $4,440 To: 23 ,992 4,440 City Attorney From: 26, 650 11 ,569 To: 23 , 366 11 , 021 Fire Dept. From: 249 , 502 To: 249 , 552 Govt. Bldg. From: 22 , 945 To: 23 , 945 Planning: From: 34,492 To: 34, 804 Transfers From: $575 , 634 To: 578, 168 Street From: 116, 688 To: 109 , 222 STREETS Traffic Control . It was noted that Traffic Engineer Dave Hamlin has reviewed the proposed Central Business District Traffic Circulation Plan. This plan has been reviewed by the Chamber of Commerce Streets and Highways Committee and such plan will give some immediate relief and yet is flexible enough to adjust to anticipated changes in the northwest section of the Central Business District. BARNIER MOVED for the appropriate city departments to pro- ceed to implement this plan in accordance with the time table shown thereon, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. West- Valley Highway. It was noted that the State Highway Department has submitted a plan for the completion of the West Valley Highway to So. 180th. The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed grade and recommends approval. Resolution 657, approving the grades on this project was read by the City Attorney. LEE MOVED to adopt the resolu- tion and for the appropriate number of copies to be signed by the Mayor and City Clerk and forwarded to the Highway Commission, Barnier seconded. The City Engineer explained that this covers the portion of the project from So. 180th tito just south of 182nd. Motion carried. James Street. It was noted that approval of the two con- tracts for construction of James Street with an allocation of $1 ,517, 400 of U.A.B. funds has been received. Construction of the project may now commence . WATER Armstrong Springs . LEE MOVED to amend the motion in the June 16, 1969 minutes to include authorization for the Mayor and City Clerk to exercise the Armstrong Springs option and to sign the necessary documents to conclude pur- chase of the property, Baff aro seconded. Lee clarified that actual authorization was not given in the original motion, but it was the Council ' s intent to do so. Motion carried. UTILITIES & Barnier noted that the King County Health Department has a SANITATION plumbing inspector available now to make inspections with city employees. Street stated that the City may not yet be in a position to go into this program, and that he would secure more information and report back to the council . FINANCE ULID #1 . Mr . Street noted that the Sewer Construction Fund of 1967 is completely utilized until the final EDA payment is received and that it is necessary to transfer $8, 974.77 from the Sewer Revenue Fund. BARNIER SO MOVED, Masters seconded, motion carried. LEE MOVED TO instruct the City Attorney to prepare an ordi- nance creating an Advance Travel and Registration Revolving Fund" in accordance with Chapter 74, Laws of 1969, Masters seconded. It was noted that the ordinance would provide for the appointment of the City Treasurer as the disbursing officer of this special fund. Motion carried. LID Resolution 656 repealing Resolution 635 , was read by the SEGREGATIONS City Attorney. (Resolution 635 provided that th e City would refuse to segregate LID assessments unless requested by governmental agencies . ) MARTELL MOVED for adoption of Resolution 656, Barnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the City Engineer has reviewed the re- quest of the Sanwick Corporation for segregation of LID assessments and approves it for the Council ' s consideration. BARNIER MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary segregating resolution and to refer it to the City Engineer and City Treasurer, Martell seconded, motion carried. POLICE & Barbara Pistoresi inquired if the City of Kent has asked FIRE the Port of Seattle or King County for reimbursement for the Police Officers ' assistance during the demonstration at the airport recently. The City Attorney stated that he would recommend that the City not seek assistance or reim- bursement because the City may in turn seek assistance sometime . Mrs. Pistoresi was told that she could obtain a copy of the Mutual Aid Agreement from the City Clerk. RAILROAD It was noted that the Planning Commission was unable to CROSSINGS complete their review of the valley railroad crossings at their meeting of December 9th, therefore this matter will be held over to the January 5th meeting. The Washington Utilities and `.Transportation Commission has forwarded a copy of a petition filed by the Chicago Milwaukee Railroad for authority to construct an on-grade crossing of 4th Ave. North, immediately north of the Valley Freeway, for a spur track to serve the Kent Industrial Park. The City Engineer recommended that the City request an extension of time until January 15th to respond to Petition T-175 to allow time for a meeting with the Chicago Milwaukee. MARTELL MOVED to direct the City Engineer to make this request to the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission, Barnier seconded,motion carried. COUNCIL BARNIER MOVED to instruct the City Attorney to draft an MEETINGS ordinance changing the council meeting time from 3 :00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ,_ starting January 19th, Baff aro seconded. Under discussion, Masters asked if the Council would con- ider 4:00 p.m. Martell opined that the citizens preferred :vening meetings. - Lee stated that most citizens attend meetings only when directly concerned about a particular matter. He stated that he had observed that people who haven 't been able to attend afternoon meetings on time are also absent or late for other meetings as well . He opposed the change to evening meetings. Motion carried, with Lee and Masters voting nay. COUNCIL A resolution establishing Council rules or order was read by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the resolu- tion, Baff aro seconded. Father Gretz suggested that since some of the rules pertain to the public, the community should consider the contents as well as the Council. Several points were clarified by the City Attorney at the request of several councilmen . It was suggested that the proposed resolution be further discussed at a workshop session. MASTERS WITHDREW her motion, Baffaro withdrew his second. BARNIER MOVED to table action on this matter to January 19th, Clements seconded. Under discussion, Masters asked to include appoint- ment of the City Attorney as Parliamentarian. The City Attorney suggested that we get copies of Roberts Rules of Orders for the councilmen . r-lotion carried. PARKS & Upper Mill Creek Property. Resolution 655 acknowleding RECREATION responsibilities of the City in connection with the HUD grant for upper Mill Creek Canyon property, was read by the City Attorney. LEE MOVED for adoption of the resolu- tion, Clements seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the City' s share of Forward Thrust monies have been received and will be utilized to provide the city' s share of the acquisition costs . FRANCHISE It was noted that Ordinance 1628, granting a franchise to Teletronics,. Inc. to operate a cable T.V. system within the city limits was read by the City Attorney, in its entirety at the last council meeting. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. UNIFORM , Ordinance 1620, adopting Title III of the Uniform Build- BUILDING ing Code, passed by the Council on November 17th and sub- CODE se.quently vetoed by former Mayor Alex Thornton was returned HOUSING - to the Council for reconsideration at the last regular 1967 EDITION meeting. The ordinance and pertinent information as pre- sented by Don Bogard, Paul Ginn and Art Toreson was reviewed by the Council at a work session. LEE MOVED that Ordinance 1620 be adopted on reconsideration , Baffaro seconded. Clements stated that some points explained at the work session appeared to be contrary to what is in the Code Book. Lee spoke in favor of the ordinance . , Barnier questioned Chapter 2, Section H201B regarding right of entry, and asked if he would have the right to refuse entry to his home. The City Attorney stated that this clause would have to be deleted from the code, as recent Supreme Court action makes a court warrant necessary for entry. Barnier stated that he was in favor of a minimum housing code but felt that the City should be certain that they are not infringing on the rights of citizens. Martell spoke in favor of the code . Elliott asked if the City could condemn or tear down a house that was in poor condition. The City Attorney stated that proceedings are available , but prove lengthly and expensive . Fire Chief Foster stated that there are presently 70 or 80 abandoned buildings in the city. Barbara Pistoresi opined from the floor that the city would be doing the people a disservice by allowing them to live in substandard buildings. Martell and Lee expressed confidence that a board of Appeals would protect people on fixed incomes who might be unable to afford to make repairs to their homes to meet the standards. Upon roll call vote, Barnier, Clements and Elliott voted nay, Lee , Baffaro, Martell and Masters voted aye. The City Attorney noted that it takes five affirmative votes to pass a vetoed ordinance. The motion failed. PLAT Cliffords Addition. BARNIER MOVED for a public hearing to be held on the final plat of Cliffords Addition at the regular meeting of January 5 , 1970, Elliott seconded, motion carried. FLOOD A letter from the City of Tukwila was read requesting the CONTROL City ' s support in seeking funds for the United States Army Corp of Engineers to again implement the Flood Control study df the lower Duwamish River from the Black River junction to the mouth of the Duwamish. BARNIER MOVED to authorize the Mayor to write our congressmen requesting their support in funding for this study, Clements seconded, motion carried. BOARD OF BARNIER MOVED to set a pbblic hearing for January 19th on ADJUSTMENT proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to the Board of Adjustment members, Elliott seconded, motion carried. Mayor Hogan appointed the following citizens to the Board of Adjustment for the terms shown: Bob Kuvara February 1975 Hal Cline February 1974 Steve Dowell February 1972 BAFFARO MOVED that the appointments to the Board of Adjust- ment be confirmed, Darnier seconded, motion carried. It was noted that one more appointment will be made . ANNEXATIONS Mead-Samuels. Ordinance 1624, approving the Mead-Samuel Annexation was read by the City Attorney. The public hearing was opened. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. LEE MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Spears. Ordinance 1625 , approving the Spears Annexation was read by the City Attorney. The public hearing was opened. There were no comments or objections from the floor and the hearing was closed by motion. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Barnier seconded, motion carried. ZONING Monarch. Ordinance 1627 approving the rezone for Monarch from R-1 to R-3 , was read by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED for passage of the ordinance , Barnier seconded, motion carried. G.L.S . Properties. Ordinance 1626 approving the rezone for G.L.S. Properties from M-A to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. MARTELL MOVED for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Keck. The public hearing was opened on the Keck application for a rezone from R-1, R-3 and R-4 to C-3 for approximately 12 acres between S.E . 256th and the Kent Kangley Road from 108th S.E. to 110th S.E. The Planning Commission has recommended that the petition be denied for the reason that it is not in the best interests of the City nor, is it with- in the scope of the Comprehensive Plan. Pete Curran, repre- senting the petitioners, noted that the owners are : East Hill Investment Group, James Morgan, Keith Beckler, William Criss, William Moffett, Hilda Johnson and Tom Keck. He noted that the East Mill Investment Group, and Mr. Beckler plan to develop a commercial complex with apartments on the upper floor and that the Planning Commission has suggested a new zoning category for a "professional zone" . Curran stated that Mr. Moffett plans to extend his veterinary clinic 20 ' to 30 ' and Mr. Keck intends to build structures for commercial use, including the East Hill Oil Co. which would have underground tanks. Curran commented on the traffic congestion in the area and stated that Keck would put in a paved, 60 ' road of approximately 1000 ' across his property to connect the Black Diamond Road with the Kent Kangley Road at about 110th S.E. Ile pointed out on the map the use of commercial zoning in that area and stated that the R-1 in that vicinity is going to disappear over a period of years, noting that residential financing becomes a problem near commercial zoning. He opined that semi-professional type offices would be preferred by the adjacent property owners over highly concentrated apartment complexes, noting that some commercial businesses already exist in the area. Robert Kuvara, representing 8 property owners protesting the rezone noted that the proposed new street would not be adequate for the increase in traffic that the commercial businesses would generate. He stated among the businesses proposed is a drive-in restaurant and a tavern in addition to the oil company and the expansion of the veterinary clinic, and that the real estate office now in operation is in direct violation of city zoning ordinances. Iie noted that construction has already commenced in an improper zone and the rights of the adjacent property owners should be considered. He questioned the legality of the zoning applica- tion, noting that it refers to Keck only, but that 7 appli- cants signed it. Planning Director Harris stated that the Comprehensive Plan calls for commercial zoning in nodules , instead of spread along highways. LEE MOVED to close the hearing, Elliott seconded, motion carried. BAFFARO MOVED to uphold the Planning Commission's recommendation to deny the rezone as it is not in the best interests of the City, nor within the scope of the Comprehensive Plan, Lee seconded, motion carried. Claims received through December loth, for which authorization for payment was given at the last meeting: Current Expense 24, 203 . 34 Transfers 101 ,027.80 Firemen ' s R/P 319 . 35 Library 524.62 Park 17, 358.45 Arterial Street 3 , 333 .47 Street 16, 468.02 Equipment Rental 6, 275 .04 Garbage 13, 502 . 79 Sewer 52 , 574. 28 Water 24,597 .60 LID 255 296.80 LID 261 40.00 260 , 521.56 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 253 S. 212th Phase II Roberts, Shefelman, Lawrence, Gay & Moch 1 , 191 . 70 Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 104.57 LID 256 10000 J. Carroll Shoe & Assoc. 874. Morrison-Knudson 74.13 Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 1 ,423 .16 LID 257 James St. J. Carroll Shoe & Assoc. 60 .00 hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 1, 764. 38 LID 258 4th Avenue Walter Renschler 6, 700 .00 Walter Renschler 1 , 700 .00 Walter Renschler 1 , 400 .00 Riehard P. Coppage 1,500 .00 Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 15 ,476 .28 LID 260 Off. St. Parking Richard Haag Assoc. 338.00 N. Kent Water Constructor ' s PAMCO 14,929 .45 Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 640 .77 1967 Sewer Constr. Fund ULID #1 Hill, Ingman, Chase & Co. 1, 944.99 Hill , Ingman, Chase & Co. 121 .02 MEETING ADJOURNED: 5 : 30 p.m. Respectfull submitted, 1111 CLERK Isabel Hogan Cit1eClerken Mayor y