HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/18/1968 Kent , Washington November 18 , 1968 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order Baffaro, 8:00 P.M. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Barnier, Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter, City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood. Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction on page 6 , under the heading Zoning, Goodnews Bay Annexation , should read R-A instead of R-2. Clerk' s , Treasurer' s and Budget reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . Vacation. It was noted that the Planning Commission STREETS petition to vacate did not act on the p Watermans Avenue. Pozzi moved to continue the hearing to December 16th, Barnier seconded , motion carried. James St. LID 257• Mr. Eldon Lamb addressed the Council regarding the widening of James St . , charging that the project was being mishandled and requesting that the project be abandoned. He recounted his war experiences and demanded justice for the James Street property owners , noting that they were prepared to file suit against the city. He charged that residents had been told that an average of 6 ' would be taken on each side of James and that now 14 additional feet were being taken from his property, as well as from one neighbor and the school.- Mr. Lamb then raad a letter from his attorney to James Gay questioning the legality of the L.I.D. Pozzi moved to proceed to the next order of business , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. Mr. Shoff noted that the appraisers should be a little more realistic in the appraisal prices for James St . , stating that he had been offered $30.00 for a 10' X 10' piece of property. Mr. Van Horn complained of the manner in which the right-of-way agents are approaching the property owners . Armstrong & Barnier concurred. The City Attorney stated that he would look into the matter personally. Barnier stated that the engineer- ing firm should tthetproperty manner owners alsowhich the survey crews approach Traffic Control. Pozzi reported that the Engineering Department is computirg traffic readings of Smith St . and of North Central and that a recommendation will be made at the next meeting. LID 261 S. 212th Phase III . Resolution 609 was read by the City Attorney, declaring the city' s intention to form LID 261, Phase III for improving S. 212th from the East Valley Highway to 104th Ave. S.E. and setting the public hearing thereon for December 16, 1968. Pozzi moved for passage of the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Pozzi moved that the proposal of Dames & Moore to do soil investigation on S. 212th, Phase III , project , at a cost of $5500 to $6000 be accepted, Barnier seconded , motion carried. STREETS Railroad Crossing. A letter was read from James Johnson of Standar8 Equipment , Inc . requesting authorization to cross 72nd Ave. S. with a one spur track to property owned by them. Mr. Street noted that 72nd Ave. is a platted , but unopened street which dead-ends near the requested location for the crossing. He stated that in the city' s arterial street plan , it is anticipated that 72nd Ave. will be opened from 180th to 228th. Mr. Johnson stated his firm needs rail access for trans- porting heavy equipment but did not anticipate excessive rail movement . Woodworth moved that the City Attorney be instructed to draft a franchise ordinance to allow Standard Equipment to cross 72nd Ave. with an on-grade spur crossing, Masters seconded. Under discussion , it was pointed out that the City Engineer would determine the grade and Woodworth noted that there will be a committee meet- ing to discuss the franchise. The City Attorney recommended that Standard Equipment confer with their attorney regarding the necessity of communi- cating with the Utilities and Transportation Comm. Motion carried. The City Engineer noted that the State Highway. Commission had informed him that the Maintenance Agreement with Itent had been executed and was in order. WATER Lee moved that the City Attorney .be instructed to draft a condemnation ordinance to acquire land for a tank site upon receipt of pertinent data from the City Engineer, Masters seconded, motion carried . E.r. Valley Water .Main.' LID .256. It was,_noted that the public hearing on the final assessment roll will be held on December 2, on LID 256. HEALTH & Sewer Connections. Mr. Don London representing SANITATION Lydec Corporation asked what action is being taken regarding their request for sewer hookup, near the Aero Mechanics Building. Mr. Street noted that there will . be a meeting between the engineer- ing office and Cascade Sewer District regarding overs.izing of Mill Creek sewer. He stated that a complete report will be presented after the Council work session to be held Tuesday, November 26th. ULID #1, Contract 1. Barnier noted that this pro- ject has been completed and moved that Contract 1, ULID #1 be accepted by the City, Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Iorseshoe Acres Sanitary Sewer. Barnier moved that the .Mayor and City Clerk sign an application to HUD for financial assistance in the development of Horseshoe Acres Sanitary Sewer project , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. FINANCE EDA. It was noted that it is necessary to verify to EDA that certain billings which were addressed to certain of the ULID's or LID ' s were in fact a true expense to be paid in part by EDA. Pozzi moved to authorize the City Engineer to sign an affidavit stating that as to all cost items submitted and claimed under LID 250 and ULID #1, they are directly related to EDA Project No. 07-1-00103 and that all of said projects are one and the same , and further that as to all cost items submitted and claimed under LID 251 and LID 253 , that said projects are one and the same as EDA Project No. 07-1-00100, and that all of said projects are one and the same. Barnier seconded , motion carried. I Resolution 610 was read by the City Attorney, autho- FINANCE rizi.ng the expenditure of revenue received in Utility Taxes in excess of that anticipated as follows : General Government - 1`1Oervice $2000 Profession Accounting S Office Expense - Administrator 500 General Government - Capital Outlai000 Police Department - Cars Barnier moved for passage of the resolution , Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Resolution 611, authorizing the transfer of $2500 M&0 System from Capital Outlay, Sewer Repair to Barnier Maintenance, was read by the City Attorney. moved for passage of the resolution, Woodworth seconded, motion carried. It was noted that the amount budgeted to pay Metro and the amount estimated as income to pay Metro were both underestimated. Resolution 612, was read by the City Attorney, authorizing the expenditure of revenues in excess of that anticipated in rletrohe 1968 s. budget , the sum of $ 43,000 to pay Lee Barnier moved for •passaSe of the resolution , seconded, motion carried. ing BIDS LID 2 6 East Valle aterAainn project fwere wread bbys for the East ValleyWater the City Clerk: 812.0047, Morrison-Knudsen $11 Tri-State Construction 157, 19085 0.85 Frank Colucci.o Constr. 17 , -00 Austin Construction 188,791.00 Bay Construction 197,980.00267,865.00 Bert Robinson At the suggestion of Hill, Ingman & Chase , no award was made. to Police Departfortthe Pol Two ices were Departmentlasdfollowsnish a motorcycle .75 Drager' s Harley Tax $2, 387 387 .45 Davidson Co. , Seattle 105 2,,q91.20 Less Trade 15 .20 Total 2, 3 0.00 2,413.95 Harley-Davidson Tax 108.E Everett 2, 522.58 Less Trade 122. 8 Total 2, 00.00 low bid of Drager' s be accepted, Woodworth moved that the Lee seconded, motion carried. Hicks Portion Ortiz Annexation. Ordinance 1552, zoning ZONING ortion of the Ortiz Annexation R-3 was read the Hicks p Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of Masters seconded, by the ,City Mastmotion carried. the ordinance, ZONING Keck Annexation' Original_ Zoning- The continued public hearing was opened on the original zoning for portions of the Keck Annexation which had been referred back to the Planning Commission . It was noted that at the Planning Commission meeting of November 12th, Mr. Unsderfer had asked for commercial zoning but the Planning Commission has recommended R-3 ' for both the Unsderfer and Beckler properties and R-1 for the remainder as a holding zone until specific requests come in regarding other properties along the highway. Unsderfer spoke from the audience, again requesting commercial zoning. Joe Street ex- plained that the comprehensive plan indicates commer- cial zoning in shopping centers instead of in strips along the highway. It was pointed out that properties known as the Keck portion , the Moarch Investment por- tion and the Ketchum portion have already been zoned R-3, aid nothing else in this annexation has as yet been zoned. Armstrong pointed out that Tax Lot 214 , if zoned R-1 as recommended by the Planning Commission , would .then be surrounded by a higher density zoning, The public hearing was closed by motion . Armstrong moved to refer the following Tax Lots back to the Planning Commission for clarification and coordination of zoning into a more proper flow: 175 , 185, 214 , 226 , 114 , 65 and 47. Masters seconded. Armstrong .opined that the properties should all be one zoning, thus avoiding spot zoning. Motion carried , with Barnier and Lee dissenting. , Woodworth moved to have the City Attorney draft an ordinance zoning the Unsderfer property (Tax Lots 56, 120 & 130) and the Beckler property (Tax Lot 68) R-3 , Masters seconded, motion carried. The City Attorney noted that the ordinance zoning Goodnews Bay Annexation will be ready for the next meeting. CAMBRIDGE The ordinance adopting the final plat of Cambridge #6 #6 was read by the City Attorney. Lee moved for passage :of the ordinance, Barnier seconded. Under discussion , the City Engineer requested that passage of this ordinance be held until the next council meeting, noting that release of damages on a drainage easement has not been received by the City. Motion withdrawn , second withdrawn . ZONING Standard Equipment. Ordinance 1553 , approving the Standard Equipment rezone from M-A to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Masters moved for passage of the ordinance, Barnier , seconded, motion carried. CITY It was noted that the American Legion has offered PROPERTY to trade the property they own outside the area fenced for their operation for a permanent easement across city-owned property in the Mill Creek Park area. Woodworth moved that the= City negotiate with the American Legion and bring more details to the Council, Barnier seconded, motion carried. DOG LEASH A petition was presented , signed by over 300 citizens LAW requesting that the City consider adopting a dog leash law. Lee moved to refer the matter to the Police Committee, Barnier seconded. The Mayor suggested that copies of other cities ' leash ordi- nances be reviewed. Mr. Radke and Mr. Johnson complained that dogs in their neighborhoods are creating a nuisance. The City Attorney stated that a present ordinance provides for filing of complaints and issuance of warrants to owners of dogs creating a nuisance. Motion carried. PARKS Lake Fenwick. Reverend Gretz of the Park Board noted that Resolution 604 , passed on September 3 , 1968, authorized the Park Board to apply for funding assis- tance to acquire 34 acres at Lake Fenwick for park purposes. HUD has suggested that the application in- clude several other parcels and the Park Board now requests that Resolution 604 be amended to reflect approximately 46.55 acres rather than 34 acres . Barnier moved for the City Attorney to draft a Resolution to so amend Resolution 604 , Lee seconded , motion carried. Acquisition . Woodworth moved that upon receipt of a title policy and warranty deed, the sum of $400 be paid Mary Radunovich for 6100 square feet in a long narrow strip at the intersection of Mac Lyn and Reiten Road. Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Mayor Thornton commended Dave Langley from Kasy Radio for his expert coverage on City and Local news . Mr. Langley has accepted a position with KAYO Radio. Armstrong moved and Pozzi seconded that the vouchers be approved and warrants drawn for the same. Motion carried. Current Expense 5 , 365.30 New Shop Account 1,086.59 Labor Relations 317.50 Professional Acct . Ser. 1, 993.00 Water 10, 335 .45 Street 4, 559.83 Sewer 424.66 Garbage 7,785 .95 Library 34, 374 .39 Park 2, 528.54 Fire R/P 255.00 LID 252 1 , 200.00 70,226.21 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water Daily Journal of Commerce 108.90 Daily Journal of Commerce 110.55 LID 256 Daily Journal of Commerce 78.20 LID 253 Dames & Moore 3 ,837.50 LID 255 Dames & Moore 223.51 LID 257 Maxine 0. Whitish 550.00 Ralph R. Stoddard 835.00 Claude H. Hoffman & Marie C. Hoffman 930.00 Claude H. Hoffman & Marie C. Hoffman 1,230.00 Coates Field Services 1,764. 52 Shellan , Pain , Stone & Swanson 1,856.00 Thelma E. McAllister 1, 900.00 ULID #E1 1967 Sewer Constr. Tri-State Construction 16, 199.53 North Pacific Bank Nat ' l Co. 493.04 Roberts , Shefelman , Lawrence, Gay & Moch 3 ,840.00 Dames & Moore 1,64.0.79 Bell-Anderson Agency 143.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted , MAYOR .�•-1�� Alex Thornton , Mayor rlarie Jensen , City lerk