HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/21/1968 i I Kent , Washington October 21, 1968 i Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 p.m. Present : Mayor Thornton , Councilmen : Armstrong, Baffaro, Barnier, Lee , Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth, City Attorney Bereiter , City Administrator Street and City Engineer Sherwood Minutes of the last meeting were approved with the following correction on j page 5, under the heading of Parks, should read "would leave 3 or 4 acres" rather than 34 acres as printed. Clerk' s , Treasurer ' s and Budget Reports submitted , accepted and placed on file by motion . WATER Clark Springs Easement . A letter was received from Otto Jensen , who owns property adjacent to city owned property designated as Clark Springs , requesting to purchase .a section of property or obtain an additional easement from the city. It was noted that the former' owner of the Jensen property was granted an easement along the west property line of the city property and the Engi- neering Dept . has recommended that the city stay with this decision and that no change be made regarding the original ease- ment. Woodworth moved that Mr. Jensen be notified that an ease- ment to his property now exists and it is in the best interest of the city to leave the easement as it has been granted, Arm- strong seconded. After considerable discussion , Woodworth with- drew his motion ,- Armstrong withdrew his second. Lee moved that the matter be referred to the water committee , Armstrong seconded , motion carried. Clark Springs. , Lee moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be autho- rized to sign an agreement with the Dept . of Interior allowing the city to construct , operate and maintain a pumping station adjacent to existing facilities at Clark Springs , Barnier seconded, motion carrried. STREETS Vacation. Barnier moved that a public hearing-beheld on November l8on the petitioned vacation of Waterman Ave. , lying west of the West Margin Seattle-Tacoma Interurban Railk-oad, Masters seconded , motion carried. Off-Street Parking. Street reported that the notice of intent for the off-street parking LID is not ready this evening, but will be completed for the next meeting. Traffic Control. Vic Levesque noted that residents on Second Ave. between Titus & Saar have been given citations for parking in front of their homes. A young man who failed to give his name, asked why the police vehicles have the right to park in front of the City Hall where no parking signs are posted. The City Attorney explained that the police cars were parked there so as to more efficiently answer emergency calls . Vic Levesque requested that signs be posted on Willis from Central to 4th Ave. stating that the speed limit is 25 MPH and that it be enforced. LID 258 4th Ave. Improvement. Ordinance 1541, creating LID 258 for the improvement of 4th Ave. from S. 22 th to Harrison St. was read by the City Attorney. Pozzi moved to pass the ordinance , Barnier seconded, motion carried. FINANCE Forward Thrust . Mr. Street noted that John Porter, King County Administrator, called a meeting of city representatives which was .held on Friday, October 18th. He further stated that for cities to utilize Forward Thrust bond money for park and eventually street purposes, it is necessary for each city to pass an ordinance and to sign an agreement with King County. The bond money will be available to Kent for park purposes on October 30, if King County has received a copy of the ordinance and agreement. He noted that the major decision is to determine whether to utilize the King County design committee , or form one of our own . The design committee consists of seven members fromthe architectual, engi- neering, urban planning and landscaping professions. Those serving on this board may not do any work on any Forward Thrust projects , so the county has experienced difficulty in finding qualified people to serve. The City may make use of the County' s Board, at a cost FINANCE of up to $1400 per day of service , It was pointed out that by having our plans ready and complete, much Board time would not be required . It was noted that the Council authorized the signing of the agreement six months ago, but the necessary ordinances have not been passed. The City Attorney suggested that these two ordinances could be passed tonight as submitted and the Mayor' s signature on same be withheld until Mr. Street has the results of Wednesday' s meeting. Baffaro so moved, Barnier seconded, motion carried , with Woodworth, Masters and Pozzi voting nay. Tom Perkins volunteered the services of the Chamber of Commerce to seek out a design committee. Barnier moved to rescind the motion , Lee seconded , motion carried, with Pozzi abstaining. Woodworth moved that the two ordi- nances be tabled until the next meeting. Armstrong seconded, motion carried. LID 252, N. Water. Ordinance 1546 , fixing the amount , form, date and interest rate for LID 252 bonds was read by the ordinance , City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the Armstrong seconded, motion carried. Armstrong moved to authorize McLean and Co. to print the bonds , Barnier seconded, motion carried. Armstrong moved and Barnier seconded that the City Treasurer be directed to transfer the sum of $7417. 39 from LID 255 to the Arterial Street Fund, motion carried. HEALTH & Sewer Connections . It was noted that on October 14th, the SANITATION Mayor and five council members met to discuss city policy regarding sewer connections outside the city limits. Among the major questions is our relationship with Metro in assign- ing priority. The City Engineer stated that they are still working on resolving the capacity of Mil]. Crack trunk and how it will be allocated to areas outside its natural drainage basin. Mr. Street noted that within two weeks , Metro will tell us the maximum capacity, which could be assigned to ICent . Mr. Don London of the Lydec Corp. stated that they are build- ing rapidly, and need sewers for about 35 houses. He noted that this site is about 1000 feet south of the Aero Mechanics complex, which will be connecting for 350 houses. Mr. Street noted that Metro ' s financing will not allow them to abandon their original plan . The City Engineer stated that by motion , the council made a commitment to serve Aero Mechanics about two years ago. The City Attorney stated that the law requires that we have a written contract for service outside the city, and those requesting such service should submit a proposed contract . He noted that there is presently no time limit for submission of such a contract , but suggested that we set a limit , noting that some such communication should be sent hereafter, ' to those seeking connections outside the city. LID 259. Horseshoe Acres Sanitary Sewer. It was noted that if the property owners involved in this LID are willing to wait until a firm answer can be received from HUD regarding financial assistance for this project , it would be advantagous to all concerned. Walt Ramsey stated that HIC is working on the application to HUD. Mr. Street suggested that the pro- perty owners be contacted to explain the situation and to suggest this delay of the project . Barnier so moved, Masters seconded, motion carried. Mr. Street stated that the people signing the petition would be notified so a meeting may be held. ULID ##1. Barnier reported that Tri-State Construction, contractors on ULID ##1 , Contract, 1, has completed their project and it has been accepted. He noted that the con- tractor has as yet not obtained all easement releases from property owners. Barnier moved that 50% of retainage , which is $53, 651. 92, be paid on the contract , Lee seconded, motion carried. BIDS The following bids were read for two patrol 'cars for the Police Department : Bowen Scarff $3038.40, inc. trade & tax Strains $3476.60, inc. trade & tax Bill Hazelett $2999.70, inc. trade & tax Pozzi moved that the low bid of Hazelett Chevrolet in the amount of $2999.70 be accepted , Woodworth seconded, motion carried. BUILDING City Hall. Baffaro reported that he hoped to have a report on the size of the new city hall by the next meeting, after which the site will be discussed. ZONING Hicks Portion - Ortiz Annexation . Woodworth moved that the public hearing on the zoning of the Hicks portion of the Ortiz Annexation be held on Nov. 4th, Masters seconded, motion carried. Kreger. Ordinance 1542 , approving the Kreger rezone from R-1 to R-3 was read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of the ordinance, Masters seconded, motion carried. Blevins. Ordinance 1543, approving the Blevins rezone from M-A to M-1 was read by the City Attorney. Masters moved to pass the ordinance , Barnier seconded, motion carried. Portions of Keck Annex. Ordinance 1545 , approving the original zoning of R-3 on those properties known as Keck, Monarch Investments and Ketchum, within the recent Keck Annexation , was read by the City Attorney. Masters moved for passage of the ordinance , Barnier seconded , motion carried. KENTWOOD Ordinance 1544, approving the Kentwood Hills #4 Plat was HILLS PLAT read by the City Attorney. Woodworth moved for passage of- the ordinance, Baffaro seconded, motion carried. CAMBRIDGE Woodworth moved that a public hearing be held on the final #6 FINAL plat of Cambridge #6 on November 4th, Barnier seconded, PLAT motion carried. JOB Mr. Street noted that three proposals for a job classification CLASSIFI- and salary survey were received from the following companies : CATION Harry J. Prior & Assoc . Time & Material with a guaranteed maximum of $6500 Price Waterhouse Time & Material with a guaranteed maximum of $5000 C. Carey Donworth & Assoc. Time & Material with a guarantee that project would not exceed $3500 Mr. Street recommended that the firm of C: Carey Donworth be engaged to perform the survey. Masters moved that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the agreement with the firm of C. Carey Donworth, Lee seconded , motion carried. NEW Mr. Street recommended that the proposal of UNIVAC to lease ACCOUNTING a 9200 computer to the city be accepted.. Woodworth moved PROCEDURE that a Univac 9200 computer together with the peripheral equipment, at a cost of $1173 per month be leased, Barnier seconded. Under discussion , Masters opined that the Council should have the benefit of the presentation of the Burroughs proposal. Mr. Street noted that the Burroughs system would cost $1653.28 per month to lease , and explained the differences between the two. Motion carried, with Masters and Baffaro voting nay. I PARKS Mill Creek Canyon . Mr. Bob Bignold , Architect , stated he had been retained by the Park Board and explained the park plans for the Mill Creek property. Mr. Street noted that the owner is not interested in splitting up this pro- perty, but will sell the entire parcel for the price stated some months ago. Barney Wilson stated that HUD . approved the amount of $91, 500 as a fair market value for the property, for which HUD would provide 1/2 , Interagency 1/4 and the City of Kent 1/4. Baffaro moved for the city to purchase the property, Pozzi seconded. Under discussion , Armstrong asked Mr. Street if he negotiated for the additional small parcel. Street stated that the attorney representing that oivner is out of town and that he has an appointment with him after November 1. Armstrong opined that the price was too high for this property and that if Mr. Rugg would not consider selling a portion of it , that we should begin condemnation . He noted that Baffaro's motion supports the minority report of the Park Board. Woodworth commented on the letter from HUD stating that the funds might' be lost if an attempt was made to obtain only part of the property, noting that he had since talked to the HUD representatives and had been advised that the whole application would have to be redone and resubmitted if the property was to be decreased in size. He urged the council to buy the entire 10 acres. Barnier opined that the canyon should remain a wilderness area and green belt and that he felt it would remain as such whether the city purchased it or. not . Mr. Biteman , Park Board member, stated that he was told that the government agency did not explore the property, but that the appraisal was passed in San Francisco. He opined that it was foolish to buy apartment zoned property for park purposes . Barney Wilson stated that both HUD and the Interagency viewed the property and were favorably impressed enough to allocate funds to finance the project. He stated that the monetary value of the mouth of the canyon makes it more desirable, though the commercial zoning admittedly raises the price. Ile stated further that it would not be zoned commercial if it wasn 't centrally located. Mr. Street stated that Rugg has an MAI appraisal which indicates a value in excess of that for which he offered it to the City. Mrs, Frazier stated that several year.s ago, the John Graham Co. appraised the property at $8,200. She stated that Mr. Rugg' s price has not been made known to the general public until now and that this is only the initial cost and that the fill and improvements will be very expensive. James Curran stated that the City purchased of other portions of the canyon had cost very little and that he could not see why condemnation would be risky. Fred Frazier noted that about a year ago, Mrs . Hogan had stated this property could be purchased for between $10,000 and $20,000. Armstrong read from the June 20, 1966 council minutes , verifying Frazier' s statement. Mrs . Hogan stated that since 1963 she has asked the Council to secure the canyon property for open space purposes. Wilson stated that this figure may have been for the time prior to the commercial zoning. Upon roll call vote , Baffaro, Lee, Masters , Pozzi and Woodworth voted aye. Armstrong and Barnier voted nay. Motion carried. Forward Thrust. The City Attorney reported that he has not yet received information from our bond counsel on the legality of using Forward Thrust money to develop park facilities on sewer department land. PLANNING A letter of resignation was received from Gordon Magness stating COMMISSION that he did not wish to serve another term on the Planning Commission . Armstrong moved to regretfully accept the resigna- tion and for a letter of appreciation to be sent to Mr. Magness , Barnier seconded, motion carried. Mayor Thornton ' s appointment of Don Walker to the vacant position was confirmed by unanimous vote of the council. CONFERENCES Armstrong moved that the City Engineer and _ Assistant & City Engineer be authorized to attend the APWA Con- CONVENTIONS ference in Yakima, October 30 through November 1, Lee seconded, motion carried. Armstrong moved and Barnier seconded that the vouchers be approved as submitted and warrants drawn for the same. Motion carried. Current Expense 2, 411.25 New Shop Account 78.69 Labor Relations 250.00 Water 5 ,267.06 Street 8, 955.18 Sewer 5 , 431.73 Garbage 3 , 512.02 Library 189.16 Park 385.22 Fire R/P 255.00 Interest Bearing Warrants N. Kent Water K. C. Road #2 28.00 Dames & Moore 2, 500.00 ULID ##1 Tri-State Constr. Co. • 53, 651.92 LID 257 Coates Field Service Inc . 819.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10: 30 p.m. MAYOR Alex Thornton , Mayor--.__.. Marie Jen en7, yClerk